#pragma once
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923
#define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309616
#include "SurfaceMeshHelper.h"
using namespace SurfaceMesh;
static inline Scalar deg_to_rad(const Scalar& _angle)
{ return M_PI*(_angle/180.0); }
static inline Scalar rad_to_deg(const Scalar& _angle)
{ return 180.0*(_angle/M_PI); }
static inline Scalar sane_aarg(Scalar _aarg){
if (_aarg < -1)
_aarg = -1;
else if (_aarg > 1)
_aarg = 1;
return _aarg;
static inline Scalar angle(Scalar _cos_angle, Scalar _sin_angle)
{//sanity checks - otherwise acos will return NAN
_cos_angle = sane_aarg(_cos_angle);
return (Scalar) _sin_angle >= 0 ? acos(_cos_angle) : -acos(_cos_angle);
// Helper function
static Scalar calc_dihedral_angle(SurfaceMeshModel * mesh, SurfaceMeshModel::Halfedge _heh)
if (mesh->is_boundary(mesh->edge(_heh)))
{//the dihedral angle at a boundary edge is 0
return 0;
Vector3FaceProperty normal = mesh->face_property<Vector3>( FNORMAL );
Vector3VertexProperty points = mesh->vertex_property<Vector3>( VPOINT );
const Normal& n0 = normal[mesh->face(_heh)];
const Normal& n1 = normal[mesh->face(mesh->opposite_halfedge(_heh))];
Normal he = points[mesh->to_vertex(_heh)] - points[mesh->from_vertex(_heh)];
Scalar da_cos = dot(n0, n1);
//should be normalized, but we need only the sign
Scalar da_sin_sign = dot(cross(n0, n1), he);
return angle(da_cos, da_sin_sign);