*.exe *.pdb .vs *.VC.opendb *.VC.db *.vcxproj.user *.sdf *.ilk *.obj .clang-format bin/ intermediate/ build.*/ # Files generated by test runner. # # Note: in some cases a `.expected` file needs to be checked in, but # trying to exhaustively enumerate those cases is hard with the # way the tests are currently sorted. *.actual *.expected *.expected.png *.actual.png *.actual.txt *.slang-repro tests/**/*.exp tests/**/*.lib tests/**/*.dll tests/**/*.cpp tests/**/*.slang-lib tests/**/*.slang-module # Files generated by other shader compilers *.spv # Intermediate source files generated during build process /source/slang/slang-generated-*.h /source/slang/hlsl.meta.slang.h /source/slang/core.meta.slang.h prelude/*.h.cpp /source/slang/cpp.hint /source/slang/slang-value-generated.h /source/slang/slang-value-generated-macro.h /source/slang/slang-ref-object-generated.h /source/slang/slang-ref-object-generated-macro.h /source/slang/slang-ast-generated.h /source/slang/slang-ast-generated-macro.h