import numpy as np import csv from collections import defaultdict from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix, lil_matrix import scipy.stats as st class ProxyDistribution: '''Simple proxy distribution to enable specifying signal distributions from the command-line''' def __init__(self, name, pdf_method, sample_method): = name self.pdf_method = pdf_method self.sample_method = sample_method def pdf(self, x): return self.pdf_method(x) def sample(self, count=1): if count == 1: return self.sample_method() return np.array([self.sample_method() for _ in range(count)]) def __repr__(self): return def generate_data_helper(flips, null_mean, null_stdev, signal_dist): '''Recursively builds multi-dimensional datasets.''' if len(flips.shape) > 1: return np.array([generate_data_helper(row, null_mean, null_stdev, signal_dist) for row in flips]) # If we're on the last dimension, return the vector return np.array([signal_dist.sample() if flip else 0 for flip in flips]) + np.random.normal(loc=null_mean, scale=null_stdev, size=len(flips)) def generate_data(null_mean, null_stdev, signal_dist, signal_weights): '''Create a synthetic dataset.''' # Flip biased coins to decide which distribution to draw each sample from flips = np.random.random(size=signal_weights.shape) < signal_weights # Recursively generate the dataset samples = generate_data_helper(flips, null_mean, null_stdev, signal_dist) # Observed z-scores z = (samples - null_mean) / null_stdev return (z, flips) def calc_fdr(probs, fdr_level): '''Calculates the detected signals at a specific false discovery rate given the posterior probabilities of each point.''' pshape = probs.shape if len(probs.shape) > 1: probs = probs.flatten() post_orders = np.argsort(probs)[::-1] avg_fdr = 0.0 end_fdr = 0 for idx in post_orders: test_fdr = (avg_fdr * end_fdr + (1.0 - probs[idx])) / (end_fdr + 1.0) if test_fdr > fdr_level: break avg_fdr = test_fdr end_fdr += 1 is_finding = np.zeros(probs.shape, dtype=int) is_finding[post_orders[0:end_fdr]] = 1 if len(pshape) > 1: is_finding = is_finding.reshape(pshape) return is_finding def filter_nonrectangular_data(data, filter_value=0): '''Convert the square matrix to a vector containing only the values different than the filter values.''' x = data != filter_value nonrect_vals = np.arange(x.sum()) nonrect_to_data = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=int) - 1 data_to_nonrect = np.where(x.T) data_to_nonrect = (data_to_nonrect[1],data_to_nonrect[0]) nonrect_to_data[data_to_nonrect] = nonrect_vals nonrect_data = data[x] return (nonrect_data, nonrect_to_data, data_to_nonrect) def sparse_2d_penalty_matrix(data_shape, nonrect_to_data=None): '''Create a sparse 2-d penalty matrix. Optionally takes a map to corrected indices, useful when dealing with non-rectangular data.''' row_counter = 0 data = [] row = [] col = [] if nonrect_to_data is not None: for j in range(data_shape[1]): for i in range(data_shape[0]-1): idx1 = nonrect_to_data[i,j] idx2 = nonrect_to_data[i+1,j] if idx1 < 0 or idx2 < 0: continue row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx1) data.append(-1) row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx2) data.append(1.) row_counter += 1 for j in range(data_shape[1]-1): for i in range(data_shape[0]): idx1 = nonrect_to_data[i,j] idx2 = nonrect_to_data[i,j+1] if idx1 < 0 or idx2 < 0: continue row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx1) data.append(-1) row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx2) data.append(1.) row_counter += 1 else: for j in range(data_shape[1]): for i in range(data_shape[0] - 1): idx1 = i+j*data_shape[0] idx2 = i+j*data_shape[0]+1 row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx1) data.append(-1.) row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx2) data.append(1.) row_counter += 1 col_counter = 0 for i in range(data_shape[0]): for j in range(data_shape[1] - 1): idx1 = col_counter idx2 = col_counter+data_shape[0] row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx1) data.append(-1.) row.append(row_counter) col.append(idx2) data.append(1.) row_counter += 1 col_counter += 1 num_rows = row_counter num_cols = max(col) + 1 return csc_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(num_rows, num_cols)) def sparse_1d_penalty_matrix(data_len): penalties = np.eye(data_len, dtype=float)[0:-1] * -1 for i in range(len(penalties)): penalties[i,i+1] = 1 return csc_matrix(penalties) def cube_trails(xmax, ymax, zmax): '''Produces a list of trails following a simple row/col/aisle split strategy for a cube.''' trails = [] for x in range(xmax): for y in range(ymax): trails.append([x * ymax * zmax + y * zmax + z for z in range(zmax)]) for y in range(ymax): for z in range(zmax): trails.append([x * ymax * zmax + y * zmax + z for x in range(xmax)]) for z in range(zmax): for x in range(xmax): trails.append([x * ymax * zmax + y * zmax + z for y in range(ymax)]) return trails def val_present(data, x, missing_val): return missing_val is None or x def cube_edges(data, missing_val=None): '''Produces a list of edges for a cube with potentially missing data. If missing_val is specified, entries with that value will be considered missing and no edges will be connected to them.''' edges = [] xmax, ymax, zmax = data.shape for y in range(ymax): for z in range(zmax): edges.extend([((x1, y, z), (x2, y, z)) for x1, x2 in zip(range(data.shape[0]-1), range(1,data.shape[0])) if missing_val is None or (data[x1,y,z] != missing_val and data[x2,y,z] != missing_val)]) for x in range(xmax): for z in range(zmax): edges.extend([((x, y1, z), (x, y2, z)) for y1, y2 in zip(range(data.shape[1]-1), range(1,data.shape[1])) if missing_val is None or (data[x,y1,z] != missing_val and data[x,y2,z] != missing_val)]) for x in range(xmax): for y in range(ymax): edges.extend([((x, y, z1), (x, y, z2)) for z1, z2 in zip(range(data.shape[2]-1), range(1,data.shape[2])) if missing_val is None or (data[x,y,z1] != missing_val and data[x,y,z2] != missing_val)]) return edges def cube_trails_missing_helper(data, trails, cur_trail, v1, v2, missing_val): if data[v1] == missing_val or data[v2] == missing_val: if len(cur_trail) > 1: trails.append(cur_trail) cur_trail = [] else: if len(cur_trail) == 0: cur_trail.append(v1) cur_trail.append(v2) return cur_trail def cube_trails_missing(data, missing_val=None): '''Generates row/col/aisle trails for a cube when there may be missing data.''' trails = [] xmax, ymax, zmax = data.shape for y in range(ymax): for z in range(zmax): cur_trail = [] for x1, x2 in zip(range(data.shape[0]-1), range(1,data.shape[0])): v1 = (x1,y,z) v2 = (x2,y,z) cur_trail = cube_trails_missing_helper(data, trails, cur_trail, v1, v2, missing_val) if len(cur_trail) > 1: trails.append(cur_trail) for x in range(xmax): for z in range(zmax): cur_trail = [] for y1, y2 in zip(range(data.shape[1]-1), range(1,data.shape[1])): v1 = (x,y1,z) v2 = (x,y2,z) cur_trail = cube_trails_missing_helper(data, trails, cur_trail, v1, v2, missing_val) if len(cur_trail) > 1: trails.append(cur_trail) for x in range(xmax): for y in range(ymax): cur_trail = [] for z1, z2 in zip(range(data.shape[2]-1), range(1,data.shape[2])): v1 = (x, y, z1) v2 = (x, y, z2) cur_trail = cube_trails_missing_helper(data, trails, cur_trail, v1, v2, missing_val) if len(cur_trail) > 1: trails.append(cur_trail) return trails def load_trails(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) return load_trails_from_reader(reader) def load_trails_from_reader(reader): trails = [] breakpoints = [] edges = defaultdict(list) for line in reader: if len(trails) > 0: breakpoints.append(len(trails)) nodes = [int(x) for x in line] trails.extend(nodes) for n1,n2 in zip(nodes[:-1], nodes[1:]): edges[n1].append(n2) edges[n2].append(n1) if len(trails) > 0: breakpoints.append(len(trails)) return (len(breakpoints), np.array(trails, dtype="int32"), np.array(breakpoints, dtype="int32"), edges) def save_trails(filename, trails): with open(filename, 