Raw File
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information.

#pragma once

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable : 4100)
#pragma warning(disable : 4127)
#pragma warning(disable : 4201)
#pragma warning(disable : 4515)
#include <cub/cub.cuh>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK {

    using Tensor4D = ConvolutionTensor4D;

    size_t RoundUpToMultiple(size_t n, size_t blockSize)
        return (n + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;

    cudaError_t GetLastCudaError()
        cudaError_t prelaunchErr = cudaGetLastError();
        assert(cudaSuccess == prelaunchErr);
        if (prelaunchErr != cudaSuccess)
            return prelaunchErr;
#ifndef NO_SYNC
        cudaError_t executionErr = cudaStreamSynchronize(GetStream());
        assert(cudaSuccess == executionErr);
        if (executionErr != cudaSuccess)
            return executionErr;
        return cudaSuccess;

    template <int U, typename T>
    __device__ __forceinline__ void LoadValues(const T* src, T dst[U])
#pragma unroll
        for (int i = 0; i < U; i++)
            dst[i] = src[i];

    template <>
    __device__ __forceinline__ void LoadValues<2, float>(const float* src, float dst[2])
        // src must be aligned at 8 bytes boundary.
        assert(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src) % (sizeof(dst)) == 0);
        auto v = *(const float2*)src;
        dst[0] = v.x;
        dst[1] = v.y;

    template <>
    __device__ __forceinline__ void LoadValues<4, float>(const float* src, float dst[4])
        // src must be aligned at 16 bytes boundary.
        assert(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(src) % (sizeof(dst)) == 0);
        // Can do the following instead (use ld.global.nc.* on CC 3.5+):
        // asm volatile("ld.global.v4.f32 {%0, %1, %2, %3}, [%4];" : "=f"(v.x), "=f"(v.y), "=f"(v.z), "=f"(v.w) : "l"(src));
        // Similar for shared memory (e.g. ld.shared.*)
        auto v = *(const float4*)src;
        dst[0] = v.x;
        dst[1] = v.y;
        dst[2] = v.z;
        dst[3] = v.w;

    template <int U, typename T>
    __device__ __forceinline__ void StoreValues(const T src[U], T* dst)
#pragma unroll
        for (int i = 0; i < U; i++)
            dst[i] = src[i];

    template <>
    __device__ __forceinline__ void StoreValues<2, float>(const float src[2], float* dst)
        // dst must be aligned at 8 bytes boundary.
        assert(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dst) % (sizeof(src)) == 0);
        float2 v;
        v.x = src[0];
        v.y = src[1];
        *(reinterpret_cast<float2*>(dst)) = v;

    template <>
    __device__ __forceinline__ void StoreValues<4, float>(const float src[4], float* dst)
        // dst must be aligned at 16 bytes boundary.
        assert(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dst) % (sizeof(src)) == 0);
        float4 v;
        v.x = src[0];
        v.y = src[1];
        v.z = src[2];
        v.w = src[3];
        *(reinterpret_cast<float4*>(dst)) = v;

    template <typename T>
    __device__ __forceinline__ T Shuffle(T input, int srcLane)
        // shfl is supported only on Kepler+. We really don't care about Fermi anymore but our build still has sm_20.
#if __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 300
        return cub::ShuffleIndex(input, srcLane);
        // REVIEW alexeyk: make static_assert once we remove SM 2.0 support from our build.
        return input;

    namespace Operations
        __device__ float RSqrt(float a)
            // REVIEW alexeyk: rsqrtf is just one MUFU.RSQ instruction so it's faster than
            // __frsqrt_rn intrinsic which performs round-to-nearest-even rounding which adds ~10 other instructions.
            // __frsqrt_rn is unbiased rounding though, need to verify whether it is a better choice for BN implementation.
            //return __frsqrt_rn(a);
            return rsqrtf(a);

        __device__ double RSqrt(double a)
            return rsqrt(a);

    // This function is used to select correct unroll factor.
    // REVIEW alexeyk: ask our C++ gurus (Marko/Amit) if there is better way.
    template <template <int> class Func, typename T, typename ...Targs>
    void Call(size_t vectorSize, Targs... args)
        if ((vectorSize % 4) == 0)
            Func<4>::template Call<T>(args...);
        else if ((vectorSize % 2) == 0)
            Func<2>::template Call<T>(args...);
            Func<1>::template Call<T>(args...);

    // Mean and variance computaion

    // The kernel implements online, parallel and numerically stable algorithm 
    // for computing batch mean and variance (here inverse standard deviation) with one pass over the data.
    // It uses algorithms by Knuth/Welford and Chan et al (http://i.stanford.edu/pub/cstr/reports/cs/tr/79/773/CS-TR-79-773.pdf)
    // In short, algorithm has 2 steps:
    // 1. Each thread strides over the input and computes mean and 
    //    m2 value (used to compute variance at the end) - Welford algorithm.
    // 2. Parallel reduction (Chan algorithm) performed by columns (note that 
    //    thread block and grid X dimensions go along the vector and Y dimension - along the batch).
    //    As a result, each block has 2 * blockDim.x (mean and inverse stddev) values to write at the end.
    template <int BlockDimX, int BlockDimY, int U, typename ElemType>
    __global__ void kComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev(int vectorSize, int batchSize, const ElemType* x, double expAvgFactor, ElemType* runMean, ElemType* runInvStdDev,
                                                  double epsilon, ElemType* xMean, ElemType* xInvStdDev)
        static_assert(BlockDimX * U == CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS, "BlockDimX * U must be equal to warp size (32).");
        static_assert((BlockDimX * BlockDimY % CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS) == 0, "Block size must be a multiple of warp size (32).");
        assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);
        assert(blockDim.x == BlockDimX);
        assert(blockDim.y == BlockDimY);
        assert(blockDim.z == 1);
        assert(gridDim.y == 1);
        assert(gridDim.z == 1);
        assert(::isfinite(epsilon) && epsilon > 0);
        assert(::isfinite(expAvgFactor) && expAvgFactor > 0);

