import java.util.*;
public class CRISPR
private Vector<Integer> repeats;
private int repeatLength;
public CRISPR()
repeats = new Vector<Integer>();
repeatLength = 0;
public CRISPR(Vector<Integer> positions, int length)
repeats = positions;
repeatLength = length;
public Vector repeats()
return repeats;
public int repeatLength()
return repeatLength;
public void setRepeats(Vector<Integer> _repeats)
repeats = _repeats;
public void setRepeatLength(int length)
repeatLength = length;
public int repeatSpacing(int pos1, int pos2)
return Math.abs(repeatAt(pos2) - repeatAt(pos1));
public void addRepeat(int val)
repeats.addElement(new Integer(val));
public void insertRepeatAt(int val, int pos)
repeats.insertElementAt(new Integer(val), pos);
public void setRepeatAt(int val, int pos)
repeats.setElementAt(new Integer(val), pos);
public void removeRepeat(int val)
repeats.removeElement(new Integer(val));
public int repeatAt(int i)
return ((Integer)repeats.elementAt(i)).intValue();
public int start()
return ((Integer)repeats.firstElement()).intValue();
public int end()
int lastRepeatBegin = ((Integer)repeats.lastElement()).intValue();
return lastRepeatBegin + repeatLength - 1;
public int firstRepeat()
return ((Integer)repeats.elementAt(0)).intValue();
public int lastRepeat()
return ((Integer)repeats.lastElement()).intValue();
public int numRepeats()
return repeats.size();
public int numSpacers()
return numRepeats() - 1;
public String repeatStringAt(int i)
int currRepeatStartIndex = ((Integer)repeats.elementAt(i)).intValue();
int currRepeatEndIndex = currRepeatStartIndex + repeatLength - 1;
return DNASequence.seq.substring(currRepeatStartIndex, currRepeatEndIndex + 1);
public String spacerStringAt(int i)
int currRepeatEndIndex = ((Integer)repeats.elementAt(i)).intValue() + repeatLength - 1;
int nextRepeatStartIndex = ((Integer)repeats.elementAt(i + 1)).intValue();
int currSpacerStartIndex = currRepeatEndIndex + 1;
int currSpacerEndIndex = nextRepeatStartIndex - 1;
return DNASequence.seq.substring(currSpacerStartIndex, currSpacerEndIndex + 1);
public int averageSpacerLength()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numSpacers(); i++)
sum = sum + spacerStringAt(i).length();
return sum/numSpacers();
public int averageRepeatLength()
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numRepeats(); i++)
sum = sum + repeatStringAt(i).length();
return sum/numRepeats();
public String toGff(String sequenceName, String parentName) {
String str = "";
for (int m = 0; m < numRepeats(); m++) {
int repeat_position = (repeatAt(m) + 1);
int repeat_end = repeat_position + this.repeatLength() - 1;
str += sequenceName + "\tminced:"+minced.VERSION+"\trepeat_unit\t" + repeat_position + "\t" + repeat_end + "\t1\t.\t.\tParent=" + parentName + ";ID=DR."+parentName+'.'+(m + 1) + "\n";
return str;
public String toString()
String str = "";
String repeat, spacer, prevSpacer;
repeat = spacer = prevSpacer = "";
str += "POSITION\tREPEAT\t\t\t\tSPACER\n";
str +="--------\t";
for (int y = 0; y < this.repeatLength(); y++)
str +="-";
str +="\t";
for (int z = 0; z < this.averageSpacerLength(); z++)
str += "-";
str +="\n";
//add 1 to each position, to offset programming languagues that begin at 0 rather than 1
for (int m = 0; m < numRepeats(); m++)
//repeat = getRepeat(m);
str += (repeatAt(m) + 1) + "\t\t" + repeatStringAt(m) + "\t";
// print spacer
// because there are no spacers after the last repeat, we stop early (m < crisprIndexVector.size() - 1)
if (m < numSpacers())
prevSpacer = spacer;
spacer = spacerStringAt(m);
str += spacer;
str +="\t[ " + repeatStringAt(m).length() + ", " + spacerStringAt(m).length() + " ]";
//str +="--[" + DNASequence.getSimilarity(repeatStringAt(m), spacerStringAt(m)) + "]";
//str +="--[" + DNASequence.getSimilarity(spacer, prevSpacer) + "]";
str += "\n";
str +="\n--------\t";
for (int x = 0; x < this.repeatLength(); x++)
str += "-";
str +="\t";
for (int z = 0; z < this.averageSpacerLength(); z++)
str += "-";
str +="\n";
return str;