## read.tree.R (2006-12-11) ## Read Tree Files in Parenthetic Format ## Copyright 2002-2006 Emmanuel Paradis ## This file is part of the R-package `ape'. ## See the file ../COPYING for licensing issues. tree.build <- function(tp) { add.internal <- function() { edge[j, 1] <<- current.node edge[j, 2] <<- current.node <<- node <<- node + 1 j <<- j + 1 } add.terminal <- function() { edge[j, 1] <<- current.node edge[j, 2] <<- tip X <- unlist(strsplit(tpc[k], ":")) tip.label[tip] <<- X[1] edge.length[j] <<- as.numeric(X[2]) k <<- k + 1 tip <<- tip + 1 j <<- j + 1 } go.down <- function() { l <- which(edge[, 2] == current.node) X <- unlist(strsplit(tpc[k], ":")) node.label[current.node - nb.tip] <<- X[1] edge.length[l] <<- as.numeric(X[2]) k <<- k + 1 current.node <<- edge[l, 1] } if (!length(grep(",", tp))) { obj <- list(edge = matrix(c(2, 1), 1, 2)) tp <- unlist(strsplit(tp, "[\\(\\):;]")) obj$edge.length <- as.numeric(tp[3]) obj$Nnode <- 1 obj$tip.label <- tp[2] if (length(tp) == 4) obj$node.label <- tp[4] class(obj) <- "phylo" return(obj) } tsp <- unlist(strsplit(tp, NULL)) tpc <- unlist(strsplit(tp, "[\\(\\),;]")) tpc <- tpc[tpc != ""] skeleton <- tsp[tsp == "(" | tsp == ")" | tsp == "," | tsp == ";"] nsk <- length(skeleton) nb.node <- sum(skeleton == ")") nb.tip <- sum(skeleton == ",") + 1 ## We will assume there is an edge at the root; ## if so, it will be removed and put into a vector nb.edge <- nb.node + nb.tip node.label <- character(nb.node) tip.label <- character(nb.tip) edge.length <- numeric(nb.edge) edge <- matrix(NA, nb.edge, 2) current.node <- node <- nb.tip + 1 # node number edge[nb.edge, 1] <- 0 # see comment above edge[nb.edge, 2] <- node # ## j: index of the line number of edge ## k: index of the line number of tpc ## tip: tip number j <- k <- tip <- 1 for (i in 2:nsk) { if (skeleton[i] == "(") add.internal() # add an internal branch (on top) if (skeleton[i] == ",") { if (skeleton[i - 1] != ")") add.terminal() # add a terminal branch } if (skeleton[i] == ")") { if (skeleton[i - 1] == ",") { # add a terminal branch and go down one level add.terminal() go.down() } if (skeleton[i - 1] == ")") go.down() # go down one level } } if (is.na(node.label[1])) node.label[1] <- "" edge <- edge[-nb.edge, ] root.edge <- edge.length[nb.edge] edge.length <- edge.length[-nb.edge] obj <- list(edge = edge, edge.length = edge.length, Nnode = nb.node, tip.label = tip.label, node.label = node.label, root.edge = root.edge) if (all(obj$node.label == "")) obj$node.label <- NULL if (is.na(obj$root.edge)) obj$root.edge <- NULL if (all(is.na(obj$edge.length))) obj$edge.length <- NULL # added 2005-08-18 class(obj) <- "phylo" obj } read.tree <- function(file = "", text = NULL, tree.names = NULL, skip = 0, comment.char = "#", ...) { if (!is.null(text)) { if (!is.character(text)) stop("argument `text' must be of mode character") tree <- text } else { tree <- scan(file = file, what = character(), sep = "\n", quiet = TRUE, skip = skip, comment.char = comment.char, ...) } ## Suggestion from Eric Durand and Nicolas Bortolussi (added 2005-08-17): if (identical(tree, character(0))) { warning("empty character string.") return(NULL) } tree <- gsub("[ \t]", "", tree) tsp <- unlist(strsplit(tree, NULL)) ind <- which(tsp == ";") nb.tree <- length(ind) x <- c(1, ind[-nb.tree] + 1) y <- ind - 1 ## Suggestion from Olivier François (added 2006-07-15): if (is.na(y[1])) return(NULL) else { STRING <- vector("list", nb.tree) for (i in 1:nb.tree) STRING[[i]] <- paste(tsp[x[i]:y[i]], sep = "", collapse = "") } obj <- vector("list", nb.tree) for (i in 1:nb.tree) { obj[[i]] <- if (length(grep(":", STRING[[i]]))) tree.build(STRING[[i]]) else clado.build(STRING[[i]]) ## Check here that the root edge is not incorrectly represented ## in the object of class "phylo" by simply checking that there ## is a bifurcation at the root ROOT <- length(obj[[i]]$tip.label) + 1 if(sum(obj[[i]]$edge[, 1] == ROOT) == 1 && dim(obj[[i]]$edge)[1] > 1) { warning("The root edge is apparently not correctly represented\nin your tree: this may be due to an extra pair of\nparentheses in your file; the returned object has been\ncorrected but your file may not be in a valid Newick\nformat") ind <- which(obj[[i]]$edge[, 1] == ROOT) obj[[i]]$root.edge <- obj[[i]]$edge.length[ind] obj[[i]]$edge.length <- obj[[i]]$edge.length[-ind] obj[[i]]$edge <- obj[[i]]$edge[-ind, ] for (j in 1:length(obj[[i]]$edge)) if (as.numeric(obj[[i]]$edge[j]) < 0) obj[[i]]$edge[j] <- as.character(as.numeric(obj[[i]]$edge[j]) + 1) ## Check a second time and if there is still a problem...!!! if (sum(obj[[i]]$edge[, 1] == ROOT) == 1) stop("There is apparently two root edges in your file: cannot read tree file") } } if (nb.tree == 1) obj <- obj[[1]] else { if (is.null(tree.names)) tree.names <- paste("tree", 1:nb.tree, sep = "") names(obj) <- tree.names class(obj) <- c("multi.tree", "phylo") } obj }