        int irowSrcBase = (blockIdx.x * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x) * U;
        if (irowSrcBase >= vectorSize)
        assert(irowSrcBase + U <= vectorSize);

        int n = 0;
        ElemType mean[U];
        ElemType m2[U];
#pragma unroll
        for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
            mean[k] = 0;
            m2[k] = 0;

        int icolSrc = threadIdx.y;
        const ElemType* psrc = x + static_cast<size_t>(icolSrc) * vectorSize + irowSrcBase;
        // Stride over all vectors in the batch.
        for (; icolSrc < batchSize; icolSrc += BlockDimY)
            ElemType curVal[U];
            LoadValues<U>(psrc, curVal);
            // No need for separate unrolling, SASS looks good.
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                ElemType d = curVal[k] - mean[k];
                // REVIEW alexeyk: we enabled fast CUDA math in CNTK so division below will be approximate, is this a problem?
                // Using precise math slows down the code by about 40%.
                mean[k] += d / n;
                m2[k] += d * (curVal[k] - mean[k]);
            psrc += vectorSize * BlockDimY;

        const int tid = threadIdx.y * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x;
        const int laneId = tid & 0x1f;
        // First, reduce within warp using shuffle.
        if (n > 0)
#pragma unroll
            for (int i = 1; i < CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS / BlockDimX; i *= 2)
                int srcLane = laneId + BlockDimX * i;
                int n2 = Shuffle(n, srcLane);
                int nsum = n + n2;
                ElemType d[U];
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    d[k] = Shuffle(mean[k], srcLane) - mean[k];
                    ElemType dScaled = d[k] * n2 / nsum;
                    mean[k] += dScaled;
                    m2[k] += Shuffle(m2[k], srcLane) + d[k] * n * dScaled;
                n = nsum;

        // Storage for each warp in a thread block. First warp ("accumulator") holds 
        // final results so it does not need shared memory.
        const int cwarp = BlockDimX * BlockDimY / CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS;
        __shared__ ElemType meanRes[BlockDimX * U][cwarp - 1];
        __shared__ ElemType m2Res[BlockDimX * U][cwarp - 1];
        __shared__ int nRes[cwarp - 1];

        // Each warp (except warp0) will write accumulated results to shared memory.
        const int iwarp = tid / CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS;
        if (iwarp > 0 && laneId < BlockDimX)
            if (laneId == 0)
                nRes[iwarp - 1] = n;
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                meanRes[laneId * U + k][iwarp - 1] = mean[k];
                m2Res[laneId * U + k][iwarp - 1] = m2[k];

        // Accumulate and write final results.
        // REVIEW alexeyk: see if atomicAdd can be used instead, do perf comparison.
        if (threadIdx.y == 0)
            // Use simple loop as number of warps is small, 8 at max.
#pragma unroll
            for (int i = 0; i < cwarp - 1; i++)
                int n2 = nRes[i];
                int nsum = n + n2;
                ElemType d[U];
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    d[k] = meanRes[threadIdx.x * U + k][i] - mean[k];
                    ElemType dScaled = d[k] * n2 / nsum;
                    mean[k] += dScaled;
                    m2[k] += m2Res[threadIdx.x * U + k][i] + d[k] * n * dScaled;
                n = nsum;
            size_t idxDstBase = (blockIdx.x * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x) * U;
            // Store mean and running mean.
            StoreValues<U>(mean, xMean + idxDstBase);
            if (expAvgFactor == 1)
                StoreValues<U>(mean, runMean + idxDstBase);
                ElemType run[U];
                LoadValues<U>(runMean + idxDstBase, run);
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    run[k] = expAvgFactor * mean[k] + (1.0 - expAvgFactor) * run[k];
                StoreValues<U>(run, runMean + idxDstBase);
            // Store inv std dev and its running version.
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                m2[k] = Operations::RSqrt(static_cast<ElemType>(m2[k] / batchSize + epsilon));
            StoreValues<U>(m2, xInvStdDev + idxDstBase);
            if (expAvgFactor == 1)
                StoreValues<U>(m2, runInvStdDev + idxDstBase);
                ElemType run[U];
                LoadValues<U>(runInvStdDev + idxDstBase, run);
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    run[k] = expAvgFactor * m2[k] + (1.0 - expAvgFactor) * run[k];
                StoreValues<U>(run, runInvStdDev + idxDstBase);

