# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license function _truncate_at_width_or_chars(str, width, chars="", truncmark="…") truncwidth = textwidth(truncmark) (width <= 0 || width < truncwidth) && return "" wid = truncidx = lastidx = 0 for (idx, c) in pairs(str) lastidx = idx wid += textwidth(c) wid >= width - truncwidth && truncidx == 0 && (truncidx = lastidx) (wid >= width || c in chars) && break end lastidx != 0 && str[lastidx] in chars && (lastidx = prevind(str, lastidx)) truncidx == 0 && (truncidx = lastidx) if lastidx < lastindex(str) return String(SubString(str, 1, truncidx) * truncmark) else return String(str) end end function show(io::IO, t::AbstractDict{K,V}) where V where K recur_io = IOContext(io, :SHOWN_SET => t, :typeinfo => eltype(t)) limit::Bool = get(io, :limit, false) # show in a Julia-syntax-like form: Dict(k=>v, ...) print(io, typeinfo_prefix(io, t)[1]) print(io, '(') if !isempty(t) && !show_circular(io, t) first = true n = 0 for pair in t first || print(io, ',') first = false show(recur_io, pair) n+=1 limit && n >= 10 && (print(io, "…"); break) end end print(io, ')') end # Dict # These can be changed, to trade off better performance for space const global maxallowedprobe = 16 const global maxprobeshift = 6 """ Dict([itr]) `Dict{K,V}()` constructs a hash table with keys of type `K` and values of type `V`. Keys are compared with [`isequal`](@ref) and hashed with [`hash`](@ref). Given a single iterable argument, constructs a [`Dict`](@ref) whose key-value pairs are taken from 2-tuples `(key,value)` generated by the argument. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> Dict([("A", 1), ("B", 2)]) Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries: "B" => 2 "A" => 1 ``` Alternatively, a sequence of pair arguments may be passed. ```jldoctest julia> Dict("A"=>1, "B"=>2) Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries: "B" => 2 "A" => 1 ``` """ mutable struct Dict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} slots::Array{UInt8,1} keys::Array{K,1} vals::Array{V,1} ndel::Int count::Int age::UInt idxfloor::Int # an index <= the indices of all used slots maxprobe::Int function Dict{K,V}() where V where K n = 16 new(zeros(UInt8,n), Vector{K}(undef, n), Vector{V}(undef, n), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0) end function Dict{K,V}(d::Dict{K,V}) where V where K new(copy(d.slots), copy(d.keys), copy(d.vals), d.ndel, d.count, d.age, d.idxfloor, d.maxprobe) end function Dict{K, V}(slots, keys, vals, ndel, count, age, idxfloor, maxprobe) where {K, V} new(slots, keys, vals, ndel, count, age, idxfloor, maxprobe) end end function Dict{K,V}(kv) where V where K h = Dict{K,V}() for (k,v) in kv h[k] = v end return h end Dict{K,V}(p::Pair) where {K,V} = setindex!(Dict{K,V}(), p.second, p.first) function Dict{K,V}(ps::Pair...) where V where K h = Dict{K,V}() sizehint!(h, length(ps)) for p in ps h[p.first] = p.second end return h end # Note the constructors of WeakKeyDict mirror these here, keep in sync. Dict() = Dict{Any,Any}() Dict(kv::Tuple{}) = Dict() copy(d::Dict) = Dict(d) const AnyDict = Dict{Any,Any} Dict(ps::Pair{K,V}...) where {K,V} = Dict{K,V}(ps) Dict(ps::Pair...) = Dict(ps) function Dict(kv) try dict_with_eltype((K, V) -> Dict{K, V}, kv, eltype(kv)) catch if !isiterable(typeof(kv)) || !all(x->isa(x,Union{Tuple,Pair}),kv) throw(ArgumentError("Dict(kv): kv needs to be an iterator of tuples or pairs")) else rethrow() end end end function grow_to!(dest::AbstractDict{K, V}, itr) where V where K y = iterate(itr) y === nothing && return dest ((k,v), st) = y dest2 = empty(dest, typeof(k), typeof(v)) dest2[k] = v grow_to!