Raw File
import ast
import asyncio
import builtins
import dis
import gc
import inspect
import itertools
import re
import string
import sys
import time
import unittest
import warnings
from array import array
from collections import UserDict
from compiler.consts import CO_SHADOW_FRAME, CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED
from compiler.pycodegen import PythonCodeGenerator
from compiler.static import StaticCodeGenerator
from compiler.static.compiler import Compiler
from compiler.static.types import (
from copy import deepcopy
from io import StringIO
from os import path
from types import ModuleType
from typing import Optional, TypeVar
from unittest import skipIf
from unittest.mock import patch

import cinder
import xxclassloader
from __static__ import (
from cinder import StrictModule

from .common import StaticTestBase, add_fixed_module

    import cinderjit
except ImportError:
    cinderjit = None

RICHARDS_PATH = path.join(

    "cbool": TYPED_BOOL,
    "int8": TYPED_INT8,
    "int16": TYPED_INT16,
    "int32": TYPED_INT32,
    "int64": TYPED_INT64,
    "uint8": TYPED_UINT8,
    "uint16": TYPED_UINT16,
    "uint32": TYPED_UINT32,
    "uint64": TYPED_UINT64,

def type_mismatch(from_type: str, to_type: str) -> str:
    return re.escape(f"type mismatch: {from_type} cannot be assigned to {to_type}")

def bad_ret_type(from_type: str, to_type: str) -> str:
    return re.escape(f"return type must be {to_type}, not {from_type}")

def optional(type: str) -> str:
    return f"Optional[{type}]"

def init_xxclassloader():
    codestr = """
        from typing import Generic, TypeVar, _tp_cache
        from __static__ import set_type_static
        # Setup a test for typing
        T = TypeVar('T')
        U = TypeVar('U')

        class XXGeneric(Generic[T, U]):
            d = {}

            def foo(self, t: T, u: U) -> str:
                return str(t) + str(u)

            def __class_getitem__(cls, elem_type):
                if elem_type in XXGeneric.d:
                    return XXGeneric.d[elem_type]

                XXGeneric.d[elem_type] = type(
                    f"XXGeneric[{elem_type[0].__name__}, {elem_type[1].__name__}]",
                    (object, ),
                        "foo": XXGeneric.foo,
                return XXGeneric.d[elem_type]

    comp = Compiler(StaticCodeGenerator)
    # We have to explicitly add_module before compile because we are doing
    # something odd here and compiling a module name that is already present
    # in the compiler's symbol table, so compile will skip decl visit.
    tree = ast.parse(inspect.cleandoc(codestr))
    tree = comp.add_module("xxclassloader", "", tree, optimize=0)
    code = comp.compile("xxclassloader", "", tree, optimize=0)
    d = {"<builtins>": builtins.__dict__}
    exec(code, d, d)

    xxclassloader.XXGeneric = d["XXGeneric"]

class StaticCompilationTests(StaticTestBase):
    def setUpClass(cls):

    def tearDownClass(cls):
        del xxclassloader.XXGeneric

    def test_static_import_unknown(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import does_not_exist
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_static_import_star(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import *
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_reveal_type(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int):
                reveal_type(x or None)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"reveal_type\(x or None\): 'Optional\[int\]'",

    def test_reveal_type_local(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int | None):
                if x is not None:
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"reveal_type\(x\): 'int', 'x' has declared type 'Optional\[int\]' and local type 'int'",

    def test_redefine_local_type(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            class C: pass
            class D: pass

            def f():
                x: C = C()
                x: D = D()
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_unannotated_assign_does_not_declare_type(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            def f(flag):
                x = None
                if flag:
                    x = "foo"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"'x' has declared type 'dynamic' and local type 'Optional\[str\]'",

    def test_unannotated_assign_no_later_declare(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            def f(flag):
                x = None
                if flag:
                    x: str = "foo"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, r"Cannot redefine local variable x"

    def test_mixed_chain_assign(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            class C: pass
            class D: pass

            def f():
                x: C = C()
                y: D = D()
                x = y = D()
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("foo.D", "foo.C")):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_multiple_dynamic_base_class(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
        from something import A, B
        class C(A, B):
            def __init__(self):

    def test_bool_cast(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cast
            class D: pass

            def f(x) -> bool:
                y: bool = cast(bool, x)
                return y
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_typing_overload(self) -> None:
        """Typing overloads are ignored, don't cause member name conflict."""
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional, overload

            class C:
                def foo(self, x: int) -> int:

                def foo(self, x: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
                    return x

            def f(x: int) -> Optional[int]:
                return C().foo(x)
        self.assertReturns(codestr, "Optional[int]")

    def test_typing_overload_toplevel(self) -> None:
        """Typing overloads are ignored, don't cause member name conflict."""
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional, overload

            def bar(x: int) -> int:

            def bar(x: Optional[int]) -> Optional[int]:
                return x

            def f(x: int) -> Optional[int]:
                return bar(x)
        self.assertReturns(codestr, "Optional[int]")

    def test_duplicate_function_replaces_class(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            class X: pass
            def X(): pass
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "function conflicts with other member X in <module>"

    def test_duplicate_function_replaces_function(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            def f(): pass
            def f(): pass
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "function 'function <module>.f' conflicts with other member",

    @skipIf(cinderjit is None, "not jitting")
    def test_deep_attr_chain(self):
        """this shouldn't explode exponentially"""
        codestr = """
        def f(x):
            return x.x.x.x.x.x.x


        class C:
            def __init__(self):
                self.x = self

        orig_bind_attr = Object.bind_attr
        call_count = 0

        def bind_attr(*args):
            nonlocal call_count
            call_count += 1
            return orig_bind_attr(*args)

        with patch("compiler.static.types.Object.bind_attr", bind_attr):
            with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                f = mod.f
                x = C()
                self.assertEqual(f(x), x)
                # Initially this would be 63 when we were double visiting
                self.assertLess(call_count, 10)

    @skipIf(cinderjit is None, "not jitting")
    def test_shadow_frame(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__.compiler_flags import shadow_frame

        def f():
            return 456
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertTrue(f.__code__.co_flags & CO_SHADOW_FRAME)
            self.assertEqual(f(), 456)

    @skipIf(cinderjit is None, "not jitting")
    def test_shadow_frame_generator(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__.compiler_flags import shadow_frame

        def g():
            for i in range(10):
                yield i
        def f():
            return list(g())
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertTrue(f.__code__.co_flags & CO_SHADOW_FRAME)
            self.assertEqual(f(), list(range(10)))

    def test_exact_invoke_function(self):
        codestr = """
            def f() -> str:
                return ", ".join(['1','2','3'])
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
                f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("builtins", "str", "join"), 2)

    def test_multiply_list_exact_by_int(self):
        codestr = """
            def f() -> int:
                l = [1, 2, 3] * 2
                return len(l)
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), 6)

    def test_multiply_list_exact_by_int_reverse(self):
        codestr = """
            def f() -> int:
                l = 2 * [1, 2, 3]
                return len(l)
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), 6)

    def test_int_bad_assign(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[str]", "int64")
            code = self.compile(
            from __static__ import ssize_t
            def f():
                x: ssize_t = 'abc'

    def test_sign_extend(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int16, int64, box
            def testfunc():
                x: int16 = -40
                y: int64 = x
                return box(y)
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), -40)

    def test_field_size(self):
        for type in [
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box
                class C{type}:
                    def __init__(self):
                        self.a: {type} = 1
                        self.b: {type} = 1

                def testfunc(c: C{type}):
                    c.a = 2
                    c.b = 3
                    return box(c.a + c.b)
            with self.subTest(type=type):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    C = getattr(mod, "C" + type)
                    f = mod.testfunc
                    self.assertEqual(f(C()), 5)

    def test_field_sign_ext(self):
        """tests that we do the correct sign extension when loading from a field"""
        for type, val in [
            ("int32", 65537),
            ("int16", 256),
            ("int8", 0x7F),
            ("uint32", 65537),
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box
                class C{type}:
                    def __init__(self):
                        self.value: {type} = {val}

                def testfunc(c: C{type}):
                    return box(c.value)
            with self.subTest(type=type, val=val):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    C = getattr(mod, "C" + type)
                    f = mod.testfunc
                    self.assertEqual(f(C()), val)

    def test_field_unsign_ext(self):
        """tests that we do the correct sign extension when loading from a field"""
        for type, val, test in [("uint32", 65537, -1)]:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, int64, box
                class C{type}:
                    def __init__(self):
                        self.value: {type} = {val}

                def testfunc(c: C{type}):
                    z: int64 = {test}
                    if c.value < z:
                        return True
                    return False
            with self.subTest(type=type, val=val, test=test):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    C = getattr(mod, "C" + type)
                    f = mod.testfunc
                    self.assertEqual(f(C()), False)

    def test_field_sign_compare(self):
        for type, val, test in [("int32", -1, -1)]:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box
                class C{type}:
                    def __init__(self):
                        self.value: {type} = {val}

                def testfunc(c: C{type}):
                    if c.value == {test}:
                        return True
                    return False
            with self.subTest(type=type, val=val, test=test):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    C = getattr(mod, "C" + type)
                    f = mod.testfunc

    def test_field_verifies_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64

        class C:
            def __init__(self):
                self.x: int64 = 1

        def f():
            return [C().x]

        self.type_error(codestr, "type mismatch: int64 cannot be assigned to dynamic")

    def test_vector_verifies_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64, Vector

        def f():
            x = Vector[int64]()
            return [x[0]]

        self.type_error(codestr, "type mismatch: int64 cannot be assigned to dynamic")

    def test_clen_verifies_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64, clen

        def f():
            return [clen([1])]

        self.type_error(codestr, "type mismatch: int64 cannot be assigned to dynamic")

    def test_or_verifies_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import cbool

        def f():
            x: cbool = False
            y: cbool = True
            return [x or y]

        self.type_error(codestr, "type mismatch: cbool cannot be assigned to dynamic")

    def test_ifexp_verifies_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64, clen, cbool

        def f(c):
            x: int64 = 1
            y: int64 = 2
            return [x if c else y]

        self.type_error(codestr, "type mismatch: int64 cannot be assigned to dynamic")

    def test_mixed_cmpop_sign(self):

        """mixed signed/unsigned ops should be promoted to signed"""
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, uint8, box
            def testfunc(tst=False):
                x: uint8 = 42
                y: int8 = 2
                if tst:
                    x += 1
                    y += 1

                if x < y:
                    return True
                return False
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_OP", PRIM_OP_LT_INT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), False)

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, uint8, box
            def testfunc(tst=False):
                x: int8 = 42
                y: uint8 = 2
                if tst:
                    x += 1
                    y += 1

                if x < y:
                    return True
                return False
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_OP", PRIM_OP_LT_INT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), False)

    def test_store_signed_to_unsigned(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, uint8, uint64, box
            def testfunc(tst=False):
                x: uint8 = 42
                y: int8 = 2
                x = y
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("int8", "uint8")):

    def test_store_unsigned_to_signed(self):
        """promote int/uint to int, can't add to uint64"""

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, uint8, uint64, box
            def testfunc(tst=False):
                x: uint8 = 42
                y: int8 = 2
                y = x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("uint8", "int8")):

    def test_mixed_assign_larger(self):
        """promote int/uint to int16"""

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, uint8, int16, box
            def testfunc(tst=False):
                x: uint8 = 42
                y: int8 = 2
                z: int16 = x + y

                return box(z)
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), 44)

    def test_mixed_assign_larger_2(self):
        """promote int/uint to int16"""

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, uint8, int16, box
            def testfunc(tst=False):
                x: uint8 = 42
                y: int8 = 2
                z: int16
                z = x + y

                return box(z)
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), 44)

    @skipIf(True, "this isn't implemented yet")
    def test_unwind(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int32
            def raises():
                raise IndexError()

            def testfunc():
                x: int32 = 1

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

    def test_int_constant_range(self):
        for type, val, low, high in [
            ("int8", 128, -128, 127),
            ("int8", -129, -128, 127),
            ("int16", 32768, -32768, 32767),
            ("int16", -32769, -32768, 32767),
            ("int32", 2147483648, -2147483648, 2147483647),
            ("int32", -2147483649, -2147483648, 2147483647),
            ("int64", 9223372036854775808, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807),
            ("int64", -9223372036854775809, -9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807),
            ("uint8", 257, 0, 255),
            ("uint8", -1, 0, 255),
            ("uint16", 65537, 0, 65535),
            ("uint16", -1, 0, 65535),
            ("uint32", 4294967297, 0, 4294967295),
            ("uint32", -1, 0, 4294967295),
            ("uint64", 18446744073709551617, 0, 18446744073709551615),
            ("uint64", -1, 0, 18446744073709551615),
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}
                def testfunc(tst):
                    x: {type} = {val}
            with self.subTest(type=type, val=val, low=low, high=high):
                with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                    f"type mismatch: Literal\\[{val}\\] cannot be assigned to {type}",

    def test_int_assign_float(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: int8 = 1.0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[float]", "int")

    def test_int_assign_str_constant(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: int8 = 'abc' + 'def'
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[str]", "int8")

    def test_int_large_int_constant(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: int64 = 0x7FFFFFFF + 1
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (0x80000000, TYPED_INT64))

    def test_int_int_constant(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: int64 = 0x7FFFFFFE + 1
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (0x7FFFFFFF, TYPED_INT64))

    def test_int_add_mixed_64(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import uint64, int64, box
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: uint64 = 0
                y: int64 = 1
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                    y = y + 2

                return box(x + y)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot add uint64 and int64"):

    def test_int_overflow_add(self):
        tests = [
            ("int8", 100, 100, -56),
            ("int16", 200, 200, 400),
            ("int32", 200, 200, 400),
            ("int64", 200, 200, 400),
            ("int16", 20000, 20000, -25536),
            ("int32", 40000, 40000, 80000),
            ("int64", 40000, 40000, 80000),
            ("int32", 2000000000, 2000000000, -294967296),
            ("int64", 2000000000, 2000000000, 4000000000),
            ("int8", 127, 127, -2),
            ("int16", 32767, 32767, -2),
            ("int32", 2147483647, 2147483647, -2),
            ("int64", 9223372036854775807, 9223372036854775807, -2),
            ("uint8", 200, 200, 144),
            ("uint16", 200, 200, 400),
            ("uint32", 200, 200, 400),
            ("uint64", 200, 200, 400),
            ("uint16", 40000, 40000, 14464),
            ("uint32", 40000, 40000, 80000),
            ("uint64", 40000, 40000, 80000),
            ("uint32", 2000000000, 2000000000, 4000000000),
            ("uint64", 2000000000, 2000000000, 4000000000),
            ("uint8", 1 << 7, 1 << 7, 0),
            ("uint16", 1 << 15, 1 << 15, 0),
            ("uint32", 1 << 31, 1 << 31, 0),
            ("uint64", 1 << 63, 1 << 63, 0),
            ("uint8", 1 << 6, 1 << 6, 128),
            ("uint16", 1 << 14, 1 << 14, 32768),
            ("uint32", 1 << 30, 1 << 30, 2147483648),
            ("uint64", 1 << 62, 1 << 62, 9223372036854775808),

        for type, x, y, res in tests:
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import {type}, box
            def f():
                x: {type} = {x}
                y: {type} = {y}
                z: {type} = x + y
                return box(z)
            with self.subTest(type=type, x=x, y=y, res=res):
                code = self.compile(codestr)
                f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
                self.assertEqual(f(), res, f"{type} {x} {y} {res}")

    def test_int_unary(self):
        tests = [
            ("int8", "-", 1, -1),
            ("uint8", "-", 1, (1 << 8) - 1),
            ("int16", "-", 1, -1),
            ("int16", "-", 256, -256),
            ("uint16", "-", 1, (1 << 16) - 1),
            ("int32", "-", 1, -1),
            ("int32", "-", 65536, -65536),
            ("uint32", "-", 1, (1 << 32) - 1),
            ("int64", "-", 1, -1),
            ("int64", "-", 1 << 32, -(1 << 32)),
            ("uint64", "-", 1, (1 << 64) - 1),
            ("int8", "~", 1, -2),
            ("uint8", "~", 1, (1 << 8) - 2),
            ("int16", "~", 1, -2),
            ("uint16", "~", 1, (1 << 16) - 2),
            ("int32", "~", 1, -2),
            ("uint32", "~", 1, (1 << 32) - 2),
            ("int64", "~", 1, -2),
            ("uint64", "~", 1, (1 << 64) - 2),
        for type, op, x, res in tests:
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import {type}, box
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: {type} = {x}
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                x = {op}x
                return box(x)
            with self.subTest(type=type, op=op, x=x, res=res):
                code = self.compile(codestr)
                f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
                self.assertEqual(f(False), res, f"{type} {op} {x} {res}")

    def test_double_unary(self):
        tests = [
            ("-", 1.0, -1.0),
            ("+", 1.0, 1.0),
            ("-", -1.0, 1.0),
        for op, x, res in tests:
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import double, box
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: double = {x}
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                x = {op}x
                return box(x)
            with self.subTest(type=type, op=op, x=x, res=res):
                f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
                self.assertEqual(f(False), res, f"{type} {op} {x} {res}")

    def test_double_unary_unsupported(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import double, box
        def testfunc(tst):
            x: double = 1.0
            if tst:
                x = x + 1
            x = ~x
            return box(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "Cannot invert/not a double"):

    def test_int_compare(self):
        tests = [
            ("int8", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int8", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int8", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int8", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int8", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("int8", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("int8", -1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int8", -1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int8", -1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int8", -1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int8", 2, -1, "<", False),
            ("int8", 2, -1, "<=", False),
            ("uint8", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("uint8", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint8", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("uint8", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("uint8", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("uint8", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("uint8", 255, 2, "==", False),
            ("uint8", 255, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint8", 255, 2, "<", False),
            ("uint8", 255, 2, "<=", False),
            ("uint8", 2, 255, "<", True),
            ("uint8", 2, 255, "<=", True),
            ("int16", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int16", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int16", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int16", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int16", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("int16", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("int16", -1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int16", -1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int16", -1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int16", -1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int16", 2, -1, "<", False),
            ("int16", 2, -1, "<=", False),
            ("uint16", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("uint16", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint16", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("uint16", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("uint16", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("uint16", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("uint16", 65535, 2, "==", False),
            ("uint16", 65535, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint16", 65535, 2, "<", False),
            ("uint16", 65535, 2, "<=", False),
            ("uint16", 2, 65535, "<", True),
            ("uint16", 2, 65535, "<=", True),
            ("int32", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int32", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int32", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int32", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int32", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("int32", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("int32", -1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int32", -1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int32", -1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int32", -1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int32", 2, -1, "<", False),
            ("int32", 2, -1, "<=", False),
            ("uint32", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("uint32", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint32", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("uint32", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("uint32", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("uint32", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("uint32", 4294967295, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint32", 4294967295, 2, "<", False),
            ("uint32", 4294967295, 2, "<=", False),
            ("uint32", 2, 4294967295, "<", True),
            ("uint32", 2, 4294967295, "<=", True),
            ("int64", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int64", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int64", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int64", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int64", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("int64", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("int64", -1, 2, "==", False),
            ("int64", -1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("int64", -1, 2, "<", True),
            ("int64", -1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("int64", 2, -1, "<", False),
            ("int64", 2, -1, "<=", False),
            ("uint64", 1, 2, "==", False),
            ("uint64", 1, 2, "!=", True),
            ("uint64", 1, 2, "<", True),
            ("uint64", 1, 2, "<=", True),
            ("uint64", 2, 1, "<", False),
            ("uint64", 2, 1, "<=", False),
            ("int64", 2, -1, ">", True),
            ("uint64", 2, 18446744073709551615, ">", False),
            ("int64", 2, -1, "<", False),
            ("uint64", 2, 18446744073709551615, "<", True),
            ("int64", 2, -1, ">=", True),
            ("uint64", 2, 18446744073709551615, ">=", False),
            ("int64", 2, -1, "<=", False),
            ("uint64", 2, 18446744073709551615, "<=", True),
        for type, x, y, op, res in tests:
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import {type}, box
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: {type} = {x}
                y: {type} = {y}
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                    y = y + 2

                if x {op} y:
                    return True
                return False
            with self.subTest(type=type, x=x, y=y, op=op, res=res):
                code = self.compile(codestr)
                f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
                self.assertEqual(f(False), res, f"{type} {x} {op} {y} {res}")

    def test_int_compare_unboxed(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import ssize_t, unbox
        def testfunc(x, y):
            x1: ssize_t = unbox(x)
            y1: ssize_t = unbox(y)

            if x1 > y1:
                return True
            return False
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")
        self.assertEqual(f(1, 2), False)

    def test_int_compare_mixed(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box, ssize_t
        x = 1

        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            j = 0
            while box(i < 100) and x:
                i = i + 1
                j = j + 1
            return j

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 100)

    def test_int_unbox_from_call(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import int64
        def foo() -> int:
            return 1234

        def testfunc() -> int64:
            return int64(foo())
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1234)

    def test_int_compare_or(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box, ssize_t

        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            j = i > 2 or i < -2
            return box(j)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "JUMP_IF_NONZERO_OR_POP")
            self.assertIs(f(), False)

    def test_int_compare_and(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box, ssize_t

        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            j = i > 2 and i > 3
            return box(j)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "JUMP_IF_ZERO_OR_POP")
            self.assertIs(f(), False)

    def test_double_compare(self):
        tests = [
            (1.0, 2.0, "==", False),
            (1.0, 2.0, "!=", True),
            (1.0, 2.0, "<", True),
            (1.0, 2.0, "<=", True),
            (2.0, 1.0, "<", False),
            (2.0, 1.0, "<=", False),
        for x, y, op, res in tests:
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import double, box
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: double = {x}
                y: double = {y}
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                    y = y + 2

                if x {op} y:
                    return True
                return False
            with self.subTest(type=type, x=x, y=y, op=op, res=res):
                f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
                self.assertEqual(f(False), res, f"{type} {x} {op} {y} {res}")

    def test_double_compare_with_literal(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import double
        def testfunc(x: float) -> bool:
            y = double(x)
            if y > 3.14:
                return True
            return False
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc

    def test_double_compare_with_integer_literal(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import double
        def testfunc(x: float) -> bool:
            y = double(x)
            if y > 3:
                return True
            return False
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, re.escape("can't compare double to Literal[3]")

    def test_double_mixed_compare(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double, box, unbox
        def f(a):
            x: double = 0
            while x != a:
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "can't compare double to dynamic"

    def test_double_mixed_compare_reverse(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double, box, unbox
        def f(a):
            x: double = 0
            while a > x:
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "can't compare double to dynamic"

    def test_disallow_prim_nonprim_union(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int32

            def f(y: int):
                x: int32 = 2
                z = x or y
                return z
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"invalid union type Union\[int32, int\]; unions cannot include primitive types",

    def test_int_compare_mixed_sign(self):
        tests = [
            ("uint16", 10000, "int16", -1, "<", False),
            ("uint16", 10000, "int16", -1, "<=", False),
            ("int16", -1, "uint16", 10000, ">", False),
            ("int16", -1, "uint16", 10000, ">=", False),
            ("uint32", 10000, "int16", -1, "<", False),
        for type1, x, type2, y, op, res in tests:
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import {type1}, {type2}, box
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: {type1} = {x}
                y: {type2} = {y}
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                    y = y + 2

                if x {op} y:
                    return True
                return False
            with self.subTest(type1=type1, x=x, type2=type2, y=y, op=op, res=res):
                code = self.compile(codestr)
                f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
                self.assertEqual(f(False), res, f"{type} {x} {op} {y} {res}")

    def test_int_compare64_mixed_sign(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import uint64, int64
            def testfunc(tst):
                x: uint64 = 0
                y: int64 = 1
                if tst:
                    x = x + 1
                    y = y + 2

                if x < y:
                    return True
                return False
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):

    def test_compile_method(self):
        code = self.compile(
            from __static__ import ssize_t
            def f():
                x: ssize_t = 42