    // This kernel is very similar to kComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev except it reduces not just over N (minibatch)
    // but also W and H dimensions.
    // REVIEW alexeyk: is it possible to combine this and previous kernel into a single kernel without hurting performance/readability much?
    template <int BlockDimX, int BlockDimY, int U, typename ElemType>
    __global__ void kComputeSpatialBatchMeanAndInvStdDev(int vectorSize, int spatialSize, int batchSize, const ElemType* x, 
                                                         double expAvgFactor, ElemType* runMean, ElemType* runInvStdDev,
                                                         double epsilon, ElemType* xMean, ElemType* xInvStdDev)
        static_assert(BlockDimX * U == CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS, "BlockDimX * U must be equal to warp size (32).");
        static_assert((BlockDimX * BlockDimY % CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS) == 0, "Block size must be a multiple of warp size (32).");
        assert(blockDim.x == BlockDimX);
        assert(blockDim.y == BlockDimY);
        assert(blockDim.z == 1);
        assert(gridDim.y == 1);
        assert(gridDim.z == 1);
        assert((spatialSize % U) == 0);
        assert((vectorSize % spatialSize) == 0);
        assert(::isfinite(expAvgFactor) && expAvgFactor > 0);
        assert(::isfinite(epsilon) && epsilon > 0);

        int irowSrcBase = blockIdx.x * spatialSize + threadIdx.x * U;
        if (irowSrcBase >= vectorSize)
        assert(irowSrcBase + U <= vectorSize);
        int irowSrcLim = (blockIdx.x + 1) * spatialSize;

        int n = 0;
        ElemType mean[U];
        ElemType m2[U];
#pragma unroll
        for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
            mean[k] = 0;
            m2[k] = 0;

        int icolSrc = threadIdx.y;
        const ElemType* psrcBase = x + static_cast<size_t>(icolSrc) * vectorSize + irowSrcBase;
        // Stride over all vectors in the batch.
        for (; icolSrc < batchSize; icolSrc += BlockDimY)
            const ElemType* psrc = psrcBase;
            // Stride over all values in feature map (W and H dimensions).
            for (int irowSrc = irowSrcBase; irowSrc < irowSrcLim; irowSrc += BlockDimX * U, psrc += BlockDimX * U)
                ElemType curVal[U];
                LoadValues<U>(psrc, curVal);
                // No need for separate unrolling, SASS looks good.
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    ElemType d = curVal[k] - mean[k];
                    // REVIEW alexeyk: we enabled fast CUDA math in CNTK so division below will be approximate, is this a problem?
                    // Using precise math slows down the code by about 40%.
                    mean[k] += d / n;
                    m2[k] += d * (curVal[k] - mean[k]);
            psrcBase += vectorSize * BlockDimY;

        const int tid = threadIdx.y * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x;
        const int laneId = tid & 0x1f;
        // First, reduce within warp using shuffle.
        if (n > 0)
#pragma unroll
            for (int i = 1; i < CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS; i *= 2)
                int srcLane = laneId + i;
                int n2 = Shuffle(n, srcLane);
                int nsum = n + n2;
                ElemType d[U];
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    d[k] = Shuffle(mean[k], srcLane) - mean[k];
                    ElemType dScaled = d[k] * n2 / nsum;
                    mean[k] += dScaled;
                    m2[k] += Shuffle(m2[k], srcLane) + d[k] * n * dScaled;
                n = nsum;

        // Storage for each warp in a thread block. First warp ("accumulator") holds 
        // final results so it does not need shared memory.
        const int cwarp = BlockDimX * BlockDimY / CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS;
        __shared__ ElemType meanRes[U][cwarp - 1];
        __shared__ ElemType m2Res[U][cwarp - 1];
        __shared__ int nRes[cwarp - 1];

        // Each warp (except warp0) will write accumulated results to shared memory.
        const int iwarp = tid / CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS;
        if (iwarp > 0 && laneId == 0)
            nRes[iwarp - 1] = n;
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                meanRes[k][iwarp - 1] = mean[k];
                m2Res[k][iwarp - 1] = m2[k];

        // One thread will accumulate and write final results.
        if (tid == 0)
            // Use simple loop as number of warps is small, 8 at max.
#pragma unroll
            for (int i = 0; i < cwarp - 1; i++)
                int n2 = nRes[i];
                int nsum = n + n2;
                ElemType d[U];
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    d[k] = meanRes[k][i] - mean[k];
                    ElemType dScaled = d[k] * n2 / nsum;
                    mean[k] += dScaled;
                    m2[k] += m2Res[k][i] + d[k] * n * dScaled;
                n = nsum;
            // Final step - accumlate results in mean[0] and m2[0].
            // REVIEW alexeyk: move outside of the loop, before storing values to smem.
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 1; k < U; k++)
                ElemType d = mean[k] - mean[0];
                ElemType dScaled = d * n / (n + k * n);
                mean[0] += dScaled;
                m2[0] += m2[k] + d * k * n * dScaled;

            xMean[blockIdx.x] = mean[0];
            runMean[blockIdx.x] = (expAvgFactor == 1) ? mean[0] : (expAvgFactor * mean[0] + (1.0 - expAvgFactor) * runMean[blockIdx.x]);
            m2[0] = Operations::RSqrt(static_cast<ElemType>(m2[0] / (batchSize * spatialSize) + epsilon));
            xInvStdDev[blockIdx.x] = m2[0];
            runInvStdDev[blockIdx.x] = (expAvgFactor == 1) ? m2[0] : (expAvgFactor * m2[0] + (1.0 - expAvgFactor) * runInvStdDev[blockIdx.x]);