(dest2, itr, st) end # this is a special case due to (1) allowing both Pairs and Tuples as elements, # and (2) Pair being invariant. a bit annoying. function grow_to!(dest::AbstractDict{K,V}, itr, st) where V where K y = iterate(itr, st) while y !== nothing (k,v), st = y if isa(k,K) && isa(v,V) dest[k] = v else new = empty(dest, promote_typejoin(K,typeof(k)), promote_typejoin(V,typeof(v))) merge!(new, dest) new[k] = v return grow_to!(new, itr, st) end y = iterate(itr, st) end return dest end empty(a::AbstractDict, ::Type{K}, ::Type{V}) where {K, V} = Dict{K, V}() hashindex(key, sz) = (((hash(key)%Int) & (sz-1)) + 1)::Int @propagate_inbounds isslotempty(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x0 @propagate_inbounds isslotfilled(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x1 @propagate_inbounds isslotmissing(h::Dict, i::Int) = h.slots[i] == 0x2 function rehash!(h::Dict{K,V}, newsz = length(h.keys)) where V where K olds = h.slots oldk = h.keys oldv = h.vals sz = length(olds) newsz = _tablesz(newsz) h.age += 1 h.idxfloor = 1 if h.count == 0 resize!(h.slots, newsz) fill!(h.slots, 0) resize!(h.keys, newsz) resize!(h.vals, newsz) h.ndel = 0 return h end slots = zeros(UInt8,newsz) keys = Vector{K}(undef, newsz) vals = Vector{V}(undef, newsz) age0 = h.age count = 0 maxprobe = 0 for i = 1:sz @inbounds if olds[i] == 0x1 k = oldk[i] v = oldv[i] index0 = index = hashindex(k, newsz) while slots[index] != 0 index = (index & (newsz-1)) + 1 end probe = (index - index0) & (newsz-1) probe > maxprobe && (maxprobe = probe) slots[index] = 0x1 keys[index] = k vals[index] = v count += 1 if h.age != age0 # if `h` is changed by a finalizer, retry return rehash!(h, newsz) end end end h.slots = slots h.keys = keys h.vals = vals h.count = count h.ndel = 0 h.maxprobe = maxprobe @assert h.age == age0 return h end function sizehint!(d::Dict{T}, newsz) where T oldsz = length(d.slots) if newsz <= oldsz # todo: shrink # be careful: rehash!() assumes everything fits. it was only designed # for growing. return d end # grow at least 25% newsz = min(max(newsz, (oldsz*5)>>2), max_values(T)) rehash!(d, newsz) end """ empty!(collection) -> collection Remove all elements from a `collection`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> A = Dict("a" => 1, "b" => 2) Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries: "b" => 2 "a" => 1 julia> empty!(A); julia> A Dict{String,Int64} with 0 entries ``` """ function empty!(h::Dict{K,V}) where V where K fill!(h.slots, 0x0) sz = length(h.slots) empty!(h.keys) empty!(h.vals) resize!(h.keys, sz) resize!(h.vals, sz) h.ndel = 0 h.count = 0 h.age += 1 h.idxfloor = 1 return h end # get the index where a key is stored, or -1 if not present function ht_keyindex(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K sz = length(h.keys) iter = 0 maxprobe = h.maxprobe index = hashindex(key, sz) keys = h.keys @inbounds while true if isslotempty(h,index) break end if !isslotmissing(h,index) && (key === keys[index] || isequal(key,keys[index])) return index end index = (index & (sz-1)) + 1 iter += 1 iter > maxprobe && break end return -1 end # get the index where a key is stored, or -pos if not present # and the key would be inserted at pos # This version is for use by setindex! and get! function ht_keyindex2!