#!/usr/bin/perl -w #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Author: Meng Wu, the Gordon Lab, Washington University in St. Louis # # # # File: Multitaxon_INSeq_pipeline.pl # # Description: This is the analysis pipeline script # Date: 2014-09-05 # # Version: 1.30 # # # # Usage: # # see Usage in the code # # # # Contact: mengwu@wustl.edu # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use IO::File; use FindBin qw($Bin); use IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress; # can read RFC 1950, RFC 1951, gzip, zip, bzip2, lzop, lzf if (!@ARGV){ print "Usage: perl $0 -i -m -s [-index -d [-operon -c ] [-arrayed] [\n"; print "Required argument: "; print "-i gives the input raw reads file, -m gives the mapping file with the barcode sequence and name for each sample in the format as \t, -s gives the name of the indexed genome that the reads should map to"; print "Optional argument: \n"; print "-d gives the region of the gene in which insertions are expected to disrupt gene function. The default is 1, which means when insertion falls anywhere in the gene (100%), the gene function will be disrupted. Setting the -d argument to 0.9, for example, would exclude insertions in the distal 10% of the gene when calculating the total number of reads/insertions for that gene. -operon (no argument) specifies that putative downstream (polar) insertions should be calculated based on a user-provided operon probability file. -c is the cutoff for operon probability, default is 1, which means only when the probability of two genes being in an operon is equal to 1 (100%), the polar effect will be considered for the downstream gene. Setting the -c argument to 0.8, for example, will calculate a polar effect for the downstream gene if the probability of the genes being in an operon is at least 0.8 (80%). -arrayed (no argument) is the option for the arrayed library. Refer to README for more information\n"; exit; } my $datasource; #### The raw reads file which will be analyzed my $mismatch1=0; #### Mismatches allowed in finding the transposon sequence my $mismatch2=0; #### Mismatches allowed when mapping the sequences to reference using bowtie my $mapping; #### Mapping file name my $poolname="INSEQ_experiment"; #### The prefix of all the analyzed files my $index; #### The name of the index fold in the indexes my $operon=0; #### The option if analyze the sequence using operon information my $cutoff=100; #### The cutoff for operon probability, default is 100 my $disruption=100; #### The disruptable percentage of genes. Only when transposon was inserted into this proximal region of gene, the gene is considered interrupted since the insertion in the distal region of a gene may not affect the function of gene at all. The default is 100. my $arrayed=0; #### The option if the data is from an arrayed library my $path=$Bin; #### Get the path for this analysis package my $indexfile; GetOptions ( "index=s"=>\$indexfile, "i|input=s"=>\$datasource, "s|species=s"=>\$index, "m|mappingfile=s"=> \$mapping, "operon"=>\$operon, "d|disruption=s"=>\$disruption, "c|cutoff=i"=>\$cutoff, "arrayed"=>\$arrayed, "mismatch1=i"=>\$mismatch1, "mismatch2=i"=>\$mismatch2, ); print "test $mismatch1\n"; my $bowtie_path=""; open BT,"$path/config.txt" || die "Error, please check configuration file as config.txt in the package"; while (){ chomp; if ($_=~m/\=\"(.*)\"/){ $bowtie_path=$1; if ($1 eq ""){ die "please specify where the bowtie directory is\n"; } } } my $outputdir=`pwd`; chomp $outputdir; #print "$outputdir \n"; my $input=$poolname.".scarf"; `rm $input`; `ln -s $datasource $input`; mkdir "bcsortedseqs"; mkdir "results"; # Step 1 # Use the mapping file to assign each read to a barcode and store the output file as inputfile_assigned.txt", and store the statistics in the log file my $barcode_assigned=$input."