    // The struct is used by Call function to select proper template in runtime based on the size of the vector.
    // The same pattern is used in other cases of similar structs.
    template <int U>
    struct ComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev
        template <typename ElemType>
        static void Call(size_t vectorSize, size_t batchSize, const ElemType* x, double expAvgFactor, ElemType* runMean, ElemType* runInvStdDev,
                         double epsilon, ElemType* xMean, ElemType* xInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
            assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);

            const int BlockDimX = 32 / U;
            const int BlockDimY = 4 * U;
            auto bdim = dim3(BlockDimX, BlockDimY);
            // Create grid with only one block in y(batch)-dimension as kernel uses striding.
            auto gdim = dim3(static_cast<unsigned int>(RoundUpToMultiple(vectorSize, BlockDimX * U)));
            kComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), 
                x, expAvgFactor, runMean, runInvStdDev, epsilon, xMean, xInvStdDev);

    template <int U>
    struct ComputeSpatialBatchMeanAndInvStdDev
        template <typename ElemType>
        static void Call(size_t vectorSize, size_t spatialSize, size_t batchSize, const ElemType* x, 
                         double expAvgFactor, ElemType* runMean, ElemType* runInvStdDev,
                         double epsilon, ElemType* xMean, ElemType* xInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
            assert((vectorSize % spatialSize) == 0);
            assert((spatialSize % U) == 0);

            const int BlockDimX = 32 / U;
            const int BlockDimY = 4 * U;
            auto bdim = dim3(BlockDimX, BlockDimY);
            // Create grid with only one block in y(batch)-dimension as kernel uses striding.
            // Each thread block processes a single whole feature map independently (i.e. reduces over W, H and N dimensions).
            auto gdim = dim3(static_cast<unsigned int>(vectorSize / spatialSize));
            kComputeSpatialBatchMeanAndInvStdDev<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(spatialSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), 
                x, expAvgFactor, runMean, runInvStdDev,epsilon, xMean, xInvStdDev);

    // Forward propagation
    // There are 2 main functions, BatchNormalizationForwardTraining and BatchNormalizationForwardInference.
    // BatchNormalizationForwardTraining is used during the training while 
    // BatchNormalizationForwardInference - during inference only.
    // All functions accept input/outputs tensors in column-major format where each column is a vector of a minibatch.
    // In convolutional case (i.e. spatial=true), each vector is in CHW format where W dimension has stride = 1.
    // Tensors for biases and inverse stddevs have dimensions that equal to vector dimension in non-convolutional (i.e. spatial=false)
    // or Cx1x1 in convolutional case.
    // The *Training function performs update of saveMean and saveInvStdDev tensors with values computed for the _current_ minibatch.
    // These values are then used in backpropagation. 
    // It also updates runMean and runInvStdDev with running mean/var computed over all minibatches. 
    // These values are used in inference/evaluation phase.
    // The *Inference function computes outputs based on pre-computed mean and inv stddev.

    template <int BlockDimX, int BlockDimY, bool Spatial, int U, typename ElemType>
    __global__ void kNormalizeBatchTraining(int vectorSize, int spatialSize, int batchSize, const ElemType* x, ElemType* y,
        const ElemType* bnScale, const ElemType* bnBias, const ElemType* batchMean, const ElemType* batchInvStdDev)
        static_assert(BlockDimX * U == CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS, "BlockDimX * U must be equal to warp size (32).");
        static_assert((BlockDimX * BlockDimY % CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS) == 0, "Block size must be a multiple of warp size (32).");
        assert(blockDim.x == BlockDimX);
        assert(blockDim.y == BlockDimY);
        assert(blockDim.z == 1);
        assert(gridDim.y == 1);
        assert(gridDim.z == 1);
        assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);
        assert(!Spatial || (spatialSize % U) == 0);
        assert((vectorSize % spatialSize) == 0);

        int irowBase = (blockIdx.x * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x) * U;
        if (irowBase >= vectorSize)
        assert(irowBase + U <= vectorSize);

        __shared__ ElemType meanS[BlockDimX * U];
        __shared__ ElemType invStdDevS[BlockDimX * U];
        __shared__ ElemType scaleS[BlockDimX * U];
        __shared__ ElemType biasS[BlockDimX * U];
        int offs = threadIdx.x * U;
        // REVIEW alexeyk: optimize smem usage, reduce transaction count (is it worth it?).
        if (threadIdx.y == 0)
            if (Spatial)
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    int imap = (irowBase + k) / spatialSize;
                    meanS[offs + k] = batchMean[imap];
                    invStdDevS[offs + k] = batchInvStdDev[imap];
                    scaleS[offs + k] = bnScale[imap];
                    biasS[offs + k] = bnBias[imap];
                LoadValues<U>(batchMean + irowBase, meanS + offs);
                LoadValues<U>(batchInvStdDev + irowBase, invStdDevS + offs);
                LoadValues<U>(bnScale + irowBase, scaleS + offs);
                LoadValues<U>(bnBias + irowBase, biasS + offs);
        ElemType mean[U];
        ElemType invStdDev[U];
        ElemType scale[U];
        ElemType bias[U];
        LoadValues<U>(meanS + offs, mean);
        LoadValues<U>(invStdDevS + offs, invStdDev);
        LoadValues<U>(scaleS + offs, scale);
        LoadValues<U>(biasS + offs, bias);

