Raw File
\title{Generate Binary Representation in R}
 Functions to generate a binary representation from numeric data, as an example of 
vectorizing computations.

binaryRep(data, m = .Machine$double.digits)



binaryRepPowers(n, m)
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.

  \item{data}{ numeric data }
  \item{m}{ number of bits in mantissa }

  \item{n}{ range for powers}
  The main function, \code{binaryRep} returns an object from class \code{"binaryRep"} providing  the components of
  the representation of \code{data}, as well as the original data

  The other functions are helper functions; see the examples in the book.
\section{Class \code{binaryRep}}{
  The object returned 
    \item{\code{original}:}{The original data, of class \code{"numeric"} }
    \item{\code{sign}, \code{exponent}:}{Objects of class
        \code{"integer"} for the sign and exponent. }
    \item{\code{bits}:}{Object of class \code{"raw"} for the significand. }
binaryRep(c(.1, .25, 1/3))
\keyword{ math }

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