# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license import Base.Checked: add_with_overflow, mul_with_overflow ## string to integer functions ## """ parse(type, str; base) Parse a string as a number. For `Integer` types, a base can be specified (the default is 10). For floating-point types, the string is parsed as a decimal floating-point number. `Complex` types are parsed from decimal strings of the form `"R±Iim"` as a `Complex(R,I)` of the requested type; `"i"` or `"j"` can also be used instead of `"im"`, and `"R"` or `"Iim"` are also permitted. If the string does not contain a valid number, an error is raised. !!! compat "Julia 1.1" `parse(Bool, str)` requires at least Julia 1.1. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> parse(Int, "1234") 1234 julia> parse(Int, "1234", base = 5) 194 julia> parse(Int, "afc", base = 16) 2812 julia> parse(Float64, "1.2e-3") 0.0012 julia> parse(Complex{Float64}, "3.2e-1 + 4.5im") 0.32 + 4.5im ``` """ parse(T::Type, str; base = Int) parse(::Type{Union{}}, slurp...; kwargs...) = error("cannot parse a value as Union{}") function parse(::Type{T}, c::AbstractChar; base::Integer = 10) where T<:Integer a::Int = (base <= 36 ? 10 : 36) 2 <= base <= 62 || throw(ArgumentError("invalid base: base must be 2 ≤ base ≤ 62, got $base")) d = '0' <= c <= '9' ? c-'0' : 'A' <= c <= 'Z' ? c-'A'+10 : 'a' <= c <= 'z' ? c-'a'+a : throw(ArgumentError("invalid digit: $(repr(c))")) d < base || throw(ArgumentError("invalid base $base digit $(repr(c))")) convert(T, d) end function parseint_iterate(s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) (0 < startpos <= endpos) || (return Char(0), 0, 0) j = startpos c, startpos = iterate(s,startpos)::Tuple{Char, Int} c, startpos, j end function parseint_preamble(signed::Bool, base::Int, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) c, i, j = parseint_iterate(s, startpos, endpos) while isspace(c) c, i, j = parseint_iterate(s,i,endpos) end (j == 0) && (return 0, 0, 0) sgn = 1 if signed if c == '-' || c == '+' (c == '-') && (sgn = -1) c, i, j = parseint_iterate(s,i,endpos) end end while isspace(c) c, i, j = parseint_iterate(s,i,endpos) end (j == 0) && (return 0, 0, 0) if base == 0 if c == '0' && i <= endpos c, i = iterate(s,i)::Tuple{Char, Int} base = c=='b' ? 2 : c=='o' ? 8 : c=='x' ? 16 : 10 if base != 10 c, i, j = parseint_iterate(s,i,endpos) end else base = 10 end end return sgn, base, j end # '0':'9' -> 0:9 # 'A':'Z' -> 10:35 # 'a':'z' -> 10:35 if base <= 36, 36:61 otherwise # input outside of that is mapped to base @inline function __convert_digit(_c::UInt32, base::UInt32) _0 = UInt32('0') _9 = UInt32('9') _A = UInt32('A') _a = UInt32('a') _Z = UInt32('Z') _z = UInt32('z') a = base <= 36 ? UInt32(10) : UInt32(36) # converting here instead of via a type assertion prevents typeassert related errors d = _0 <= _c <= _9 ? _c-_0 : _A <= _c <= _Z ? _c-_A+ UInt32(10) : _a <= _c <= _z ? _c-_a+a : base end function tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int, base_::Integer, raise::Bool) where T<:Integer sgn, base, i = parseint_preamble(T<:Signed, Int(base_), s, startpos, endpos) if sgn == 0 && base == 0 && i == 0 raise && throw(ArgumentError("input string is empty or only contains whitespace")) return nothing end if !(2 <= base <= 62) raise && throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("invalid base: base must be 2 ≤ base ≤ 62, got ", base))) return nothing end if i == 0 raise && throw(ArgumentError("premature end of integer: $(repr(SubString(s,startpos,endpos)))")) return nothing end c, i = parseint_iterate(s,i,endpos) if i == 0 raise && throw(ArgumentError("premature end of integer: $(repr(SubString(s,startpos,endpos)))")) return nothing end base = convert(T, base) # Special case the common cases of base being 10 or 16 to avoid expensive runtime div m::T = base == 10 ? div(typemax(T) - T(9), T(10)) : base == 16 ? div(typemax(T) - T(15), T(16)) : div(typemax(T) - base + 1, base) n::T = 0 while n <= m # Fast path from `UInt32(::Char)`; non-ascii will be >= 0x80 _c = reinterpret(UInt32, c) >> 24 d::T = __convert_digit(_c, base % UInt32) # we know 2 <= base <= 62, so prevent an incorrect InexactError here if d >= base raise && throw(ArgumentError("invalid base $base digit $(repr(c)) in $(repr(SubString(s,startpos,endpos)))")) return nothing end n *= base n += d if i > endpos n *= sgn return n end c, i = iterate(s,i)::Tuple{Char, Int} isspace(c) && break end (T <: Signed) && (n *= sgn) while !isspace(c) # Fast path from `UInt32(::Char)`; non-ascii will be >= 0x80 _c = reinterpret(UInt32, c) >> 