        int icol = blockIdx.y * BlockDimY + threadIdx.y;
        size_t startOffs = static_cast<size_t>(icol) * vectorSize + irowBase;
        const ElemType* psrc = x + startOffs;
        ElemType* pdst = y + startOffs;
        size_t stride = static_cast<size_t>(gridDim.y * BlockDimY) * vectorSize;
        for (; icol < batchSize; icol += gridDim.y * BlockDimY, psrc += stride, pdst += stride)
            ElemType val[U];
            LoadValues<U>(psrc, val);
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                val[k] = scale[k] * (val[k] - mean[k]) * invStdDev[k] + bias[k];
            StoreValues<U>(val, pdst);

    template <int U>
    struct NormalizeBatchTraining
        template <typename ElemType>
        static void Call(size_t vectorSize, size_t spatialSize, size_t batchSize, bool spatial, const ElemType* x, ElemType* y,
            const ElemType* bnScale, const ElemType* bnBias, const ElemType* batchMean, const ElemType* batchInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
            assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);

            const int BlockDimX = 32 / U;
            const int BlockDimY = 4 * U;
            auto bdim = dim3(BlockDimX, BlockDimY);
            // Create a grid that has uses striding in y-dimension to cover whole minibatch.
            auto gdim = dim3(static_cast<unsigned int>(RoundUpToMultiple(vectorSize, BlockDimX * U)));
            if (spatial)
                kNormalizeBatchTraining<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, true, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                    static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(spatialSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), x, y, bnScale, bnBias,
                    batchMean, batchInvStdDev);
                kNormalizeBatchTraining<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, false, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                    static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(spatialSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), x, y, bnScale, bnBias,
                    batchMean, batchInvStdDev);

    template <typename ElemType>
    cudaError_t BatchNormalizationForwardTraining(const Tensor4D& t, bool spatial, const ElemType* x, ElemType* y,
                                                  const ElemType* bnScale, const ElemType* bnBias, double expAvgFactor, ElemType* runMean, ElemType* runInvStdDev,
                                                  double epsilon, ElemType* saveMean, ElemType* saveInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
        assert(nullptr != x);
        assert(nullptr != y);
        assert(nullptr != bnScale);
        assert(nullptr != bnBias);
        assert(std::isfinite(epsilon) && epsilon > 0);
        assert(std::isfinite(expAvgFactor) && expAvgFactor > 0);
        assert(nullptr != runMean);
        assert(nullptr != runInvStdDev);
        assert(nullptr != saveMean);
        assert(nullptr != saveInvStdDev);

        size_t vectorSize = t.w() * t.h() * t.c();
        size_t spatialSize = spatial ? t.w() * t.h() : 1;
        size_t batchSize = t.n();
        assert(0 < vectorSize && vectorSize <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
        assert(0 < batchSize  && batchSize  <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());

        if (spatial)
            Call<ComputeSpatialBatchMeanAndInvStdDev, ElemType>(spatialSize, vectorSize, spatialSize, batchSize, x, 
                                                                expAvgFactor, runMean, runInvStdDev, epsilon, saveMean, saveInvStdDev, stream);
            cudaError_t err = GetLastCudaError();
            if (cudaSuccess != err)
                return err;
            Call<ComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev, ElemType>(vectorSize, vectorSize, batchSize, x,
                                                         expAvgFactor, runMean, runInvStdDev, epsilon, saveMean, saveInvStdDev, stream);
            cudaError_t err = GetLastCudaError();
            if (cudaSuccess != err)
                return err;
        Call<NormalizeBatchTraining, ElemType>(spatial ? spatialSize : vectorSize, vectorSize, spatialSize, batchSize,
                                               spatial, x, y, bnScale, bnBias, saveMean, saveInvStdDev, stream);
        return GetLastCudaError();

    template <typename ElemType>
    cudaError_t BatchNormalizationForwardInference(const Tensor4D& t, bool spatial, const ElemType* x, ElemType* y, const ElemType* bnScale,
                                                   const ElemType* bnBias, const ElemType* runMean, const ElemType* runInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
        assert(nullptr != x);
        assert(nullptr != y);
        assert(nullptr != bnScale);
        assert(nullptr != bnBias);
        assert(nullptr != runMean);
        assert(nullptr != runInvStdDev);

        size_t vectorSize = t.w() * t.h() * t.c();
        size_t spatialSize = spatial ? t.w() * t.h() : 1;
        size_t batchSize = t.n();
        assert(0 < vectorSize && vectorSize <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
        assert(0 < batchSize  && batchSize  <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());

        Call<NormalizeBatchTraining, ElemType>(spatial ? spatialSize : vectorSize, vectorSize, spatialSize, batchSize,
                                               spatial, x, y, bnScale, bnBias, runMean, runInvStdDev, stream);
        return GetLastCudaError();

