Raw File
  Distance Map as a Function 
  Compute the distance function of an object, and return it as a function.
  distfun(X, ...)
  \method{distfun}{ppp}(X, ...)
  \method{distfun}{psp}(X, ...)
  \method{distfun}{owin}(X, ..., invert=FALSE)
  \item{X}{Any suitable dataset representing a two-dimensional
    object, such as a point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}),
    a window (object of class \code{"owin"}) or a
    line segment pattern (object of class \code{"psp"}).
    Extra arguments are ignored. 
    If \code{TRUE}, compute the distance transform of the
    complement of \code{X}.
  The \dQuote{distance function} of a set of points \eqn{A} is the
  mathematical function \eqn{f} such that, for any 
  two-dimensional spatial location \eqn{(x,y)},
  the function value \code{f(x,y)}
  is the shortest distance from \eqn{(x,y)} to \eqn{A}.

  The command \code{f <- distfun(X)} returns a \emph{function}
  in the \R language, with arguments \code{x,y}, that represents the
  distance function of \code{X}. Evaluating the function \code{f}
  in the form \code{v <- f(x,y)}, where \code{x} and \code{y}
  are any numeric vectors of equal length containing coordinates of
  spatial locations, yields the values of the distance function at these

  This should be contrasted with the related command \code{\link{distmap}}
  which computes the distance function of \code{X}
  on a grid of locations, and returns the distance
  values in the form of a pixel image.

  The result of \code{f <- distfun(X)} also belongs to the class
  \code{"funxy"} and to the special class \code{"distfun"}.
  It can be printed and plotted immediately as shown in the Examples.
  A \code{distfun} object can be converted to a pixel image
  using \code{\link{as.im}}.
  A \code{function} with arguments \code{x,y}.
  The function also belongs to the class \code{"distfun"} which has
  a method for \code{print}.
  It also belongs to the class \code{"funxy"} which has methods
  for \code{plot}, \code{contour} and \code{persp}.
   f <- distfun(letterR)
   f(0.2, 0.3)
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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