24 d::T = __convert_digit(_c, base % UInt32) # we know 2 <= base <= 62 if d >= base raise && throw(ArgumentError("invalid base $base digit $(repr(c)) in $(repr(SubString(s,startpos,endpos)))")) return nothing end (T <: Signed) && (d *= sgn) n, ov_mul = mul_with_overflow(n, base) n, ov_add = add_with_overflow(n, d) if ov_mul | ov_add raise && throw(OverflowError("overflow parsing $(repr(SubString(s,startpos,endpos)))")) return nothing end (i > endpos) && return n c, i = iterate(s,i)::Tuple{Char, Int} end while i <= endpos c, i = iterate(s,i)::Tuple{Char, Int} if !isspace(c) raise && throw(ArgumentError("extra characters after whitespace in $(repr(SubString(s,startpos,endpos)))")) return nothing end end return n end function tryparse_internal(::Type{Bool}, sbuff::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int, base::Integer, raise::Bool) if isempty(sbuff) raise && throw(ArgumentError("input string is empty")) return nothing end if isnumeric(sbuff[1]) intres = tryparse_internal(UInt8, sbuff, startpos, endpos, base, false) (intres == 1) && return true (intres == 0) && return false raise && throw(ArgumentError("invalid Bool representation: $(repr(sbuff))")) end orig_start = startpos orig_end = endpos # Ignore leading and trailing whitespace while startpos <= endpos && isspace(sbuff[startpos]) startpos = nextind(sbuff, startpos) end while endpos >= startpos && isspace(sbuff[endpos]) endpos = prevind(sbuff, endpos) end len = endpos - startpos + 1 if sbuff isa Union{String, SubString{String}} p = pointer(sbuff) + startpos - 1 truestr = "true" falsestr = "false" GC.@preserve sbuff truestr falsestr begin (len == 4) && (0 == memcmp(p, unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, truestr), 4)) && (return true) (len == 5) && (0 == memcmp(p, unsafe_convert(Ptr{UInt8}, falsestr), 5)) && (return false) end else (len == 4) && (SubString(sbuff, startpos:startpos+3) == "true") && (return true) (len == 5) && (SubString(sbuff, startpos:startpos+4) == "false") && (return false) end if raise substr = SubString(sbuff, orig_start, orig_end) # show input string in the error to avoid confusion if all(isspace, substr) throw(ArgumentError("input string only contains whitespace")) else throw(ArgumentError("invalid Bool representation: $(repr(substr))")) end end return nothing end @inline function check_valid_base(base) if 2 <= base <= 62 return base end throw(ArgumentError("invalid base: base must be 2 ≤ base ≤ 62, got $base")) end """ tryparse(type, str; base) Like [`parse`](@ref), but returns either a value of the requested type, or [`nothing`](@ref) if the string does not contain a valid number. """ function tryparse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString; base::Union{Nothing,Integer} = nothing) where {T<:Integer} # Zero base means, "figure it out" tryparse_internal(T, s, firstindex(s), lastindex(s), base===nothing ? 0 : check_valid_base(base), false) end function parse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString; base::Union{Nothing,Integer} = nothing) where {T<:Integer} v = tryparse_internal(T, s, firstindex(s), lastindex(s), base===nothing ? 0 : check_valid_base(base), true) v === nothing && error("should not happoen") convert(T, v) end tryparse(::Type{Union{}}, slurp...; kwargs...) = error("cannot parse a value as Union{}") ## string to float functions ## function tryparse(::Type{Float64}, s::String) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtod, Tuple{Bool, Float64}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s, 0, sizeof(s)) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse(::Type{Float64}, s::SubString{String}) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtod, Tuple{Bool, Float64}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s.string, s.offset, s.ncodeunits) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse_internal(::Type{Float64}, s::String, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtod, Tuple{Bool, Float64}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s, startpos-1, endpos-startpos+1) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse_internal(::Type{Float64}, s::SubString{String}, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtod, Tuple{Bool, Float64}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s.string, s.offset+startpos-1, endpos-startpos+1) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse(::Type{Float32}, s::String) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtof, Tuple{Bool, Float32}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s, 