# Copyright 2017 the GPflow authors. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import numpy as np import pytest from numpy.testing import assert_allclose import gpflow from gpflow.features import InducingPoints from gpflow.mean_functions import Zero, Linear, Constant, SwitchedMeanFunction, Additive, Product from gpflow.util import default_int rng = np.random.RandomState(99021) class Datum: input_dim, output_dim = 3, 2 N, Ntest, M = 20, 30, 10 _mean_functions = [ Zero(), Linear(A=rng.randn(Datum.input_dim, Datum.output_dim), b=rng.randn(Datum.output_dim, 1).reshape(-1)), Constant(c=rng.randn(Datum.output_dim, 1).reshape(-1)) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_function_1', _mean_functions) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_function_2', _mean_functions) @pytest.mark.parametrize('operation', ['+', 'x']) def test_mean_functions_output_shape(mean_function_1, mean_function_2, operation): """ Test the output shape for basic and compositional mean functions, also check that the combination of mean functions returns the correct class """ X = np.random.randn(Datum.N, Datum.input_dim) Y = mean_function_1(X) # basic output shape check assert Y.shape in [(Datum.N, Datum.output_dim), (Datum.N, 1)] # composed mean function output shape check if operation == '+': mean_composed = mean_function_1 + mean_function_2 elif operation == 'x': mean_composed = mean_function_1 * mean_function_2 else: raise(NotImplementedError) Y_composed = mean_composed(X) assert Y_composed.shape in [(Datum.N, Datum.output_dim), (Datum.N, 1)] @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_function_1', _mean_functions) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_function_2', _mean_functions) @pytest.mark.parametrize('operation', ['+', 'x']) def test_mean_functions_composite_type(mean_function_1, mean_function_2, operation): if operation == '+': mean_composed = mean_function_1 + mean_function_2 assert isinstance(mean_composed, Additive) elif operation == 'x': mean_composed = mean_function_1 * mean_function_2 assert isinstance(mean_composed, Product) else: raise(NotImplementedError) _linear_functions = [ Linear(A=rng.randn(Datum.input_dim, Datum.output_dim), b=rng.randn(Datum.output_dim, 1).reshape(-1)) for _ in range(3)] # Append inverse of first Linear mean function in _linear_functions _linear_functions.append(Linear(A=-1. * _linear_functions[0].A, b=-1. * _linear_functions[0].b)) _constant_functions = [Constant(c=rng.randn(Datum.output_dim, 1).reshape(-1)) for _ in range(3)] # Append inverse of first Constant mean function in _constant_functions _constant_functions.append(Constant(c=-1. * _constant_functions[0].c)) def _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function): return gpflow.models.GPR(X, Y, mean_function=mean_function, kernel=gpflow.kernels.Bias(Datum.input_dim)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_functions', [_linear_functions, _constant_functions]) def test_mean_functions_distributive_property(mean_functions): """ Tests that distributive property of addition and multiplication holds for mean functions (both Constant and Linear): A * (B + C) = A * B + A * C """ X, Y = rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.input_dim), rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.output_dim) Xtest = rng.randn(30, Datum.input_dim) A, B, C = mean_functions[0], mean_functions[1], mean_functions[2] lhs = Product(A, Additive(B, C)) # A * (B + C) rhs = Additive(Product(A, B), Product(A, C)) # A * B + A * C model_lhs = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=lhs) model_rhs = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=rhs) mu_lhs, var_lhs = model_lhs.predict_f(Xtest) mu_rhs, var_rhs = model_rhs.predict_f(Xtest) assert_allclose(mu_lhs, mu_rhs) assert_allclose(var_lhs, var_rhs) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_functions', [_linear_functions, _constant_functions]) def test_mean_functions_A_minus_A_equals_zero(mean_functions): """ Tests that the addition the inverse of a mean function to itself is equivalent to having a Zero mean function: A + (-A) = 0 """ X, Y = rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.input_dim), rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.output_dim) Xtest = rng.randn(30, Datum.input_dim) A, A_inverse = mean_functions[0], mean_functions[-1] lhs = Additive(A, A_inverse) # A + (-A) rhs = Zero() # 0 model_lhs = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=lhs) model_rhs = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=rhs) mu_lhs, var_lhs = model_lhs.predict_f(Xtest) mu_rhs, var_rhs = model_rhs.predict_f(Xtest) assert_allclose(mu_lhs, mu_rhs) assert_allclose(var_lhs, var_rhs) @pytest.mark.parametrize('mean_functions', [_linear_functions]) def test_linear_mean_functions_associative_property(mean_functions): """ Tests that associative property of addition holds for linear mean functions: A + (B + (-A)) = B = (A + B) + (-A) """ X, Y = rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.input_dim), rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.output_dim) Xtest = rng.randn(30, Datum.input_dim) A, B, A_inverse = mean_functions[0], mean_functions[1], mean_functions[-1] lhs = Additive(A, Additive(B, A_inverse)) # A + (B + (-A)) rhs = Additive(Additive(A, B), A_inverse) # (A + B) + (-A) model_lhs = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=lhs) model_b = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=B) model_rhs = _create_GPR_model_with_bias(X, Y, mean_function=rhs) mu_lhs, var_lhs = model_lhs.predict_f(Xtest) mu_b, var_b = model_b.predict_f(Xtest) mu_rhs, var_rhs = model_rhs.predict_f(Xtest) assert_allclose(mu_lhs, mu_b) assert_allclose(var_lhs, var_b) assert_allclose(mu_b, mu_rhs) assert_allclose(var_b, var_rhs) @pytest.mark.parametrize('N, D', [[10, 3]]) def test_switched_mean_function(N, D): """ Test for the SwitchedMeanFunction. """ X = np.hstack([rng.randn(N, D), 1.0 * rng.randint(0, 2, N).reshape(-1, 1)]) zeros, ones = Constant(np.zeros(1)), Constant(np.ones(1)) switched_mean = SwitchedMeanFunction([zeros, ones]) np_list = np.array([0., 1.]) result_ref = (np_list[X[:, D].astype(default_int())]).reshape(-1, 1) result = switched_mean(X) assert_allclose(result, result_ref) def test_bug_277_regression(): """ See github issue #277. This is a regression test. """ model1, model2 = Linear(), Linear() assert model1.b.numpy() == model2.b.numpy() model2.b.assign([1.]) assert not model1.b.numpy() == model2.b.numpy() # TODO: (@sergio.pasc) finish tests below once GP models are ready for TF2.0 _model_classes = [ gpflow.models.GPR, # gpflow.models.SGPR, # gpflow.models.GPRFITC, gpflow.models.SVGP, # gpflow.models.VGP(X, Y, mean_function=mf(), kern=k(), likelihood=lik()), # gpflow.models.VGP(X, Y, mean_function=mf(), kern=k(), likelihood=lik()), # gpflow.models.GPMC(X, Y, mean_function=mf(), kern=k(), likelihood=lik()), # gpflow.models.SGPMC(X, Y, mean_function=mf(), kern=k(), likelihood=lik(), Z=Z) ] @pytest.mark.parametrize('model_class', _model_classes) def test_models_with_mean_functions_changes(model_class): """ Simply check that all models have a higher prediction with a constant mean function than with a zero mean function. For compositions of mean functions check that multiplication/ addition of a constant results in a higher prediction, whereas addition of zero/ mutliplication with one does not. """ X, Y = rng.randn(Datum.N, Datum.input_dim), rng.randn(Datum.N, 1) Xtest = rng.randn(Datum.Ntest, Datum.input_dim) features = InducingPoints(Z=rng.randn(Datum.M, Datum.input_dim)) kernel = gpflow.kernels.Matern32() likelihood = gpflow.likelihoods.Gaussian() zero_mean = Zero() non_zero_mean = Constant(c=np.ones(1) * 10) if model_class in [gpflow.models.GPR]: model_zero_mean = model_class(X, Y, kernel=kernel, mean_function=zero_mean) model_non_zero_mean = model_class(X, Y, kernel=kernel, mean_function=non_zero_mean) elif model_class in [gpflow.models.SVGP]: model_zero_mean = model_class(kernel=kernel, likelihood=likelihood, feature=features, mean_function=zero_mean) model_non_zero_mean = model_class(kernel=kernel, likelihood=likelihood, feature=features, mean_function=non_zero_mean) else: raise(NotImplementedError) mu_zero, var_zero = model_zero_mean.predict_f(Xtest) mu_non_zero, var_non_zero = model_non_zero_mean.predict_f(Xtest) # predictive variance remains unchanged after modifying mean function assert np.all(var_zero.numpy() == var_non_zero.numpy()) # predictive mean changes after modifying mean function assert not np.all(mu_zero.numpy() == mu_non_zero.numpy())