Raw File
#	Jmulti.S
#	Usual invocations to compute multitype J function(s)
#	if F and G are not required 
#	$Revision: 4.10 $	$Date: 2005/07/21 10:29:01 $
"Jcross" <-
function(X, i=1, j=2, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL) {
#       multitype J function J_{ij}(r)
#	X:		point pattern (an object of class 'ppp')
#       i, j:           types for which J_{i,j}(r) is calculated  
#	eps:		raster grid mesh size for distance transform
#				(unless specified by X$window)
#       r:              (optional) values of argument r  
#	breaks:		(optional) breakpoints for argument r
        X <- as.ppp(X)
          stop("point pattern has no \'marks\'")
        I <- (X$marks == i)
        J <- (X$marks == j)
        result <- Jmulti(X, I, J, eps, r, breaks)
        attr(result, "ylab") <- substitute(Jcross(r), NULL)

"Jdot" <-
function(X, i=1, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL) {
#    multitype J function J_{i\dot}(r)
#	X:		point pattern (an object of class 'ppp')
#       i:              mark i for which we calculate J_{i\cdot}(r)  
#	eps:		raster grid mesh size for distance transform
#				(unless specified by X$window)
#       r:              (optional) values of argument r  
#	breaks:		(optional) breakpoints for argument r
        X <- as.ppp(X)
          stop("point pattern has no \'marks\'")
        I <- (X$marks == i)
        J <- rep(TRUE, X$n)
        result <- Jmulti(X, I, J, eps, r, breaks)
        attr(result, "ylab") <- substitute(Jdot(r), NULL)

"Jmulti" <- 	
function(X, I, J, eps=NULL, r=NULL, breaks=NULL) {
#    multitype J function (generic engine)
#	X		marked point pattern (of class ppp)
#	I,J		logical vectors of length equal to the number of points
#			and identifying the two subsets of points to be
#			compared.
#	eps:		raster grid mesh size for distance transform
#				(unless specified by X$window)
#       r:              (optional) values of argument r  
#	breaks:		(optional) breakpoints for argument r
        X <- as.ppp(X)
        brks <- handle.r.b.args(r, breaks, X$window, eps)$val
	FJ <- Fest(X[J], eps, breaks=brks)
	GIJ <- Gmulti(X, I, J, breaks=brks)
        ratio <- function(a, b, c) {
          result <- a/b
          result[ b == 0 ] <- c
	Jkm <- ratio(1-GIJ$km, 1-FJ$km, NA)
	Jrs <- ratio(1-GIJ$rs, 1-FJ$rs, NA)
	Jun <- ratio(1-GIJ$raw, 1-FJ$raw, NA)
        theo <- rep(1, length(FJ$r))
	result <- data.frame(r=FJ$r,theo=theo,un=Jun,rs=Jrs,km=Jkm)

        alim <- range(result$r[FJ$km <= 0.9])
        labl <- c("r", "Jpois(r)", "Jun(r)", "Jbord(r)", "Jkm(r)")
        desc <- c("distance argument r",
                  "theoretical Poisson J(r)=1",
                  "uncorrected estimate of J(r)",
                  "border corrected estimate of J(r)",
                  "Kaplan-Meier estimate of J(r)")
        Z <- fv(result,
                "r", substitute(Jmulti(r), NULL), "km", . ~ r, alim, labl, desc)
        attr(Z, "G") <- GIJ
        attr(Z, "F") <- FJ
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