    // Backpropagation
    // BatchNormalizationBackward back-propagates derivatives of batch normalization function
    // with respect to the inputs and scale and bias parameters.
    // All tensor dimensions and assumptions are the same as in case of forward propagation.

    template <int BlockDimX, int BlockDimY, int U, typename ElemType>
    __global__ void kComputeScaleAndBiasGradients(int vectorSize, int batchSize, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy, ElemType* dScale, ElemType* dBias,
                                                  const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev)
        static_assert(BlockDimX * U == CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS, "BlockDimX * U must be equal to warp size (32).");
        static_assert((BlockDimX * BlockDimY % CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS) == 0, "Block size must be a multiple of warp size (32).");
        static_assert(((BlockDimY - 1) & BlockDimY) == 0, "BlockDimY must be a power of 2.");
        assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);
        assert(blockDim.x == BlockDimX);
        assert(blockDim.y == BlockDimY);
        assert(blockDim.z == 1);
        assert(gridDim.y == 1);
        assert(gridDim.z == 1);

        // REVIEW alexeyk: first part looks very similar to kComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev, any chance to refactor?
        int irowSrcBase = (blockIdx.x * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x) * U;
        if (irowSrcBase >= vectorSize)
        assert(irowSrcBase + U <= vectorSize);

        ElemType mean[U];
        ElemType invStdDev[U];
        __shared__ ElemType meanS[BlockDimX * U];
        __shared__ ElemType invStdDevS[BlockDimX * U];
        // Read mean and inv std dev.
        if (threadIdx.y == 0)
            LoadValues<U>(saveMean + irowSrcBase, mean);
            LoadValues<U>(saveInvStdDev + irowSrcBase, invStdDev);
            StoreValues<U>(mean, &meanS[threadIdx.x * U]);
            StoreValues<U>(invStdDev, &invStdDevS[threadIdx.x * U]);
        if (threadIdx.y != 0)
            LoadValues<U>(&meanS[threadIdx.x * U], mean);
            LoadValues<U>(&invStdDevS[threadIdx.x * U], invStdDev);

        ElemType ds[U];
        ElemType db[U];
#pragma unroll
        for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
            ds[k] = 0;
            db[k] = 0;

        int icolSrc = threadIdx.y;
        size_t startOffs = static_cast<size_t>(icolSrc) * vectorSize + irowSrcBase;
        const ElemType* px = x + startOffs;
        const ElemType* pdy = dy + startOffs;
        size_t stride = static_cast<size_t>(vectorSize) * BlockDimY;
        // Stride over all vectors in the batch.
        for (; icolSrc < batchSize; icolSrc += BlockDimY, px += stride, pdy += stride)
            ElemType curX[U];
            ElemType curdY[U];
            LoadValues<U>(px, curX);
            LoadValues<U>(pdy, curdY);
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                ds[k] += pdy[k] * (curX[k] - mean[k]) * invStdDev[k];
                db[k] += pdy[k];

        // Final reduction.
        __shared__ ElemType dsS[BlockDimY][BlockDimX * U];
        __shared__ ElemType dbS[BlockDimY][BlockDimX * U];
        StoreValues<U>(ds, &dsS[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x * U]);
        StoreValues<U>(db, &dbS[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x * U]);
        // Very simple block reduction. As the block y dim is small (e.g. 16) then the loop
        // is executed very few times (e.g. 4) so the performance is good.
        // Can be potentially improved by using shuffle instructions (as in kComputeBatchMeanAndInvStdDev).
#pragma unroll
        for (int y = BlockDimY / 2; y > 0; y /= 2)
            if (threadIdx.y < y)
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    dsS[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x * U + k] += dsS[threadIdx.y + y][threadIdx.x * U + k];
                    dbS[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x * U + k] += dbS[threadIdx.y + y][threadIdx.x * U + k];

        // Write results.
        if (threadIdx.y == 0)
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                dScale[irowSrcBase + k] = dsS[0][threadIdx.x * U + k];
                dBias[irowSrcBase + k] = dbS[0][threadIdx.x * U + k];

    template <int BlockDimX, int BlockDimY, int U, typename ElemType>
    __global__ void kComputeSpatialScaleAndBiasGradients(int vectorSize, int spatialSize, int batchSize, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy, 
                                                         ElemType* dScale, ElemType* dBias, const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev)
        static_assert(BlockDimX * U == CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS, "BlockDimX * U must be equal to warp size (32).");
        static_assert((BlockDimX * BlockDimY % CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS) == 0, "Block size must be a multiple of warp size (32).");
        assert(blockDim.x == BlockDimX);
        assert(blockDim.y == BlockDimY);
        assert(blockDim.z == 1);
        assert(gridDim.y == 1);
        assert(gridDim.z == 1);
        assert((spatialSize % U) == 0);
        assert((vectorSize % spatialSize) == 0);

        int irowBase = blockIdx.x * spatialSize + threadIdx.x * U;
        if (irowBase >= vectorSize)
        assert(irowBase + U <= vectorSize);
        int irowLim = (blockIdx.x + 1) * spatialSize;