0, sizeof(s)) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse(::Type{Float32}, s::SubString{String}) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtof, Tuple{Bool, Float32}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s.string, s.offset, s.ncodeunits) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse_internal(::Type{Float32}, s::String, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtof, Tuple{Bool, Float32}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s, startpos-1, endpos-startpos+1) hasvalue ? val : nothing end function tryparse_internal(::Type{Float32}, s::SubString{String}, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) hasvalue, val = ccall(:jl_try_substrtof, Tuple{Bool, Float32}, (Ptr{UInt8},Csize_t,Csize_t), s.string, s.offset+startpos-1, endpos-startpos+1) hasvalue ? val : nothing end tryparse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString) where {T<:Union{Float32,Float64}} = tryparse(T, String(s)) tryparse(::Type{Float16}, s::AbstractString) = convert(Union{Float16, Nothing}, tryparse(Float32, s)) tryparse_internal(::Type{Float16}, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) = convert(Union{Float16, Nothing}, tryparse_internal(Float32, s, startpos, endpos)) ## string to complex functions ## function tryparse_internal(::Type{Complex{T}}, s::Union{String,SubString{String}}, i::Int, e::Int, raise::Bool) where {T<:Real} # skip initial whitespace while i ≤ e && isspace(s[i]) i = nextind(s, i) end if i > e raise && throw(ArgumentError("input string is empty or only contains whitespace")) return nothing end # find index of ± separating real/imaginary parts (if any) i₊ = something(findnext(in(('+','-')), s, i), 0) if i₊ == i # leading ± sign i₊ = something(findnext(in(('+','-')), s, i₊+1), 0) end if i₊ != 0 && s[prevind(s, i₊)] in ('e','E') # exponent sign i₊ = something(findnext(in(('+','-')), s, i₊+1), 0) end # find trailing im/i/j iᵢ = something(findprev(in(('m','i','j')), s, e), 0) if iᵢ > 0 && s[iᵢ] == 'm' # im iᵢ = prevind(s, iᵢ) if s[iᵢ] != 'i' raise && throw(ArgumentError("expected trailing \"im\", found only \"m\"")) return nothing end end if i₊ == 0 # purely real or imaginary value if iᵢ > i && !(iᵢ == i+1 && s[i] in ('+','-')) # purely imaginary (not "±inf") x = tryparse_internal(T, s, i, prevind(s, iᵢ), raise) x === nothing && return nothing return Complex{T}(zero(x),x) else # purely real x = tryparse_internal(T, s, i, e, raise) x === nothing && return nothing return Complex{T}(x) end end if iᵢ < i₊ raise && throw(ArgumentError("missing imaginary unit")) return nothing # no imaginary part end # parse real part re = tryparse_internal(T, s, i, prevind(s, i₊), raise) re === nothing && return nothing # parse imaginary part im = tryparse_internal(T, s, i₊+1, prevind(s, iᵢ), raise) im === nothing && return nothing return Complex{T}(re, s[i₊]=='-' ? -im : im) end # the ±1 indexing above for ascii chars is specific to String, so convert: tryparse_internal(T::Type{Complex{S}}, s::AbstractString, i::Int, e::Int, raise::Bool) where S<:Real = tryparse_internal(T, String(s), i, e, raise) # fallback methods for tryparse_internal tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int) where T<:Real = startpos == firstindex(s) && endpos == lastindex(s) ? tryparse(T, s) : tryparse(T, SubString(s, startpos, endpos)) function tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int, raise::Bool) where T<:Real result = tryparse_internal(T, s, startpos, endpos) if raise && result === nothing _parse_failure(T, s, startpos, endpos) end return result end function tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, raise::Bool; kwargs...) where T<:Real result = tryparse(T, s; kwargs...) if raise && result === nothing _parse_failure(T, s) end return result end @noinline _parse_failure(T, s::AbstractString, startpos = firstindex(s), endpos = lastindex(s)) = throw(ArgumentError(LazyString("cannot parse ", repr(s[startpos:endpos]), " as ", T))) tryparse_internal(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString, startpos::Int, endpos::Int, raise::Bool) where T<:Integer = tryparse_internal(T, s, startpos, endpos, 10, raise) parse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString; kwargs...) where T<:Real = convert(T, tryparse_internal(T, s, true; kwargs...)) parse(::Type{T}, s::AbstractString) where T<:Complex = convert(T, tryparse_internal(T, s, firstindex(s), lastindex(s), true)) tryparse(T::Type{Complex{S}}, s::AbstractString) where S<:Real = tryparse_internal(T, s, firstindex(s), lastindex(s), false)