        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (42, TYPED_INT64))

    def test_mixed_compare(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box, unbox
        def f(a):
            x: ssize_t = 0
            while x != a:
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "can't compare int64 to dynamic"):

    def test_unbox(self):
        for size, val in [
            ("int8", 126),
            ("int8", -128),
            ("int16", 32766),
            ("int16", -32768),
            ("int32", 2147483646),
            ("int32", -2147483648),
            ("int64", 9223372036854775806),
            ("int64", -9223372036854775808),
            ("uint8", 254),
            ("uint16", 65534),
            ("uint32", 4294967294),
            ("uint64", 18446744073709551614),
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import {size}, box, unbox
            def f(x):
                y: {size} = unbox(x)
                y = y + 1
                return box(y)

            code = self.compile(codestr)
            f = self.find_code(code)
            f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
            self.assertEqual(f(val), val + 1)

    def test_double_unbox(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import double, box, unbox
        def fn(x, y):
            a: double = unbox(x)
            b: double = unbox(y)
            return box(a + b)

        f = self.run_code(codestr)["fn"]
        x = 3.14
        y = 1.732
        self.assertEqual(f(x, y), x + y)

    def test_double_unbox_using_double(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import double, box

            def f():
                x = 1.2
                y = double(x)
                return box(y + 1.0)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 2.2)

    def test_int_loop_inplace(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def f():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            while i < 100:
                i += 1
            return box(i)

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 100)

    def test_int_loop(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            while i < 100:
                i = i + 1
            return box(i)

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)

        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 100)

        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (0, TYPED_INT64))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_LOCAL", (0, ("__static__", "int64")))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_OP", PRIM_OP_LT_INT)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")

    def test_int_assert(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            assert i == 0, "hello there"

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_NONZERO")

        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), None)

    def test_int_assert_raises(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            assert i != 0, "hello there"

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_NONZERO")

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
            self.assertEqual(f(), None)

    def test_int_loop_reversed(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            while 100 > i:
                i = i + 1
            return box(i)

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 100)

        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (0, TYPED_INT64))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_LOCAL", (0, ("__static__", "int64")))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_OP", PRIM_OP_GT_INT)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")

    def test_int_loop_chained(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def testfunc():
            i: ssize_t = 0
            while -1 < i < 100:
                i = i + 1
            return box(i)

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 100)

        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (0, TYPED_INT64))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_LOCAL", (0, ("__static__", "int64")))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_OP", PRIM_OP_LT_INT)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")

    def test_compare_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        class C: pass
        class D(C): pass

        x = C() > D()
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "COMPARE_OP")

    def test_compat_int_math(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def f():
            x: ssize_t = 42
            z: ssize_t = 1 + x
            return box(z)

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (42, TYPED_INT64))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_LOCAL", (0, ("__static__", "int64")))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 43)

    def test_unbox_long(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import unbox, int64
        def f():
            x:int64 = unbox(1)


    def test_unbox_str(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import unbox, int64
        def f():
            x:int64 = unbox('abc')

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "expected 'int', got 'str'"):

    def test_unbox_typed(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64, box
        def f(i: object):
            x = int64(i)
            return box(x)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(42), 42)
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_UNBOX")
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "expected 'int', got 'str'"):
                self.assertEqual(f("abc"), 42)

    def test_unbox_typed_bool(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64, box
        def f(i: object):
            x = int64(i)
            return box(x)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(42), 42)
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_UNBOX")
            self.assertEqual(f(True), 1)
            self.assertEqual(f(False), 0)

    def test_unbox_cbool(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import cbool, box
        def f(i: object):
            x = cbool(i)
            return box(x)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_UNBOX")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "bool"))
            self.assertEqual(f(True), True)
            self.assertEqual(f(False), False)
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                self.assertEqual(f(42), True)

    def test_unbox_cbool_typed(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import cbool, box
        def f(i: bool):
            x = cbool(i)
            return box(x)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(True), True)
            self.assertEqual(f(False), False)
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_UNBOX")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "bool"))

    def test_unbox_cbool_typed_unsupported(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import cbool, box
        def f(i: int):
            x = cbool(i)
            return box(x)

        self.type_error(codestr, "type mismatch: int cannot be assigned to cbool")

    def test_box_cbool_to_bool(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import final
            from __static__ import cbool

            def foo() -> bool:
                b: cbool = True
                return bool(b)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertInBytecode(mod.foo, "PRIMITIVE_BOX")

    def test_unbox_incompat_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64, box
        def f(i: str):
            x:int64 = int64(i)
            return box(x)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("str", "int64")):

    def test_uninit_value(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box, int64
        def f():
            return box(x)
            x = 0
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 0)

    def test_uninit_value_2(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box, int64
        def testfunc(x):
            if x:
                y:int64 = 42
            return box(y)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["testfunc"]
        self.assertEqual(f(False), 0)

    def test_bad_box(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "can't box non-primitive: Exact\\[str\\]"

    def test_bad_unbox(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import unbox, int64
        def f():
            x:int64 = 42

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_bad_box_2(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box
        box('abc', 'foo')

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "box only accepts a single argument"

    def test_bad_unbox_2(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import unbox, int64
        def f():
            x:int64 = 42
            unbox(x, y)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "unbox only accepts a single argument"

    def test_int_reassign(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import ssize_t, box
        def f():
            x: ssize_t = 42
            z: ssize_t = 1 + x
            x = 100
            x = x + x
            return box(z)

        code = self.compile(codestr)
        f = self.find_code(code)
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (42, TYPED_INT64))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_LOCAL", (0, ("__static__", "int64")))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", PRIM_OP_ADD_INT)
        f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
        self.assertEqual(f(), 43)

    def test_assign_to_object(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():
            x: object
            x = None
            x = 1
            x = 'abc'
            x = []
            x = {}
            x = {1, 2}
            x = ()
            x = 1.0
            x = 1j
            x = b'foo'
            x = int
            x = True
            x = NotImplemented
            x = ...


    def test_global_call_add(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            X = ord(42)
            def f():
                y = X + 1
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_type_binder(self) -> None:
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("42")), "<Literal[42]>")
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("42.0"), FLOAT_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("'abc'"), STR_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("b'abc'"), BYTES_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("3j"), COMPLEX_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("None"), NONE_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("True"), BOOL_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("False"), BOOL_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("..."), ELLIPSIS_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("f''"), STR_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("f'{x}'"), STR_EXACT_TYPE.instance)

        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("a"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("a.b"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("a + b"), DYNAMIC)

        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 + 2")), "<Literal[3]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 - 2")), "<Literal[-1]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 // 2")), "<Literal[0]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 * 2")), "<Literal[2]>")
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("1 / 2"), FLOAT_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 % 2")), "<Literal[1]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 & 2")), "<Literal[0]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 | 2")), "<Literal[3]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 ^ 2")), "<Literal[3]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 << 2")), "<Literal[4]>")
        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("100 >> 2")), "<Literal[25]>")

        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_stmt("x = 1")), "<Literal[1]>")
        # self.assertEqual(self.bind_stmt("x: foo = 1").target.comp_type, DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_stmt("x += 1"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("a or b"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("+a"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("not a"), BOOL_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("lambda: 42"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("a if b else c"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x > y"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x()"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x(y)"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x[y]"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x[1:2]"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x[1:2:3]"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("x[:]"), DYNAMIC)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("{}"), DICT_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("{2:3}"), DICT_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("{1,2}"), SET_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("[]"), LIST_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("[1,2]"), LIST_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("(1,2)"), TUPLE_EXACT_TYPE.instance)

        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("[x for x in y]"), LIST_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("{x for x in y}"), SET_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("{x:y for x in y}"), DICT_EXACT_TYPE.instance)
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("(x for x in y)"), DYNAMIC)

        def body_get(stmt):
            return stmt.body[0].value

            repr(self.bind_stmt("def f(): return 42", getter=body_get)),
        self.assertEqual(self.bind_stmt("def f(): yield 42", getter=body_get), DYNAMIC)
            self.bind_stmt("def f(): yield from x", getter=body_get), DYNAMIC
            self.bind_stmt("async def f(): await x", getter=body_get), DYNAMIC

        self.assertEqual(self.bind_expr("object"), OBJECT_TYPE)

        self.assertEqual(repr(self.bind_expr("1 + 2", optimize=True)), "<Literal[3]>")

    def test_type_attrs(self):
        attrs = TYPE_TYPE.__dict__.keys()
        obj_attrs = OBJECT_TYPE.__dict__.keys()
        self.assertEqual(set(attrs), set(obj_attrs))

    def test_type_exact(self) -> None:
        self.assertIs(LIST_TYPE.exact(), LIST_TYPE)
        self.assertIs(LIST_EXACT_TYPE.exact(), LIST_EXACT_TYPE)

        self.assertIs(LIST_TYPE.exact_type(), LIST_EXACT_TYPE)
        self.assertIs(LIST_EXACT_TYPE.exact_type(), LIST_EXACT_TYPE)

    def test_type_inexact(self) -> None:
        self.assertIs(LIST_TYPE.inexact(), LIST_TYPE)
        self.assertIs(LIST_EXACT_TYPE.inexact(), LIST_EXACT_TYPE)

        self.assertIs(LIST_TYPE.inexact_type(), LIST_TYPE)
        self.assertIs(LIST_EXACT_TYPE.inexact_type(), LIST_TYPE)

    def test_type_is_exact(self) -> None:


    def test_cmpop(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int32
            def f():
                i: int32 = 0
                j: int = 0

                if i == 0:
                    return 0
                if j == 0:
                    return 1
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "PRIMITIVE_COMPARE_OP", 0)
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "COMPARE_OP", "==")

    def test_bind_instance(self) -> None:
        mod, comp = self.bind_module("class C: pass\na: C = C()")
        assign = mod.body[1]
        types = comp.modules["foo"].types
        self.assertEqual(types[assign.target].name, "foo.C")
        self.assertEqual(repr(types[assign.target]), "<foo.C>")

    def test_bind_func_def(self) -> None:
        mod, comp = self.bind_module(
            def f(x: object = None, y: object = None):
        modtable = comp.modules["foo"]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(modtable.children["f"], Function))

    def test_error_starred_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def g(*args):

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return f(*x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "starred expression cannot be primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_after_starred(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def g(*args):

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                y = []
                return g(*y, x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_builtin_method_desc(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return tuple.index((1,2,3), x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_len(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return len(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_sorted(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return sorted(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_isinstance(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return isinstance(x, int)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_issubclass(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return issubclass(x, int)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_primitive_cast(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, cast

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return cast(x, int)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_primitive_defaults(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, box

            def f(a: int64 = 42) -> int64:
                return a

            def g():
                return box(f())
        with self.in_module(code) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)
            self.assertEqual(f(0), 0)

    def test_primitive_defaults_nested_func(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, box

            def g():
                def f(a: int64 = 42) -> int64:
                    return a
                return f
        with self.in_module(code) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertEqual(g()(), 42)

    def test_error_primitive_sorted_kw(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = 0
                return sorted([], key = x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_ann(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                def g(foo: x):
                return g
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "argument annotation cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_starargs_ann(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                def g(*args: x):
                return g
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "argument annotation cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_kwargs_ann(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                def g(**kwargs: x):
                return g
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "argument annotation cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_kwonly_ann(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                def g(*, foo: x = 42):
                return g
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "argument annotation cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_annass_prim_annotation(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                y: x = 2
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "annotation can not be a primitive value"

    def test_assert_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 1
                assert x
        with self.in_module(code) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_NONZERO")

    def test_assert_primitive_msg(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 1
                assert False, x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "assert message cannot be a primitive"

    def test_lambda_ret_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64
            from typing import Final

            X: Final[int] = 42
            def f():
                return lambda: int64(X)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "lambda cannot return primitive value"

    def test_list_slice_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x = [2,3,4]
                y: int64 = 1
                return x[y:2]

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "slice indices cannot be primitives"

        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x = [2,3,4]
                y: int64 = 1
                return x[0:y]

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "slice indices cannot be primitives"

        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x = [2,3,4]
                y: int64 = 1
                return x[0:2:y]

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "slice indices cannot be primitives"

    def test_dict_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 1
                return {x: 42}
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "dict keys cannot be primitives"):

        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 1
                return {42: x}
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "dict keys cannot be primitives"):

        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 1
                return {**x}
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "dict splat cannot be a primitive"

    def test_set_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 1
                return {x}
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "set members cannot be primitives"

    def test_generator_primitive_condition(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = False

            def f(abc):
                return [x for x in abc if cbool(COND)]
        with self.in_module(code) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f.__code__, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")
            self.assertEqual(f([1, 2, 3]), [])

    def test_generator_primitive_iter(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = False

            def f(abc):
                return [x for x in cbool(COND)]
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot iterate over cbool"):

    def test_generator_primitive_element(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = True

            def f(abc):
                return [cbool(COND) for x in abc]
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "generator element cannot be a primitive"

    def test_format_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                return f"{x}"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot use primitive in formatted value"

    def test_subscr_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                return [*x]
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot use primitive in starred expression"

    def test_dict_comp_primitive_element(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = True

            def f(abc):
                return {k:cbool(COND) for k in abc}
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "dictionary comprehension value cannot be a primitive"

        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = True

            def f(abc):
                return {cbool(COND):v for v in abc}
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "dictionary comprehension key cannot be a primitive"

    def test_await_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = True

            async def f(abc):
                await cbool(COND)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot await a primitive value"):

    def test_yield_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = True

            def f(abc):
                yield cbool(COND)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot yield a primitive value"):

    def test_yield_from_primitive(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import cbool
            from typing import Final
            COND: Final[bool] = True

            def f(abc):
                yield from cbool(COND)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot yield from a primitive value"

    def test_error_nested_return_ann(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                def g() -> x:
                return g
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "return annotation cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_prim_decorator(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 0
                def g():
                return g
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "decorator cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_class_prim_decorator(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, unbox
            from typing import Final

            X: Final[int] = 42

            class C: pass
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "decorator cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_class_prim_kwarg(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, unbox
            from typing import Final

            X: Final[int] = 42

            class C(metaclass=int64(X)): pass
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "class kwarg cannot be a primitive"

    def test_error_nested_class_prim_base(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, unbox
            from typing import Final

            X: Final[int] = 42

            class C(int64(X)): pass
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "class base cannot be a primitive"

    def test_unbox_kw_args(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64, unbox

            def f(a):
                x: int64 = unbox(42, x=2)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "unbox\\(\\) takes no keyword arguments"

    def test_len_kw_args(self):
        code = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(a):
                len([], x=2)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "len\\(\\) takes no keyword arguments"

    def test_primitive_invoke(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: int8 = 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot load attribute from int8"

    def test_primitive_call(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: int8 = 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot call int8"):

    def test_primitive_subscr(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: int8 = 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot index int8"):

    def test_primitive_iter(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: int8 = 42
                for a in x:
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "cannot iterate over int8"):

    def test_strict_module(self) -> None:
        code = """
            def f(a):
                x: bool = a
        acomp = self.compile_strict(code)
        x = self.find_code(acomp, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "CAST", ("builtins", "bool"))

    def test_aug_assign(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
        def f(l):
            l[0] += 1
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            l = [1]
            self.assertEqual(l[0], 2)

    def test_strict_module_constant(self) -> None:
        code = """
            def f(a):
                x: bool = a
        acomp = self.compile_strict(code)
        x = self.find_code(acomp, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "CAST", ("builtins", "bool"))

    def test_strict_module_isinstance(self):
        code = """
            from typing import Optional

            def foo(tval: Optional[object]) -> str:
                if isinstance(tval, str):
                    return tval
                return "hi"

    def test_strict_module_mutable(self):
        code = """
            from __strict__ import mutable

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x):
                    self.x = 1
        with self.in_module(code) as mod:
            self.assertInBytecode(mod.C.__init__, "STORE_FIELD")

    def test_cross_module_inheritance(self) -> None:
        acode = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
        bcode = """
            from a import C

            class D(C):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def f(y):
                x: C
                if y:
                    x = D()
                    x = C()
                return x.f()
        bcomp = self.compiler(a=acode, b=bcode).compile_module("b")
        x = self.find_code(bcomp, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("a", "C", "f"), 0))

    def test_annotated_function(self):
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def f(self) -> int:
                return 1

        def x(c: C):
            x = c.f()
            x += c.f()
            return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            c = C()
            self.assertEqual(x(c), 2)

    def test_invoke_new_derived(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

            a = x(C())

            class D(C):
                def f(self):
                    return 2

            b = x(D())

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            a, b = mod.a, mod.b
            self.assertEqual(a, 2)
            self.assertEqual(b, 4)

    def test_vector_nogc(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Vector, int64

            class C:
                foo: Vector[int64]
                def __init__(self):
                    self.foo = Vector[int64]()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            x = C()

    def test_invoke_base_inited(self):
        """when the base class v-table is initialized before a derived
        class we still have a properly initialized v-table for the
        derived type"""

        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42

            X = B().f()

            class D(B):
                def g(self):
                    return 100

            def g(x: D):
                return x.g()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.X, 42)
            d = mod.D()
            self.assertEqual(mod.g(d), 100)

    def test_invoke_explicit_slots(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ()
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

            a = x(C())

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            a = mod.a
            self.assertEqual(a, 2)

    def test_invoke_new_derived_nonfunc(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class Callable:
                def __call__(self_, obj):
                    self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, D))
                    return 42

            class D(C):
                f = Callable()

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)

    def test_invoke_new_derived_nonfunc_slots(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class Callable:
                def __call__(self_, obj):
                    self.assertTrue(isinstance(obj, D))
                    return 42

            class D(C):
                __slots__ = ()
                f = Callable()

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)

    def test_invoke_new_derived_nonfunc_descriptor(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class Callable:
                def __call__(self):
                    return 42

            class Descr:
                def __get__(self, inst, ctx):
                    return Callable()

            class D(C):
                f = Descr()

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)

    def test_invoke_new_derived_nonfunc_data_descriptor(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class Callable:
                def __call__(self):
                    return 42

            class Descr:
                def __get__(self, inst, ctx):
                    return Callable()

                def __set__(self, inst, value):
                    raise ValueError("no way")

            class D(C):
                f = Descr()

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)

    def test_invoke_new_derived_nonfunc_descriptor_inst_override(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class Callable:
                def __call__(self):
                    return 42

            class Descr:
                def __get__(self, inst, ctx):
                    return Callable()

            class D(C):
                f = Descr()

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)
            d.__dict__["f"] = lambda x: 100
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 200)

    def test_invoke_new_derived_nonfunc_descriptor_modified(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class Callable:
                def __call__(self):
                    return 42

            class Descr:
                def __get__(self, inst, ctx):
                    return Callable()

                def __call__(self, arg):
                    return 23

            class D(C):
                f = Descr()

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)
            del Descr.__get__
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 46)

    def test_invoke_dict_override(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)

            class D(C):
                def __init__(self):
                    self.f = lambda: 42

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(x(d), 84)

    def test_invoke_type_modified(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 1

            def x(c: C):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "C", "f"), 0))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x, C = mod.x, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 2)
            C.f = lambda self: 42
            self.assertEqual(x(C()), 84)

    def test_annotated_function_derived(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self) -> int:
                    return 1

            class D(C):
                def f(self) -> int:
                    return 2

            class E(C):

            def x(c: C,):
                x = c.f()
                x += c.f()
                return x

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="test_annotated_function_derived")
        x = self.find_code(code, "x")
            x, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("test_annotated_function_derived", "C", "f"), 0)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x = mod.x
            self.assertEqual(x(mod.C()), 2)
            self.assertEqual(x(mod.D()), 4)
            self.assertEqual(x(mod.E()), 2)

    def test_conversion_narrow_primitive(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int64, Vector, uint8, unbox

            def f(i: int64):
                v = Vector[uint8]([0])
                v[0] = uint8(i if i != -1 else unbox(255))
                return v
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(list(f(42)), [42])

    def test_unknown_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(a):
                x: foo = a
                return x.bar
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

        class C:
            bar = 42

        f = self.run_code(codestr)["f"]
        self.assertEqual(f(C()), 42)

    def test_class_method_invoke(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def __init__(self, value):
                    self.value = value

            class D(B):
                def __init__(self, value):
                    B.__init__(self, value)

                def f(self):
                    return self.value
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

        b_init = self.find_code(self.find_code(code, "B"), "__init__")
        self.assertInBytecode(b_init, "STORE_FIELD", ("foo", "B", "value"))

        f = self.find_code(self.find_code(code, "D"), "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_FIELD", ("foo", "B", "value"))

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            D = mod.D
            d = D(42)
            self.assertEqual(d.f(), 42)

    def test_aug_add(self):
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def __init__(self):
                self.x = 1

        def f(a: C):
            a.x += 1
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        code = self.find_code(code, name="f")
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_FIELD", ("foo", "C", "x"))
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "STORE_FIELD", ("foo", "C", "x"))

    def test_untyped_attr(self):
        codestr = """
        y = x.load
        x.store = 42
        del x.delete
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "LOAD_ATTR", "load")
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "STORE_ATTR", "store")
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "DELETE_ATTR", "delete")

    def test_incompat_override_method_ret_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self) -> str:
                    return "hello"

            class B(A):
                def m(self) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Returned type `int` is not a subtype of the overridden return `str`",

    def test_incompat_override_method_num_args(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, x: int) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. Number of arguments differ",

    def test_incompat_override_method_arg_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self, x: str) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, x: int) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Parameter x of type `int` is not a subtype of the overridden parameter `str`",

    def test_incompat_override_method_arg_name(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self, x: str) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, y: str) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Positional argument 2 named `x` is overridden as `y`",

    def test_incompat_override_method_starargs(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, *args) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Functions differ by including \\*args",

    def test_incompat_override_method_num_kwonly_args(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, *, x: int) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. Number of arguments differ",

    def test_incompat_override_method_kwonly_name(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self, *, y: int) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, *, x: int) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. Keyword only argument `y` is overridden as `x`",

    def test_incompat_override_method_kwonly_mismatch(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self, x: str) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, *, x: str) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. `x` differs by keyword only vs positional",

    def test_incompat_override_method_starkwargs(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, **args) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Functions differ by including \\*\\*kwargs",

    def test_incompat_override_method_arg_type_okay(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(self, x: str) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(self, x: object) -> int:
                    return 0

    def test_incompat_override_init_okay(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def __init__(self) -> None:

            class B(A):
                def __init__(self, x: int) -> None:

            def f(x: A):
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            # calling __init__ directly shouldn't use INVOKE_METHOD
            # as we allow users to override this inconsistently
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD")

    def test_incompat_override(self):
        codestr = """
        class C:
            x: int

        class D(C):
            def x(self): pass
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_redefine_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C: pass
            class D: pass

            def f(a):
                x: C = C()
                x: D = D()
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_optional_error(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                x: Optional["C"]
                def __init__(self, set):
                    if set:
                        self.x = self
                        self.x = None

                def f(self) -> Optional["C"]:
                    return self.x.x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            re.escape("Optional[foo.C]: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'x'"),
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_optional_subscript_error(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(a: Optional[int]):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            re.escape("Optional[int]: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable"),

    def test_optional_unary_error(self) -> None:
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(a: Optional[int]):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            re.escape("Optional[int]: bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'"),

    def test_optional_assign(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def f(self, x: Optional["C"]):
                    if x is None:
                        return self
                        p: Optional["C"] = x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_nonoptional_load(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def __init__(self, y: int):
                    self.y = y

            def f(c: C) -> int:
                return c.y
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_FIELD", ("foo", "C", "y"))

    def test_optional_assign_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def f(x: D):
                a: Optional[B] = x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_optional_assign_subclass_opt(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def f(x: Optional[D]):
                a: Optional[B] = x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_optional_assign_none(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class B: pass

            def f(x: Optional[B]):
                a: Optional[B] = None
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_error_return_int(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, bad_ret_type("int64", "dynamic")):
            code = self.compile(
                from __static__ import ssize_t
                def f():
                    y: ssize_t = 1
                    return y

    def test_error_mixed_math(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            code = self.compile(
                from __static__ import ssize_t
                def f():
                    y = 1
                    x: ssize_t = 42 + y

    def test_error_incompat_return(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            code = self.compile(
                class D: pass
                class C:
                    def __init__(self):
                        self.x = None

                    def f(self) -> "C":
                        return D()

    def test_cast(self):
        for code_gen in (StaticCodeGenerator, PythonCodeGenerator):
            codestr = """
                from __static__ import cast
                class C:

                a = C()

                def f() -> C:
                    return cast(C, a)
            code = self.compile(codestr, code_gen)
            f = self.find_code(code, "f")
            if code_gen is StaticCodeGenerator:
                self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("<module>", "C"))
            with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=code_gen) as mod:
                C = mod.C
                f = mod.f
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(f(), C))

    def test_cast_fail(self):
        for code_gen in (StaticCodeGenerator, PythonCodeGenerator):
            codestr = """
                from __static__ import cast
                class C:

                def f() -> C:
                    return cast(C, 42)
            code = self.compile(codestr, code_gen)
            f = self.find_code(code, "f")
            if code_gen is StaticCodeGenerator:
                self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("<module>", "C"))
            with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                    f = mod.f

    def test_cast_wrong_args(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cast
            def f():
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):

    def test_cast_unknown_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cast
            def f():
                cast(abc, 42)
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):

    def test_cast_optional(self):
        for code_gen in (StaticCodeGenerator, PythonCodeGenerator):
            codestr = """
                from __static__ import cast
                from typing import Optional

                class C:

                def f(x) -> Optional[C]:
                    return cast(Optional[C], x)
            code = self.compile(codestr, code_gen)
            f = self.find_code(code, "f")
            if code_gen is StaticCodeGenerator:
                self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("<module>", "C", "?"))
            with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=code_gen) as mod:
                C = mod.C
                f = mod.f
                self.assertTrue(isinstance(f(C()), C))
                self.assertEqual(f(None), None)

    def test_code_flags(self):
        codestr = """
        def func():

        module = self.compile(codestr)
        self.assertTrue(module.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.find_code(module, name="func").co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED

    def test_invoke_kws(self):
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def f(self, a):
                return a

        def func():
            a = C()
            return a.f(a=2)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
            self.assertEqual(f(), 2)

    def test_invoke_str_method(self):
        codestr = """
        def func():
            a = 'a b c'
            return a.split()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
                f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("builtins", "str", "split"), 1)
            self.assertEqual(f(), ["a", "b", "c"])

    def test_invoke_str_method_arg(self):
        codestr = """
        def func():
            a = 'a b c'
            return a.split('a')