        ElemType mean;
        ElemType invStdDev;
        __shared__ ElemType meanS;
        __shared__ ElemType invStdDevS;
        const int tid = threadIdx.y * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x;
        // Read mean and inv std dev.
        if (tid == 0)
            meanS = saveMean[blockIdx.x];
            invStdDevS = saveInvStdDev[blockIdx.x];
        if (tid != 0)
            mean = meanS;
            invStdDev = invStdDevS;

        ElemType ds[U];
        ElemType db[U];
#pragma unroll
        for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
            ds[k] = 0;
            db[k] = 0;

        int icolSrc = threadIdx.y;
        size_t startOffs = static_cast<size_t>(icolSrc) * vectorSize + irowBase;
        const ElemType* pxBase = x + startOffs;
        const ElemType* pdyBase = dy + startOffs;
        size_t stride = static_cast<size_t>(vectorSize) * BlockDimY;
        // Stride over all vectors in the batch.
        for (; icolSrc < batchSize; icolSrc += BlockDimY, pxBase += stride, pdyBase += stride)
            const ElemType* px = pxBase;
            const ElemType* pdy = pdyBase;
            // Stride over all values in feature map (W and H dimensions).
            for (int irow = irowBase; irow < irowLim; irow += BlockDimX * U, px += BlockDimX * U, pdy += BlockDimX * U)
                ElemType curX[U];
                ElemType curdY[U];
                LoadValues<U>(px, curX);
                LoadValues<U>(pdy, curdY);
#pragma unroll
                for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                    ds[k] += pdy[k] * (curX[k] - mean) * invStdDev;
                    db[k] += pdy[k];
        using BlockReduce = cub::BlockReduce<ElemType, BlockDimX, cub::BLOCK_REDUCE_WARP_REDUCTIONS, BlockDimY>;
        // Note: must use separate temp storages for each reduction.
        __shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage tmp1;
        ElemType dsRes = BlockReduce(tmp1).Sum(ds);
        __shared__ typename BlockReduce::TempStorage tmp2;
        ElemType dbRes = BlockReduce(tmp2).Sum(db);
        if (tid == 0)
            dScale[blockIdx.x] = dsRes;
            dBias[blockIdx.x] = dbRes;

    template <int U>
    struct ComputeScaleAndBiasGradients
        template <typename ElemType>
        static void Call(size_t vectorSize, size_t batchSize, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy,
            ElemType* dScale, ElemType* dBias, const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
            assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);
            const int BlockDimX = 32 / U;
            const int BlockDimY = 4 * U;
            auto bdim = dim3(BlockDimX, BlockDimY);
            // Create a grid that has uses striding in y-dimension to cover whole minibatch.
            auto gdim = dim3(static_cast<unsigned int>(RoundUpToMultiple(vectorSize, BlockDimX * U)));
            kComputeScaleAndBiasGradients<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), x, dy, dScale, dBias, saveMean, saveInvStdDev);

    template <int U>
    struct ComputeSpatialScaleAndBiasGradients
        template <typename ElemType>
        static void Call(size_t vectorSize, size_t spatialSize, size_t batchSize, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy,
            ElemType* dScale, ElemType* dBias, const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
            assert((spatialSize % U) == 0);
            assert((vectorSize % spatialSize) == 0);

            const int BlockDimX = 32 / U;
            const int BlockDimY = 4 * U;
            auto bdim = dim3(BlockDimX, BlockDimY);
            // Create a grid that has uses striding in y-dimension to cover whole minibatch.
            auto gdim = dim3(static_cast<unsigned int>(vectorSize / spatialSize));
            kComputeSpatialScaleAndBiasGradients<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(spatialSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), x, dy, dScale, dBias, saveMean, saveInvStdDev);

    template <int BlockDimX, int BlockDimY, bool Spatial, int U, typename ElemType>
    __global__ void kBackpropagateBatchNormGradients(int vectorSize, int spatialSize, int batchSize, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy, ElemType* dx,
                                                     const ElemType* bnScale, const ElemType* dScale, const ElemType* dBias,
                                                     const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev)
        static_assert(BlockDimX * U == CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS, "BlockDimX * U must be equal to warp size (32).");
        static_assert((BlockDimX * BlockDimY % CUB_PTX_WARP_THREADS) == 0, "Block size must be a multiple of warp size (32).");
        assert(blockDim.x == BlockDimX);
        assert(blockDim.y == BlockDimY);
        assert(blockDim.z == 1);
        assert(gridDim.z == 1);
        assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);
        assert(Spatial || spatialSize == 1);
        assert(!Spatial || (spatialSize % U) == 0);
        assert((vectorSize % spatialSize) == 0);

        int irowBase = (blockIdx.x * BlockDimX + threadIdx.x) * U;
        if (irowBase >= vectorSize)
        assert(irowBase + U <= vectorSize);
        ElemType scale[U];
        ElemType ds[U];
        ElemType db[U];
        ElemType mean[U];
        ElemType invStdDev[U];
        // REVIEW alexeyk: here we're wasting some bandwidth but this might be ok as it's a one-timer.
        if (Spatial)
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                int imap = (irowBase + k) / spatialSize;
                scale[k] = bnScale[imap];
                ds[k] = dScale[imap];
                db[k] = dBias[imap];
                mean[k] = saveMean[imap];
                invStdDev[k] = saveInvStdDev[imap];
            LoadValues<U>(bnScale + irowBase, scale);
            LoadValues<U>(dScale + irowBase, ds);
            LoadValues<U>(dBias + irowBase, db);
            LoadValues<U>(saveMean + irowBase, mean);
            LoadValues<U>(saveInvStdDev + irowBase, invStdDev);

