Raw File
Issue with LangString
      Function<Object, Collection<String>> tmp_Conv85_aHR0cDovL29wZW5wcm92ZW5hbmNlLm9yZy9wcm92dG9vbGJveC9kb3QvbnMjZmlsbGNvbG9y=tmp_Conv85.get("http://openprovenance.org/provtoolbox/dot/ns#fillcolor");
      if (tmp_Conv85_aHR0cDovL29wZW5wcm92ZW5hbmNlLm9yZy9wcm92dG9vbGJveC9kb3QvbnMjZmlsbGNvbG9y!=null)  {
        unknownTypeMap.computeIfAbsent(iserial, k -> new HashSet<>());

- selector for which relation to traverse
- selector for membership forward or backward
- relation/type filtering

- inefficient processing in deep copy,
    - should avoid copying freshly created lists
    - rewrite populateAttributes to use split2 or similar in ProvUtilities.
- service test: a few tests are failing
-- public void testQualifiedHadMember2(){} //ok in service.light
-- public void testMembership1() {} //ok in service.light

- template compiler, make it import prov-interop light or not

- scheduler/deletion: outstanding issue
 -- template not deleted (though expansion and bindings are)
-- the delete period from the confguration is not passed to the scheduler
 -- would be good to have a test
 -- the validation report is empty but does not indicate missing resource

- curl job, is it still active? through logging?
- logging, check prov logging. Still required?
- manual test provconvert
- automated test provconvert
- create modules-storage
- Configuration of services (config file, environment variable)
- refactor summary/narrative/signature services to support storage/indexing components
- automatic test services summary/narrative/signature

- TODO: service narrative does not have html highlight of text? does it belong to a different branch?

- get rid of


saved document 128367 for target/attr_entity_one_value_attr30.xml
The sql table VALUE does not seem to contain a value??
   gday is not converted???

xml:lang xml namespace not declared!

- Support for bundles
- HadMember conversion to rdf
- Influence to rdf


1. prov-interop
   define generic interface, with read/write Document, and dispatch by type.

2. Revise converters to rely on beans only

3. Handling of namespaces, qnames, uri, conversion and utility functions.
   Maybe create a class "NamespaceManager", 
   Register there common prov:qnames, etc

4. Drop dependency on help, assert triples directly. 


0. asn/target/pc1-full-2.xml
   differ because of pc1:url has xsi:type=xsd:string

   Also, pc1:url has no quote
   entity(pc1:a26,[prov:label="Atlas Y Slice"%%xsd:string,prov:type="http://openprovenance.org/primitives#File"%%xsd:anyURI,pc1:url=http://www.ipaw.info/challenge/atlas-y.pgm])

1. Update the ASN grammar to have Document

2. Likewise update to latest  the XML Schema

3. TreeTraversal: should handle known prov attributes. 

5. Should ProvToDot be implemented using BeanConstructor?

7. pom.xml used to add  'extends Entity' to the definition of Agent.
   This resulted in problems when marshalling an Agent. To be revisited.

8. Conversion to Dot 
     should display plan

9. W3C tech report example:
   asn parser does not set label in the java representation, but adds a Jaxb element prov:label.



1. Update the ASN grammar to deal with latest changes
    - wasAssociated with Plan
    - drop hadPlan

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