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
                f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("builtins", "str", "split"), 2)
            self.assertEqual(f(), ["", " b c"])

    def test_invoke_str_method_kwarg(self):
        codestr = """
        def func():
            a = 'a b c'
            return a.split(sep='a')

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD")
            self.assertEqual(f(), ["", " b c"])

    def test_invoke_int_method(self):
        codestr = """
        def func():
            a = 42
            return a.bit_length()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
                f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("builtins", "int", "bit_length"), 1)
            self.assertEqual(f(), 6)

    def test_invoke_chkdict_method(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import CheckedDict
        def dict_maker() -> CheckedDict[int, int]:
            return CheckedDict[int, int]({2:2})
        def func():
            a = dict_maker()
            return a.keys()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func

                        (("builtins", "int"), ("builtins", "int")),
            self.assertEqual(list(f()), [2])

    def test_invoke_method_non_static_base(self):
        codestr = """
        class C(Exception):
            def f(self):
                return 42

            def g(self):
                return self.f()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            self.assertEqual(C().g(), 42)

    def test_invoke_builtin_func(self):
        codestr = """
        from xxclassloader import foo
        from __static__ import int64, box

        def func():
            a: int64 = foo()
            return box(a)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (((mod.__name__, "foo"), 0)))
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_invoke_builtin_func_ret_neg(self):
        # setup xxclassloader as a built-in function for this test, so we can
        # do a direct invoke
        xxclassloader = sys.modules["xxclassloader"]
            sys.modules["xxclassloader"] = StrictModule(xxclassloader.__dict__, False)
            codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import neg
            from __static__ import int64, box

            def test():
                x: int64 = neg()
                return box(x)
            with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                test = mod.test
                self.assertEqual(test(), -1)
            sys.modules["xxclassloader"] = xxclassloader

    def test_invoke_builtin_func_arg(self):
        codestr = """
        from xxclassloader import bar
        from __static__ import int64, box

        def func():
            a: int64 = bar(42)
            return box(a)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (((mod.__name__, "bar"), 1)))
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_invoke_func_unexistent_module(self):
        codestr = """
        from xxclassloader import bar
        from __static__ import int64, box

        def func():
            a: int64 = bar(42)
            return box(a)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            # remove xxclassloader from sys.modules during this test
            xxclassloader = sys.modules["xxclassloader"]
            del sys.modules["xxclassloader"]
                func = mod.func
                    func, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (((mod.__name__, "bar"), 1))
                self.assertEqual(func(), 42)
                sys.modules["xxclassloader"] = xxclassloader

    def test_invoke_meth_o(self):
        codestr = """
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        def func():
            a = spamobj[int]()
            return a.getstate()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func

                        (("builtins", "int"),),
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_multi_generic(self):
        codestr = """
        from xxclassloader import XXGeneric

        def func():
            a = XXGeneric[int, str]()
            return a.foo(42, 'abc')
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.func
            self.assertEqual(f(), "42abc")

    def test_verify_positional_args(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int, b: str) -> None:
            x("a", 2)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Exact\[str\] received for positional arg 'a', expected int",

    def test_verify_too_many_args(self):
        codestr = """
            def x():
                return 42

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Mismatched number of args for function <module>.x. Expected 0, got 1",

    def test_verify_positional_args_unordered(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int, b: str) -> None:
                return y(a, b)
            def y(a: int, b: str) -> None:

    def test_verify_kwargs(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2") -> None:
            x(b="lol", a=23)

    def test_verify_kwdefaults(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(*, b: str="hunter2"):
                return b
            z = x(b="lol")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.z, "lol")

    def test_verify_kwdefaults_no_value(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(*, b: str="hunter2"):
                return b
            a = x()
        module = self.compile(codestr)
        # we don't yet support optimized dispatch to kw-only functions
        self.assertInBytecode(module, "CALL_FUNCTION")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.a, "hunter2")

    def test_verify_kwdefaults_with_value(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(*, b: str="hunter2"):
                return b
            a = x(b="hunter3")
        module = self.compile(codestr)
        # TODO(T87420170): Support invokes here.
        self.assertNotInBytecode(module, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.a, "hunter3")

    def test_verify_lambda(self):
        codestr = """
            x = lambda x: x
            a = x("hi")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.a, "hi")

    def test_verify_lambda_keyword_only(self):
        codestr = """
            x = lambda *, x: x
            a = x(x="hi")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.a, "hi")

    def test_verify_lambda_vararg(self):
        codestr = """
            x = lambda *x: x[1]
            a = x(1, "hi")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.a, "hi")

    def test_verify_lambda_kwarg(self):
        codestr = """
            x = lambda **kwargs: kwargs["key"]
            a = x(key="hi")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.a, "hi")

    def test_verify_arg_dynamic_type(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(v:str):
                return 'abc'
            def y(v):
                return x(v)
        module = self.compile(codestr)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            y = mod.y
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            self.assertEqual(y("foo"), "abc")

    def test_verify_arg_unknown_type(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(x:foo):
                return b
        module = self.compile(codestr)
        self.assertInBytecode(module, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
        x = self.find_code(module)
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "CHECK_ARGS", ())

    def test_dict_invoke(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import pydict
            def f(x):
                y: pydict = x
                return y.get('foo')
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("builtins", "dict", "get"), 1))
            self.assertEqual(f({}), None)

    def test_dict_invoke_ret(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import pydict
            def g(): return None
            def f(x):
                y: pydict = x
                z = y.get('foo')
                z = None  # should be typed to dynamic
                return z
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("builtins", "dict", "get"), 1))
            self.assertEqual(f({}), None)

    def test_verify_kwarg_unknown_type(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(x:foo):
                return b
        module = self.compile(codestr)
        self.assertInBytecode(module, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
        x = self.find_code(module)
        self.assertInBytecode(x, "CHECK_ARGS", ())

    def test_verify_kwdefaults_too_many(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(*, b: str="hunter2") -> None:
        # We do not verify types for calls that we can't do direct invokes.

    def test_verify_kwdefaults_too_many_class(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, *, b: str="hunter2") -> None:
        # We do not verify types for calls that we can't do direct invokes.

    def test_verify_kwonly_failure(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(*, a: int=1, b: str="hunter2") -> None:
            x(a="hi", b="lol")
        # We do not verify types for calls that we can't do direct invokes.

    def test_verify_kwonly_self_loaded_once(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, *, a: int=1) -> int:
                    return 43

            def f():
                return C().x(a=1)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            io = StringIO()
            dis.dis(f, file=io)
            self.assertEqual(1, io.getvalue().count("TP_ALLOC"))

    def test_call_function_unknown_ret_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __future__ import annotations
            def g() -> foo:
                return 42

            def testfunc():
                return g()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_verify_kwargs_failure(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2") -> None:
            x(a="hi", b="lol")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, r"Exact\[str\] received for keyword arg 'a', expected int"

    def test_verify_mixed_args(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            x(12, c=56, b="lol")

    def test_kwarg_cast(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:

            def g(a):
        code = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr), "g")
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))

    def test_kwarg_nocast(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:

            def g():
        code = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr), "g")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(code, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))

    def test_verify_mixed_args_kw_failure(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            x(12, c="hi", b="lol")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, r"Exact\[str\] received for keyword arg 'c', expected int"

    def test_verify_mixed_args_positional_failure(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            x("hi", b="lol")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Exact\[str\] received for positional arg 'a', expected int",

    # Same tests as above, but for methods.
    def test_verify_positional_args_method(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, a: int, b: str) -> None:
            C().x(2, "hi")

    def test_verify_positional_args_failure_method(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, a: int, b: str) -> None:
            C().x("a", 2)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Exact\[str\] received for positional arg 'a', expected int",

    def test_verify_mixed_args_method(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            C().x(12, c=56, b="lol")

    def test_starargs_invoked_once(self):
        codestr = """
            X = 0

            def f():
                global X
                X += 1
                return {"a": 1, "b": "foo", "c": 42}

            class C:
                def x(self, a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            C().x(12, **f())
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            x = mod.X
            self.assertEqual(x, 1)
        compiled = self.compile(codestr)
        self.assertEqual(compiled.co_nlocals, 1)

    def test_starargs_invoked_in_order(self):
        codestr = """
            X = 1

            def f():
                global X
                X += 1
                return {"a": 1, "b": "foo"}

            def make_c():
                global X
                X *= 2
                return 42

            class C:
                def x(self, a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:

            def test():
                C().x(12, c=make_c(), **f())
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            x = mod.X
            self.assertEqual(x, 3)

    def test_verify_mixed_args_kw_failure_method(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            C().x(12, c=b'lol', b="lol")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, r"bytes received for keyword arg 'c', expected int"

    def test_verify_mixed_args_positional_failure_method(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self, a: int=1, b: str="hunter2", c: int=14) -> None:
            C().x("hi", b="lol")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Exact\[str\] received for positional arg 'a', expected int",

    def test_generic_kwargs_unsupported(self):
        # definition is allowed, we just don't do an optimal invoke
        codestr = """
        def f(a: int, b: str, **my_stuff) -> None:

        def g():
            return f(1, 'abc', x="y")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "CALL_FUNCTION_KW", 3)

    def test_generic_kwargs_method_unsupported(self):
        # definition is allowed, we just don't do an optimal invoke
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def f(self, a: int, b: str, **my_stuff) -> None:

        def g():
            return C().f(1, 'abc', x="y")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "CALL_FUNCTION_KW", 3)

    def test_generic_varargs_unsupported(self):
        # definition is allowed, we just don't do an optimal invoke
        codestr = """
        def f(a: int, b: str, *my_stuff) -> None:

        def g():
            return f(1, 'abc', "foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "CALL_FUNCTION", 3)

    def test_generic_varargs_method_unsupported(self):
        # definition is allowed, we just don't do an optimal invoke
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def f(self, a: int, b: str, *my_stuff) -> None:

        def g():
            return C().f(1, 'abc', "foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "CALL_METHOD", 3)

    def test_kwargs_get(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(**foo):

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
                test, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("builtins", "dict", "get"), 2)

    def test_varargs_count(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(*foo):

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
                test, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("builtins", "tuple", "count"), 2)

    def test_varargs_call(self):
        codestr = """
            def g(*foo):
                return foo

            def testfunc():
                return g(2)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), (2,))

    def test_kwargs_call(self):
        codestr = """
            def g(**foo):
                return foo

            def testfunc():
                return g(x=2)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), {"x": 2})

    def test_index_by_int(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int32
            def f(x):
                i: int32 = 0
                return x[i]
        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):

    def test_pydict_arg_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import PyDict
            def f(d: PyDict[str, int]) -> str:
                # static python ignores the untrusted generic types
                return d[3]
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f({3: "foo"}), "foo")

    def test_list_get_primitive_int(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                l = [1, 2, 3]
                x: int8 = 1
                return l[x]
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), 2)

    def test_list_set_primitive_int(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                l = [1, 2, 3]
                x: int8 = 1
                l[x] = 5
                return l
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_SET")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 5, 3])

    def test_list_set_primitive_int_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64
            def f(l1):
                l2 = [None] * len(l1)
                i: int64 = 0
                for item in l1:
                    l2[i] = item + 1
                    i += 1
                return l2
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_SET")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f([1, 2000]), [2, 2001])

    def test_list_del_primitive_int(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                l = [1, 2, 3]
                x: int8 = 1
                del l[x]
                return l
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LIST_DEL")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 3])

    def test_list_append(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                l = [1, 2, 3]
                return l
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "LIST_APPEND", 1)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_unknown_type_unary(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(y):
                z = -y
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "UNARY_NEGATIVE")

    def test_unknown_type_binary(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a, b):
                z = a + b
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "BINARY_ADD")

    def test_unknown_type_compare(self):
        codestr = """
            def x(a, b):
                z = a > b
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP")

    def test_async_func_ret_type(self):
        codestr = """
            async def x(a) -> int:
                return a
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST")

    def test_async_func_arg_types(self):
        codestr = """
            async def f(x: int):
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("builtins", "int")))

    def test_assign_prim_to_class(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64
            class C: pass

            def f():
                x: C = C()
                y: int64 = 42
                x = y
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("int64", "foo.C")):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_field_refcount(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.x = None

                def set_x(self, x):
                    self.x = x
        count = 0
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C

            class X:
                def __init__(self):
                    nonlocal count
                    count += 1

                def __del__(self):
                    nonlocal count
                    count -= 1

            c = C()
            self.assertEqual(count, 1)
            del c
            self.assertEqual(count, 0)

    def test_typed_field_del(self):
        codestr = """
            class D:
                def __init__(self, counter):
                    self.counter = counter
                    self.counter[0] += 1

                def __del__(self):
                    self.counter[0] -= 1

            class C:
                def __init__(self, value: D):
                    self.x: D = value

                def __del__(self):
                    del self.x
        count = 0
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            D = mod.D
            counter = [0]
            d = D(counter)

            C = mod.C
            a = C(d)
            del d
            self.assertEqual(counter[0], 1)
            del a
            self.assertEqual(counter[0], 0)

    def test_typed_field_deleted_attr(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def __init__(self, value: str):
                    self.x: str = value
        count = 0
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            a = C("abc")
            del a.x
            with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):

    def test_generic_method_ret_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            from typing import Optional
            MAP: CheckedDict[str, Optional[str]] = CheckedDict[str, Optional[str]]({'abc': 'foo', 'bar': None})
            def f(x: str) -> Optional[str]:
                return MAP.get(x)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
                        (("builtins", "str"), ("builtins", "str", "?")),
            self.assertEqual(f("abc"), "foo")
            self.assertEqual(f("bar"), None)

    def test_attr_generic_optional(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f(x: Optional):
                return x.foo

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot access attribute from unbound Union"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_generic_optional(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f():
                x: Optional = 42

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Literal[42]", "Optional[T]")
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_generic_optional_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f():
                x: Optional = 42 + 1

        with self.assertRaises(TypedSyntaxError):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_from_generic_optional(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C: pass

            def f(x: Optional):
                y: Optional[C] = x

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Optional[T]", optional("foo.C"))
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_list_of_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
            from threading import Thread
            from typing import List

            def f(threads: List[Thread]) -> int:
                return len(threads)
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr), "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")

    def test_int_swap(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box

            def test():
                x: int64 = 42
                y: int64 = 100
                x, y = y, x
                return box(x), box(y)

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("int64", "dynamic")
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_typed_swap(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: str
                x, y = 1, a

        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))

    def test_typed_swap_2(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: str
                x, y = a, 'abc'


        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))

    def test_typed_swap_member(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.x: int = 42

            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: str
                C().x, y = a, 'abc'


        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"), "test")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))

    def test_typed_swap_list(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: str
                [x, y] = a, 'abc'

        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))

    def test_typed_swap_nested(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: str
                z: str
                ((x, y), z) = (a, 'abc'), 'foo'

        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))

    def test_typed_swap_nested_2(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: str
                z: str
                ((x, y), z) = (1, a), 'foo'


        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))

    def test_typed_swap_nested_3(self):
        codestr = """
            def test(a):
                x: int
                y: int
                z: str
                ((x, y), z) = (1, 2), a


        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "str"))
        # Currently because the tuple gets turned into a constant this is less than
        # ideal:
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))

    def test_if_optional(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field = 42

            def f(x: Optional[C]):
                if x is not None:
                    return x.field

                return None

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_return_outside_func(self):
        codestr = """
            return 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(SyntaxError, "'return' outside function"):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_double_decl(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x: int
                x: str
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Cannot redefine local variable x"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = 42
                x: str
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Cannot redefine local variable x"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = 42
                x: int
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Cannot redefine local variable x"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_else_optional(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field = self

            def g(x: C):

            def f(x: Optional[C], y: Optional[C]):
                if x is None:
                    x = y
                    if x is None:
                        return None
                        return g(x)
                    return g(x)

                return None

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_else_optional_return(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field = self

            def f(x: Optional[C]):
                if x is None:
                    return 0
                return x.field

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_else_optional_return_two_branches(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field = self

            def f(x: Optional[C]):
                if x is None:
                    if a:
                        return 0
                        return 2
                return x.field

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_else_optional_return_in_else(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                if x is not None:
                    return 2
                return x

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_else_optional_return_in_else_assignment_in_if(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                if x is None:
                    x = 1
                    return 2
                return x

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_else_optional_return_in_if_assignment_in_else(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                if x is not None:
                    return 2
                    x = 1
                return x

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_narrow_conditional(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x = B()
                if abc:
                    x = D()
                    return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "D", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(True), "abc")
            self.assertEqual(test(False), None)

    def test_no_narrow_to_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                return 42

            def g():
                x: int = 100
                x = f()
                return x.bit_length()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "CAST", ("builtins", "int"))
                g, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("builtins", "int", "bit_length"), 0)
            self.assertEqual(g(), 6)

    def test_global_uses_decl_type(self):
        codestr = """
            # even though we can locally infer G must be None,
            # it's not Final so nested scopes can't assume it
            # remains None
            G: int | None = None

            def f() -> int:
                global G
                # if we use the local_type for G's type,
                # x would have a local type of None
                x: int | None = G
                if x is None:
                    x = G = 1
                return x
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), 1)

    def test_module_level_type_narrow(self):
        codestr = """
            def a() -> int | None:
                return 1

            G = a()
            if G is not None:
                G += 1

            def f() -> int:
                if G is None:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, r"Optional\[int\]"):

    def test_narrow_conditional_widened(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x = B()
                if abc:
                    x = D()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(True), "abc")
            self.assertEqual(test(False), 42)

    def test_widen_to_dynamic(self):
            def f(x, flag):
                if flag:
                    x = 3
                return x

    def test_assign_conditional_both_sides(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x = B()
                if abc:
                    x = D()
                    x = D()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "D", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(True), "abc")

    def test_assign_conditional_invoke_in_else(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x = B()
                if abc:
                    x = D()
                    return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(True), None)

    def test_assign_else_only(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                if abc:
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(False), 42)

    def test_assign_test_var(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                if x is None:
                    x = 1
                return x

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_while(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x = B()
                while abc:
                    x = D()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(False), 42)

    def test_assign_while_test_var(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                while x is None:
                    x = 1
                return x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_while_returns(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                while x is None:
                    return 1
                return x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_while_returns_but_assigns_first(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                y: Optional[int] = 1
                while x is None:
                    y = None
                    return 1
                return y
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_while_else_reverses_condition(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                while x is None:
                    return x
                return 1
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_continue_condition(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[str]) -> str:
                while True:
                    if x is None:
                    return x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_break_condition(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[str]) -> str:
                while True:
                    if x is None:
                    return x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_but_annotated(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x: B = D()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "D", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(False), "abc")

    def test_assign_while_2(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x: B = D()
                while abc:
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(False), "abc")

    def test_assign_while_else(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x = B()
                while abc:
                    x = D()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(False), "abc")

    def test_assign_while_else_2(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc(abc):
                x: B = D()
                while abc:
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(False), 42)

    def test_assign_try_except_no_initial(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                    x: B = D()
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), "abc")

    def test_narrow_or(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int | None) -> int:
                if x is None or x > 1:
                    x = 1
                return x

    def test_type_of_or(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int, y: str) -> int | str:
                return x or y

    def test_none_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> None:
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            bad_ret_type("Optional[int]", "None"),
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_none_compare(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int | None):
                if x > 1:
                    x = 1
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"'>' not supported between 'Optional\[int\]' and 'Literal\[1\]'",

    def test_none_compare_reverse(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int | None):
                if 1 > x:
                    x = 1
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"'>' not supported between 'Literal\[1\]' and 'Optional\[int\]'",

    def test_global_int(self):
        codestr = """
            X: int =  60 * 60 * 24

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            X = mod.X
            self.assertEqual(X, 60 * 60 * 24)

    def test_with_traceback(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = Exception()
                return x.with_traceback(None)

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(type(f()), Exception)
                f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("builtins", "BaseException", "with_traceback"), 1)

    def test_assign_num_to_object(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x: object = 42

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "object"))

    def test_assign_num_to_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x: foo = 42

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "object"))

    def test_assign_dynamic_to_object(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(C):
                x: object = C()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "object"))

    def test_assign_dynamic_to_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(C):
                x: unknown = C()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "object"))

    def test_assign_constant_to_object(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x: object = 42 + 1

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "object"))

    def test_assign_try_except_typing(self):
        codestr = """
            def testfunc():
                except Exception as e:
                return 42

        # We don't do anything special w/ Exception type yet, but it should compile
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_try_except_typing_predeclared(self):
        codestr = """
            def testfunc():
                e: Exception
                except Exception as e:
                return 42
        # We don't do anything special w/ Exception type yet, but it should compile
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_try_except_typing_narrowed(self):
        codestr = """
            class E(Exception):

            def testfunc():
                e: Exception
                except E as e:
                return 42
        # We don't do anything special w/ Exception type yet, but it should compile
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_try_except_typing_redeclared_after(self):
        codestr = """
            def testfunc():
                except Exception as e:
                e: int = 42
                return 42
        # We don't do anything special w/ Exception type yet, but it should compile
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_try_except_redeclare(self):
        codestr = """
            def testfunc():
                e: int
                except Exception as e:
                return 42

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_try_except_redeclare_unknown_type(self):
        codestr = """
            def testfunc():
                e: int
                except UnknownException as e:
                return 42

