Raw File
# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2018 Radio Astronomy Software Group
# Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License

"""Setup testing environment, define useful testing functions.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

import warnings
import sys

import pytest

from astropy.utils import iers

import pyuvdata.utils as uvutils

__all__ = [


# define a pytest marker for skipping pytest-cases
    import pytest_cases # noqa

    cases_installed = True
except ImportError:
    cases_installed = False
reason = 'pytest-cases is not installed, skipping tests that require it.'
skipIf_no_pytest_cases = pytest.mark.skipif(not cases_installed, reason=reason)

# define a pytest marker for skipping casacore tests
    import casacore # noqa

    casa_installed = True
except ImportError:
    casa_installed = False
reason = 'casacore is not installed, skipping tests that require it.'
skipIf_no_casa = pytest.mark.skipif(not casa_installed, reason=reason)

# define a pytest marker to skip astropy_healpix tests
    import astropy_healpix  # noqa

    healpix_installed = True
    healpix_installed = False
reason = 'astropy_healpix is not installed, skipping tests that require it.'
skipIf_no_healpix = pytest.mark.skipif(not healpix_installed, reason=reason)

# defines a decorator to skip tests that require yaml.
    import yaml  # noqa

    yaml_installed = True
    yaml_installed = False
reason = 'yaml is not installed, skipping tests that require it.'
skipIf_no_yaml = pytest.mark.skipif(not yaml_installed, reason=reason)

# Functions that are useful for testing:
def clearWarnings():
    """Quick code to make warnings reproducible."""
    for name, mod in list(sys.modules.items()):
            reg = getattr(mod, "__warningregistry__", None)
        except ImportError:
        if reg:

def checkWarnings(func, func_args=[], func_kwargs={}, nwarnings=1,
                  category=UserWarning, message=None, known_warning=None):
    """Function to check expected warnings in tests.

    Useful for checking that appropriate warnings are raised and to capture
    (and silence) warnings in tests.

    func : function
        Function or method to check warnings for.
    func_args : list, optional
        List of positional parameters to pass `func`
    func_kwargs : dict, optional
        Dict of keyword parameter to pass func. Keys are the parameter names,
        values are the values to pass to the parameters.
    nwarnings : int
        Number of expected warnings.
    category : warning type or list of warning types
        Expected warning type(s). If a scalar is passed and `nwarnings` is
        greater than one, the same category will be expected for all warnings.
    message : str or list of str
        Expected warning string(s). If a scalar is passed and `nwarnings` is
        greater than one, the same warning string will be expected for all warnings.
    known_warning : {'miriad', 'paper_uvfits', 'fhd'}, optional
        Shorthand way to specify one of a standard set of warnings.

    Value returned by `func`

        If the warning(s) raised by func do not match the expected values.

    if (not isinstance(category, list) or len(category) == 1) and nwarnings > 1:
        if isinstance(category, list):
            category = category * nwarnings
            category = [category] * nwarnings

    if (not isinstance(message, list) or len(message) == 1) and nwarnings > 1:
        if isinstance(message, list):
            message = message * nwarnings
            message = [message] * nwarnings

    if known_warning == 'miriad':
        # The default warnings for known telescopes when reading miriad files
        category = [UserWarning]
        message = ['Altitude is not present in Miriad file, using known '
                   'location values for PAPER.']
        nwarnings = 1
    elif known_warning == 'paper_uvfits':
        # The default warnings for known telescopes when reading uvfits files
        category = [UserWarning] * 2
        message = ['Required Antenna frame keyword', 'telescope_location is not set']
        nwarnings = 2
    elif known_warning == 'fhd':
        category = [UserWarning]
        message = ['Telescope location derived from obs']
        nwarnings = 1

    category = uvutils._get_iterable(category)
    message = uvutils._get_iterable(message)

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        warnings.simplefilter("always")  # All warnings triggered
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
        warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")

        # Filter iers warnings if iers.conf.auto_max_age is set to None, as we
        # do in testing if the iers url is down. See conftest.py for more info.
        if iers.conf.auto_max_age is None:
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="failed to download")
            warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="time is out of IERS range")

            if isinstance(message, str):
                test_message = [message.startswith("LST values stored in ")]
                test_message = []
                for m in message:
                    if m is None:
                        test_message.append(m.startswith("LST values stored in "))
            if not any(test_message):
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="LST values stored in ")

        retval = func(*func_args, **func_kwargs)  # Run function
        # Verify
        if len(w) != nwarnings:
            print('wrong number of warnings. Expected number was {nexp}, '
                  'actual number was {nact}.'.format(nexp=nwarnings, nact=len(w)))
            for idx, wi in enumerate(w):
                print('warning {i} is: {w}'.format(i=idx, w=wi))
            for i, w_i in enumerate(w):
                if w_i.category is not category[i]:
                    print('expected category ' + str(i) + ' was: ', category[i])
                    print('category ' + str(i) + ' was: ', str(w_i.category))
                if message[i] is None or message[i] == '':
                    print('Expected message ' + str(i) + ' was None or an empty string')
                    print('message ' + str(i) + ' was: ', str(w_i.message))
                    if message[i] not in str(w_i.message):
                        print('expected message ' + str(i) + ' was: ', message[i])
                        print('message ' + str(i) + ' was: ', str(w_i.message))
        return retval
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