/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* This file contains functions that are no longer used in this version of CitcomS. To reduce compilation time and maintenance effort, these functions are removed from its original location to here. */ /*************************************************************************/ /* from Parallel_related.c */ /*************************************************************************/ void parallel_process_initilization(E,argc,argv) struct All_variables *E; int argc; char **argv; { E->parallel.me = 0; E->parallel.nproc = 1; E->parallel.me_loc[1] = 0; E->parallel.me_loc[2] = 0; E->parallel.me_loc[3] = 0; /* MPI_Init(&argc,&argv); moved to main{} in Citcom.c, CPC 6/16/00 */ MPI_Comm_rank(E->parallel.world, &(E->parallel.me) ); MPI_Comm_size(E->parallel.world, &(E->parallel.nproc) ); return; } /* get numerical grid coordinates for each relevant processor */ void parallel_domain_decomp2(E,GX) struct All_variables *E; float *GX[4]; { return; } void scatter_to_nlayer_id (E,AUi,AUo,lev) struct All_variables *E; double **AUi,**AUo; int lev; { int i,j,k,k1,m,node1,node,eqn1,eqn,d; const int dims = E->mesh.nsd; static double *SD; static int been_here=0; static int *processors,rootid,nproc,NOZ; MPI_Status status; if (E->parallel.nprocz==1) { if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"scatter_to_nlayer should not be called\n"); return; } if (been_here==0) { NOZ = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]*E->parallel.nprocz + 1; processors = (int *)malloc((E->parallel.nprocz+2)*sizeof(int)); SD = (double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[lev])*sizeof(double)); rootid = E->parallel.me_sph*E->parallel.nprocz; /* which is the bottom cpu */ nproc = 0; for (j=0;jparallel.nprocz;j++) { d = rootid + j; processors[nproc] = d; nproc ++; } been_here++; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { if (E->parallel.me==rootid) for (d=0;dparallel.nprocz;d++) { for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.NOZ[lev];k++) { k1 = k + d*E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.NOY[lev];j++) for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NOX[lev];i++) { node = k + (i-1)*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev] + (j-1)*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; node1= k1+ (i-1)*NOZ + (j-1)*NOZ*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; SD[dims*(node-1)] = AUi[m][dims*(node1-1)]; SD[dims*(node-1)+1] = AUi[m][dims*(node1-1)+1]; SD[dims*(node-1)+2] = AUi[m][dims*(node1-1)+2]; } } if (processors[d]!=rootid) { MPI_Send(SD,E->lmesh.NEQ[lev],MPI_DOUBLE,processors[d],rootid,E->parallel.world); } else for (i=0;ilmesh.NEQ[lev];i++) AUo[m][i] = SD[i]; } else MPI_Recv(AUo[m],E->lmesh.NEQ[lev],MPI_DOUBLE,rootid,rootid,E->parallel.world,&status); } return; } void gather_to_1layer_id (E,AUi,AUo,lev) struct All_variables *E; double **AUi,**AUo; int lev; { int i,j,k,k1,m,node1,node,eqn1,eqn,d; const int dims = E->mesh.nsd; MPI_Status status; static double *RV; static int been_here=0; static int *processors,rootid,nproc,NOZ; if (E->parallel.nprocz==1) { if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"gather_to_1layer should not be called\n"); return; } if (been_here==0) { NOZ = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]*E->parallel.nprocz + 1; processors = (int *)malloc((E->parallel.nprocz+2)*sizeof(int)); RV = (double *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEQ[lev])*sizeof(double)); rootid = E->parallel.me_sph*E->parallel.nprocz; /* which is the bottom cpu */ nproc = 0; for (j=0;jparallel.nprocz;j++) { d = rootid + j; processors[nproc] = d; nproc ++; } been_here++; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { if (E->parallel.me!