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_try_assign_in_except(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), "abc")

    def test_assign_try_assign_in_second_except(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                except TypeError:
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), "abc")

    def test_assign_try_assign_in_except_with_var(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                except TypeError as e:
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), "abc")

    def test_try_except_finally(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                except TypeError:
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), 42)

    def test_assign_try_assign_in_try(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), 42)

    def test_assign_try_assign_in_finally(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), 42)

    def test_assign_try_assign_in_else(self):
        codestr = """
            class B:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 'abc'

            def testfunc():
                x: B = D()
                    x = B()
                return x.f()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD", (("foo", "B", "f"), 0))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), 42)

    def test_if_optional_reassign(self):
        codestr = """
        class C: pass

        def testfunc(abc: Optional[C]):
            if abc is not None:
                abc = None
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_widening_assign(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, box

            def testfunc():
                x: int16
                y: int8
                x = y = 42
                return box(x), box(y)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), (42, 42))

    def test_unknown_imported_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
            from unknown_mod import foo

            def testfunc():
                x: foo = 42
                return x
        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_widening_assign_reassign(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, box

            def testfunc():
                x: int16
                y: int8
                x = y = 42
                x = 257
                return box(x), box(y)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), (257, 42))

    def test_widening_assign_reassign_error(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, box

            def testfunc():
                x: int16
                y: int8
                x = y = 42
                y = 128
                return box(x), box(y)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "type mismatch: Literal\\[128\\] cannot be assigned to int8",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_narrowing_assign_literal(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, box

            def testfunc():
                x: int8
                y: int16
                x = y = 42
                return box(x), box(y)
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_narrowing_assign_out_of_range(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, box

            def testfunc():
                x: int8
                y: int16
                x = y = 300
                return box(x), box(y)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "type mismatch: Literal\\[300\\] cannot be assigned to int8",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_module_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            x: int8
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot use primitives in global or closure scope"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_implicit_module_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            x = y = int8(0)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot use primitives in global or closure scope"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_chained_primitive_to_non_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: object
                y: int8 = 42
                x = y = 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Literal\\[42\\] cannot be assigned to object"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_closure_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: int8 = 0
                def g():
                    return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot use primitives in global or closure scope"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_nonlocal_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8
            def f():
                x: int8 = 0
                def g():
                    nonlocal x
                    x = 1
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cannot use primitives in global or closure scope"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_dynamic_chained_assign_param(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16, box
            def testfunc(y):
                x: int16
                x = y = 42
                return box(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Literal[42]", "int16")
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_dynamic_chained_assign_param_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16
            def testfunc(y):
                x: int16
                y = x = 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Literal[42]", "dynamic")
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_dynamic_chained_assign_1(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16, box
            def testfunc():
                x: int16
                x = y = 42
                return box(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), 42)

    def test_dynamic_chained_assign_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16, box
            def testfunc():
                x: int16
                y = x = 42
                return box(y)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), 42)

    def test_tuple_assign_list(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16, box
            def testfunc(a: int, b: int):
                x: int
                y: str
                x, y = [a, b]
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "int cannot be assigned to str"):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_tuple_assign_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16, box
            def testfunc(a: int, b: int):
                x: int
                y: str
                x, y = a, b
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, "int cannot be assigned to str"):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_tuple_assign_constant(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int16, box
            def testfunc():
                x: int
                y: str
                x, y = 1, 1
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"type mismatch: Exact\[int\] cannot be assigned to str",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_optional_cond(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field = 42

            def f(x: Optional[C]):
                return x.field if x is not None else None

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_while_optional_cond(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field: Optional["C"] = self

            def f(x: Optional[C]):
                while x is not None:
                    val: Optional[C] = x.field
                    if val is not None:
                        x = val

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_if_optional_dependent_conditions(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            class C:
                def __init__(self):
                    self.field: Optional[C] = None

            def f(x: Optional[C]) -> C:
                if x is not None and x.field is not None:
                    return x

                if x is None:
                    return C()

                return x

        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_none_attribute_error(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = None
                return x.foo

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'foo'"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_none_call(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = None
                return x()

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "'NoneType' object is not callable"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_none_subscript(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = None
                return x[0]

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "'NoneType' object is not subscriptable"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_none_unaryop(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x = None
                return -x

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "bad operand type for unary -: 'NoneType'"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_vector_import(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, Vector

            def test() -> Vector[int64]:
                x: Vector[int64] = Vector[int64]()
                return x

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(test(), array("L", [1]))

    def test_vector_assign_non_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, Vector

            def test(abc) -> Vector[int64]:
                x: Vector[int64] = Vector[int64](2)
                i: int64 = 0
                x[i] = abc

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("dynamic", "int64")

    def test_vector_sizes(self):
        for signed in ["int", "uint"]:
            for size in ["8", "16", "32", "64"]:
                with self.subTest(size=size, signed=signed):
                    int_type = f"{signed}{size}"
                    codestr = f"""
                        from __static__ import {int_type}, Vector

                        def test() -> Vector[{int_type}]:
                            x: Vector[{int_type}] = Vector[{int_type}]()
                            y: {int_type} = 1
                            return x

                    with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                        test = mod.test
                        res = test()
                        self.assertEqual(list(res), [1])

    def test_vector_invalid_literal(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int8, Vector

            def test() -> Vector[int8]:
                x: Vector[int8] = Vector[int8]()
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Literal\[128\] received for positional arg 'v', expected int8",

    def test_vector_wrong_size(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int8, int16, Vector

            def test() -> Vector[int8]:
                y: int16 = 1
                x: Vector[int8] = Vector[int8]()
                return x

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"int16 received for positional arg 'v', expected int8",

    def test_vector_presized(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int8, Vector

            def test() -> Vector[int8]:
                x: Vector[int8] = Vector[int8](4)
                x[1] = 1
                return x

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(f(), array("b", [0, 1, 0, 0]))

    def test_array_import(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, Array

            def test() -> Array[int64]:
                x: Array[int64] = Array[int64](1)
                x[0] = 1
                return x

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(test(), array("L", [1]))

    def test_array_create(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, Array

            def test() -> Array[int64]:
                x: Array[int64] = Array[int64]([1, 3, 5])
                return x

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(test(), array("l", [1, 3, 5]))

    def test_array_create_failure(self):
        # todo - in the future we're going to support this, but for now fail it.
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, Array

            class C: pass

            def test() -> Array[C]:
                return Array[C]([1, 3, 5])
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Invalid Array element type: foo.C"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_array_call_unbound(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array

            def f() -> Array:
                return Array([1, 2, 3])
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"create instances of a generic Type\[Exact\[Array\[T\]\]\]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_array_assign_wrong_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, Array

            def test() -> None:
                x: Array[int64] = Array[char]([48])
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_array_types(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import (
            from typing import Tuple

            def test() -> Tuple[Array[int64], Array[char], Array[double]]:
                x1: Array[int8] = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                x2: Array[uint8] = Array[uint8]([1, 3, 5])
                x3: Array[int16] = Array[int16]([1, -3, 5])
                x4: Array[uint16] = Array[uint16]([1, 3, 5])
                x5: Array[int32] = Array[int32]([1, 3, 5])
                x6: Array[uint32] = Array[uint32]([1, 3, 5])
                x7: Array[int64] = Array[int64]([1, 3, 5])
                x8: Array[uint64] = Array[uint64]([1, 3, 5])
                x9: Array[char] = Array[char]([ord('a')])
                x10: Array[double] = Array[double]([1.1, 3.3, 5.5])
                # TODO(T92687901): Support Array[single] for array("f", ...).
                arrays = [
                first_elements = []
                for ar in arrays:
                return (arrays, first_elements)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            arrays, first_elements = test()
            exp_arrays = [
                for args in [
                    ("h", [1, 3, -5]),
                    ("H", [1, 3, 5]),
                    ("i", [1, -3, 5]),
                    ("I", [1, 3, 5]),
                    ("l", [1, 3, 5]),
                    ("L", [1, 3, 5]),
                    ("q", [1, 3, 5]),
                    ("Q", [1, 3, 5]),
                    ("b", [ord("a")]),
                    ("d", [1.1, 3.3, 5.5]),
                    ("f", [1.1, 3.3, 5.5]),
            exp_first_elements = [ar[0] for ar in exp_arrays]
            for result, expectation in zip(arrays, exp_arrays):
                self.assertEqual(result, expectation)
            for result, expectation in zip(first_elements, exp_first_elements):
                self.assertEqual(result, expectation)

    def test_assign_type_propagation(self):
        codestr = """
            def test() -> int:
                x = 5
                return x
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_subtype_handling(self):
        codestr = """
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def f():
                b: B = B()
                b = D()
                b = B()
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_subtype_handling_fail(self):
        codestr = """
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def f():
                d: D = D()
                d = B()
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("foo.B", "foo.D")):
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_chained(self):
        codestr = """
            def test() -> str:
                x: str = "hi"
                y = x = "hello"
                return y
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_assign_chained_failure_wrong_target_type(self):
        codestr = """
            def test() -> str:
                x: int = 1
                y = x = "hello"
                return y
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[str]", "int")
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_chained_assign_type_propagation(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, Array

            def test2() -> Array[char]:
                x = y = Array[char]([48])
                return y
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_chained_assign_type_propagation_failure_redefine(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, Array

            def test2() -> Array[char]:
                x: Array[int64] = Array[int64]([54])
                x = y = Array[char]([48])
                return y
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_chained_assign_type_propagation_failure_redefine_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, Array

            def test2() -> Array[char]:
                x: Array[int64] = Array[int64]([54])
                y = x = Array[char]([48])
                return y
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_chained_assign_type_inference(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, Array

            def test2():
                y = x = 4
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"'x' has declared type 'dynamic' and local type 'Literal\[4\]'",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_chained_assign_type_inference_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, Array

            def test2():
                y = x = 4
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"'y' has declared type 'dynamic' and local type 'Literal\[4\]'",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_array_inplace_assign(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5, -1, 7, 22])
                a[0] += 1
                return a
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            self.assertEqual(m()[0], 2)

    def test_array_subscripting_slice(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5, -1, 7, 22])
                return a[1:3]
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    @skipIf(cinderjit is not None, "can't report error from JIT")
    def test_load_uninit_module(self):
        """verify we don't crash if we receive a module w/o a dictionary"""
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def __init__(self):
                self.x: Optional[C] = None

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C

            class UninitModule(ModuleType):
                def __init__(self):
                    # don't call super init

            sys.modules[mod.__name__] = UninitModule()
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                r"bad name provided for class loader: \('"
                + mod.__name__
                + r"', 'C'\), not a class",

    def test_module_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        class C:
            def __init__(self):
                self.x: Optional[C] = None

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C

            class CustomModule(ModuleType):
                def __getattr__(self, name):
                    if name == "C":
                        return C

            sys.modules[mod.__name__] = CustomModule(mod.__name__)
            c = C()
            self.assertEqual(c.x, None)

    def test_invoke_and_raise_shadow_frame_strictmod(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__.compiler_flags import shadow_frame

        def x():
            raise TypeError()

        def y():
            return x()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            y = mod.y
            x = mod.x
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                ((mod.__name__, "x"), 0),

    def test_override_okay(self):
        codestr = """
        class B:
            def f(self) -> "B":
                return self

        def f(x: B):
            return x.f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            B = mod.B
            f = mod.f

            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return self

            x = f(D())

    def test_override_override_inherited(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        class B:
            def f(self) -> "Optional[B]":
                return self

        class D(B):

        def f(x: B):
            return x.f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            B = mod.B
            D = mod.D
            f = mod.f

            b = B()
            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(f(b), b)
            self.assertEqual(f(d), d)

            D.f = lambda self: None
            self.assertEqual(f(b), b)
            self.assertEqual(f(d), None)

    def test_override_bad_ret(self):
        codestr = """
        class B:
            def f(self) -> "B":
                return self

        def f(x: B):
            return x.f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            B = mod.B
            f = mod.f

            class D(B):
                def f(self):
                    return 42

            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, "unexpected return type from D.f, expected B, got int"

    def test_dynamic_base(self):
        nonstatic_code = """
            class Foo:

        with self.in_module(
            nonstatic_code, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator, name="nonstatic"
            codestr = """
                from nonstatic import Foo

                class A(Foo):
                    def __init__(self):
                        self.x = 1

                    def f(self) -> int:
                        return self.x

                def f(x: A) -> int:
                    return x.f()
            with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                f = mod.f
                self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD")
                a = mod.A()
                self.assertEqual(f(a), 1)
                # x is a data descriptor, it takes precedence
                a.__dict__["x"] = 100
                self.assertEqual(f(a), 1)
                # but methods are normal descriptors, instance
                # attributes should take precedence
                a.__dict__["f"] = lambda: 42
                self.assertEqual(f(a), 42)

    def test_method_prologue(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("builtins", "str")))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, ".*expected 'str' for argument x, got 'int'"

    def test_method_prologue_2(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x, y: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (1, ("builtins", "str")))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, ".*expected 'str' for argument y, got 'int'"
                f("abc", 42)

    def test_method_prologue_3(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x: int, y: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
                f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("builtins", "int"), 1, ("builtins", "str"))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, ".*expected 'str' for argument y, got 'int'"
                f(42, 42)

    def test_method_prologue_posonly(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x: int, /, y: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
                f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("builtins", "int"), 1, ("builtins", "str"))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, ".*expected 'str' for argument y, got 'int'"
                f(42, 42)

    def test_method_prologue_shadowcode(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x, y: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (1, ("builtins", "str")))
            for i in range(100):
                self.assertEqual(f("abc", "abc"), 42)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, ".*expected 'str' for argument y, got 'int'"
                f("abc", 42)

    def test_method_prologue_shadowcode_2(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("builtins", "str")))
            for i in range(100):
                self.assertEqual(f("abc"), 42)
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, ".*expected 'str' for argument x, got 'int'"

    def test_method_prologue_no_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", ())
            self.assertEqual(f("abc"), 42)

    def test_method_prologue_kwonly(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(*, x: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("builtins", "str")))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, "f expected 'str' for argument x, got 'int'"

    def test_method_prologue_kwonly_2(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x, *, y: str):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (1, ("builtins", "str")))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, "f expected 'str' for argument y, got 'object'"
                f(1, y=object())

    def test_method_prologue_kwonly_3(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x, *, y: str, z=1):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (1, ("builtins", "str")))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, "f expected 'str' for argument y, got 'object'"
                f(1, y=object())

    def test_method_prologue_kwonly_4(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(x, *, y: str, **rest):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", (1, ("builtins", "str")))
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, "f expected 'str' for argument y, got 'object'"
                f(1, y=object(), z=2)

    def test_method_prologue_kwonly_no_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(*, x):
            return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CHECK_ARGS", ())

    def test_package_no_parent(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f(self):
                    return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr, name="package_no_parent.child") as mod:
            C = mod.C
                C.f, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, ("package_no_parent.child", "C"))
            self.assertEqual(C().f(), 42)

    def test_direct_super_init(self):
        value = 42
        expected = value
        codestr = f"""
            class Obj:

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: Obj):

            class D:
                def __init__(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"None received for positional arg 'self', expected foo.C",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_class_unknown_attr(self):
        value = 42
        expected = value
        codestr = f"""
            class C:

            def f():
                return C.foo
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_ATTR", "foo")

    def test_class_unknown_decorator(self):
        codestr = """
            def dec(f):
                return f
            class C:
                def foo(self) -> int:
                    return 3

                def f(self):
                    return self.foo()
        with self.in_module(codestr, name="mymod") as mod:
            C = mod.C
            self.assertEqual(C().f(), 3)

    def test_descriptor_access(self):
        value = 42
        expected = value
        codestr = f"""
            class Obj:
                abc: int

            class C:
                x: Obj

            def f():
                return C.x.abc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_ATTR", "abc")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "LOAD_FIELD")

    @skipIf(not path.exists(RICHARDS_PATH), "richards not found")
    def test_richards(self):
        with open(RICHARDS_PATH) as f:
            codestr = f.read()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            Richards = mod.Richards

    def test_unknown_isinstance_bool_ret(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

                def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
                    return isinstance(other, C)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            x = C("abc")
            y = C("foo")
            self.assertTrue(x == y)

    def test_unknown_issubclass_bool_ret(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

                def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
                    return issubclass(type(other), C)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            x = C("abc")
            y = C("foo")
            self.assertTrue(x == y)

    def test_unknown_isinstance_narrows(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

            def testfunc(x):
                if isinstance(x, C):
                    return x.x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            testfunc = mod.testfunc
            self.assertInBytecode(testfunc, "LOAD_FIELD", (mod.__name__, "C", "x"))

    def test_unknown_isinstance_narrows_class_attr(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

                def f(self, other) -> str:
                    if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
                        return other.x
                    return ''
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
                (mod.__name__, "C", "x"),

    def test_unknown_isinstance_narrows_class_attr_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

                def f(self, other, unknown):
                    if isinstance(other, unknown.__class__):
                        return other.x
                    return ''
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            self.assertInBytecode(C.f, "LOAD_ATTR", "x")

    def test_unknown_isinstance_narrows_else_correct(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

            def testfunc(x):
                if isinstance(x, C):
                    return x.x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            testfunc = mod.testfunc
            self.assertNotInBytecode(testfunc, "LOAD_FIELD", (mod.__name__, "C", "x"))

    def test_narrow_while_break(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                while x is None:
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            bad_ret_type("Optional[int]", "int"),

    def test_narrow_while_if_break_else_return(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f(x: Optional[int], y: int) -> int:
                while x is None:
                    if y > 0:
                        return 42
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            bad_ret_type("Optional[int]", "int"),

    def test_narrow_while_break_if(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                while True:
                    if x is None:
                    return x

    def test_narrow_while_continue_if(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional
            def f(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
                while True:
                    if x is None:
                    return x

    def test_unknown_param_ann(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: str):
                    self.x: str = x

                def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
                    return False

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            x = C("abc")
            self.assertInBytecode(C.__eq__, "CHECK_ARGS", (0, (mod.__name__, "C")))
            self.assertNotEqual(x, x)

    def test_ret_type_cast(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            def testfunc(x: str, y: str) -> bool:
                return x == y
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f("abc", "abc"), True)
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "CAST", ("builtins", "bool"))

    def test_bool_int(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                x: int = True
                return x

    def test_bind_boolop_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            class C:
                def f(self) -> bool:
                    return True

                def g(self) -> bool:
                    return False

                def x(self) -> bool:
                    return self.f() and self.g()

                def y(self) -> bool:
                    return self.f() or self.g()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            c = C()
            self.assertEqual(c.x(), False)
            self.assertEqual(c.y(), True)

    def test_bind_none_compare_op(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Any

            def has_none(x) -> bool:
                return None in x

            def has_no_none(x) -> bool:
                return None not in x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            has_none = mod.has_none
            self.assertFalse(has_none([1, 2, 3]))
            self.assertNotInBytecode(has_none, "CAST")

            has_no_none = mod.has_no_none
            self.assertTrue(has_no_none([1, 2, 3]))
            self.assertNotInBytecode(has_no_none, "CAST")

    def test_visit_if_else(self):
        codestr = """
            x = 0
            if x:
                def f(): return 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), 42)

    def test_decorated_function_ignored_class(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def x(self):
                    return lambda: 42

                def y(self):
                    return self.x()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            self.assertNotInBytecode(C.y, "INVOKE_METHOD")
            self.assertEqual(C().y(), 42)

    def test_decorated_function_ignored(self):
        codestr = """
            class C: pass

            def mydecorator(x):
                return C

            def f():
                return 42

            def g():
                return f()

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            g = mod.g
            self.assertNotInBytecode(g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertEqual(type(g()), C)

    def test_static_function_invoke(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f():
                    return 42

            def f():
                return C.f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "C", "f"), 0))
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_static_function_invoke_on_instance(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f():
                    return 42

            def f():
                return C().f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
                ((mod.__name__, "C", "f"), 0),
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_static_function_override(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m() -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m() -> int:
                    return 0

            def make_a() -> A:
                return B()

            def f() -> int:
                return make_a().m()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD")
            self.assertEqual(f(), 0)

    def test_static_function_final_class(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import final

            class A:
                def m() -> int:
                    return 42

            def make_a() -> A:
                return A()

            def f() -> int:
                return make_a().m()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD")
            self.assertEqual(f(), 42)

    def test_static_function_incompat_override(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m() -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m() -> str:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Returned type `str` is not a subtype of the overridden return `int`",

    def test_static_function_incompat_override_arg(self):
        codestr = """
            class A:
                def m(a: int) -> int:
                    return 42

            class B(A):
                def m(a: str) -> int:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "<module>.B.m overrides <module>.A.m inconsistently. "
            "Parameter a of type `str` is not a subtype of the overridden parameter `int`",

    def test_spamobj_no_params(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def f():
                x = spamobj()
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"cannot create instances of a generic Type\[xxclassloader.spamobj\[T\]\]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_spamobj_error(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def f():
                x = spamobj[int]()
                return x.error(1)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "no way!"):

    def test_spamobj_no_error(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[int]()
                return x.error(0)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(f(), None)

    def test_generic_type_box_box(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()
                return (x.getint(), )

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("int64", "dynamic")
            code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_generic_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj
            from __static__ import box

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()
                return (x.getstate(), box(x.getint()))

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
            ((("xxclassloader", "spamobj", (("builtins", "str"),), "setstate"), 1)),
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), ("abc", 42))

    def test_ret_void(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj
            from __static__ import box

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()
                y = x.setstate('abc')
                return y

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")
        f = self.find_code(code, "testfunc")
            ((("xxclassloader", "spamobj", (("builtins", "str"),), "setstate"), 1)),
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(test(), None)

    def test_user_enumerate_list(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box, clen

            def f(x: list):
                i: int64 = 0
                res = []
                while i < clen(x):
                    elem = x[i]
                    res.append((box(i), elem))
                    i += 1
                return res
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_LIST_INEXACT)
            res = f([1, 2, 3])
            self.assertEqual(res, [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])

    def test_user_enumerate_list_nooverride(self):
        class mylist(list):

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box, clen

            def f(x: list):
                i: int64 = 0
                res = []
                while i < clen(x):
                    elem = x[i]
                    res.append((box(i), elem))
                    i += 1
                return res
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_LIST_INEXACT)
            res = f(mylist([1, 2, 3]))
            self.assertEqual(res, [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])

    def test_user_enumerate_list_subclass(self):
        class mylist(list):
            def __getitem__(self, idx):
                return list.__getitem__(self, idx) + 1

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box, clen

            def f(x: list):
                i: int64 = 0
                res = []
                while i < clen(x):
                    elem = x[i]
                    res.append((box(i), elem))
                    i += 1
                return res
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_LIST_INEXACT)
            res = f(mylist([1, 2, 3]))
            self.assertEqual(res, [(0, 2), (1, 3), (2, 4)])

    def test_list_assign_subclass(self):
        class mylist(list):
            def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
                return list.__setitem__(self, idx, value + 1)

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box, clen

            def f(x: list):
                i: int64 = 0
                x[i] = 42
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_SET", SEQ_LIST_INEXACT)
            l = mylist([0])
            self.assertEqual(l[0], 43)

    def test_inexact_list_negative(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box, clen

            def f(x: list):
                i: int64 = 1
                return x[-i]
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_LIST_INEXACT)
            res = f([1, 2, 3])
            self.assertEqual(res, 3)

    def test_inexact_list_negative_small_int(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box, clen

            def f(x: list):
                i: int8 = 1
                return x[-i]
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            res = f([1, 2, 3])
            self.assertEqual(res, 3)

    def test_inexact_list_large_unsigned(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import uint64
            def f(x: list):
                i: uint64 = 0xffffffffffffffff
                return x[i]
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "type mismatch: uint64 cannot be assigned to dynamic"

    def test_assign_module_global(self):
        codestr = """
            x: int = 1

            def f():
                global x
                x = "foo"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[str]", "int")

    def test_inferred_module_global_assign_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
            class MyList(list):

            x = []

            def f(new_x: list) -> list:
                global x
                x = new_x
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f, MyList = mod.f, mod.MyList
            x = []
            self.assertIs(f(x), x)
            y = MyList()
            self.assertIs(f(y), y)

    def test_named_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import NamedTuple

            class C(NamedTuple):
                x: int
                y: str

            def myfunc(x: C):
                return x.x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.myfunc
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "LOAD_FIELD")

    def test_generic_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Literal\[42\] received for positional arg 1, expected str",
            code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_generic_optional_type_param(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_generic_optional_type_param_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()

        code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_generic_optional_type_param_error(self):
        codestr = """
            from xxclassloader import spamobj

            def testfunc():
                x = spamobj[str]()