_assigned.txt"; my $logfile=$input.".log"; open CODES,$mapping || die "Error: can't open the mapping file, check the README for more details about mapping file\n"; my @codes; my %codes_hash; #$codes_hash{$code} = sampleID my %codes_number; #$codes_number{$code} = sample number (within a given sequencing lane) my $sample_count=0; my %has_barcode; #$has_barcode{$code} = number of reads with barcode $code my $total=0; my $total_mapped=0; my $code_length; my $unbarcoded="INSEQ_without_BC.txt"; my $libraries; while (my $line=){ chomp $line; my @codes_array = split (/\s+/, $line); $code_length=length ($codes_array[0]); $codes_hash{$codes_array[0]}=$codes_array[1]; $codes_number{$codes_array[0]}=$sample_count; $sample_count++; @{$libraries->{$codes_array[1]}}=split (/\,/,$codes_array[2]); } close CODES; my $nonbc_count=0; open NONBC,">$unbarcoded"; my $fh_input=new IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress $input or die "can't open $input: $!\n"; my $fh_index=new IO::Uncompress::AnyUncompress $indexfile or die "can't open $indexfile: $!\n"; my $seq_length; open OUT,">$barcode_assigned"; while (my $lineF=<$fh_input>) { chomp $lineF; $total++; my $seq1=<$fh_input>; chomp $seq1; my $qualN=<$fh_input>; my $qualS=<$fh_input>; <$fh_index>; my $indexseq=<$fh_index>; chomp $indexseq; <$fh_index>; <$fh_index>; my $seq_barcode = substr ($seq1, 0, $code_length,""); if (exists $codes_hash{$seq_barcode}){ #if first bases of read are one of the barcodes $total_mapped++; unless (exists $has_barcode{$seq_barcode}) { $has_barcode{$seq_barcode}=1; } else { $has_barcode{$seq_barcode}++; } $seq_length=length ($seq1); my $seq = $seq1.$indexseq; print OUT ">".$codes_hash{$seq_barcode}.":".$seq_barcode."\n".$seq."\n"; }else{ $nonbc_count++; my $header="seq_".$nonbc_count; print NONBC ">$header\n$seq1\n"; } } close OUT; my $index_position=$seq_length+1; my $filehandlehash; foreach my $a (keys %codes_hash) { if ($has_barcode{$a}){ foreach my $library (@{$libraries->{$codes_hash{$a}}}){ my $fh = IO::File->new(">bcsortedseqs\/$input\_$codes_hash{$a}\_$library\.fas"); $filehandlehash->{$codes_hash{$a}}->{$library} = $fh; } } } open LOG,">$logfile"; print LOG "Number of total reads in $input is $total\n"; print LOG "Total mapped $total_mapped\t".100*$total_mapped/$total." %\n"; print LOG "Barcode\tSample\tReads\tPercent\n"; foreach my $key (sort {$codes_number{$a} <=> $codes_number{$b}} keys %codes_number){ if ($has_barcode{$key}){ my $pct = 100*$has_barcode{$key}/$total; print LOG "$key\t$codes_hash{$key}\t$has_barcode{$key}\t$pct\n"; } } #Step 2: Trimmed reads to remove transposon, append 16bp reads with a 5'N my $species; my $position; $species->{"ATCG"}="Bt7330"; $species->{"TCGA"}="Bt7330"; $species->{"ACGT"}="Bvulgatus"; $species->{"TACG"}="Bvulgatus"; $species->{"CGAT"}="Bovatus"; $species->{"GATC"}="Bovatus"; $species->{"GTAC"}="Buniformis"; $species->{"CGTA"}="Buniformis"; $species->{"TCAG"}="BWH2"; $species->{"ACTG"}="BWH2"; $species->{"TCGT"}="BtVPI"; $position->{"ATCG"}="Forward"; $position->{"TCGA"}="Reverse"; $position->{"ACGT"}="Forward"; $position->{"TACG"}="Reverse"; $position->{"CGAT"}="Forward"; $position->{"GATC"}="Reverse"; $position->{"GTAC"}="Forward"; $position->{"CGTA"}="Reverse"; $position->{"TCAG"}="Forward"; $position->{"ACTG"}="Reverse"; $position->{"TCGT"}="Both"; open IN,$barcode_assigned; my @tn_array=split (//,"ACAGGTTG"); $total=0; my $count=0; my $exact_match_count=0; my $mismatch1_count=0; my $mismatch2_count=0; my $header; my %tn_match; #$tn_match{sampleID} = number of reads that have TN sequence at allowable #mismatches my @header; my $bc; my $number; my $length; my $NON_TN="INSEQ_nonTN"; my $count_nonTN=0; my $innerbarcode; open NONTN,">$NON_TN"; my $bag; my $inner_count; while (my $line =){ #go through each line chomp $line; if ($line =~m/^>/){ #if a header row $header = $line; @header = split (/:/,$line); $bc=$header[0]; $bc=~s/>//; unless (exists $tn_match{$header[0]}){ $tn_match{$header[0]}=0; } } else { #if a sequence row my $seq = $line; my $pos1_match=0; my $pos2_match=0; #does read contain transposon at bp 20 or 21? my $tn_pos1=substr($seq, 16, 8); my $tn_pos2=substr($seq, 17, 8); if ($tn_pos1 eq 'ACAGGTTG') { $pos1_match=1; $exact_match_count++; $count++; } else { if ($tn_pos2 eq 'ACAGGTTG') { $pos2_match=1; $exact_match_count++; $count++; } } if ($mismatch1 == 1) { #if 1bp tn mismatches allowed my $pos1_score=0; my $pos2_score=0; my @pos1_array = split (//,$tn_pos1); my @pos2_array = split (//,$tn_pos2); for (my $n=0; $n<8;$n++){ if ($pos1_array[$n] eq $tn_array[$n]) { $pos1_score++; } if ($pos2_array[$n] eq $tn_array[$n]) { $pos2_score++; } } if ($pos1_score == 7) { $pos1_match=1; $mismatch1_count++; $count++; } if ($pos2_score == 7) { $pos2_match=1; $mismatch1_count++; $count++; } } if ($mismatch1 == 2) { #if 2bp tn mismatches allowed my $pos1_score=0; my $pos2_score=0; my @pos1_array = split (//,$tn_pos1); my @pos2_array = split (//,$tn_pos2); for (my $n=0; $n<8;$n++){ if ($pos1_array[$n] eq $tn_array[$n]) { $pos1_score++; } if ($pos2_array[$n] eq $tn_array[$n]) { $pos2_score++; } } if ($pos1_score == 7) { $pos1_match=1; $mismatch1_count++; $count++; } if ($pos2_score == 7) { $pos2_match=1; $mismatch1_count++; $count++; } if ($pos1_score == 6) { $pos1_match=1; $mismatch2_count++; $count++; } if ($pos2_score == 6) { $pos2_match=1; $mismatch2_count++; $count++; } } #if match found if ($pos1_match==1){ #trim transposon sequence my $trimmed_seq = substr ($seq, 0, 16); $tn_match{$header[0]}++; $innerbarcode=substr($seq,$index_position,4); # print "$bc\t$innerbarcode\t$species->{$innerbarcode}\t$position->{$innerbarcode}\n"; if ($species->{$innerbarcode}){ push @{$bag->{$bc}->{$species->{$innerbarcode}}},$trimmed_seq; $inner_count->{$bc}->{$species->{$innerbarcode}}->{$position->{$innerbarcode}}++; } } elsif ($pos2_match==1){ #trim transposon sequence my $trimmed_seq = substr ($seq, 0, 17); $tn_match{$header[0]}++; $innerbarcode=substr($seq,$index_position,4); if ($species->{$innerbarcode}){ push @{$bag->{$bc}->{$species->{$innerbarcode}}},$trimmed_seq; $inner_count->{$bc}->{$species->{$innerbarcode}}->{$position->{$innerbarcode}}++; } }else{ $count_nonTN++; $header=$header."_".$count_nonTN; print NONTN "$header\n$seq\n"; } } } close OUT; foreach my $sample (sort keys %$bag){ foreach my $library (@{$libraries->{$sample}}){ my $fh=$filehandlehash->{$sample}->{$library}; foreach my $read (@{$bag->{$sample}->{$library}}){ $header=$sample.":".$library; print $fh ">$header\n"; print $fh "$read\n"; } } } my $non_TN_percent=sprintf ("%.1f",$count_nonTN/$total_mapped*100); print LOG "In the trimming process, $count_nonTN ($non_TN_percent%) are not trimmed, Here is the statistics for each sample\n"; print LOG "Sample\tTrimmed\tPercentage\n"; foreach my $key (sort {$codes_number{$a} <=> $codes_number{$b}} keys %codes_number){ if ($has_barcode{$key}){ my $trimkey=">".$codes_hash{$key}; my $percentage=sprintf("%.1f",$tn_match{$trimkey}/$has_barcode{$key}*100); print LOG "$codes_hash{$key}\t$has_barcode{$key}\t$tn_match{$trimkey}\t$percentage\n"; } } foreach my $sample (sort keys %{$bag}){ foreach my $code (sort keys %$species){ if ($inner_count->{$sample}->{$species->{$code}}->{$position->{$code}}){ print LOG "$sample\t$species->{$code}\t$position->{$code}\t$inner_count->{$sample}->{$species->{$code}}->{$position->{$code}}\n"; } } } close LOG; my $clean_up="clean_up.sh"; open CL,">$clean_up"; print CL "rm $barcode_assigned\n", "rm mappingjobs_*\n", "rm -r bcsortedseqs\n"; #Create job files for each sample chdir "bcsortedseqs"; my @sorted_seq=`ls *.fas`; chdir $outputdir; foreach my $sorted_seq (@sorted_seq) { chomp $sorted_seq; if ($sorted_seq=~m/$input\_(\w+)\_(\w+)\.fas/){ my $sample=$1; my $index=$2; open (TASKSFORBC, ">$outputdir\/mappingjobs\_$sorted_seq\.job") || die "Error: Can't create $outputdir\/mappingjobs\_$sorted_seq\.job\n\n"; my @ptt=`ls $path/indexes/$index/*.ptt`; print TASKSFORBC "$bowtie_path/bowtie -m 1 --best --strata -a --fullref -n $mismatch2 -l 17 $path\/indexes\/$index\/$index -f bcsortedseqs\/$sorted_seq results\/$sorted_seq\.bowtiemap\n"; print TASKSFORBC "perl $path/scripts/process_bowtie_output.pl results\/$sorted_seq\.bowtiemap \n"; foreach my $ptt (@ptt){ chomp $ptt; if ($ptt =~m/$path\/indexes\/$index\/(.*)\.ptt/){ print TASKSFORBC "perl $path/scripts/normalize_processed_filter.pl results\/$sorted_seq\.bowtiemap_processed.txt_$1\n"; if (!$arrayed){ if ($operon==0){ print TASKSFORBC "perl $path/scripts/map_genes.pl $ptt results\/$sorted_seq\.bowtiemap_processed.txt_$1_filter_cpm.txt $disruption\n"; }elsif ($operon==1){ print TASKSFORBC "perl $path/scripts/map_genes_operon.pl $ptt $path/indexes\/$index\/$1.operons $disruption $cutoff results\/$sorted_seq\.bowtiemap_processed.txt_$1_filter_cpm.txt \n"; } }else{ } } } close TASKSFORBC; } system("qsub -l h_vmem=4G mappingjobs\_$sorted_seq\.job"); }