=rootid) MPI_Send(AUi[m],E->lmesh.NEQ[lev],MPI_DOUBLE,rootid,E->parallel.me,E->parallel.world); else for (d=0;dparallel.nprocz;d++) { if (processors[d]!=rootid) MPI_Recv(RV,E->lmesh.NEQ[lev],MPI_DOUBLE,processors[d],processors[d],E->parallel.world,&status); else for (node=0;nodelmesh.NEQ[lev];node++) RV[node] = AUi[m][node]; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.NOZ[lev];k++) { k1 = k + d*E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.NOY[lev];j++) for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NOX[lev];i++) { node = k + (i-1)*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev] + (j-1)*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; node1 = k1 + (i-1)*NOZ + (j-1)*NOZ*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; AUo[m][dims*(node1-1)] = RV[dims*(node-1)]; AUo[m][dims*(node1-1)+1] = RV[dims*(node-1)+1]; AUo[m][dims*(node1-1)+2] = RV[dims*(node-1)+2]; } } } } return; } void gather_to_1layer_node (E,AUi,AUo,lev) struct All_variables *E; float **AUi,**AUo; int lev; { int i,j,k,k1,m,node1,node,d; MPI_Status status; static float *RV; static int been_here=0; static int *processors,rootid,nproc,NOZ,NNO; if (E->parallel.nprocz==1) { if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"gather_to_1layer should not be called\n"); return; } if (been_here==0) { NOZ = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]*E->parallel.nprocz + 1; NNO = NOZ*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]*E->lmesh.NOY[lev]; processors = (int *)malloc((E->parallel.nprocz+2)*sizeof(int)); RV = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.NNO[lev]+2)*sizeof(float)); rootid = E->parallel.me_sph*E->parallel.nprocz; /* which is the bottom cpu */ nproc = 0; for (j=0;jparallel.nprocz;j++) { d = rootid + j; processors[nproc] = d; nproc ++; } been_here++; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { if (E->parallel.me!=rootid) { MPI_Send(AUi[m],E->lmesh.NNO[lev]+1,MPI_FLOAT,rootid,E->parallel.me,E->parallel.world); for (node=1;node<=NNO;node++) AUo[m][node] = 1.0; } else for (d=0;dparallel.nprocz;d++) { if (processors[d]!=rootid) MPI_Recv(RV,E->lmesh.NNO[lev]+1,MPI_FLOAT,processors[d],processors[d],E->parallel.world,&status); else for (node=1;node<=E->lmesh.NNO[lev];node++) RV[node] = AUi[m][node]; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.NOZ[lev];k++) { k1 = k + d*E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.NOY[lev];j++) for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.NOX[lev];i++) { node = k + (i-1)*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev] + (j-1)*E->lmesh.NOZ[lev]*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; node1 = k1 + (i-1)*NOZ + (j-1)*NOZ*E->lmesh.NOX[lev]; AUo[m][node1] = RV[node]; } } } } return; } void gather_to_1layer_ele (E,AUi,AUo,lev) struct All_variables *E; float **AUi,**AUo; int lev; { int i,j,k,k1,m,e,d,e1; MPI_Status status; static float *RV; static int been_here=0; static int *processors,rootid,nproc,NOZ,NNO; if (E->parallel.nprocz==1) { if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"gather_to_1layer should not be called\n"); return; } if (been_here==0) { NOZ = E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]*E->parallel.nprocz; NNO = NOZ*E->lmesh.ELX[lev]*E->lmesh.ELY[lev]; processors = (int *)malloc((E->parallel.nprocz+2)*sizeof(int)); RV = (float *)malloc((E->lmesh.NEL[lev]+2)*sizeof(float)); rootid = E->parallel.me_sph*E->parallel.nprocz; /* which is the bottom cpu */ nproc = 0; for (j=0;jparallel.nprocz;j++) { d = rootid + j; processors[nproc] = d; nproc ++; } been_here++; } for (m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { if (E->parallel.me!