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Literal\[42\] received for positional arg 1, expected Optional\[str\]",
            code = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_nested_dict(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[B, int]({B():42, D():42})
                y = CheckedDict[int, CheckedDict[B, int]]({42: x})
                return y
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[int, chkdict[B, int]])

    def test_compile_dict_setdefault(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict
            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({42: 'abc', })
                x.setdefault(100, 43)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Literal\[43\] received for positional arg 2, expected Optional\[str\]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_dict_get(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict
            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({42: 'abc', })
                x.get(42, 42)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Literal\[42\] received for positional arg 2, expected Optional\[str\]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[B, int]({B():42, D():42})
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[B, int])

    def test_chkdict_literal(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict
            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[int,str]  = {}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(f()), chkdict[int, str])

    def test_compile_dict_get_typed(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict
            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({42: 'abc', })
                y: str | None = x.get(42)

    def test_compile_dict_setdefault_typed(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict
            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({42: 'abc', })
                y: str | None = x.setdefault(100, 'foo')

    def test_compile_dict_setitem(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({1:'abc'})
                x.__setitem__(2, 'def')
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            x = test()
                        (("builtins", "int"), ("builtins", "str")),
            self.assertEqual(x, {1: "abc", 2: "def"})

    def test_compile_dict_setitem_subscr(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({1:'abc'})
                x[2] = 'def'
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            x = test()
                        (("builtins", "int"), ("builtins", "str")),
            self.assertEqual(x, {1: "abc", 2: "def"})

    def test_compile_generic_dict_getitem_bad_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[str, int]({"abc": 42})
                return x[42]
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            type_mismatch("Literal[42]", "str"),
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_generic_dict_setitem_bad_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[str, int]({"abc": 42})
                x[42] = 42
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            type_mismatch("Literal[42]", "str"),
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_generic_dict_setitem_bad_type_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[str, int]({"abc": 42})
                x["foo"] = "abc"
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            type_mismatch("Exact[str]", "int"),
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_shadowcode(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[B, int]({B():42, D():42})
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            for i in range(200):
                self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[B, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_optional(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict
            from typing import Optional

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[str, str | None]({
                    'x': None,
                    'y': 'z'
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
            x = f()
            x["z"] = None
            self.assertEqual(type(x), chkdict[str, str | None])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_bad_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x: 42 = CheckedDict[str, str]({'abc':'abc'})
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[str, str])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_ann_differs(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[int, int] = CheckedDict[str, str]({'abc':'abc'})
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                "Exact[chkdict[str, str]]",
                "Exact[chkdict[int, int]]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_ann_differs_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x: int = CheckedDict[str, str]({'abc':'abc'})
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            type_mismatch("Exact[chkdict[str, str]]", "int"),
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_opt_out_by_default(self):
        codestr = """
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x = {B():42, D():42}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), dict)

    def test_compile_checked_dict_opt_in(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__.compiler_flags import checked_dicts
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x = {B():42, D():42}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[B, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_explicit_dict(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import pydict
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x: pydict = {B():42, D():42}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), dict)

    def test_compile_checked_dict_reversed(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[B, int]({D():42, B():42})
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[B, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_type_specified(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[B, int] = CheckedDict[B, int]({D():42})
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[B, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_with_annotation_comprehension(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[int, object] = {int(i): object() for i in range(1, 5)}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[int, object])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_with_annotation(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass

            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[B, int] = {B():42}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            B = mod.B
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[B, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_with_annotation_wrong_value_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass

            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[B, int] = {B():'hi'}
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                "Exact[chkdict[foo.B, Exact[str]]]",
                "Exact[chkdict[foo.B, int]]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_with_annotation_wrong_key_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            class B: pass

            def testfunc():
                x: CheckedDict[B, int] = {object():42}
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                "Exact[chkdict[object, Literal[42]]]",
                "Exact[chkdict[foo.B, int]]",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_wrong_unknown_type(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(x: int):
                return x

            def testfunc(iter):
                return f({x:42 for x in iter})

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Exact\[dict\] received for positional arg 'x', expected int",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_explicit_dict_as_dict(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import pydict as dict
            class B: pass
            class D(B): pass

            def testfunc():
                x: dict = {B():42, D():42}
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), dict)

    def test_compile_checked_dict_from_dict_call(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__.compiler_flags import checked_dicts

            def testfunc():
                x = dict(x=42)
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypeError, "cannot create '__static__.chkdict\\[K, V\\]' instances"
            with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                test = mod.testfunc

    def test_compile_checked_dict_from_dict_call_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__.compiler_flags import checked_dicts

            def testfunc():
                x = dict[str, int](x=42)
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[str, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_from_dict_call_3(self):
        # we emit the chkdict import first before future annotations, but that
        # should be fine as we're the compiler.
        codestr = """
            from __future__ import annotations
            from __static__.compiler_flags import checked_dicts

            def testfunc():
                x = dict[str, int](x=42)
                return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), chkdict[str, int])

    def test_compile_checked_dict_len(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict

            def testfunc():
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({1:'abc'})
                return len(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertInBytecode(test, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_DICT)
            if cinderjit is not None:
            self.assertEqual(test(), 1)
            if cinderjit is not None:
                stats = cinderjit.get_and_clear_runtime_stats().get("deopt")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_clen(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict, clen, int64

            def testfunc() -> int64:
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({1:'abc'})
                return clen(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.testfunc
            self.assertInBytecode(test, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_DICT)
            if cinderjit is not None:
            self.assertEqual(test(), 1)
            if cinderjit is not None:
                stats = cinderjit.get_and_clear_runtime_stats().get("deopt")

    def test_compile_checked_dict_create_with_dictcomp(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import CheckedDict, clen, int64

            def testfunc() -> None:
                x = CheckedDict[int, str]({int(i): int(i) for i in
                               range(1, 5)})
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                "Exact[chkdict[Exact[int], Exact[int]]]", "Exact[chkdict[int, str]]"

    def test_async_method_override(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 1

            def f(x: C):
                return x.f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    return "not an int"

                ((mod.__name__, "C", "f"), 0),

            d = D()
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_async_method_override_narrowing(self):
        codestr = """
            class Num(int):

            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 0

            class D(C):
                async def f(self) -> Num:
                    return Num(0)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            d = mod.D()
            except StopIteration as e:
                res = e.args[0]
                self.assertIsInstance(res, mod.Num)
                self.assertEqual(res, 0)

    def test_async_method_override_widening(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import Optional

            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 0

            class D(C):
                async def f(self) -> Optional[int]:
                    return 0
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"Returned type `static.InferredAwaitable\[Optional\[int\]\]` is not "
            r"a subtype of the overridden return `static.InferredAwaitable\[int\]`",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_async_method_override_future_correct_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 42

                def g(self):
                    return self.f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

            class D(mod.C):
                def f(self):
                    fut = loop.create_future()
                    return fut

            d = D()
            for i in range(100):
                except StopIteration as e:
                    self.assertEqual(e.args[0], 100)

    def test_async_method_override_future_incorrect_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 42

                def g(self):
                    return self.f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

            class D(mod.C):
                def f(self):
                    fut = loop.create_future()
                    fut.set_result("not an int")
                    return fut

            d = D()
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_async_method_immediate_await(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> bool:
                    return True

            async def f(x: C):
                if await x.f():
                    return 0
                return 1
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    return False

            d = D()
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.f(d)), 1)

    def test_async_method_immediate_await_incorrect_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> bool:
                    return True

            async def f(x: C):
                if await x.f():
                    return 0
                return 1
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    return "not an int"

            d = D()
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_async_method_incorrect_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 1

            async def f(x: C):
                a = x.f()
                b = 2
                c = await a
                return b + c
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    return "not an int"

            d = D()
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_async_method_incorrect_type_suspended(self):
        codestr = """
            import asyncio

            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 1

            async def f(x: C):
                return await x.f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    await asyncio.sleep(0)
                    return "not an int"

            d = D()
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_async_method_throw_exception(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 42

                async def g(self):
                    coro = self.f()
                    return coro.throw(IndexError("ERROR"))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    return 0

            coro = D().g()
            with self.assertRaises(IndexError):

    def test_async_method_throw(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 42

                async def g(self):
                    coro = self.f()
                    return coro.throw(StopIteration(100))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

            class D(mod.C):
                def f(self):
                    return loop.create_future()

            coro = D().g()
            except RuntimeError as e:
                self.assertEqual(e.__cause__.args[0], 100)

    def test_async_method_throw_incorrect_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 42

                async def g(self):
                    coro = self.f()
                    return coro.throw(StopIteration("not an int"))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

            class D(mod.C):
                def f(self):
                    return loop.create_future()

            coro = D().g()
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_async_method_close(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 42

                async def g(self):
                    coro = self.f()
                    return coro.close()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:

            class D(mod.C):
                async def f(self):
                    return 0

            coro = D().g()
            except StopIteration as e:
                self.assertEqual(e.args, ())

    def test_invoke_frozen_type(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                def f():
                    return 42

            def g():
                return C.f()
        with self.in_module(codestr, freeze=True) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            for i in range(100):
                self.assertEqual(g(), 42)

    def test_invoke_strict_module(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                return 42

            def g():
                return f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            for i in range(100):
                self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "f"), 0))

    def test_invoke_with_cell(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(l: list):
                x = 2
                return [x + y for y in l]

            def g():
                return f([1,2,3])
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertEqual(g(), [3, 4, 5])
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "f"), 1))

    def test_invoke_with_cell_arg(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(l: list, x: int):
                return [x + y for y in l]

            def g():
                return f([1,2,3], 2)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertEqual(g(), [3, 4, 5])
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "f"), 2))

    def test_invoke_all_reg_args(self):
        codestr = """
            def target(a, b, c, d, e, f):
                return a * 2 + b * 3 + c * 4 + d * 5 + e * 6 + f * 7

            def testfunc():
                return target(1,2,3,4,5,6)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
                ((mod.__name__, "target"), 6),
            self.assertEqual(f(), 112)

    def test_invoke_all_extra_args(self):
        codestr = """
            def target(a, b, c, d, e, f, g):
                return a * 2 + b * 3 + c * 4 + d * 5 + e * 6 + f * 7 + g

            def testfunc():
                return target(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.testfunc
                ((mod.__name__, "target"), 7),
            self.assertEqual(f(), 119)

    def test_invoke_strict_module_deep(self):
        codestr = """
            def f0(): return 42
            def f1(): return f0()
            def f2(): return f1()
            def f3(): return f2()
            def f4(): return f3()
            def f5(): return f4()
            def f6(): return f5()
            def f7(): return f6()
            def f8(): return f7()
            def f9(): return f8()
            def f10(): return f9()
            def f11(): return f10()

            def g():
                return f11()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
            self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "f11"), 0))

    def test_invoke_strict_module_deep_unjitable(self):
        codestr = """
            def f12(): return 42
            def f11():
                class C: pass
                return f12()
            def f10(): return f11()
            def f9(): return f10()
            def f8(): return f9()
            def f7(): return f8()
            def f6(): return f7()
            def f5(): return f6()
            def f4(): return f5()
            def f3(): return f4()
            def f2(): return f3()
            def f1(): return f2()

            def g(x):
                if x: return 0

                return f1()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertEqual(g(True), 0)
            # we should have done some level of pre-jitting
            [self.assert_jitted(getattr(mod, f"f{i}")) for i in range(1, 10)]
            self.assertEqual(g(False), 42)
                ((mod.__name__, "f1"), 0),

    def test_invoke_strict_module_deep_unjitable_many_args(self):
        codestr = """
            def f0(): return 42
            def f1(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h):
                class C: pass
                return f0() - a + b - c + d - e + f - g + h - 4

            def f2(): return f1(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
            def f3(): return f2()
            def f4(): return f3()
            def f5(): return f4()
            def f6(): return f5()
            def f7(): return f6()
            def f8(): return f7()
            def f9(): return f8()
            def f10(): return f9()
            def f11(): return f10()

            def g():
                return f11()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            f1 = mod.f1
            self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
            self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
                ((mod.__name__, "f11"), 0),

    def test_invoke_strict_module_recursive(self):
        codestr = """
            def fib(number):
                if number <= 1:
                    return number
                return(fib(number-1) + fib(number-2))
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            fib = mod.fib
                ((mod.__name__, "fib"), 1),
            self.assertEqual(fib(4), 3)

    def test_invoke_strict_module_mutual_recursive(self):
        codestr = """
            def fib1(number):
                if number <= 1:
                    return number
                return(fib(number-1) + fib(number-2))

            def fib(number):
                if number <= 1:
                    return number
                return(fib1(number-1) + fib1(number-2))
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            fib = mod.fib
            fib1 = mod.fib1
                ((mod.__name__, "fib1"), 1),
                ((mod.__name__, "fib"), 1),
            self.assertEqual(fib(0), 0)
            self.assertEqual(fib(4), 3)

    def test_invoke_strict_module_pre_invoked(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                return 42

            def g():
                return f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), 42)
            g = mod.g
            self.assertEqual(g(), 42)
                ((mod.__name__, "f"), 0),

    def test_primitive_args_funcdef(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, box

            def n(val: int8):
                return box(val)

            def x():
                y: int8 = 42
                return n(y)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            n = mod.n
            x = mod.x
            self.assertEqual(x(), 42)
            self.assertEqual(mod.n(-128), -128)
            self.assertEqual(mod.n(127), 127)
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):

    def test_primitive_args_funcdef_unjitable(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, box

            def n(val: int8):
                class C: pass
                return box(val)

            def x():
                y: int8 = 42
                return n(y)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            n = mod.n
            x = mod.x
            self.assertEqual(x(), 42)
            self.assertEqual(mod.n(-128), -128)
            self.assertEqual(mod.n(127), 127)
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):

    def test_primitive_args_funcdef_too_many_args(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, box

            def n(x: int8):
                return box(x)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            n = mod.n
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                print(mod.n(-128, x=2))
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                print(mod.n(-128, 2))

    def test_primitive_args_funcdef_missing_starargs(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, box

            def x(val: int8, *foo):
                return box(val), foo
            def y(val: int8, **foo):
                return box(val), foo
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.x(-128), (-128, ()))
            self.assertEqual(mod.y(-128), (-128, {}))

    def test_primitive_args_many_args(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, int32, int64, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, box

            def x(i8: int8, i16: int16, i32: int32, i64: int64, u8: uint8, u16: uint16, u32: uint32, u64: uint64):
                return box(i8), box(i16), box(i32), box(i64), box(u8), box(u16), box(u32), box(u64)

            def y():
                return x(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertInBytecode(mod.y, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "x"), 8))
            self.assertEqual(mod.y(), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
            self.assertEqual(mod.x(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))

    def test_primitive_args_sizes(self):
        cases = [
            ("cbool", True, False),
            ("cbool", False, False),
            ("int8", (1 << 7), True),
            ("int8", (-1 << 7) - 1, True),
            ("int8", -1 << 7, False),
            ("int8", (1 << 7) - 1, False),
            ("int16", (1 << 15), True),
            ("int16", (-1 << 15) - 1, True),
            ("int16", -1 << 15, False),
            ("int16", (1 << 15) - 1, False),
            ("int32", (1 << 31), True),
            ("int32", (-1 << 31) - 1, True),
            ("int32", -1 << 31, False),
            ("int32", (1 << 31) - 1, False),
            ("int64", (1 << 63), True),
            ("int64", (-1 << 63) - 1, True),
            ("int64", -1 << 63, False),
            ("int64", (1 << 63) - 1, False),
            ("uint8", (1 << 8), True),
            ("uint8", -1, True),
            ("uint8", (1 << 8) - 1, False),
            ("uint8", 0, False),
            ("uint16", (1 << 16), True),
            ("uint16", -1, True),
            ("uint16", (1 << 16) - 1, False),
            ("uint16", 0, False),
            ("uint32", (1 << 32), True),
            ("uint32", -1, True),
            ("uint32", (1 << 32) - 1, False),
            ("uint32", 0, False),
            ("uint64", (1 << 64), True),
            ("uint64", -1, True),
            ("uint64", (1 << 64) - 1, False),
            ("uint64", 0, False),
        for type, val, overflows in cases:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box

                def x(val: {type}):
                    return box(val)
            with self.subTest(type=type, val=val, overflows=overflows):
                with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                    if overflows:
                        with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
                        self.assertEqual(mod.x(val), val)

    def test_primitive_args_funcdef_missing_kw_call(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, box

            def testfunc(x: int8, foo):
                return box(x), foo
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.testfunc(-128, foo=42), (-128, 42))

    def test_primitive_args_funccall(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8

            def f(foo):

            def n() -> int:
                x: int8 = 3
                return f(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"int8 received for positional arg 'foo', expected dynamic",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")

    def test_primitive_args_funccall_int(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8

            def f(foo: int):

            def n() -> int:
                x: int8 = 3
                return f(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"int8 received for positional arg 'foo', expected int",
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")

    def test_primitive_args_typecall(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8

            def n() -> int:
                x: int8 = 3
                return int(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")

    def test_primitive_args_typecall_kwarg(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8

            def n() -> int:
                x: int8 = 3
                return dict(a=x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")

    def test_primitive_args_nonstrict(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8, int16, box

            def f(x: int8, y: int16) -> int16:
                return x + y

            def g() -> int:
                return box(f(1, 300))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.g(), 301)

    def test_primitive_args_and_return(self):
        cases = [
            ("cbool", 1),
            ("cbool", 0),
            ("int8", -1 << 7),
            ("int8", (1 << 7) - 1),
            ("int16", -1 << 15),
            ("int16", (1 << 15) - 1),
            ("int32", -1 << 31),
            ("int32", (1 << 31) - 1),
            ("int64", -1 << 63),
            ("int64", (1 << 63) - 1),
            ("uint8", (1 << 8) - 1),
            ("uint8", 0),
            ("uint16", (1 << 16) - 1),
            ("uint16", 0),
            ("uint32", (1 << 32) - 1),
            ("uint32", 0),
            ("uint64", (1 << 64) - 1),
            ("uint64", 0),
        for typ, val in cases:
            if typ == "cbool":
                op = "or"
                expected = True
                other = "cbool(True)"
                boxed = "bool"
                op = "+" if val <= 0 else "-"
                expected = val + (1 if op == "+" else -1)
                other = "1"
                boxed = "int"
            with self.subTest(typ=typ, val=val, op=op, expected=expected):
                codestr = f"""
                    from __static__ import {typ}, box

                    def f(x: {typ}, y: {typ}) -> {typ}:
                        return x {op} y

                    def g() -> {boxed}:
                        return box(f({val}, {other}))
                with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                    self.assertEqual(mod.g(), expected)

    def test_primitive_return(self):
        cases = [
            ("cbool", True),
            ("cbool", False),
            ("int8", -1 << 7),
            ("int8", (1 << 7) - 1),
            ("int16", -1 << 15),
            ("int16", (1 << 15) - 1),
            ("int32", -1 << 31),
            ("int32", (1 << 31) - 1),
            ("int64", -1 << 63),
            ("int64", (1 << 63) - 1),
            ("uint8", (1 << 8) - 1),
            ("uint8", 0),
            ("uint16", (1 << 16) - 1),
            ("uint16", 0),
            ("uint32", (1 << 32) - 1),
            ("uint32", 0),
            ("uint64", (1 << 64) - 1),
            ("uint64", 0),
        tf = [True, False]
        for (type, val), box, strict, error, unjitable in itertools.product(
            cases, tf, tf, tf, tf
            if type == "cbool":
                op = "or"
                other = "False"
                boxed = "bool"
                op = "*"
                other = "1"
                boxed = "int"
            unjitable_code = "class C: pass" if unjitable else ""
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box

                def f(error: bool) -> {type}:
                    if error:
                        raise RuntimeError("boom")
                    return {val}
            if box:
                codestr += f"""

                def g() -> {boxed}:
                    return box(f({error}) {op} {type}({other}))
                codestr += f"""

                def g() -> {type}:
                    return f({error}) {op} {type}({other})
            ctx = self.in_strict_module if strict else self.in_module
            oparg = PRIM_NAME_TO_TYPE[type]
            with self.subTest(
                with ctx(codestr) as mod:
                    f = mod.f
                    g = mod.g
                    self.assertInBytecode(f, "RETURN_PRIMITIVE", oparg)
                    if box:
                        self.assertNotInBytecode(g, "RETURN_PRIMITIVE")
                        self.assertInBytecode(g, "RETURN_PRIMITIVE", oparg)
                    if error:
                        with self.assertRaisesRegex(RuntimeError, "boom"):
                        self.assertEqual(g(), val)
                    if unjitable:

    def test_double_return(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double

        def fn() -> double:
            return double(3.14159)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            r = fn()
            self.assertEqual(r, 3.14159)

    def test_double_return_static(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double, box

        def fn() -> double:
            return double(3.14159)

        def lol():
            return box(fn()) + 1.0
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            lol = mod.lol
            r = lol()
            self.assertEqual(r, 4.14159)

    def test_double_return_2(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double

        def fn(x: float, y: float) -> double:
            i = double(x)
            j = double(y)
            return i + j
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            r = fn(1.2, 2.3)
            self.assertEqual(r, 3.5)

    def test_double_return_with_default_args(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double

        def fn(x: float, y: float = 3.2) -> double:
            i = double(x)
            j = double(y)
            return i + j
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            r = fn(1.2)
            self.assertEqual(r, 4.4)

    def test_primitive_return_recursive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int32

            def fib(n: int32) -> int32:
                if n <= 1:
                    return n
                return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                ((mod.__name__, "fib"), 1),
            self.assertEqual(mod.fib(2), 1)

    def test_primitive_return_unannotated(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int32

            def f():
                x: int32 = 1
                return x
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, bad_ret_type("int32", "dynamic")):

    def test_primitive_return_bad_call(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int64

        def fn(x: int, y: int) -> int64:
            i = int64(x)
            j = int64(y)
            return i + j
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                re.escape("fn() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'x' and 'y'"),
                fn()  # bad call

    def test_primitive_double_return_bad_call(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double

        def fn(x: float, y: float) -> double:
            i = double(x)
            j = double(y)
            return i + j
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                re.escape("fn() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'x' and 'y'"),
                fn()  # bad call

    def test_module_level_final_decl(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Final

        x: Final
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Must assign a value when declaring a Final"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_int_unbox_with_conversion(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f(x) -> int64:
                return int64(int(x))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(42.0), 42)

    def test_int_compare_to_cbool(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, cbool
            def foo(i: int64) -> cbool:
                return i  == 0
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo(0), True)
            self.assertEqual(foo(1), False)

    def test_int_compare_to_cbool_reversed(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, cbool
            def foo(i: int64) -> cbool:
                return 0 == i
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo(0), True)
            self.assertEqual(foo(1), False)

    def test_cbool_compare_to_cbool(self):
        for a, b in [
            ("True", "True"),
            ("True", "False"),
            ("False", "False"),
            ("False", "True"),
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import cbool

            def f() -> int:
                a: cbool = {a}
                b: cbool = {b}
                if a < b:
                    return 1
                    return 2
            with self.subTest(a=a, b=b):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    f = mod.f
                    if a == "True":
                        self.assertEqual(f(), 2)
                    elif a == "False" and b == "False":
                        self.assertEqual(f(), 2)
                        self.assertEqual(f(), 1)

    def test_assign_bool_to_primitive_int(self):
        codestr = f"""
        from __static__ import int8

        def f() -> int:
            a: int8 = True
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[bool]", "int8")

    def test_inline_primitive(self):

