% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/UTILITY_FUNCTIONS.R \name{download_data} \alias{download_data} \title{Use curl to download a file.} \usage{ download_data(url, destdir = getwd(), timestamping = T, nc = F, verbose = F, progress = F) } \arguments{ \item{url}{The location of a file.} \item{destdir}{Where the file should be downloaded to.} \item{timestamping}{Should only newer files be downloaded?} \item{nc}{Should files of the same type not be clobbered?} \item{verbose}{Should cURL output be shown?} \item{progress}{Should a progress bar be shown with cURL output?} } \value{ A logical vector of the same length as x. } \description{ This function makes it easy to implement timestamping and no-clobber of files. } \details{ If both \code{timestamping} and \code{nc} are TRUE, nc behavior trumps timestamping. } \keyword{internal}