'wb') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerows(trails) def pretty_str(p, decimal_places=2): '''Pretty-print a matrix or vector.''' if len(p.shape) == 1: return vector_str(p, decimal_places) if len(p.shape) == 2: return matrix_str(p, decimal_places) raise Exception('Invalid array with shape {0}'.format(p.shape)) def matrix_str(p, decimal_places=2): '''Pretty-print the matrix.''' return '[{0}]'.format("\n ".join([vector_str(a, decimal_places) for a in p])) def vector_str(p, decimal_places=2): '''Pretty-print the vector values.''' style = '{0:.' + str(decimal_places) + 'f}' return '[{0}]'.format(", ".join([style.format(a) for a in p])) def mean_filter(pvals, edges, rescale=True): '''Given a list of p-values and their neighbors, applies a mean filter that replaces each p_i with p*_i where p*_i = mean(neighbors(p_i)). If rescale is true, then the p-values are rescaled to be variance 1.''' return np.array([np.mean(pvals[edges[i] + [i]]) * (np.sqrt(len(edges[i]) + 1) if rescale else 1) for i,p in enumerate(pvals)]) def median_filter(pvals, edges): '''Given a list of p-values and their neighbors, applies a median filter that replaces each p_i with p*_i where p*_i = median(neighbors(p_i)).''' return np.array([np.median(pvals[edges[i] + [i]]) for i,p in enumerate(pvals)]) def _local_agg_fdr_helper(fdr_level, p_star, ghat, ghat_lambda, wstar_lambda, tmin, tmax, tmin_fdr, tmax_fdr, rel_tol=1e-4): '''Finds the t-level via binary search.''' if np.isclose(tmin, tmax, atol=rel_tol) or np.isclose(tmin_fdr, tmax_fdr, atol=rel_tol) or tmax_fdr <= fdr_level: return (tmax, tmax_fdr) if tmax_fdr <= fdr_level else (tmin, tmin_fdr) tmid = (tmax + tmin) / 2. tmid_fdr = wstar_lambda * ghat(p_star, tmid) / (max(1,(p_star < tmid).sum()) * (1-ghat_lambda)) print('t: [{0}, {1}, {2}] => fdr: [{3}, {4}, {5}]'.format(tmin, tmid, tmax, tmin_fdr, tmid_fdr, tmax_fdr)) if tmid_fdr <= fdr_level: return _local_agg_fdr_helper(fdr_level, p_star, ghat, ghat_lambda, wstar_lambda, tmid, tmax, tmid_fdr, tmax_fdr) return _local_agg_fdr_helper(fdr_level, p_star, ghat, ghat_lambda, wstar_lambda, tmin, tmid, tmin_fdr, tmid_fdr) def local_agg_fdr(pvals, edges, fdr_level, lmbda = 0.1): '''Given a list of p-values and the graph connecting them, applies a median filter to locally aggregate them and then performs a corrected FDR procedure from Zhang, Fan, and Yu (Annals of Statistics, 2011). lmbda is a tuning constant typically set to 0.1.''' p_star = median_filter(pvals, edges) # aggregate p-values ghat = lambda p, t: (p >= (1-t)).sum() / max(1., (2.0 * (p > 0.5).sum() + (p==0.5).sum())) # empirical null CDF wstar_lambda = (p_star > lmbda).sum() # number of nonrejects at the level lambda ghat_lambda = ghat(p_star, lmbda) # empirical null CDF at rejection level lambda # Use binary search to find the highest t value that satisfies the fdr level tmin = 0. tmax = 1. tmin_fdr = wstar_lambda * ghat(p_star, tmin) / (max(1,(p_star < tmin).sum()) * (1-ghat_lambda)) tmax_fdr = wstar_lambda * ghat(p_star, tmax) / (max(1,(p_star < tmax).sum()) * (1-ghat_lambda)) t, tfdr = _local_agg_fdr_helper(fdr_level, p_star, ghat, ghat_lambda, wstar_lambda, tmin, tmax, tmin_fdr, tmax_fdr) print('t: {0} tfdr: {1}'.format(t, tfdr)) # Returns the indices of all discoveries return np.where(p_star < t)[0] def p_value(z, mu0=0., sigma0=1.): return 2*(1.0 - st.norm.cdf(np.abs((z - mu0) / sigma0))) def benjamini_hochberg(z, fdr, mu0=0., sigma0=1.): '''Performs Benjamini-Hochberg multiple hypothesis testing on z at the given false discovery rate threshold.''' z_shape = z.shape if len(z.shape) > 1 else None if z_shape is not None: z = z.flatten() p = p_value(z, mu0=mu0, sigma0=sigma0) p_orders = np.argsort(p) discoveries = [] m = float(len(p_orders)) for k, s in enumerate(p_orders): if p[s] <= (k+1) / m * fdr: discoveries.append(s) else: break discoveries = np.array(discoveries) if z_shape is not None: x = np.zeros(z.shape) x[discoveries] = 1 discoveries = np.where(x.reshape(z_shape) == 1) return discoveries