        int icol = blockIdx.y * BlockDimY + threadIdx.y;
        size_t startOffs = static_cast<size_t>(icol) * vectorSize + irowBase;
        const ElemType* px = x + startOffs;
        const ElemType* pdy = dy + startOffs;
        ElemType* pdx = dx + startOffs;
        size_t stride = static_cast<size_t>(gridDim.y * BlockDimY) * vectorSize;
        for (; icol < batchSize; icol += gridDim.y * BlockDimY, px += stride, pdy += stride, pdx += stride)
            ElemType xCur[U];
            ElemType dyCur[U];
            ElemType dxCur[U];
            LoadValues<U>(px, xCur);
            LoadValues<U>(pdy, dyCur);
            LoadValues<U>(pdx, dxCur);
            // From the BN paper, dL/dxi is a sum of three terms: dL/dxi = t1 + t2 + t3
            // After simplifcation, they become the following:
            // 1. t1 = scale * dL/dyi * invStdDev
            // 2. t2 = (-scale / m) * invStdDev * xHat * dL/dScale
            // 3. t3 = (-scale / m) * invStdDev * dL/dBias (for this one note that Sum(xHat) == 0)
            // Simplifying this a bit more, we get the formula below.
            ElemType val[U];
            int m = Spatial ? batchSize * spatialSize : batchSize;
#pragma unroll
            for (int k = 0; k < U; k++)
                ElemType xNorm = (xCur[k] - mean[k]) * invStdDev[k];
                val[k] = dxCur[k] + (scale[k] * invStdDev[k]) * (dyCur[k] - (xNorm * ds[k] + db[k]) / m);
            StoreValues<U>(val, pdx);

    template <int U>
    struct BackpropagateBatchNormGradients
        template <typename ElemType>
        static void Call(size_t vectorSize, size_t spatialSize, size_t batchSize, bool spatial, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy, ElemType* dx,
                         const ElemType* bnScale, const ElemType* dScale, const ElemType* dBias, const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
            assert((vectorSize % U) == 0);
            const int BlockDimX = 32 / U;
            const int BlockDimY = 4 * U;
            auto bdim = dim3(BlockDimX, BlockDimY);
            auto gdim = dim3(static_cast<unsigned int>(RoundUpToMultiple(vectorSize, BlockDimX * U)),
                             static_cast<unsigned int>(RoundUpToMultiple(batchSize, BlockDimY)));
            if (spatial)
                kBackpropagateBatchNormGradients<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, true, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                    static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(spatialSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), x, dy, dx, bnScale, dScale, dBias, saveMean, saveInvStdDev);
                kBackpropagateBatchNormGradients<BlockDimX, BlockDimY, false, U><<<gdim, bdim, 0, stream>>>(
                    static_cast<int>(vectorSize), static_cast<int>(spatialSize), static_cast<int>(batchSize), x, dy, dx, bnScale, dScale, dBias, saveMean, saveInvStdDev);

    template <typename ElemType>
    cudaError_t BatchNormalizationBackward(const Tensor4D& t, bool spatial, const ElemType* x, const ElemType* dy, ElemType* dx, const ElemType* bnScale,
                                           ElemType* dScale, ElemType* dBias, const ElemType* saveMean, const ElemType* saveInvStdDev, cudaStream_t stream)
        assert(nullptr != x);
        assert(nullptr != dy);
        assert(nullptr != dx);
        assert(nullptr != bnScale);
        assert(nullptr != dScale);
        assert(nullptr != dBias);
        assert(nullptr != saveMean);
        assert(nullptr != saveInvStdDev);

        size_t vectorSize = t.w() * t.h() * t.c();
        size_t spatialSize = spatial ? t.w() * t.h() : 1;
        size_t batchSize = t.n();
        assert(0 < vectorSize && vectorSize <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());
        assert(0 < batchSize  && batchSize  <= std::numeric_limits<int>::max());

        if (spatial)
            Call<ComputeSpatialScaleAndBiasGradients, ElemType>(spatialSize, vectorSize, spatialSize, batchSize, x, dy, dScale, dBias, 
                                                                saveMean, saveInvStdDev, stream);
            cudaError_t err = GetLastCudaError();
            if (cudaSuccess != err)
                return err;
            Call<ComputeScaleAndBiasGradients, ElemType>(vectorSize, vectorSize, batchSize, x, dy, dScale, dBias, 
                                                         saveMean, saveInvStdDev, stream);
            cudaError_t err = GetLastCudaError();
            if (cudaSuccess != err)
                return err;
        Call<BackpropagateBatchNormGradients, ElemType>(spatial ? spatialSize : vectorSize, vectorSize, spatialSize, batchSize, spatial, 
                                                        x, dy, dx, bnScale, dScale, dBias, saveMean, saveInvStdDev, stream);
        return GetLastCudaError();
} } }
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