=rootid) { MPI_Send(AUi[m],E->lmesh.NEL[lev]+1,MPI_FLOAT,rootid,E->parallel.me,E->parallel.world); for (e=1;e<=NNO;e++) AUo[m][e] = 1.0; } else for (d=0;dparallel.nprocz;d++) { if (processors[d]!=rootid) MPI_Recv(RV,E->lmesh.NEL[lev]+1,MPI_FLOAT,processors[d],processors[d],E->parallel.world,&status); else for (e=1;e<=E->lmesh.NEL[lev];e++) RV[e] = AUi[m][e]; for (k=1;k<=E->lmesh.ELZ[lev];k++) { k1 = k + d*E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]; for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.ELY[lev];j++) for (i=1;i<=E->lmesh.ELX[lev];i++) { e = k + (i-1)*E->lmesh.ELZ[lev] + (j-1)*E->lmesh.ELZ[lev]*E->lmesh.ELX[lev]; e1 = k1 + (i-1)*NOZ + (j-1)*NOZ*E->lmesh.ELX[lev]; AUo[m][e1] = RV[e]; } } } } return; } void gather_TG_to_me0(E,TG) struct All_variables *E; float *TG; { int i,j,nsl,idb,to_everyone,from_proc,mst,me; static float *RG[20]; static int been_here=0; const float e_16=1.e-16; MPI_Status status[100]; MPI_Status status1; MPI_Request request[100]; if (E->parallel.nprocxy==1) return; nsl = E->sphere.nsf+1; me = E->parallel.me; if (been_here==0) { been_here++; for (i=1;iparallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) RG[i] = ( float *)malloc((E->sphere.nsf+1)*sizeof(float)); } idb=0; for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) { to_everyone = E->parallel.nprocz*(i-1) + E->parallel.me_loc[3]; if (me!=to_everyone) { /* send TG */ idb++; mst = me; MPI_Isend(TG,nsl,MPI_FLOAT,to_everyone,mst,E->parallel.world,&request[idb-1]); } } idb=0; for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) { from_proc = E->parallel.nprocz*(i-1) + E->parallel.me_loc[3]; if (me!=from_proc) { /* me==0 receive all TG and add them up */ mst = from_proc; idb++; MPI_Irecv(RG[idb],nsl,MPI_FLOAT,from_proc,mst,E->parallel.world,&request[idb-1]); } } MPI_Waitall(idb,request,status); for (i=1;iparallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.nsf; j++) { if (fabs(TG[j]) < e_16) TG[j] += RG[i][j]; } return; } void sum_across_depth_sph(E,sphc,sphs,dest_proc) struct All_variables *E; int dest_proc; float *sphc,*sphs; { int jumpp,i,j,nsl,idb,to_proc,from_proc,mst,me; float *RG,*TG; MPI_Status status[100]; MPI_Status status1; MPI_Request request[100]; if (E->parallel.nprocz==1) return; jumpp = E->sphere.hindice; nsl = E->sphere.hindice*2; me = E->parallel.me; TG = ( float *)malloc(nsl*sizeof(float)); if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==dest_proc) RG = ( float *)malloc(nsl*sizeof(float)); for (i=0;isphere.hindice;i++) { TG[i] = sphc[i]; TG[i+jumpp] = sphs[i]; } if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]!