Raw File
Tip revision: ad58ae426e7e9200530d18bf439d02657503426c authored by fclement on 23 November 2010, 11:33:06 UTC
Ignore all generated files.
Tip revision: ad58ae4
% General \ignore{ . . . } macro.
% definition macro for proof trees
\newcommand{\pr}[2] {\shortstack{{\strut $#1$} \\ 
                    {\strut $#2$}}}

\newcommand{\prr}[3] {\shortstack{{\strut $#1$} \\ 
                     {\strut $#2$}}}

% definition rules environment
% definition of standard Article environment
\def\piripi{\par} % cambiare con \endgraf
\newenvironment{bodydouble}[1]{\endgraf\noindent {\bf #1}\em}{\endgraf}
\newenvironment{abstract2}[1]{\small\centerline{#1}\begin{list}{}{\rightmargin=\leftmargin} \item}{ \end{list} \normalsize }
\newenvironment{proof}{\begin{trivlist}\item[]\hspace{\parindent}{\em Proof.}}{$\qed$\end{trivlist}}
%\newenvironment{remark}{\begin{trivlist}\item[]{\bf Remark\ \ }}{\end{trivlist}}

%%%%%% Definition of a macro to produce a chapter-local appendix ...


 \def\thesection {\thechapter.\arabic{section}}}
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