        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, cbool, inline

            def x(i: int64) -> cbool:
                return i == 1

            def foo(i: int64) -> cbool:
                return i >0 and x(i)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo(0), False)
            self.assertEqual(foo(1), True)
            self.assertEqual(foo(2), False)
            self.assertNotInBytecode(foo, "STORE_FAST")
            self.assertInBytecode(foo, "STORE_LOCAL")

    def test_inline_primitive_multiple(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cbool, inline, int64, int32

            def f(x: int64) -> cbool:
                return x == 1

            def g(x: int32) -> cbool:
                return x == 2

            def h(a: int64, b: int32) -> cbool:
                return f(a) and g(b)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            h = mod.h
            self.assertNotInBytecode(h, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(h, "CALL_FUNCTION")
            self.assertEqual(h(1, 2), True)

    def test_frozenset_constant(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import inline

        def i(s: str) -> bool:
            return i in {"a", "b"}

        def t() -> bool:
            return i("p")
        self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_exact_float_type(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo():
            f = float("1.0")
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"reveal_type\(f\): 'Exact\[float\]'",

    def test_chkdict_float_is_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import CheckedDict

        def main():
            d = CheckedDict[float, str]({2.0: "hello", 2.3: "foobar"})
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            r"reveal_type\(d\): 'Exact\[chkdict\[dynamic, str\]\]'",

    def test_default_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int = "") -> int:
            return x
            codestr, r"type mismatch: Exact\[str\] cannot be assigned to int"

    def test_default_type_error_with_non_defaults(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo(non_default: int, x: int = "") -> int:
            return non_default + x
            codestr, r"type mismatch: Exact\[str\] cannot be assigned to int"

    def test_default_type_error_with_positional_only_arguments(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int = "", /) -> int:
            return x
            codestr, r"type mismatch: Exact\[str\] cannot be assigned to int"

    def test_default_type_error_with_keywords(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int, *, y: int, z: int = "") -> int:
            return x + y + z
            codestr, r"type mismatch: Exact\[str\] cannot be assigned to int"

    def test_slotification_decorated(self):
        codestr = """
            class _Inner():

            def something(klass):
                return _Inner

            class C:
                def f(self):

            def f():
                return C().f()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "INVOKE_METHOD")

    def test_inline_func(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f(x, y):
                return x + y

            def g():
                return f(1,2)
        # we only inline at opt level 2 to avoid test patching problems
        # TODO longer term we might need something better here (e.g. emit both
        # inlined code and call and a guard to choose); assuming
        # non-patchability at opt 2 works for IG but isn't generally valid
        for enable_patching in [False, True]:
            with self.subTest(enable_patching=enable_patching):
                with self.in_module(codestr, enable_patching=enable_patching) as mod:
                    g = mod.g
                    if not enable_patching:
                        self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", 3)
                            g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "f"), 2)
                    self.assertEqual(g(), 3)

    def test_inline_kwarg(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f(x, y):
                return x + y

            def g():
                return f(x=1,y=2)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", 3)
            self.assertEqual(g(), 3)

    def test_inline_bare_return(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f(x, y):

            def g():
                return f(x=1,y=2)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", None)
            self.assertEqual(g(), None)

    def test_inline_final(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline
            from typing import Final

            Y: Final[int] = 42
            def f(x):
                return x + Y

            def g():
                return f(1)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            # We don't currently inline math with finals
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", 42)
            self.assertEqual(g(), 43)

    def test_inline_nested(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def e(x, y):
                return x + y

            def f(x, y):
                return e(x, 3)

            def g():
                return f(1,2)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", 4)
            self.assertEqual(g(), 4)

    def test_inline_nested_arg(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def e(x, y):
                return x + y

            def f(x, y):
                return e(x, 3)

            def g(a,b):
                return f(a,b)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", 3)
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "BINARY_ADD")
            self.assertEqual(g(1, 2), 4)

    def test_inline_recursive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f(x, y):
                return f(x, y)

            def g():
                return f(1,2)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (((mod.__name__, "f"), 2)))

    def test_inline_func_default(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f(x, y = 2):
                return x + y

            def g():
                return f(1)
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "LOAD_CONST", 3)

            self.assertEqual(g(), 3)

    def test_inline_arg_type(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import box, inline, int64, int32

            def f(x: int64) -> int:
                return box(x)

            def g(arg: int) -> int:
                return f(int64(arg))
        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=2) as mod:
            g = mod.g
            self.assertInBytecode(g, "PRIMITIVE_BOX")
            self.assertEqual(g(3), 3)

    def test_inline_arg_type_mismatch(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f(x: int) -> bool:
                return x == 1

            def g(arg: str) -> bool:
                return f(arg)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, r"str received for positional arg 'x', expected int"

    def test_inline_return_type_mismatch(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import inline

            def f() -> int:
                return 1

            def g() -> str:
                return f()
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypedSyntaxError, bad_ret_type("int", "str")):

    def test_augassign_primitive_int(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import int8, box, unbox

        def a(i: int) -> int:
            j: int8 = unbox(i)
            j += 2
            return box(j)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            a = mod.a
            self.assertInBytecode(a, "PRIMITIVE_BINARY_OP", 0)
            self.assertEqual(a(3), 5)

    def test_primitive_compare_immediate_no_branch_on_result(self):
        for rev in [True, False]:
            compare = "0 == xp" if rev else "xp == 0"
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import box, int64, int32

                def f(x: int) -> bool:
                    xp = int64(x)
                    y = {compare}
                    return box(y)
            with self.subTest(rev=rev):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    f = mod.f
                    self.assertEqual(f(3), 0)
                    self.assertEqual(f(0), 1)
                    self.assertIs(f(0), True)

    def test_type_type_final(self):
        codestr = """
        class A(type):

    def test_inlined_nodes_have_line_info(self):
            from __static__ import int64, cbool, inline

            def x(i: int64) -> cbool:
                return i == "foo"

            def foo(i: int64) -> cbool:
                return x(i)
            at="i ==",

    def test_compare_with_attr(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import cbool

        class C:
            def __init__(self) -> None:
                self.running: cbool = False

            def f(self) -> int:
                return 2 if not self.running else 1
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            c = C()
            self.assertEqual(c.f(), 2)

    def test_chained_compare(self):
        for jumpif in [False, True]:
            with self.subTest(jumpif=jumpif):
                if jumpif:
                    pre = ""
                    test = "0 < x < 10"
                    pre = "y = 0 < x < 10"
                    test = "y"
                codestr = f"""
                    def f(x):
                        if {test}:
                            return 1
                        return 0
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    f = mod.f
                    self.assertEqual(f(0), 0)
                    self.assertEqual(f(1), 1)
                    self.assertEqual(f(9), 1)
                    self.assertEqual(f(10), 0)

    def test_chained_compare_primitive_mixed(self):
        for jumpif in [False, True]:
            with self.subTest(jumpif=jumpif):
                if jumpif:
                    pre = ""
                    test = "a < x < b"
                    pre = "y = a < x < b"
                    test = "y"
                codestr = f"""
                    from __static__ import int16, int32, int64

                    def f(x: int16):
                        a: int32 = 1
                        b: int64 = 5
                        if x:
                            a += 1
                            b += 1
                        if {test}:
                            return 1
                        return 0
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    f = mod.f
                        f, "CONVERT_PRIMITIVE", TYPED_INT16 | (TYPED_INT32 << 4)
                        f, "CONVERT_PRIMITIVE", TYPED_INT16 | (TYPED_INT64 << 4)
                    self.assertEqual(f(2), 0)
                    self.assertEqual(f(3), 1)
                    self.assertEqual(f(5), 1)
                    self.assertEqual(f(6), 0)

    def test_compile_nested_class(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import ClassVar
            class Outer:
                class Inner:
                    c: ClassVar[int] = 1

        codestr = """
            from typing import ClassVar
            class Outer:
                class Inner1:
                    c: ClassVar[int] = 1
                    class Inner2:
                        c: ClassVar[int] = 2
                        class Inner3:
                            c: ClassVar[int] = 3

    def test_compile_nested_class_in_fn(self):
        codestr = """

        def fn():
            class C:
                c: int = 1
            return C()


        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.fn
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "TP_ALLOC")
            self.assertEqual(f().c, 1)

    def test_primitive_types_final(self):
        PRIMITIVE_NAMES = [klass.instance_name for klass in PRIMITIVE_TYPES]
        for name in PRIMITIVE_NAMES:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {name}

                class C({name}): pass
            with self.subTest(klass=name):
                    f"Primitive type {name} cannot be subclassed: ",
                    at="class C",

class StaticRuntimeTests(StaticTestBase):
    def test_bad_slots_qualname_conflict(self):
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):

            class C:
                __slots__ = ("x",)
                __slot_types__ = {"x": ("__static__", "int32")}
                x = 42

    def test_typed_slots_bad_inst(self):
        class C:
            __slots__ = ("a",)
            __slot_types__ = {"a": ("__static__", "int32")}

        class D:

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            C.a.__get__(D(), D)

    def test_typed_slots_bad_slots(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

            class C:
                __slots__ = ("a",)
                __slot_types__ = None

    def test_typed_slots_bad_slot_dict(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

            class C:
                __slots__ = ("__dict__",)
                __slot_types__ = {"__dict__": "object"}

    def test_typed_slots_bad_slot_weakerf(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

            class C:
                __slots__ = ("__weakref__",)
                __slot_types__ = {"__weakref__": "object"}

    def test_typed_slots_object(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ('a', )
                __slot_types__ = {'a': (__name__, 'C')}

            inst = C()

        with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator) as mod:
            inst, C = mod.inst, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(C.a.__class__.__name__, "typed_descriptor")
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                # type is checked
                inst.a = 42
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                inst.a = None
            with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
                # is initially unassigned

            # can assign correct type
            inst.a = inst

            # __sizeof__ doesn't include GC header size
            self.assertEqual(inst.__sizeof__(), self.base_size + self.ptr_size)
            # size is +2 words for GC header, one word for reference
            self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(inst), self.base_size + (self.ptr_size * 3))

            # subclasses are okay
            class D(C):

            inst.a = D()

    def test_builtin_object_setattr(self):
        codestr = """
        class C:
            a: int
            def fn(self):
                object.__setattr__(self, "a", 1)
        with self.in_module(codestr, name="t1") as mod:
            C = mod.C
            self.assertInBytecode(C.fn, "LOAD_METHOD", "__setattr__")

            c = C()
            self.assertEqual(c.a, 1)

    def test_user_defined_class_setattr_defined(self):
        codestr = """
        class E:

            hihello: str

            def __setattr__(self, key: str, val: object):
                object.__setattr__(self, key + "hello", val)

        def fn():
            e = E()
            E.__setattr__(e, "hi", "itsme")
            return e
        with self.in_module(codestr, name="t2") as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
                fn, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("t2", "E", "__setattr__"), 3)
            res = fn()
            self.assertEqual(res.hihello, "itsme")

    def test_user_defined_class_setattr_undefined(self):
        codestr = """
        class F:
            hihello: str

        def fn():
            f = F()
            F.__setattr__(f, "hihello", "itsme")
            return f
        with self.in_module(codestr, name="t3") as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            self.assertInBytecode(fn, "LOAD_METHOD", "__setattr__")
            res = fn()
            self.assertEqual(res.hihello, "itsme")

    def test_allow_weakrefs(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import allow_weakrefs
            import weakref

            class C:

            def f(c: C):
                return weakref.ref(c)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            c = C()
            ref = mod.f(c)
            self.assertIs(ref(), c)
            del c
            self.assertIs(ref(), None)
            self.assertEqual(C.__slots__, ("__weakref__",))

    def test_generic_type_def_no_create(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_def_bad_args(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            spamobj[str, int]

    def test_generic_type_def_non_type(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_inst_okay(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()

    def test_generic_type_inst_optional_okay(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[Optional[str]]()

    def test_generic_type_inst_non_optional_error(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_inst_bad_type(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_inst_name(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        self.assertEqual(spamobj[str].__name__, "spamobj[str]")

    def test_generic_type_inst_name_optional(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        self.assertEqual(spamobj[Optional[str]].__name__, "spamobj[Optional[str]]")

    def test_generic_type_inst_okay_func(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        f = o.setstate

    def test_generic_type_inst_optional_okay_func(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[Optional[str]]()
        f = o.setstate

    def test_generic_type_inst_non_optional_error_func(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        f = o.setstate
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_inst_bad_type_func(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        f = o.setstate
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_int_funcs(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        self.assertEqual(o.getint8(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(o.getint16(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(o.getint32(), 42)

    def test_generic_uint_funcs(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        self.assertEqual(o.getuint8(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(o.getuint16(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(o.getuint32(), 42)
        self.assertEqual(o.getuint64(), 42)

    def test_generic_int_funcs_overflow(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        for i, f in enumerate([o.setint8, o.setint16, o.setint32, o.setint]):
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
                x = -(1 << ((8 << i) - 1)) - 1
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
                x = 1 << ((8 << i) - 1)

    def test_generic_uint_funcs_overflow(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        for f in [o.setuint8, o.setuint16, o.setuint32, o.setuint64]:
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
        for i, f in enumerate([o.setuint8, o.setuint16, o.setuint32, o.setuint64]):
            with self.assertRaises(OverflowError):
                x = (1 << (8 << i)) + 1

    def test_generic_type_int_func(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        self.assertEqual(o.getint(), 42)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_str_func(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        self.assertEqual(o.getstr(), "abc")
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_generic_type_bad_arg_cnt(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            o.setstr("abc", "abc")

    def test_generic_type_bad_arg_cnt(self):
        from xxclassloader import spamobj

        o = spamobj[str]()
        self.assertEqual(o.twoargs(1, 2), 3)

    def test_typed_slots_one_missing(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ('a', 'b')
                __slot_types__ = {'a': (__name__, 'C')}

            inst = C()

        with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator) as mod:
            inst, C = mod.inst, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(C.a.__class__.__name__, "typed_descriptor")
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                # type is checked
                inst.a = 42

    def test_typed_slots_optional_object(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ('a', )
                __slot_types__ = {'a': (__name__, 'C', '?')}

            inst = C()

        with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator) as mod:
            inst, C = mod.inst, mod.C
            inst.a = None
            self.assertEqual(inst.a, None)

    def test_typed_slots_private(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ('__a', )
                __slot_types__ = {'__a': (__name__, 'C', '?')}
                def __init__(self):
                    self.__a = None

            inst = C()

        with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator) as mod:
            inst, C = mod.inst, mod.C
            self.assertEqual(inst._C__a, None)
            inst._C__a = inst
            self.assertEqual(inst._C__a, inst)
            inst._C__a = None
            self.assertEqual(inst._C__a, None)

    def test_typed_slots_optional_not_defined(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ('a', )
                __slot_types__ = {'a': (__name__, 'D', '?')}

                def __init__(self):
                    self.a = None

            inst = C()

            class D:

        with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator) as mod:
            inst, C = mod.inst, mod.C
            inst.a = None
            self.assertEqual(inst.a, None)

    def test_typed_slots_alignment(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                __slots__ = ('a', 'b')
                __slot_types__ {'a': ('__static__', 'int16')}

            inst = C()

        with self.in_module(codestr, code_gen=PythonCodeGenerator) as mod:
            inst, C = mod.inst, mod.C
            inst.a = None
            self.assertEqual(inst.a, None)

    def test_typed_slots_primitives(self):
        slot_types = [
            # signed
                ("__static__", "byte"),
                [(1 << 7) - 1, -(1 << 7)],
                [1 << 8],
                ("__static__", "int8"),
                [(1 << 7) - 1, -(1 << 7)],
                [1 << 8],
                ("__static__", "int16"),
                [(1 << 15) - 1, -(1 << 15)],
                [1 << 15, -(1 << 15) - 1],
                ("__static__", "int32"),
                [(1 << 31) - 1, -(1 << 31)],
                [1 << 31, -(1 << 31) - 1],
            (("__static__", "int64"), 0, 8, [(1 << 63) - 1, -(1 << 63)], [], [1 << 63]),
            # unsigned
            (("__static__", "uint8"), 0, 1, [(1 << 8) - 1, 0], [1 << 8, -1], ["abc"]),
                ("__static__", "uint16"),
                [(1 << 16) - 1, 0],
                [1 << 16, -1],
                ("__static__", "uint32"),
                [(1 << 32) - 1, 0],
                [1 << 32, -1],
            (("__static__", "uint64"), 0, 8, [(1 << 64) - 1, 0], [], [1 << 64]),
            # pointer
                ("__static__", "ssize_t"),
                [1, sys.maxsize, -sys.maxsize - 1],
                [sys.maxsize + 1, -sys.maxsize - 2],
            # floating point
            (("__static__", "single"), 0.0, 4, [1.0], [], ["abc"]),
            (("__static__", "double"), 0.0, 8, [1.0], [], ["abc"]),
            # misc
            (("__static__", "char"), "\x00", 1, ["a"], [], ["abc"]),
            (("__static__", "cbool"), False, 1, [True], [], ["abc", 1]),

        target_size = self.base_size + 8
        for type_spec, default, size, test_vals, warn_vals, err_vals in slot_types:
            with self.subTest(

                # Since object sizes are aligned to 8 bytes, figure out how
                # many slots of each type we need to get to 8 bytes.
                self.assertEqual(8 % size, 0)
                num_slots = 8 // size

                class C:
                    __slots__ = tuple(f"a{i}" for i in range(num_slots))
                    __slot_types__ = {f"a{i}": type_spec for i in range(num_slots)}

                a = C()
                self.assertEqual(sys.getsizeof(a), target_size, type_spec)
                self.assertEqual(a.a0, default)
                self.assertEqual(type(a.a0), type(default))
                for val in test_vals:
                    a.a0 = val
                    self.assertEqual(a.a0, val)

                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    warnings.simplefilter("error", category=RuntimeWarning)
                    for val in warn_vals:
                        with self.assertRaises(RuntimeWarning):
                            a.a0 = val

                for val in err_vals:
                    with self.assertRaises((TypeError, OverflowError)):
                        a.a0 = val

    def test_invoke_function(self):
        my_int = "12345"
        codestr = f"""
        def x(a: str, b: int) -> str:
            return a + str(b)

        def test() -> str:
            return x("hello", {my_int})
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        test = self.find_code(c, "test")
        self.assertInBytecode(test, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", (("foo.py", "x"), 2))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test_callable = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(test_callable(), "hello" + my_int)

    def test_awaited_invoke_function(self):
        codestr = """
            async def f() -> int:
                return 1

            async def g() -> int:
                return await f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertInBytecode(mod.g, "INVOKE_FUNCTION", ((mod.__name__, "f"), 0))
            self.assertNotInBytecode(mod.g, "CAST")
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.g()), 1)

    def test_awaited_invoke_function_unjitable(self):
        codestr = """
            async def f() -> int:
                class C: pass
                return 1

            async def g() -> int:
                return await f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                ((mod.__name__, "f"), 0),
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.g()), 1)

    def test_awaited_invoke_function_with_args(self):
        codestr = """
            async def f(a: int, b: int) -> int:
                return a + b

            async def g() -> int:
                return await f(1, 2)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                ((mod.__name__, "f"), 2),
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.g()), 3)

            # exercise shadowcode, INVOKE_FUNCTION_CACHED
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.g()), 3)

    def test_awaited_invoke_function_indirect_with_args(self):
        codestr = """
            async def f(a: int, b: int) -> int:
                return a + b

            async def g() -> int:
                return await f(1, 2)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            g = mod.g
                ((mod.__name__, "f"), 2),
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(g()), 3)

            # exercise shadowcode, INVOKE_FUNCTION_INDIRECT_CACHED
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(g()), 3)

    def test_awaited_invoke_function_future(self):
        codestr = """
            from asyncio import ensure_future

            async def h() -> int:
                return 1

            async def g() -> None:
                await ensure_future(h())

            async def f():
                await g()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                ((mod.__name__, "g"), 0),

            # exercise shadowcode

    def test_awaited_invoke_method(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self) -> int:
                    return 1

                async def g(self) -> int:
                    return await self.f()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                mod.C.g, "INVOKE_METHOD", ((mod.__name__, "C", "f"), 0)
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.C().g()), 1)

    def test_awaited_invoke_method_with_args(self):
        codestr = """
            class C:
                async def f(self, a: int, b: int) -> int:
                    return a + b

                async def g(self) -> int:
                    return await self.f(1, 2)
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                ((mod.__name__, "C", "f"), 2),
            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.C().g()), 3)

            # exercise shadowcode, INVOKE_METHOD_CACHED
            async def make_hot():
                c = mod.C()
                for i in range(50):
                    await c.g()

            self.assertEqual(asyncio.run(mod.C().g()), 3)

    def test_awaited_invoke_method_future(self):
        codestr = """
            from asyncio import ensure_future

            async def h() -> int:
                return 1

            class C:
                async def g(self) -> None:
                    await ensure_future(h())

            async def f():
                c = C()
                await c.g()
        with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                ((mod.__name__, "C", "g"), 0),

            # exercise shadowcode, INVOKE_METHOD_CACHED

    def test_vector_generics(self):
        T = TypeVar("T")
        VT = Vector[T]
        VT2 = VT[int64]
        a = VT2()
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "Cannot create plain Vector"):

    def test_vector_invalid_type(self):
        class C:

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypeError, "Invalid type for ArrayElement: C when instantiating Vector"

    def test_vector_wrong_arg_count(self):
        class C:

        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypeError, "Incorrect number of type arguments for Vector"
            Vector[int64, int64]

    def test_generic_type_args(self):
        T = TypeVar("T")
        U = TypeVar("U")

        class C(StaticGeneric[T, U]):

        c_t = make_generic_type(C, (T, int))
        self.assertEqual(c_t.__parameters__, (T,))
        c_t_s = make_generic_type(c_t, (str,))
        self.assertEqual(c_t_s.__name__, "C[str, int]")
        c_u = make_generic_type(C, (int, U))
        self.assertEqual(c_u.__parameters__, (U,))
        c_u_t = make_generic_type(c_u, (str,))
        self.assertEqual(c_u_t.__name__, "C[int, str]")
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(c_u_t, "__parameters__"))

        c_u_t_1 = make_generic_type(c_u, (int,))
        c_u_t_2 = make_generic_type(c_t, (int,))
        self.assertEqual(c_u_t_1.__name__, "C[int, int]")
        self.assertIs(c_u_t_1, c_u_t_2)

    def test_array_slice(self):
        v = Array[int64]([1, 2, 3, 4])
        self.assertEqual(v[1:3], Array[int64]([2, 3]))
        self.assertEqual(type(v[1:2]), Array[int64])

    def test_vector_slice(self):
        v = Vector[int64]([1, 2, 3, 4])
        self.assertEqual(v[1:3], Vector[int64]([2, 3]))
        self.assertEqual(type(v[1:2]), Vector[int64])

    def test_array_deepcopy(self):
        v = Array[int64]([1, 2, 3, 4])
        self.assertEqual(v, deepcopy(v))
        self.assertIsNot(v, deepcopy(v))
        self.assertEqual(type(v), type(deepcopy(v)))

    def test_vector_deepcopy(self):
        v = Vector[int64]([1, 2, 3, 4])
        self.assertEqual(v, deepcopy(v))
        self.assertIsNot(v, deepcopy(v))
        self.assertEqual(type(v), type(deepcopy(v)))

    def test_nested_generic(self):
        S = TypeVar("S")
        T = TypeVar("T")
        U = TypeVar("U")

        class F(StaticGeneric[U]):

        class C(StaticGeneric[T]):