=dest_proc) { /* send TG */ to_proc = E->parallel.me_sph*E->parallel.nprocz+E->parallel.nprocz-1; mst = me; MPI_Send(TG,nsl,MPI_FLOAT,to_proc,mst,E->parallel.world); } parallel_process_sync(E); if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==dest_proc) { for (i=1;iparallel.nprocz;i++) { from_proc = me - i; mst = from_proc; MPI_Recv(RG,nsl,MPI_FLOAT,from_proc,mst,E->parallel.world,&status1); for (j=0;jsphere.hindice;j++) { sphc[j] += RG[j]; sphs[j] += RG[j+jumpp]; } } } free((void *) TG); if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==dest_proc) free((void *) RG); return; } void sum_across_surf_sph(E,TG,loc_proc) struct All_variables *E; int loc_proc; float *TG; { int i,j,nsl,idb,to_everyone,from_proc,mst,me; float *RG[20]; MPI_Status status[100]; MPI_Status status1; MPI_Request request[100]; if (E->parallel.nprocxy==1) return; nsl = E->sphere.hindice*2; me = E->parallel.me; for (i=1;iparallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) RG[i] = ( float *)malloc(nsl*sizeof(float)); idb=0; for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) { to_everyone = E->parallel.nprocz*(i-1) + loc_proc; if (me!=to_everyone) { /* send TG */ idb++; mst = me; MPI_Isend(TG,nsl,MPI_FLOAT,to_everyone,mst,E->parallel.world,&request[idb-1]); } } idb=0; for (i=1;i<=E->parallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) { from_proc = E->parallel.nprocz*(i-1) + loc_proc; if (me!=from_proc) { /* me==0 receive all TG and add them up */ mst = from_proc; idb++; MPI_Irecv(RG[idb],nsl,MPI_FLOAT,from_proc,mst,E->parallel.world,&request[idb-1]); } } MPI_Waitall(idb,request,status); for (i=1;iparallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) for (j=0;jparallel.nprocxy*E->parallel.surf_proc_per_cap;i++) free((void *) RG[i]); return; } void set_communication_sphereh(E) struct All_variables *E; { int i; i = cases[E->sphere.caps_per_proc]; E->parallel.nproc_sph[1] = incases3[i].xy[0]; E->parallel.nproc_sph[2] = incases3[i].xy[1]; E->sphere.lelx = E->sphere.elx/E->parallel.nproc_sph[1]; E->sphere.lely = E->sphere.ely/E->parallel.nproc_sph[2]; E->sphere.lsnel = E->sphere.lely*E->sphere.lelx; E->sphere.lnox = E->sphere.lelx + 1; E->sphere.lnoy = E->sphere.lely + 1; E->sphere.lnsf = E->sphere.lnox*E->sphere.lnoy; for (i=0;i<=E->parallel.nprocz-1;i++) if (E->parallel.me_loc[3] == i) { E->parallel.me_sph = (E->parallel.me-i)/E->parallel.nprocz; E->parallel.me_loc_sph[1] = E->parallel.me_sph%E->parallel.nproc_sph[1]; E->parallel.me_loc_sph[2] = E->parallel.me_sph/E->parallel.nproc_sph[1]; } E->sphere.lexs = E->sphere.lelx * E->parallel.me_loc_sph[1]; E->sphere.leys = E->sphere.lely * E->parallel.me_loc_sph[2]; return; } /*************************************************************************/ /* from Process_buoyancy.c */ /*************************************************************************/ void process_temp_field(E,ii) struct All_variables *E; int ii; { void heat_flux(); void output_temp(); void process_output_field(); int record_h; record_h = E->control.record_every; if ( (ii == 0) || ((ii % record_h) == 0) || E->control.DIRECTII) { heat_flux(E); parallel_process_sync(E); /* output_temp(E,ii); */ } if ( ((ii == 0) || ((ii % E->control.record_every) == 0)) || E->control.DIRECTII) { process_output_field(E,ii); } return; } /*************************************************************************/ /* from Output.h */ /*************************************************************************/ void output_velo_related(E,file_number) struct All_variables *E; int file_number; { int el,els,i,j,k,ii,m,node,fd; int s,nox,noz,noy,size1,size2,size3; char output_file[255]; FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3,*fp4,*fp5,*fp6,*fp7,*fp8; /* static float *SV,*EV; */ /* float *VE[NCS],*VIN[NCS],*VN[NCS]; */ static int been_here=0; int lev = E->mesh.levmax; void get_surface_velo (); void get_ele_visc (); void visc_from_ele_to_gint(); void visc_from_gint_to_nodes(); const int nno = E->lmesh.nno; const int nsd = E->mesh.nsd; const int vpts = vpoints[nsd]; if (been_here==0) { /* ii = E->lmesh.nsf; */ /* m = (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==0)?ii:0; */ /* SV = (float *) malloc ((2*m+2)*sizeof(float)); */ /* size2 = (E->lmesh.nel+1)*sizeof(float); */ /* use the line from the original CitcomS */ sprintf(output_file,"%s.coord.