\name{getRs} \alias{getRs} \title{Interact with github rscripts Project} \description{ The github rscripts project at \url{https://github.com/harrelfe/rscripts} contains R scripts that are primarily analysis templates for teaching with RStudio. This function allows the user to print an organized list of available scripts, to download a script and load it into an RStudio script editor window, to list scripts whose major category contains a given string (ignoring case), or to list all major and mino categories. } \usage{ getRs(file=NULL, guser='harrelfe', grepo='rscripts', gdir='raw/master', dir=NULL, browse=c('local', 'browser'), cats=FALSE, put=c('rstudio', 'source')) } \arguments{ \item{file}{a character string containing a script file name. Omit \code{file} to obtain a list of available scripts with major and minor categories.} \item{guser}{GitHub user name, default is \code{'harrelfe'}} \item{grepo}{Github repository name, default is \code{'rscripts'}} \item{gdir}{Github directory under which to find retrievable files} \item{dir}{directory under \code{grepo} in which to find files} \item{browse}{When showing the rscripts contents directory, the default is to list in tabular form in the console. Specify \code{browse='browser'} to open the online contents in a web browser.} \item{cats}{Leave at the default (\code{FALSE}) to list whole contents or download a script. Specify \code{cats=TRUE} to list major and minor categories available. Specify a character string to list all scripts whose major category contains the string (ignoring case).} \item{put}{Leave at the default (\code{'rstudio'}) to load \code{file} into the RStudio script editor window. Use \code{put='source'} to \code{source()} the file. This is useful when the file just defines a function you want to use in the session.} } \value{a data frame or list, depending on arguments} \author{Frank Harrell and Cole Beck} \seealso{\code{\link{download.file}}} \examples{ \dontrun{ getRs() # list available scripts scripts <- getRs() # likewise, but store in an object that can easily # be viewed on demand in RStudio getRs('introda.r') # download introda.r and put in script editor getRs(cats=TRUE) # list available major and minor categories categories <- getRs(cats=TRUE) # likewise but store results in a list for later viewing getRs(cats='reg') # list all scripts in a major category containing 'reg' getRs('importREDCap.r', put='source') # source() to define a function # source() a new version of the Hmisc package's cut2 function: getRs('cut2.s', grepo='Hmisc', dir='R', put='source') } } \keyword{interface}