        A = F[S]
        self.assertEqual(A.__parameters__, (S,))
        X = C[F[T]]
        self.assertEqual(X.__parameters__, (T,))

    def test_array_len(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, char, double, Array
            from array import array

            def y():
                return len(Array[int64]([1, 3, 5]))
        y = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"), name="y")
        self.assertInBytecode(y, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_ARRAY)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            y = mod.y
            self.assertEqual(y(), 3)

    def test_array_isinstance(self):
        x = Array[int64](0)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(x, Array[int64]))
        self.assertFalse(isinstance(x, Array[int32]))
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(Array[int64], Array[int64]))
        self.assertFalse(issubclass(Array[int64], Array[int32]))

    def test_array_weird_type_construction(self):

    def test_array_not_subclassable(self):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

            class C(Array[int64]):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

            class C(Array):

    def test_array_enum(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, clen, int64, box

            def f(x: Array[int64]):
                i: int64 = 0
                j: int64 = 0
                while i < clen(x):
                    j += x[i]
                return box(j)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            a = Array[int64]([1, 2, 3, 4])
            self.assertEqual(f(a), 10)
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_optional_array_enum(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, clen, int64, box
            from typing import Optional

            def f(x: Optional[Array[int64]]):
                if x is None:
                    return 42

                i: int64 = 0
                j: int64 = 0
                while i < clen(x):
                    j += x[i]
                return box(j)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            a = Array[int64]([1, 2, 3, 4])
            self.assertEqual(f(a), 10)
            self.assertEqual(f(None), 42)

    def test_nonarray_len(self):
        codestr = """
            class Lol:
                def __len__(self):
                    return 421

            def y():
                return len(Lol())
        y = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"), name="y")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(y, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            y = mod.y
            self.assertEqual(y(), 421)

    def test_clen(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import box, clen, int64
            from typing import List

            def f(l: List[int]):
                x: int64 = clen(l)
                return box(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
            self.assertEqual(f([1, 2, 3]), 3)

            class MyList(list):
                def __len__(self):
                    return 99

            self.assertEqual(f(MyList([1, 2])), 99)

    def test_clen_bad_arg(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import clen

            def f(l):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "bad argument type 'dynamic' for clen()"

    def test_seq_repeat_list(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                l = [1, 2]
                return l * 2
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 2, 1, 2])

    def test_seq_repeat_list_reversed(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                l = [1, 2]
                return 2 * l
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_LIST | SEQ_REPEAT_REVERSED)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 2, 1, 2])

    def test_seq_repeat_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 2
                l = [1, 2]
                return l * x
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_LIST | SEQ_REPEAT_PRIMITIVE_NUM)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 2, 1, 2])

    def test_seq_repeat_primitive_reversed(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64

            def f():
                x: int64 = 2
                l = [1, 2]
                return x * l
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), [1, 2, 1, 2])

    def test_seq_repeat_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                t = (1, 2)
                return t * 2
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_TUPLE)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), (1, 2, 1, 2))

    def test_seq_repeat_tuple_reversed(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                t = (1, 2)
                return 2 * t
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_TUPLE | SEQ_REPEAT_REVERSED)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(), (1, 2, 1, 2))

    def test_seq_repeat_inexact_list(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(l: List[int]):
                return l * 2
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_LIST | SEQ_REPEAT_INEXACT_SEQ)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f([1, 2]), [1, 2, 1, 2])

            class MyList(list):
                def __mul__(self, other):
                    return "RESULT"

            self.assertEqual(mod.f(MyList([1, 2])), "RESULT")

    def test_seq_repeat_inexact_tuple(self):

        codestr = """
            from typing import Tuple

            def f(t: Tuple[int]):
                return t * 2
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_REPEAT", SEQ_TUPLE | SEQ_REPEAT_INEXACT_SEQ)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f((1, 2)), (1, 2, 1, 2))

            class MyTuple(tuple):
                def __mul__(self, other):
                    return "RESULT"

            self.assertEqual(mod.f(MyTuple((1, 2))), "RESULT")

    def test_seq_repeat_inexact_num(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(num: int):

                return num * [1, 2]
        f = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.f(2), [1, 2, 1, 2])

            class MyInt(int):
                def __mul__(self, other):
                    return "RESULT"

            self.assertEqual(mod.f(MyInt(2)), "RESULT")

    def test_load_int_const_sizes(self):
        cases = [
            ("int8", (1 << 7), True),
            ("int8", (-1 << 7) - 1, True),
            ("int8", -1 << 7, False),
            ("int8", (1 << 7) - 1, False),
            ("int16", (1 << 15), True),
            ("int16", (-1 << 15) - 1, True),
            ("int16", -1 << 15, False),
            ("int16", (1 << 15) - 1, False),
            ("int32", (1 << 31), True),
            ("int32", (-1 << 31) - 1, True),
            ("int32", -1 << 31, False),
            ("int32", (1 << 31) - 1, False),
            ("int64", (1 << 63), True),
            ("int64", (-1 << 63) - 1, True),
            ("int64", -1 << 63, False),
            ("int64", (1 << 63) - 1, False),
            ("uint8", (1 << 8), True),
            ("uint8", -1, True),
            ("uint8", (1 << 8) - 1, False),
            ("uint8", 0, False),
            ("uint16", (1 << 16), True),
            ("uint16", -1, True),
            ("uint16", (1 << 16) - 1, False),
            ("uint16", 0, False),
            ("uint32", (1 << 32), True),
            ("uint32", -1, True),
            ("uint32", (1 << 32) - 1, False),
            ("uint32", 0, False),
            ("uint64", (1 << 64), True),
            ("uint64", -1, True),
            ("uint64", (1 << 64) - 1, False),
            ("uint64", 0, False),
        for type, val, overflows in cases:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box

                def f() -> int:
                    x: {type} = {val}
                    return box(x)
            with self.subTest(type=type, val=val, overflows=overflows):
                if overflows:
                    with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                        f"type mismatch: Literal\\[{val}\\] cannot be assigned to {type}",
                    with self.in_strict_module(codestr) as mod:
                        self.assertEqual(mod.f(), val)

    def test_load_int_const_signed(self):
        int_types = [
        signs = ["-", ""]
        values = [12]

        for type, sign, value in itertools.product(int_types, signs, values):
            expected = value if sign == "" else -value

            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box

                def y() -> int:
                    x: {type} = {sign}{value}
                    return box(x)
            with self.subTest(type=type, sign=sign, value=value):
                y = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"), name="y")
                self.assertInBytecode(y, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST")
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    y = mod.y
                    self.assertEqual(y(), expected)

    def test_load_int_const_unsigned(self):
        int_types = [
        values = [12]

        for type, value in itertools.product(int_types, values):
            expected = value
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {type}, box

                def y() -> int:
                    return box({type}({value}))
            with self.subTest(type=type, value=value):
                y = self.find_code(self.compile(codestr, modname="foo"), name="y")
                self.assertInBytecode(y, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST")
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    y = mod.y
                    self.assertEqual(y(), expected)

    def test_primitive_out_of_range(self):
        codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import int8, box

            def f() -> int:
                x = int8(255)
                return box(x)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            "type mismatch: Literal\\[255\\] cannot be assigned to int8",

    def test_primitive_conversions(self):
        cases = [
            ("int8", "int8", 5, 5),
            ("int8", "int16", 5, 5),
            ("int8", "int32", 5, 5),
            ("int8", "int64", 5, 5),
            ("int8", "uint8", -1, 255),
            ("int8", "uint8", 12, 12),
            ("int8", "uint16", -1, 65535),
            ("int8", "uint16", 12, 12),
            ("int8", "uint32", -1, 4294967295),
            ("int8", "uint32", 12, 12),
            ("int8", "uint64", -1, 18446744073709551615),
            ("int8", "uint64", 12, 12),
            ("int16", "int8", 5, 5),
            ("int16", "int8", -1, -1),
            ("int16", "int8", 32767, -1),
            ("int16", "int16", 5, 5),
            ("int16", "int32", -5, -5),
            ("int16", "int64", -6, -6),
            ("int16", "uint8", 32767, 255),
            ("int16", "uint8", -1, 255),
            ("int16", "uint16", 32767, 32767),
            ("int16", "uint16", -1, 65535),
            ("int16", "uint32", 1000, 1000),
            ("int16", "uint32", -1, 4294967295),
            ("int16", "uint64", 1414, 1414),
            ("int16", "uint64", -1, 18446744073709551615),
            ("int32", "int8", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "int8", -1, -1),
            ("int32", "int8", 2147483647, -1),
            ("int32", "int16", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "int16", -1, -1),
            ("int32", "int16", 2147483647, -1),
            ("int32", "int32", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "int64", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "uint8", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "uint8", 65535, 255),
            ("int32", "uint8", -1, 255),
            ("int32", "uint16", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "uint16", 2147483647, 65535),
            ("int32", "uint16", -1, 65535),
            ("int32", "uint32", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "uint32", -1, 4294967295),
            ("int32", "uint64", 5, 5),
            ("int32", "uint64", -1, 18446744073709551615),
            ("int64", "int8", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "int8", -1, -1),
            ("int64", "int8", 65535, -1),
            ("int64", "int16", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "int16", -1, -1),
            ("int64", "int16", 4294967295, -1),
            ("int64", "int32", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "int32", -1, -1),
            ("int64", "int32", 9223372036854775807, -1),
            ("int64", "int64", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "uint8", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "uint8", 65535, 255),
            ("int64", "uint8", -1, 255),
            ("int64", "uint16", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "uint16", 4294967295, 65535),
            ("int64", "uint16", -1, 65535),
            ("int64", "uint32", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "uint32", 9223372036854775807, 4294967295),
            ("int64", "uint32", -1, 4294967295),
            ("int64", "uint64", 5, 5),
            ("int64", "uint64", -1, 18446744073709551615),
            ("uint8", "int8", 5, 5),
            ("uint8", "int8", 255, -1),
            ("uint8", "int16", 255, 255),
            ("uint8", "int32", 255, 255),
            ("uint8", "int64", 255, 255),
            ("uint8", "uint8", 5, 5),
            ("uint8", "uint16", 255, 255),
            ("uint8", "uint32", 255, 255),
            ("uint8", "uint64", 255, 255),
            ("uint16", "int8", 5, 5),
            ("uint16", "int8", 65535, -1),
            ("uint16", "int16", 5, 5),
            ("uint16", "int16", 65535, -1),
            ("uint16", "int32", 65535, 65535),
            ("uint16", "int64", 65535, 65535),
            ("uint16", "uint8", 65535, 255),
            ("uint16", "uint16", 65535, 65535),
            ("uint16", "uint32", 65535, 65535),
            ("uint16", "uint64", 65535, 65535),
            ("uint32", "int8", 4, 4),
            ("uint32", "int8", 4294967295, -1),
            ("uint32", "int16", 5, 5),
            ("uint32", "int16", 4294967295, -1),
            ("uint32", "int32", 65535, 65535),
            ("uint32", "int32", 4294967295, -1),
            ("uint32", "int64", 4294967295, 4294967295),
            ("uint32", "uint8", 4, 4),
            ("uint32", "uint8", 65535, 255),
            ("uint32", "uint16", 4294967295, 65535),
            ("uint32", "uint32", 5, 5),
            ("uint32", "uint64", 4294967295, 4294967295),
            ("uint64", "int8", 4, 4),
            ("uint64", "int8", 18446744073709551615, -1),
            ("uint64", "int16", 4, 4),
            ("uint64", "int16", 18446744073709551615, -1),
            ("uint64", "int32", 4, 4),
            ("uint64", "int32", 18446744073709551615, -1),
            ("uint64", "int64", 4, 4),
            ("uint64", "int64", 18446744073709551615, -1),
            ("uint64", "uint8", 5, 5),
            ("uint64", "uint8", 65535, 255),
            ("uint64", "uint16", 4294967295, 65535),
            ("uint64", "uint32", 18446744073709551615, 4294967295),
            ("uint64", "uint64", 5, 5),

        for src, dest, val, expected in cases:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {src}, {dest}, box

                def y() -> int:
                    x = {dest}({src}({val}))
                    return box(x)
            with self.subTest(src=src, dest=dest, val=val, expected=expected):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    y = mod.y
                    actual = y()
                        f"failing case: {[src, dest, val, actual, expected]}",

    def test_no_cast_after_box(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, box

            def f(x: int) -> int:
                y = int64(x) + 1
                return box(y)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "CAST")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (1, TYPED_INT64))
            self.assertEqual(f(3), 4)

    def test_rand(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import rand, RAND_MAX, box, int64

        def test():
            x: int64 = rand()
            return box(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(type(test()), int)

    def test_rand_max_inlined(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import rand, RAND_MAX, box, int64

            def f() -> int:
                x: int64 = rand() // int64(RAND_MAX)
                return box(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_CONST")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_UNBOX")
            self.assertIsInstance(f(), int)

    def test_rand_max_inlined2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import rand, RAND_MAX, box, int8, int64

            def f() -> int:
                x: int64 = rand() // int8(RAND_MAX)
                return box(x)
            re.escape("type mismatch: Literal[2147483647] cannot be assigned to int8"),

    def test_posix_clock_gettime_ns(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import box, posix_clock_gettime_ns

        def test() -> int:
            x = posix_clock_gettime_ns()
            return box(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            expected = time.clock_gettime_ns(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
            res = test()
            ten_sec_in_nanosec = 1e10
            self.assertEqual(type(res), int)
            # It is pretty reasonable to expect this test to finish within +/- 10 sec
                expected - ten_sec_in_nanosec <= res <= expected + ten_sec_in_nanosec

    def test_array_get_primitive_idx(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8, box

            def m() -> int:
                content = list(range(121))
                a = Array[int8](content)
                return box(a[int8(111)])
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (111, TYPED_INT8))
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_ARRAY_INT8)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            actual = m()
            self.assertEqual(actual, 111)

    def test_array_get_nonprimitive_idx(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8, box

            def m() -> int:
                content = list(range(121))
                a = Array[int8](content)
                return box(a[111])
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "LOAD_CONST", 111)
        self.assertNotInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_UNBOX")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_ARRAY_INT8)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            actual = m()
            self.assertEqual(actual, 111)

    def test_array_get_dynamic_idx(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8, box

            def x():
                return 33

            def m() -> int:
                content = list(range(121))
                a = Array[int8](content)
                return box(a[x()])
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            actual = m()
            self.assertEqual(actual, 33)

    def test_array_get_failure(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8, box

            def m() -> int:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                return box(a[20])
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, "index out of range"):

    def test_array_get_negative_idx(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8, box

            def m() -> int:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                return box(a[-1])
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            self.assertEqual(m(), -5)

    def test_array_call_typecheck(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int32
            def h(x: Array[int32]) -> int32:
                return x[0]
        error_msg = re.escape("h expected 'Array[int32]' for argument x, got 'list'")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, error_msg):

    def test_array_call_typecheck_double(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int32, double, box
            def h(x: Array[int32]) -> double:
                return double(float(box(x[0])))
        error_msg = re.escape("h expected 'Array[int32]' for argument x, got 'list'")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, error_msg):

    def test_array_set_signed(self):
        int_types = [
        seq_types = {
            "int8": SEQ_ARRAY_INT8,
            "int16": SEQ_ARRAY_INT16,
            "int32": SEQ_ARRAY_INT32,
            "int64": SEQ_ARRAY_INT64,
        signs = ["-", ""]
        value = 77

        for type, sign in itertools.product(int_types, signs):
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import Array, {type}

                def m() -> Array[{type}]:
                    a = Array[{type}]([1, 3, -5])
                    a[1] = {sign}{value}
                    return a
            with self.subTest(type=type, sign=sign):
                val = -value if sign else value
                c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
                m = self.find_code(c, "m")
                    m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (val, prim_name_to_type[type])
                self.assertInBytecode(m, "LOAD_CONST", 1)
                self.assertInBytecode(m, "SEQUENCE_SET", seq_types[type])
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    m = mod.m
                    if sign:
                        expected = -value
                        expected = value
                    result = m()
                        array("q", [1, expected, -5]),
                        f"Failing case: {type}, {sign}",

    def test_array_set_unsigned(self):
        uint_types = [
        value = 77
        seq_types = {
            "uint8": SEQ_ARRAY_UINT8,
            "uint16": SEQ_ARRAY_UINT16,
            "uint32": SEQ_ARRAY_UINT32,
            "uint64": SEQ_ARRAY_UINT64,
        for type in uint_types:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import Array, {type}

                def m() -> Array[{type}]:
                    a = Array[{type}]([1, 3, 5])
                    a[1] = {value}
                    return a
            with self.subTest(type=type):
                c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
                m = self.find_code(c, "m")
                    m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (value, prim_name_to_type[type])
                self.assertInBytecode(m, "LOAD_CONST", 1)
                self.assertInBytecode(m, "SEQUENCE_SET", seq_types[type])
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    m = mod.m
                    expected = value
                    result = m()
                        result, array("q", [1, expected, 5]), f"Failing case: {type}"

    def test_array_set_negative_idx(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                a[-2] = 7
                return a
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (7, TYPED_INT8))
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "LOAD_CONST", -2)
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "SEQUENCE_SET", SEQ_ARRAY_INT8)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            self.assertEqual(m(), array("h", [1, 7, -5]))

    def test_array_set_failure(self) -> object:
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                a[-100] = 7
                return a
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (7, TYPED_INT8))
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "SEQUENCE_SET", SEQ_ARRAY_INT8)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(IndexError, "index out of range"):

    def test_array_set_failure_invalid_subscript(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def x():
                return object()

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                a[x()] = 7
                return a
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (7, TYPED_INT8))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "array indices must be integers"):

    def test_array_set_success_dynamic_subscript(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def x():
                return 1

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                a[x()] = 37
                return a
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (37, TYPED_INT8))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            r = m()
            self.assertEqual(r, array("b", [1, 37, -5]))

    def test_array_set_success_dynamic_subscript_2(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import Array, int8

            def x():
                return 1

            def m() -> Array[int8]:
                a = Array[int8]([1, 3, -5])
                v: int8 = 37
                a[x()] = v
                return a
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        m = self.find_code(c, "m")
        self.assertInBytecode(m, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (37, TYPED_INT8))
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            m = mod.m
            r = m()
            self.assertEqual(r, array("b", [1, 37, -5]))

    def test_fast_len_list(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():
            l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 7)

    def test_fast_len_str(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():
            l = "my str!"
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_STR)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 7)

    def test_fast_len_str_unicode_chars(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():
            l = "\U0001F923"  # ROFL emoji
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_STR)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1)

    def test_fast_len_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(a, b):
            l = (a, b)
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_TUPLE)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f("a", "b"), 2)

    def test_fast_len_set(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(a, b):
            l = {a, b}
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_SET)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f("a", "b"), 2)

    def test_fast_len_dict(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():
            l = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', 3: 'c', 4: 'd'}
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_DICT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 4)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_list(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                if l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_str(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = f"{'a' * n}"
                if l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_STR)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_loop_conditional_list(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                while l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_loop_conditional_str(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = f"{'a' * n}"
                while l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_STR)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_loop_conditional_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = tuple(i for i in range(n))
                while l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_TUPLE)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_loop_conditional_set(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = {i for i in range(n)}
                while l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_SET)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = tuple(i for i in range(n))
                if l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_TUPLE)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_set(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = {i for i in range(n)}
                if l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_SET)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_dict(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = {i: i for i in range(n)}
                if l:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_DICT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_list_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            class MyList(list):
                def __len__(self):
                    return 1729

            def f(n: int, flag: bool) -> bool:
                x: List[int] = [i for i in range(n)]
                if flag:
                    x = MyList([i for i in range(n)])
                if x:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for boolean, length in itertools.product((True, False), [0, 7]):
                    f(length, boolean),
                    length > 0 or boolean,
                    f"length={length}, flag={boolean}",

    def test_fast_len_conditional_str_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
            class MyStr(str):
                def __len__(self):
                    return 1729

            def f(n: int, flag: bool) -> bool:
                x: str = f"{'a' * n}"
                if flag:
                    x = MyStr(f"{'a' * n}")
                if x:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_STR | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for boolean, length in itertools.product((True, False), [0, 7]):
                    f(length, boolean),
                    length > 0 or boolean,
                    f"length={length}, flag={boolean}",

    def test_fast_len_conditional_tuple_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
            class Mytuple(tuple):
                def __len__(self):
                    return 1729

            def f(n: int, flag: bool) -> bool:
                x = tuple(i for i in range(n))
                if flag:
                    x = Mytuple([i for i in range(n)])
                if x:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_TUPLE | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for boolean, length in itertools.product((True, False), [0, 7]):
                    f(length, boolean),
                    length > 0 or boolean,
                    f"length={length}, flag={boolean}",

    def test_fast_len_conditional_set_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
            class Myset(set):
                def __len__(self):
                    return 1729

            def f(n: int, flag: bool) -> bool:
                x = set(i for i in range(n))
                if flag:
                    x = Myset([i for i in range(n)])
                if x:
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_SET | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for boolean, length in itertools.product((True, False), [0, 7]):
                    f(length, boolean),
                    length > 0 or boolean,
                    f"length={length}, flag={boolean}",

    def test_fast_len_conditional_list_funcarg(self):
        codestr = """
            def z(b: object) -> bool:
                return bool(b)

            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                if z(l):
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        # Since the list is given to z(), do not optimize the check
        # with FAST_LEN
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_str_funcarg(self):
        codestr = """
            def z(b: object) -> bool:
                return bool(b)

            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = f"{'a' * n}"
                if z(l):
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        # Since the list is given to z(), do not optimize the check
        # with FAST_LEN
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_tuple_funcarg(self):
        codestr = """
            def z(b: object) -> bool:
                return bool(b)

            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = tuple(i for i in range(n))
                if z(l):
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        # Since the tuple is given to z(), do not optimize the check
        # with FAST_LEN
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_set_funcarg(self):
        codestr = """
            def z(b: object) -> bool:
                return bool(b)

            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = set(i for i in range(n))
                if z(l):
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        # Since the set is given to z(), do not optimize the check
        # with FAST_LEN
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_conditional_dict_funcarg(self):
        codestr = """
            def z(b) -> bool:
                return bool(b)

            def f(n: int) -> bool:
                l = {i: i for i in range(n)}
                if z(l):
                    return True
                return False
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        # Since the dict is given to z(), do not optimize the check
        # with FAST_LEN
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            for length in [0, 7]:
                self.assertEqual(f(length), length > 0)

    def test_fast_len_list_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        class mylist(list):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f():
            l = mylist([1, 2])
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_str_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        class mystr(str):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f():
            s = mystr("a")
            return len(s)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_tuple_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        class mytuple(tuple):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f():
            l = mytuple([1, 2])
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_set_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        class myset(set):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f():
            l = myset([1, 2])
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_dict_subclass(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Dict

        class mydict(Dict[str, int]):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f():
            l = mydict(a=1, b=2)
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN")
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_list_subclass_2(self):
        codestr = """
        class mylist(list):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f(x):
            l = [1, 2]
            if x:
                l = mylist([1, 2])
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_LIST | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(True), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_str_subclass_2(self):
        codestr = """
        class mystr(str):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f(x):
            s = "abc"
            if x:
                s = mystr("pqr")
            return len(s)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_STR | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(True), 1111)
            self.assertEqual(f(False), 3)

    def test_fast_len_tuple_subclass_2(self):
        codestr = """
        class mytuple(tuple):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f(x, a, b):
            l = (a, b)
            if x:
                l = mytuple([a, b])
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_TUPLE | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(True, 1, 2), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_dict_subclass_2(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Dict

        class mydict(Dict[str, int]):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f(x, a, b):
            l: Dict[str, int] = {'c': 3}
            if x:
                l = mydict(a=1, b=2)
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_DICT | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(True, 1, 2), 1111)

    def test_fast_len_set_subclass_2(self):
        codestr = """
        class myset(set):
            def __len__(self):
                return 1111

        def f(x, a, b):
            l = {a, b}
            if x:
                l = myset([a, b])
            return len(l)
        c = self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")
        f = self.find_code(c, "f")
        self.assertInBytecode(f, "FAST_LEN", FAST_LEN_SET | FAST_LEN_INEXACT)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f(True, 1, 2), 1111)

    def test_dynamic_type_param(self):
        """DYNAMIC as type param of generic doesn't render the whole type DYNAMIC."""
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int64, clen
            from nonstatic import Foo
            from typing import Dict

            def f(d: Dict[Foo, int]):
                x: int64 = clen(d)

    def test_checked_dict(self):
        x = chkdict[str, str]()
        x["abc"] = "foo"
        self.assertEqual(repr(x), "{'abc': 'foo'}")
        x = chkdict[str, int]()
        x["abc"] = 42
        x = chkdict[int, str]()
        x[42] = "abc"

    def test_checked_dict_type_name(self):
        self.assertEqual(chkdict.__name__, "chkdict[K, V]")
        x = chkdict[str, str]
        self.assertEqual(x.__name__, "chkdict[str, str]")

    def test_checked_dict_optional(self):
        x = chkdict[str, Optional[str]]()
        x["abc"] = None
        x = chkdict[Optional[str], str]()
        x[None] = "abc"

    def test_checked_dict_nonoptional(self):
        x = chkdict[str, Optional[str]]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x[None] = "abc"
        x = chkdict[Optional[str], str]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x["abc"] = None

    def test_checked_dict_types_enforced(self):
        x = chkdict[str, str]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x[42] = "abc"
        self.assertEqual(x, {})
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x["abc"] = 42
        self.assertEqual(x, {})

        x = chkdict[str, int]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x[42] = 42
        self.assertEqual(x, {})
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x["abc"] = "abc"
        self.assertEqual(x, {})

    def test_checked_dict_ctor(self):
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str](x="abc"), {"x": "abc"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, int](x=42), {"x": 42})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str]({"x": "abc"}), {"x": "abc"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str]([("a", "b")]), {"a": "b"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str]([("a", "b")]), {"a": "b"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str](chkdict[str, str](x="abc")), {"x": "abc"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str](chkdict[str, object](x="abc")), {"x": "abc"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str](UserDict(x="abc")), {"x": "abc"})
        self.assertEqual(chkdict[str, str](UserDict(x="abc"), x="foo"), {"x": "foo"})

    def test_checked_dict_bad_ctor(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            chkdict[str, str](None)

    def test_checked_dict_setdefault(self):
        x = chkdict[str, str]()
        x.setdefault("abc", "foo")
        self.assertEqual(x, {"abc": "foo"})

    def test_checked_dict___module__(self):
        class Lol:

        x = chkdict[int, Lol]()
        self.assertEqual(type(x).__module__, "__static__")

    def test_checked_dict_setdefault_bad_values(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x.setdefault("abc", "abc")
        self.assertEqual(x, {})
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x.setdefault(42, 42)
        self.assertEqual(x, {})

    def test_checked_dict_fromkeys(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int].fromkeys("abc", 42)
        self.assertEqual(x, {"a": 42, "b": 42, "c": 42})

    def test_checked_dict_fromkeys_optional(self):
        x = chkdict[Optional[str], int].fromkeys(["a", "b", "c", None], 42)
        self.assertEqual(x, {"a": 42, "b": 42, "c": 42, None: 42})

        x = chkdict[str, Optional[int]].fromkeys("abc", None)
        self.assertEqual(x, {"a": None, "b": None, "c": None})

    def test_checked_dict_fromkeys_bad_types(self):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            chkdict[str, int].fromkeys([2], 42)