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me); fp1=fopen(output_file,"w"); if (fp1 == NULL) { fprintf(E->fp,"(Output.c #1) Cannot open %s\n",output_file); exit(8); } for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { fprintf(fp1,"%3d %7d\n",j,E->lmesh.nno); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) fprintf(fp1,"%.3e %.3e %.3e\n",E->sx[j][1][i],E->sx[j][2][i],E->sx[j][3][i]); } fclose(fp1); been_here++; } sprintf(output_file,"%s.visc.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,file_number); fp1=fopen(output_file,"w"); for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { fprintf(fp1,"%3d %7d\n",j,E->lmesh.nno); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) fprintf(fp1,"%.3e\n",E->VI[lev][j][i]); } fclose(fp1); sprintf(output_file,"%s.velo.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,file_number); fp1=fopen(output_file,"w"); fprintf(fp1,"%d %d %.5e\n",file_number,E->lmesh.nno,E->monitor.elapsed_time); for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { fprintf(fp1,"%3d %7d\n",j,E->lmesh.nno); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) fprintf(fp1,"%.6e %.6e %.6e %.6e\n",E->sphere.cap[j].V[1][i],E->sphere.cap[j].V[2][i],E->sphere.cap[j].V[3][i],E->T[j][i]); /* for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) fprintf(fp1,"%.6e\n",E->T[j][i]); */ } fclose(fp1); if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1) { sprintf(output_file,"%s.surf.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,file_number); fp2=fopen(output_file,"w"); for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { fprintf(fp2,"%3d %7d\n",j,E->lmesh.nsf); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++) { s = i*E->lmesh.noz; fprintf(fp2,"%.4e %.4e %.4e %.4e\n",E->slice.tpg[j][i],E->slice.shflux[j][i],E->sphere.cap[j].V[1][s],E->sphere.cap[j].V[2][s]); } } fclose(fp2); } if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==0) { sprintf(output_file,"%s.botm.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,file_number); fp2=fopen(output_file,"w"); for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { fprintf(fp2,"%3d %7d\n",j,E->lmesh.nsf); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++) { s = (i-1)*E->lmesh.noz + 1; fprintf(fp2,"%.4e %.4e %.4e %.4e\n",E->slice.tpgb[j][i],E->slice.bhflux[j][i],E->sphere.cap[j].V[1][s],E->sphere.cap[j].V[2][s]); } } fclose(fp2); } /* remove horizontal average output by Tan2 Mar. 1 2002 */ /* if (E->parallel.meparallel.nprocz) { */ /* sprintf(output_file,"%s.ave_r.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,file_number); */ /* fp2=fopen(output_file,"w"); */ /* for(j=1;j<=E->lmesh.noz;j++) { */ /* fprintf(fp2,"%.4e %.4e %.4e %.4e\n",E->sx[1][3][j],E->Have.T[j],E->Have.V[1][j],E->Have.V[2][j]); */ /* } */ /* fclose(fp2); */ /* } */ return; } void output_temp(E,file_number) struct All_variables *E; int file_number; { int m,nno,i,j,fd; static int *temp1; static int been_here=0; static int size2,size1; char output_file[255]; return; } void output_stress(E,file_number,SXX,SYY,SZZ,SXY,SXZ,SZY) struct All_variables *E; int file_number; float *SXX,*SYY,*SZZ,*SXY,*SXZ,*SZY; { int i,j,k,ii,m,fd,size2; int nox,noz,noy; char output_file[255]; size2= (E->lmesh.nno+1)*sizeof(float); sprintf(output_file,"%s.