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% Please edit documentation in R/AllGenerics.R, R/show.R
\title{Date Conversion to Character}
prefix = c("a", "ka", "Ma", "Ga"),
label = TRUE,
calendar = getOption("aion.calendar")
\item{x}{A \code{\linkS4class{RataDie}} object.}
\item{prefix}{A \code{\link{character}} string specifying the prefix.
It should be one of "\code{a}", "\code{ka}", "\code{Ma}" or "\code{Ga}".
If \code{TRUE}, a good guess for an appropriate format is made.}
\item{label}{A \code{\link{logical}} scalar: should the label of the calendar be
\item{calendar}{A \code{\linkS4class{TimeScale}} object specifying the target calendar
(see \code{\link[=calendar]{calendar()}}).}
A \code{\link{character}} vector representing the date.
Date Conversion to Character
## R 1.0.0
(y <- fixed(year = 2000, month = 02, day = 29, calendar = CE()))
as_date(y, calendar = CE())
as_year(y, calendar = CE())
## Create a vector of years BP (Gregorian)
## (every two years starting from 2000 BP)
(years <- seq(from = 2000, by = -2, length.out = 10))
## Convert years to rata die
(rd <- fixed(years, calendar = BP()))
## Convert back to Gregorian years BP
as_year(rd, calendar = BP())
## More convenient
(rd <- fixed_from_BP(years))
Other fixed date tools:
N. Frerebeau
\concept{fixed date tools}