(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K age0 = h.age sz = length(h.keys) iter = 0 maxprobe = h.maxprobe index = hashindex(key, sz) avail = 0 keys = h.keys @inbounds while true if isslotempty(h,index) if avail < 0 return avail end return -index end if isslotmissing(h,index) if avail == 0 # found an available slot, but need to keep scanning # in case "key" already exists in a later collided slot. avail = -index end elseif key === keys[index] || isequal(key, keys[index]) return index end index = (index & (sz-1)) + 1 iter += 1 iter > maxprobe && break end avail < 0 && return avail maxallowed = max(maxallowedprobe, sz>>maxprobeshift) # Check if key is not present, may need to keep searching to find slot @inbounds while iter < maxallowed if !isslotfilled(h,index) h.maxprobe = iter return -index end index = (index & (sz-1)) + 1 iter += 1 end rehash!(h, h.count > 64000 ? sz*2 : sz*4) return ht_keyindex2!(h, key) end @propagate_inbounds function _setindex!(h::Dict, v, key, index) h.slots[index] = 0x1 h.keys[index] = key h.vals[index] = v h.count += 1 h.age += 1 if index < h.idxfloor h.idxfloor = index end sz = length(h.keys) # Rehash now if necessary if h.ndel >= ((3*sz)>>2) || h.count*3 > sz*2 # > 3/4 deleted or > 2/3 full rehash!(h, h.count > 64000 ? h.count*2 : h.count*4) end end function setindex!(h::Dict{K,V}, v0, key0) where V where K key = convert(K, key0) if !isequal(key, key0) throw(ArgumentError("$(limitrepr(key0)) is not a valid key for type $K")) end setindex!(h, v0, key) end function setindex!(h::Dict{K,V}, v0, key::K) where V where K v = convert(V, v0) index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key) if index > 0 h.age += 1 @inbounds h.keys[index] = key @inbounds h.vals[index] = v else @inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index) end return h end """ get!(collection, key, default) Return the value stored for the given key, or if no mapping for the key is present, store `key => default`, and return `default`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> d = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3); julia> get!(d, "a", 5) 1 julia> get!(d, "d", 4) 4 julia> d Dict{String,Int64} with 4 entries: "c" => 3 "b" => 2 "a" => 1 "d" => 4 ``` """ get!(collection, key, default) """ get!(f::Function, collection, key) Return the value stored for the given key, or if no mapping for the key is present, store `key => f()`, and return `f()`. This is intended to be called using `do` block syntax: ```julia get!(dict, key) do # default value calculated here time() end ``` """ get!(f::Function, collection, key) function get!(default::Callable, h::Dict{K,V}, key0) where V where K key = convert(K, key0) if !isequal(key, key0) throw(ArgumentError("$(limitrepr(key0)) is not a valid key for type $K")) end return get!(default, h, key) end function get!(default::Callable, h::Dict{K,V}, key::K) where V where K index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key) index > 0 && return h.vals[index] age0 = h.age v = convert(V, default()) if h.age != age0 index = ht_keyindex2!(h, key) end if index > 0 h.age += 1 @inbounds h.keys[index] = key @inbounds h.vals[index] = v else @inbounds _setindex!(h, v, key, -index) end return v end function getindex(h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K index = ht_keyindex(h, key) @inbounds return (index < 0) ? throw(KeyError(key)) : h.vals[index]::V end """ get(collection, key, default) Return the value stored for the given key, or the given default value if no mapping for the key is present. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> d = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2); julia> get(d, "a", 3) 1 julia> get(d, "c", 3) 3 ``` """ get(collection, key, default) function get(h::Dict{K,V}, key, default) where V where K index = ht_keyindex(h, key) @inbounds return (index < 0) ? default : h.vals[index]::V end """ get(f::Function, collection, key) Return the value stored for the given key, or if no mapping for the key is present, return `f()`. Use [`get!