%05d.SZZ",E->control.data_file,file_number); fd=open(output_file,O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0644); write(fd,SZZ,size2); close (fd); return; } void print_field_spectral_regular(E,TG,sphc,sphs,proc_loc,filen) struct All_variables *E; float *TG,*sphc,*sphs; int proc_loc; char * filen; { FILE *fp,*fp1; char output_file[255]; int i,node,j,ll,mm; float minx,maxx,t,f,rad; rad = 180.0/M_PI; maxx=-1.e26; minx=1.e26; if (E->parallel.me==proc_loc) { sprintf(output_file,"%s.%s_intp",E->control.data_file,filen); fp=fopen(output_file,"w"); for (i=E->sphere.nox;i>=1;i--) for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.noy;j++) { node = i + (j-1)*E->sphere.nox; t = 90-E->sphere.sx[1][node]*rad; f = E->sphere.sx[2][node]*rad; fprintf (fp,"%.3e %.3e %.4e\n",f,t,TG[node]); if(TG[node]>maxx)maxx=TG[node]; if(TG[node]fp,"lmaxx=%.4e lminx=%.4e for %s\n",maxx,minx,filen); fclose(fp); sprintf(output_file,"%s.%s_sharm",E->control.data_file,filen); fp1=fopen(output_file,"w"); fprintf(fp1,"lmaxx=%.4e lminx=%.4e for %s\n",maxx,minx,filen); fprintf(fp1," ll mm cos sin \n"); for (ll=0;ll<=E->output.llmax;ll++) for(mm=0;mm<=ll;mm++) { i = E->sphere.hindex[ll][mm]; fprintf(fp1,"%3d %3d %.4e %.4e \n",ll,mm,sphc[i],sphs[i]); } fclose(fp1); } return; } /*************************************************************************/ /* from Full_tracer_advection.c */ /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* This function writes the radial distribution of tracers */ /* (horizontally averaged) */ void write_radial_horizontal_averages(E) struct All_variables *E; { char output_file[200]; int j; int kk; double halfpoint; double *reltrac[13]; static int been_here=0; void return_horiz_ave(); void return_elementwise_horiz_ave(); FILE *fp2; if (been_here==0) { E->trace.Have_C=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.noz+2)*sizeof(double)); E->trace.Havel_tracers=(double *)malloc((E->lmesh.elz+2)*sizeof(double)); } /* Tracers */ /* first, change from int to double */ for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { reltrac[j]=(double *) malloc((E->lmesh.nel+1)*sizeof(double)); for (kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.nel;kk++) { reltrac[j][kk]=(1.0*E->composition.ieltrac[j][kk]); } } return_elementwise_horiz_ave(E,reltrac,E->trace.Havel_tracers); for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { free(reltrac[j]); } if (E->parallel.meparallel.nprocz) { sprintf(output_file,"%s.ave_tracers.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,E->monitor.solution_cycles); fp2=fopen(output_file,"w"); for(kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.elz;kk++) { halfpoint=0.5*(E->sx[1][3][kk+1]+E->sx[1][3][kk]); fprintf(fp2,"%.4e %.4e\n",halfpoint,E->trace.Havel_tracers[kk]); } fclose(fp2); } /* Composition */ if (E->composition.chemical_buoyancy==1) { return_horiz_ave(E,E->composition.comp_node,E->trace.Have_C); if (E->parallel.meparallel.nprocz) { sprintf(output_file,"%s.ave_c.%d.%d",E->control.data_file,E->parallel.me,E->monitor.solution_cycles); fp2=fopen(output_file,"w"); for(kk=1;kk<=E->lmesh.noz;kk++) { fprintf(fp2,"%.4e %.4e\n",E->sx[1][3][kk],E->trace.Have_C[kk]); } fclose(fp2); } } been_here++; return; } /****** ICHECK REGULAR NEIGHBORS *****************************/ /* */ /* This function searches the regular element neighborhood. */ /* This function is no longer used! */ int icheck_regular_neighbors(E,j,ntheta,nphi,x,y,z,theta,phi,rad) struct All_variables *E; int j,ntheta,nphi; double x,y,z; double theta,phi,rad; { int new_ntheta,new_nphi; int kk,pp; int iregel; int ival; int imap[5]; int ichoice; int irange; int iquick_element_column_search(); fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"ERROR(icheck_regular_neighbors)-this subroutine is no longer used !