# Fast Winding Numbers for Soups
Implementation of the _ACM SIGGRAPH_ 2018 paper,
"Fast Winding Numbers for Soups and Clouds"
Gavin Barill¹, Neil Dickson², Ryan Schmidt³, David I.W. Levin¹, Alec Jacobson¹
¹University of Toronto, ²SideFX, ³Gradient Space
_Note: this implementation is for triangle soups only, not point clouds._
## Get started with
git clone --recursive https://github.com/GavinBarill/fast-winding-number-soups.git
## Build the example with
cd fast-winding-number-soups
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
## Run the example with
./fastwinding ../pig-head.ply ../pig-head-Q.dmat ../pig-head-W.dmat
This should create a [.dmat](http://libigl.github.io/libigl/file-formats/dmat/)
file `../pig-head-W.dmat'` containing the generalized winding number for each query
point in `../pig-head-Q.dmat`.