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            chkdict[str, int].fromkeys("abc", object())

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            chkdict[str, int].fromkeys("abc")

    def test_checked_dict_copy(self):
        x = chkdict[str, str](x="abc")
        self.assertEqual(type(x), chkdict[str, str])
        self.assertEqual(x, {"x": "abc"})

    def test_checked_dict_clear(self):
        x = chkdict[str, str](x="abc")
        self.assertEqual(x, {})

    def test_checked_dict_update(self):
        x = chkdict[str, str](x="abc")
        self.assertEqual(x, {"x": "abc", "y": "foo"})
        x.update({"z": "bar"})
        self.assertEqual(x, {"x": "abc", "y": "foo", "z": "bar"})

    def test_checked_dict_update_bad_type(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int]()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        self.assertEqual(x, {})
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x.update({"x": "abc"})
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x.update({24: 42})
        self.assertEqual(x, {})

    def test_checked_dict_keys(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
        self.assertEqual(list(x.keys()), ["x"])
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2, y=3)
        self.assertEqual(list(x.keys()), ["x", "y"])

    def test_checked_dict_values(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2, y=3)
        self.assertEqual(list(x.values()), [2, 3])

    def test_checked_dict_items(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
                ("x", 2),
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2, y=3)
        self.assertEqual(list(x.items()), [("x", 2), ("y", 3)])

    def test_checked_dict_pop(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
        y = x.pop("x")
        self.assertEqual(y, 2)
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_checked_dict_popitem(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
        y = x.popitem()
        self.assertEqual(y, ("x", 2))
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError):

    def test_checked_dict_get(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
        self.assertEqual(x.get("x"), 2)
        self.assertEqual(x.get("y", 100), 100)

    def test_checked_dict_errors(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            x.get("x", "abc")

    def test_checked_dict_sizeof(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2).__sizeof__()
        self.assertEqual(type(x), int)

    def test_checked_dict_getitem(self):
        x = chkdict[str, int](x=2)
        self.assertEqual(x.__getitem__("x"), 2)

    def test_checked_dict_free_list(self):
        t1 = chkdict[str, int]
        t2 = chkdict[str, str]
        x = t1()
        x_id1 = id(x)
        del x
        x = t2()
        x_id2 = id(x)
        self.assertEqual(x_id1, x_id2)

    def test_check_args(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle variables which are in a Cell,
        and are a positional arg at index 0.

        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int) -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(1), 1)

    def test_check_args_2(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle multiple variables which are in a Cell,
        and are positional args.

        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int, y: str) -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(y)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(1, "yo"), "yo")
            # Force JIT-compiled code to go through argument checks after
            # keyword arg binding
            self.assertEqual(outer(1, y="yo"), "yo")

    def test_check_args_3(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle variables which are in a Cell,
        and are a positional arg at index > 0.

        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int, y: str) -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(y)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(1, "yo"), "yo")
            # Force JIT-compiled code to go through argument checks after
            # keyword arg binding
            self.assertEqual(outer(1, y="yo"), "yo")

    def test_check_args_4(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle variables which are in a Cell,
        and are a kwarg at index 0.

        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int = 0) -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(x)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(1), 1)

    def test_check_args_5(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle variables which are in a Cell,
        and are a kw-only arg.
        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int, *, y: str = "lol") -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(y)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(1, y="hi"), "hi")

    def test_check_args_6(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle variables which are in a Cell,
        and are a pos-only arg.
        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int, /, y: str) -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(y)

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(1, "hi"), "hi")

    def test_check_args_7(self):
        Tests whether CHECK_ARGS can handle multiple variables which are in a Cell,
        and are a mix of positional, pos-only and kw-only args.

        codestr = """
            def use(i: object) -> object:
                return i

            def outer(x: int, /, y: int, *, z: str = "lol") -> object:

                def inner() -> None:

                return use(x), use(y), use(z)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            outer = mod.outer
            self.assertEqual(outer(3, 2, z="hi"), (3, 2, "hi"))

    def test_str_split(self):
        codestr = """
            def get_str() -> str:
                return "something here"

            def test() -> str:
                a, b = get_str().split(None, 1)
                return b
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            test = mod.test
            self.assertEqual(test(), "here")

    def test_for_iter_list(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    acc.append(i + 1)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(4), [i + 1 for i in range(4)])

    def test_for_iter_tuple(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = tuple([i for i in range(n)])
                for i in l:
                    acc.append(i + 1)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(4), [i + 1 for i in range(4)])

    def test_fast_for_iter_global(self):
        codestr = """
            for i in [1,2,3]:
                X = i
        code = self.compile(codestr)
        self.assertInBytecode(code, "FAST_LEN")
        self.assertEqual(code.co_nlocals, 1)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            self.assertEqual(mod.X, 3)

    def test_for_iter_sequence_orelse(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    acc.append(i + 1)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(4), [i + 1 for i in range(4)] + [999])

    def test_for_iter_sequence_break(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    if i == 3:
                    acc.append(i + 1)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(5), [1, 2, 3])

    def test_for_iter_sequence_orelse_break(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    if i == 2:
                    acc.append(i + 1)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(4), [1, 2])

    def test_for_iter_sequence_return(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    if i == 3:
                        return acc
                    acc.append(i + 1)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(6), [1, 2, 3])

    def test_nested_for_iter_sequence(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    for j in l:
                        acc.append(i + j)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(3), [0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4])

    def test_nested_for_iter_sequence_break(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    for j in l:
                        if j == 2:
                        acc.append(i + j)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(3), [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3])

    def test_nested_for_iter_sequence_return(self):
        codestr = """
            from typing import List

            def f(n: int) -> List:
                acc = []
                l = [i for i in range(n)]
                for i in l:
                    for j in l:
                        if j == 1:
                            return acc
                        acc.append(i + j)
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(3), [0])

    def test_for_iter_unchecked_get(self):
        """We don't need to check sequence bounds when we've just compared with the list size."""
        codestr = """
            def f():
                l = [1, 2, 3]
                acc = []
                for x in l:
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "SEQUENCE_GET", SEQ_LIST | SEQ_SUBSCR_UNCHECKED)
            self.assertEqual(f(), [1, 2, 3])

    def test_for_iter_list_modified(self):
        codestr = """
            def f():
                l = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
                acc = []
                for x in l:
                    l[2:] = []
                return acc
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertEqual(f(), [1, 2])

    def test_sorted(self):
        """sorted() builtin returns an Exact[List]."""
        codestr = """
            from typing import Iterable

            def f(l: Iterable[int]):
                for x in sorted(l):
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "FOR_ITER")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "REFINE_TYPE", ("builtins", "list"))

    def test_min(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(a: int, b: int) -> int:
                return min(a, b)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP", "<=")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")
            self.assertEqual(f(1, 3), 1)
            self.assertEqual(f(3, 1), 1)

    def test_min_stability(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(a: int, b: int) -> int:
                return min(a, b)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP", "<=")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")
            # p & q should be different objects, but with same value
            p = int("11334455667")
            q = int("11334455667")
            self.assertNotEqual(id(p), id(q))
            # Since p and q are equal, the returned value should be the first arg
            self.assertEqual(id(f(p, q)), id(p))
            self.assertEqual(id(f(q, p)), id(q))

    def test_max(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(a: int, b: int) -> int:
                return max(a, b)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP", ">=")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")
            self.assertEqual(f(1, 3), 3)
            self.assertEqual(f(3, 1), 3)

    def test_max_stability(self):
        codestr = """
            def f(a: int, b: int) -> int:
                return max(a, b)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP", ">=")
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")
            # p & q should be different objects, but with same value
            p = int("11334455667")
            q = int("11334455667")
            self.assertNotEqual(id(p), id(q))
            # Since p and q are equal, the returned value should be the first arg
            self.assertEqual(id(f(p, q)), id(p))
            self.assertEqual(id(f(q, p)), id(q))

    def test_extremum_primitive(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import int8

            def f() -> None:
                a: int8 = 4
                b: int8 = 5
                min(a, b)
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "Call argument cannot be a primitive"
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo.py")

    def test_extremum_non_specialization_kwarg(self):
        codestr = """
            def f() -> None:
                a = "4"
                b = "5"
                min(a, b, key=int)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")

    def test_extremum_non_specialization_stararg(self):
        codestr = """
            def f() -> None:
                a = [3, 4]
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")

    def test_extremum_non_specialization_dstararg(self):
        codestr = """
            def f() -> None:
                k = {
                    "default": 5
                min(3, 4, **k)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "COMPARE_OP")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE")

    def test_try_return_finally(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import List

        def f1(x: List):
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f1 = mod.f1
            l = []
            self.assertEqual(l, ["hi"])

    def test_cbool(self):
        for b in ("True", "False"):
            codestr = f"""
            from __static__ import cbool

            def f() -> int:
                x: cbool = {b}
                if x:
                    return 1
                    return 2
            with self.subTest(b=b):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    f = mod.f
                    self.assertInBytecode(f, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST")
                        f, "STORE_LOCAL", (0, ("__static__", "cbool"))
                    self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")
                    self.assertEqual(f(), 1 if b == "True" else 2)

    def test_cbool_field(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cbool

            class C:
                def __init__(self, x: cbool) -> None:
                    self.x: cbool = x

            def f(c: C):
                if c.x:
                    return True
                return False
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f, C = mod.f, mod.C
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "LOAD_FIELD", (mod.__name__, "C", "x"))
            self.assertInBytecode(f, "POP_JUMP_IF_ZERO")
            self.assertIs(C(True).x, True)
            self.assertIs(C(False).x, False)
            self.assertIs(f(C(True)), True)
            self.assertIs(f(C(False)), False)

    def test_cbool_cast(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import cbool

        def f(y: bool) -> int:
            x: cbool = y
            if x:
                return 1
                return 2
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, type_mismatch("Exact[bool]", "cbool")
            self.compile(codestr, modname="foo")

    def test_primitive_compare_returns_cbool(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cbool, int64

            def f(x: int64, y: int64) -> cbool:
                return x == y
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertIs(f(1, 1), True)
            self.assertIs(f(1, 2), False)

    def test_no_cbool_math(self):
        codestr = """
            from __static__ import cbool

            def f(x: cbool, y: cbool) -> cbool:
                return x + y
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(
            TypedSyntaxError, "cbool is not a valid operand type for add"

    def test_chkdict_del(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():
            x = {}
            x[1] = "a"
            x[2] = "b"
            del x[1]
            return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            ret = f()
            self.assertNotIn(1, ret)
            self.assertIn(2, ret)

    def test_double_load_const(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double

        def t():
            pi: double = 3.14159
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            t = mod.t
            self.assertInBytecode(t, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (3.14159, TYPED_DOUBLE))

    def test_double_box(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import double, box

        def t() -> float:
            pi: double = 3.14159
            return box(pi)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            t = mod.t
            self.assertInBytecode(t, "PRIMITIVE_LOAD_CONST", (3.14159, TYPED_DOUBLE))
            self.assertNotInBytecode(t, "CAST")
            self.assertEqual(t(), 3.14159)

    def test_none_not(self):
        codestr = """
        def t() -> bool:
            x = None
            if not x:
                return True
                return False
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            t = mod.t
            self.assertInBytecode(t, "POP_JUMP_IF_TRUE")

    def test_augassign_inexact(self):
        codestr = """
        def something():
            return 3

        def t():
            a: int = something()

            b = 0
            b += a
            return b
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            t = mod.t
            self.assertInBytecode(t, "INPLACE_ADD")
            self.assertEqual(t(), 3)

    def test_qualname(self):
        codestr = """
        def f():

        class C:
            def x(self):

            def sm():

            def cm():
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            C = mod.C
            self.assertEqual(cinder._get_qualname(f.__code__), "f")

            self.assertEqual(cinder._get_qualname(C.x.__code__), "C.x")
            self.assertEqual(cinder._get_qualname(C.sm.__code__), "C.sm")
            self.assertEqual(cinder._get_qualname(C.cm.__code__), "C.cm")

    def test_refine_optional_name(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional

        def f(s: Optional[str]) -> bytes:
            return s.encode("utf-8") if s else b""
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f("A"), b"A")
            self.assertEqual(f(None), b"")

    def test_refine_or_expression(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional

        def f(s: Optional[str]) -> str:
            return s or "hi"
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f("A"), "A")
            self.assertEqual(f(None), "hi")

    def test_refine_or_expression_with_multiple_optionals(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional

        def f(s1: Optional[str], s2: Optional[str]) -> str:
            return s1 or s2 or "hi"
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            self.assertEqual(f("A", None), "A")
            self.assertEqual(f(None, "B"), "B")
            self.assertEqual(f("A", "B"), "A")
            self.assertEqual(f(None, None), "hi")

    def test_or_expression_with_multiple_optionals_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional

        def f(s1: Optional[str], s2: Optional[str]) -> str:
            return s1 or s2
        self.type_error(codestr, bad_ret_type("Optional[str]", "str"))

    def test_donotcompile_fn(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import _donotcompile

        def a() -> int:
            return 1

        def fn() -> None:
            a() + 2

        def fn2() -> None:
            a() + 2
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            fn = mod.fn
            self.assertInBytecode(fn, "CALL_FUNCTION")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(fn, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertFalse(fn.__code__.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.assertEqual(fn(), None)

            fn2 = mod.fn2
            self.assertNotInBytecode(fn2, "CALL_FUNCTION")
            self.assertInBytecode(fn2, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertTrue(fn2.__code__.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.assertEqual(fn2(), None)

    def test_donotcompile_method(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import _donotcompile

        def a() -> int:
            return 1

        class C:
            def fn() -> None:
                a() + 2

            def fn2() -> None:
                a() + 2

        c = C()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C

            fn2 = C.fn2
            self.assertNotInBytecode(fn2, "CALL_FUNCTION")
            self.assertInBytecode(fn2, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertTrue(fn2.__code__.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.assertEqual(fn2(), None)

    def test_donotcompile_class(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import _donotcompile

        def a() -> int:
            return 1

        class C:
            def fn() -> None:
                a() + 2

        class D:

        c = C()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            fn = C.fn
            self.assertInBytecode(fn, "CALL_FUNCTION")
            self.assertNotInBytecode(fn, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertFalse(fn.__code__.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.assertEqual(fn(), None)

            D = mod.D

    def test_donotcompile_lambda(self):
        codestr = """
        from __static__ import _donotcompile

        def a() -> int:
            return 1

        class C:
            def fn() -> None:
                z = lambda: a() + 2

            def fn2() -> None:
                z = lambda: a() + 2

        c = C()
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            C = mod.C
            fn = C.fn
            lambda_code = self.find_code(fn.__code__)
            self.assertNotInBytecode(lambda_code, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertFalse(lambda_code.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.assertEqual(fn(), None)

            fn2 = C.fn2
            lambda_code2 = self.find_code(fn2.__code__)
            self.assertInBytecode(lambda_code2, "INVOKE_FUNCTION")
            self.assertTrue(lambda_code2.co_flags & CO_STATICALLY_COMPILED)
            self.assertEqual(fn2(), None)

    def test_primitive_stack_spill(self):
        # Create enough locals that some must get spilled to stack, to test
        # shuffling stack-spilled values across basic block transitions, and
        # field reads/writes with stack-spilled values. These can create
        # mem->mem moves that otherwise wouldn't exist, and trigger issues
        # like push/pop not supporting 8 or 32 bits on x64.
        varnames = string.ascii_lowercase[:20]
        sizes = ["uint8", "int16", "int32", "int64"]
        for size in sizes:
            indent = " " * 20
            attrs = f"\n{indent}".join(f"{var}: {size}" for var in varnames)
            inits = f"\n{indent}".join(
                f"{var}: {size} = {val}" for val, var in enumerate(varnames)
            assigns = f"\n{indent}".join(f"val.{var} = {var}" for var in varnames)
            reads = f"\n{indent}".join(f"{var} = val.{var}" for var in varnames)
            indent = " " * 24
            incrs = f"\n{indent}".join(f"{var} += 1" for var in varnames)
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {size}

                class C:

                def f(val: C, flag: {size}) -> {size}:
                    if flag:
                    return {' + '.join(varnames)}
            with self.subTest(size=size):
                with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                    f, C = mod.f, mod.C
                    c = C()
                    self.assertEqual(f(c, 0), sum(range(len(varnames))))
                    for val, var in enumerate(varnames):
                        self.assertEqual(getattr(c, var), val)

                    c = C()
                    self.assertEqual(f(c, 1), sum(range(len(varnames) + 1)))
                    for val, var in enumerate(varnames):
                        self.assertEqual(getattr(c, var), val + 1)

    def test_class_static_tpflag(self):
        codestr = """
        class A:
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            A = mod.A

            class B:


    def test_assert_narrowing_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int | str) -> str:
            assert isinstance(x, int)
            return x
        self.type_error(codestr, bad_ret_type("int", "str"))

    def test_assert_narrowing_debug(self):
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int | str) -> int:
            assert isinstance(x, int)
            return x + 1
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo(1), 2)
            with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):

    def test_assert_narrowing_optimized(self):
        # We ensure that the code without the assert would work in the runtime.
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int | str) -> object:
            assert isinstance(x, int)
            return x

        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=1) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo(1), 1)
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):

    def test_assert_narrowing_not_isinstance_optimized(self):
        # We ensure that the code without the assert would work in the runtime.
        codestr = """
        def foo(x: int | str) -> str:
            assert not isinstance(x, int)
            return x

        with self.in_module(codestr, optimize=1) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo("abc"), "abc")

    def test_prod_assert(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
            return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(foo(1), 1)

    def test_prod_assert_static_error(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> str:
            return x
        self.type_error(codestr, "return type must be str, not int")

    def test_prod_assert_raises(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
            return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):

    def test_prod_assert_raises_with_message(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
            prod_assert(x, "x must be int")
            return x
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            foo = mod.foo
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(AssertionError, "x must be int"):

    def test_prod_assert_message_type(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
            prod_assert(x, 3)
            return x
            codestr, r"type mismatch: Literal\[3\] cannot be assigned to str"

    def test_prod_assert_argcount_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
            prod_assert(x, 3, 2)
            return x
            codestr, r"prod_assert\(\) must be called with one or two arguments"

    def test_prod_assert_keywords_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Optional
        from __static__ import prod_assert

        def foo(x: Optional[int]) -> int:
            prod_assert(x, message="x must be int")
            return x
        self.type_error(codestr, r"prod_assert\(\) does not accept keyword arguments")

    def test_protocol_is_dynamic(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import Protocol
        class CallableProtocol(Protocol):
            def __call__(self, x: int) -> str:

        def foo(x: str) -> int:
            return int(x)

        c: CallableProtocol = foo
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            c = mod.c
            self.assertEqual(c("1"), 1)

    def test_unbox_overflow(self):
        cases = [
                    (-1, OverflowError),
                    (0, 0),
                    (255, 255),
                    (256, OverflowError),
                    (-129, OverflowError),
                    (-128, -128),
                    (127, 127),
                    (128, OverflowError),
                    (-1, OverflowError),
                    (0, 0),
                    ((1 << 16) - 1, (1 << 16) - 1),
                    ((1 << 16), OverflowError),
                    (-(1 << 15) - 1, OverflowError),
                    (-(1 << 15), -(1 << 15)),
                    ((1 << 15) - 1, (1 << 15) - 1),
                    ((1 << 15), OverflowError),
                    (-1, OverflowError),
                    (0, 0),
                    ((1 << 32) - 1, (1 << 32) - 1),
                    ((1 << 32), OverflowError),
                    (-(1 << 31) - 1, OverflowError),
                    (-(1 << 31), -(1 << 31)),
                    ((1 << 31) - 1, (1 << 31) - 1),
                    ((1 << 31), OverflowError),
                    (-1, OverflowError),
                    (0, 0),
                    ((1 << 64) - 1, (1 << 64) - 1),
                    ((1 << 64), OverflowError),
                    (-(1 << 63) - 1, OverflowError),
                    (-(1 << 63), -(1 << 63)),
                    ((1 << 63) - 1, (1 << 63) - 1),
                    ((1 << 63), OverflowError),
        for typ, values in cases:
            codestr = f"""
                from __static__ import {typ}

                def f(x: int) -> {typ}:
                    return {typ}(x)
            with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
                f = mod.f
                for val, result in values:
                    with self.subTest(typ=typ, val=val, result=result):
                        if result is OverflowError:
                            with self.assertRaises(result):
                            self.assertEqual(f(val), val)

    def test_list_comprehension_with_if(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import List
        def foo() -> List[int]:
             a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
             return [x for x in a if x > 2]

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(f(), [3, 4])

    def test_nested_list_comprehensions_with_if(self):
        codestr = """
        from typing import List
        def foo() -> List[int]:
             a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
             b = [1, 2]
             return [x * y for x in a for y in b if x > 2]

        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.foo
            self.assertEqual(f(), [3, 6, 4, 8])

    def test_nested_fn_type_error(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(i: int, j: str, l: int, m: int, n: int, o: int) -> bool:
            def g(k: int) -> bool:
                return k > 0 if j == "gt" else k <= 0
            return g(i)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, r"f expected 'int' for argument n, got 'str'"
                f(1, "a", 2, 3, "4", 5)

    def test_nested_fn_type_error_2(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(i: int, j: str, k: int) -> bool:
            def g(k: int) -> bool:
                return k > 0 if j == "gt" else k <= 0
            return g(i)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, r"f expected 'str' for argument j, got 'int'"
                f(1, 2, 3)

    def test_nested_fn_type_error_kwarg(self):
        codestr = """
        def f(i: int, j: str = "yo") -> bool:
            def g(k: int) -> bool:
                return k > 0 if j == "gt" else k <= 0
            return g(i)
        with self.in_module(codestr) as mod:
            f = mod.f
            with self.assertRaisesRegex(
                TypeError, r"f expected 'str' for argument j, got 'int'"
                f(1, j=2)

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