Raw File
    class: rule
    version: '0.51'
id: SV-88315
id_namespace: mil.disa.Windows-Server-2016-STIG
title: Caching of logon credentials must be limited.
rule: <see below>
description: <see below>
  - system: org.scapolite.xccdf.applicability
    weight: 10.0
    selected: false
    role: ''
    severity: medium
  - relative_id: F-80271r1
    description: <see below>
      - system: org.scapolite.implementation.win_gpo
        ui_path: 'Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local
            Policies\Security Options\Interactive logon: Number of previous logons
            to cache (in case domain controller is not available)'
        value: 4
        verification_status: Checked.
      - system: org.scapolite.implementation.win_secedit
        setting_name: MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\CachedLogonsCount
        section: Registry Values
        value: 4
        type_value: 1
  - relative_id: C-73733r1
    description: <see below>
  - relative_id: '01'
    title: OVAL-based check
    description: <see below>
      - system: http://oval.mitre.org/XMLSchema/oval-definitions-5
        idref: oval:mil.disa.stig.windows:def:1175
        href: U_MS_Windows_Server_2016_V1R7_STIG_SCAP_1-2_Benchmark-oval.xml
  - system: http://iase.disa.mil/cci
    idref: CCI-000366
    relation: ''
  - system: http://cce.mitre.org
    idref: CCE-46705-0
    relation: ''
  - version: r1
    action: created
    description: WN16-MS-000050
    internal_comment: ''

## /rule

Caching of logon credentials must be limited.

## /description

[**VulnDiscussion**]{.separator type='STIG'}

The default Windows configuration caches the last logon credentials for users who log on interactively to a system. This feature is provided for system availability reasons, such as the user's machine being disconnected from the network or domain controllers being unavailable. Even though the credential cache is well protected, if a system is attacked, an unauthorized individual may isolate the password to a domain user account using a password-cracking program and gain access to the domain.

[**Documentable**]{.separator type='STIG'}


## /implementations/0/description

Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration >> Windows Settings >> Security Settings >> Local Policies >> Security Options >> "Interactive Logon: Number of previous logons to cache (in case Domain Controller is not available)" to "4" logons or less.

## /checks/0/description

This applies to member servers. For domain controllers and standalone systems, this is NA.

If the following registry value does not exist or is not configured as specified, this is a finding.

Registry Path:  \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\

Value Name:  CachedLogonsCount

Value Type:  REG_SZ
Value:  4 (or less)

## /checks/1/description

IASE supplies an OVAL check.
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