# author: Jona Cederbaum
# description: estimates smooth mean function and smooth covariate and interaction effects and gives out centered data.
# NOTE: so far all covariates need to enter the mean in the same way.
estimate_mean_fun <- function(bf, bf_covariates, method, save_model_mean,
n, my_grid, bs, m, use_bam, curve_info, num_covariates,
covariate_form, interaction, which_interaction, covariate,
para_estim, para_estim_nc){
results <- list()
dat_help <- copy(curve_info)
# estimate mean
names <- vector()
for(i in 1:num_covariates){
if(covariate_form[i] == "by"){
name_help <- paste0("s(t, k = bf_covariates, bs = bs, m = m,
by = covariate.", i, ")")
if(covariate_form[i] == "smooth"){
if(all(dat_help[[paste0("covariate.", i)]] %in% c(0, 1))){
stop("no smooth effects for dummy covariates allowed,
please use covariate_form = 'by' for dummy covariates")
name_help <- paste0("ti(t, covariate.", i, ", k = bf_covariates, bs = bs,
m = m, mc = c(0, 1)", ")")
names <- cbind(names, name_help)
if(interaction == FALSE){
listofbys <- as.vector(names)
pred <- as.formula(paste("y_vec ~ ", paste0(listofbys, collapse = "+"),
" + s(t, k = bf, bs = bs, m = m)"))
inter_names <- vector(mode = "character")
inter_by <- numeric()
for(i in 1:num_covariates){
for(k in 1:num_covariates){
if(which_interaction[i, k] & (i < k)){
if(!all(dat_help[[paste0("covariate.", i)]] %in% c(0, 1))|!all(dat_help[[paste0("covariate.", k)]] %in% c(0, 1))){
stop("interaction effects are only implemented between dummy covariates")
prod_help <- curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", i)]] * curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", k)]]
dat_help[, paste0("inter_", i, "_", k) := prod_help]
if(covariate_form[i] == "by" & covariate_form[k] == "by"){
inter_names <- cbind(inter_names, paste0("s(t, k = bf_covariates,
bs = bs, m = m, by = inter_", i, "_", k, ")"))
warning("interaction effects are only implemented between dummy covariates acting as varying-coefficients")
listofbys <- c(as.vector(names), c(inter_names))
pred <- as.formula(paste("y_vec ~ ", paste(listofbys, collapse = "+"),
" + s(t, k = bf, bs = bs, m = m)", sep = ""))
ys <- curve_info$y_vec
t <- curve_info$t
pred <- ys ~ s(t, k = bf, bs = bs, m = m)
# set cluster
# for estimation
# if specified
if(detectCores() > 1){
nc_use <- min(detectCores(), para_estim_nc)
cl_estim <- makeForkCluster(nnodes = nc_use) # only runs on linux
cl_estim <- makeCluster(nc_use) # also runs on windows
cl_estim <- NULL
cl_estim <- NULL
# estimation
if(use_bam == TRUE){
gam1 <- try(bam(pred, data = dat_help, method = method))
gam1 <- try(gam(pred, data = dat_help, method = method))
# stop cluster if existing
if (!is.null(cl_estim)) stopCluster(cl_estim)
dat_help <- NULL
# estimation successfull
if(class(gam1)[1] != "try-error"){
##extract intercept
intercept <- coefficients(gam1)[1]
# Evaluate mean on grid
# make data frame for prediction
newdata <- data.table(t = my_grid)
for(i in 1:num_covariates){
if(covariate_form[i] == "by"){
newdata[, paste0("covariate.", i) := rep(1, length(my_grid))]
range_mean <- range(curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", i)]])
newdata[, paste0("covariate.", i) := seq(from = range_mean[1],
to = range_mean[2], length = length(my_grid))]
for(k in 1:num_covariates){
if(which_interaction[i, k] & (i < k)){
if(all(curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", i)]] %in% c(0, 1)) & all(curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", k)]] %in% c(0, 1))){
newdata[, paste0("inter_", i, "_", k) := rep(1, length(my_grid))]
warning("interaction effects are only implemented between dummy covariates")
# predict all components at once with type = iterms
mean_pred <- predict(gam1, newdata = newdata, type = "iterms")
if(any(covariate_form == "smooth")){
use_grid <- seq(min(my_grid), max(my_grid), length = length(my_grid))
newdata_smooth <- data.table(t = expand.grid(use_grid, use_grid)[, 1])
newdata_smooth_mean <- data.table(t = use_grid)
for(i in 1:num_covariates){
if(covariate_form[i] == "by"){
newdata_smooth[, paste0("covariate.", i) := rep(1, nrow(newdata_smooth))]
mean_use <- mean(curve_info[!duplicated(n_long), ][[paste0("covariate.", i)]])
newdata_smooth_mean[, paste0("covariate.", i) := rep(mean_use, nrow(newdata_smooth_mean))]
for(k in 1:num_covariates){
if(which_interaction[i, k] & (i < k)){
if(all(curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", i)]] %in% c(0, 1)) & all(curve_info[[paste0("covariate.", k)]] %in% c(0, 1))){
newdata_smooth[, paste0("inter_", i, "_", k) := rep(1, nrow(newdata_smooth))]
mean_use <- mean(curve_info[!duplicated(n_long), ][[paste0("covariate.", i)]]) * mean(curve_info[!duplicated(n_long), ][[paste0("covariate.", k)]])
newdata_smooth_mean[, paste0("inter_", i, "_", k) := rep(mean_use, nrow(newdata_smooth_mean))]
warning("interaction effects are only implemented between dummy covariates")
if(covariate_form[i] == "smooth"){
use_cov <- seq(min(newdata[[paste0("covariate.", i)]]), max(newdata[[paste0("covariate.", i)]]), length = length(my_grid))
newdata_smooth[, paste0("covariate.", i) := expand.grid(use_grid, use_cov)[, 2]]
mean_use <- mean(curve_info[!duplicated(n_long), ][[paste0("covariate.", i)]])
newdata_smooth_mean[, paste0("covariate.", i) := rep(mean_use, nrow(newdata_smooth_mean))]
mean_pred_smooth <- list()
mean_pred_smooth$predict <- predict(gam1, newdata = newdata_smooth, type = "iterms")
mean_pred_smooth$predict_mean <- predict(gam1, newdata = newdata_smooth_mean, type = "iterms")
mean_pred_smooth$newdata <- newdata_smooth
mean_pred_smooth <- NA
newdat <- data.frame(t = my_grid)
mean_pred <- predict(gam1, newdata = newdat)
mean_pred_smooth <- NA
# construct estimated mean on original data points
eta_hat <- fitted(gam1)
# center y
y_tilde <- curve_info$y_vec-eta_hat
y_tilde <- rep(NA, length = nrow(curve_info))
intercept <- NA
mean_pred <- NA
# Output
results[["y_tilde"]] <- y_tilde
results[["intercept"]] <- intercept
results[["mean_pred"]] <- mean_pred
results[["mean_pred_smooth"]] <- mean_pred_smooth
# save model object
# if specified
if(save_model_mean == TRUE){
results[["gam_object"]] <- gam1
gam1 <- NULL