\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); irange=2; for (kk=-irange;kk<=irange;kk++) { for (pp=-irange;pp<=irange;pp++) { new_ntheta=ntheta+kk; new_nphi=nphi+pp; if ( (new_ntheta>0)&&(new_ntheta<=E->trace.numtheta[j])&&(new_nphi>0)&&(new_nphi<=E->trace.numphi[j]) ) { iregel=new_ntheta+(new_nphi-1)*E->trace.numtheta[j]; if ((iregel>0) && (iregel<=E->trace.numregel[j])) { ival=iquick_element_column_search(E,j,iregel,new_ntheta,new_nphi,x,y,z,theta,phi,rad,imap,&ichoice); if (ival>0) return ival; } } } } return -99; } /****** IQUICK ELEMENT SEARCH *****************************/ /* */ /* This function does a quick regular to real element */ /* map check. Element number, if found, is returned. */ /* Otherwise, -99 is returned. */ /* Pointers to imap and ichoice are used because they may */ /* prove to be convenient. */ /* This routine is no longer used */ int iquick_element_column_search(E,j,iregel,ntheta,nphi,x,y,z,theta,phi,rad,imap,ich) struct All_variables *E; int j,iregel; int ntheta,nphi; double x,y,z,theta,phi,rad; int *imap; int *ich; { int iregnode[5]; int kk,pp; int nel,ival; int ichoice; int icount; int itemp1; int itemp2; int icheck_element_column(); fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"ERROR(iquick element)-this routine is no longer used!\n"); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); /* REMOVE*/ /* ichoice=*ich; fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"AA: ichoice: %d\n",ichoice); fflush(E->trace.fpt); */ /* find regular nodes on regular element */ /* iregnode[1]=iregel+(nphi-1); iregnode[2]=iregel+nphi; iregnode[3]=iregel+nphi+E->trace.numtheta[j]+1; iregnode[4]=iregel+nphi+E->trace.numtheta[j]; */ itemp1=iregel+nphi; itemp2=itemp1+E->trace.numtheta[j]; iregnode[1]=itemp1-1; iregnode[2]=itemp1; iregnode[3]=itemp2+1; iregnode[4]=itemp2; for (kk=1;kk<=4;kk++) { if ((iregnode[kk]<1) || (iregnode[kk]>E->trace.numregnodes[j]) ) { fprintf(E->trace.fpt,"ERROR(iquick)-weird regnode %d\n",iregnode[kk]); fflush(E->trace.fpt); exit(10); } } /* find number of choices */ ichoice=0; icount=0; for (kk=1;kk<=4;kk++) { if (E->trace.regnodetoel[j][iregnode[kk]]<=0) goto next_corner; icount++; for (pp=1;pp<=(kk-1);pp++) { if (E->trace.regnodetoel[j][iregnode[kk]]==E->trace.regnodetoel[j][iregnode[pp]]) goto next_corner; } ichoice++; imap[ichoice]=E->trace.regnodetoel[j][iregnode[kk]]; next_corner: ; } /* end kk */ *ich=ichoice; /* statistical counter */ E->trace.istat_ichoice[j][ichoice]++; if (ichoice==0) return -99; /* Here, no check is performed if all 4 corners */ /* lie within a given element. */ /* It may be possible (not sure) but unlikely */ /* that the tracer is still not in that element */ /* Decided to comment this out. */ /* May not be valid for large regular grids. */ /* */ /* AKMA */ if ((ichoice==1)&&(icount==4)) return imap[1]; /* check others */ for (kk=1;kk<=ichoice;kk++) { nel=imap[kk]; ival=icheck_element_column(E,j,nel,x,y,z,rad); if (ival>0) return nel; } /* if still here, no element was found */ return -99; } /*************************************************************************/ /* from */ /*************************************************************************/