Tip revision: 86968509e38902580b04a25786c5a58ba2777b21 authored by Antonio Fernandez-Guerra on 28 February 2022, 14:31:29 UTC
Merge pull request #6 from functional-dark-side/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3
Merge pull request #6 from functional-dark-side/dependabot/bundler/nokogiri-1.13.3
Tip revision: 8696850
layout: page
title: Table of contents
We implemented a bioinformatics workflow (Agnostos) to structure and explore the large pool of genes with unknown functions found in microbial genomes and metagenomes. We used a protein domain-based approach to partition more than 400 million predicted genes from 1,628 metagenomes and ~29 genomes into different categories of gene clusters of known and unknown functions.
<img alt="workflow.png" src="img/workflow.png" width="750" height="" >
<a name="wrkfl"></a>_Agnostos workflow different modules_
The AGNOSTOS WORKFLOW can be found [HERE](
The methods (included all the scripts/code) and results for each module are documented. Below you can find the links to the different reports:
<h3 class="section-heading text-primary">Workflow steps</h3>
- [1. Gene prediction](2_Gene_prediction)
- [2. MMseqs clustering](3_MMseqs_clustering)
- [3. Pfam annotations](4_Pfam_annotation)
- [4. Cluster validation](5_Cluster_validation)
- [5. Cluster refinement](6_Cluster_refinement)
- [6. Cluster classification in categories](7_Cluster_classification)
- [7. Known-Unknown cluster category refinement](8_Known-Unknown_refinement)
- [8. Cluster communities inference](9_Cluster_communities)
**Main analyses and results:**
- [**Cluster and communities overview**](17.1_Cluster_and_communities_overview)
- [**Coverage of external databases**](10_Coverage_external_DBs)
- [**EUs in MAGs**](11_EUs_MAGs)
- [**GTDB genomes integration**](12_GTDB_genome_integration)
- [**Environmental analyses**](13_Environmental_analyses)
- [**Phylogenomic analyses**](14_Phylogenomic_analyses)
- [**TARA ocean OM-RGC-v.2 integration**](15_Tara_Ocean_OMRGCv2)
- [**Mutant phenotypes**](16_Mutant_phenotypes)
- [**Results in numbers**](17_Cluster_DB_numbers)
- [**Workflow (usage)**](Workflow)