`](@ref) to also store the default value in the dictionary. This is intended to be called using `do` block syntax ```julia get(dict, key) do # default value calculated here time() end ``` """ get(::Function, collection, key) function get(default::Callable, h::Dict{K,V}, key) where V where K index = ht_keyindex(h, key) @inbounds return (index < 0) ? default() : h.vals[index]::V end """ haskey(collection, key) -> Bool Determine whether a collection has a mapping for a given `key`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> D = Dict('a'=>2, 'b'=>3) Dict{Char,Int64} with 2 entries: 'a' => 2 'b' => 3 julia> haskey(D, 'a') true julia> haskey(D, 'c') false ``` """ haskey(h::Dict, key) = (ht_keyindex(h, key) >= 0) in(key, v::KeySet{<:Any, <:Dict}) = (ht_keyindex(v.dict, key) >= 0) """ getkey(collection, key, default) Return the key matching argument `key` if one exists in `collection`, otherwise return `default`. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> D = Dict('a'=>2, 'b'=>3) Dict{Char,Int64} with 2 entries: 'a' => 2 'b' => 3 julia> getkey(D, 'a', 1) 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) julia> getkey(D, 'd', 'a') 'a': ASCII/Unicode U+0061 (category Ll: Letter, lowercase) ``` """ function getkey(h::Dict{K,V}, key, default) where V where K index = ht_keyindex(h, key) @inbounds return (index<0) ? default : h.keys[index]::K end function _pop!(h::Dict, index) @inbounds val = h.vals[index] _delete!(h, index) return val end function pop!(h::Dict, key) index = ht_keyindex(h, key) return index > 0 ? _pop!(h, index) : throw(KeyError(key)) end """ pop!(collection, key[, default]) Delete and return the mapping for `key` if it exists in `collection`, otherwise return `default`, or throw an error if `default` is not specified. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> d = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2, "c"=>3); julia> pop!(d, "a") 1 julia> pop!(d, "d") ERROR: KeyError: key "d" not found Stacktrace: [...] julia> pop!(d, "e", 4) 4 ``` """ pop!(collection, key, default) function pop!(h::Dict, key, default) index = ht_keyindex(h, key) return index > 0 ? _pop!(h, index) : default end function pop!(h::Dict) isempty(h) && throw(ArgumentError("dict must be non-empty")) idx = skip_deleted_floor!(h) @inbounds key = h.keys[idx] @inbounds val = h.vals[idx] _delete!(h, idx) key => val end function _delete!(h::Dict{K,V}, index) where {K,V} @inbounds h.slots[index] = 0x2 @inbounds _unsetindex!(h.keys, index) @inbounds _unsetindex!(h.vals, index) h.ndel += 1 h.count -= 1 h.age += 1 return h end """ delete!(collection, key) Delete the mapping for the given key in a collection, if any, and return the collection. # Examples ```jldoctest julia> d = Dict("a"=>1, "b"=>2) Dict{String,Int64} with 2 entries: "b" => 2 "a" => 1 julia> delete!(d, "b") Dict{String,Int64} with 1 entry: "a" => 1 julia> delete!(d, "b") # d is left unchanged Dict{String,Int64} with 1 entry: "a" => 1 ``` """ delete!(collection, key) function delete!(h::Dict, key) index = ht_keyindex(h, key) if index > 0 _delete!(h, index) end return h end function skip_deleted(h::Dict, i) L = length(h.slots) for i = i:L @inbounds if isslotfilled(h,i) return i end end return 0 end function skip_deleted_floor!(h::Dict) idx = skip_deleted(h, h.idxfloor) if idx != 0 h.idxfloor = idx end idx end @propagate_inbounds _iterate(t::Dict{K,V}, i) where {K,V} = i == 0 ? nothing : (Pair{K,V}(t.keys[i],t.vals[i]), i == typemax(Int) ? 0 : i+1) @propagate_inbounds function iterate(t::Dict) _iterate(t, skip_deleted_floor!(t)) end @propagate_inbounds iterate(t::Dict, i) = _iterate(t, skip_deleted(t, i)) isempty(t::Dict) = (t.count == 0) length(t::Dict) = t.count @propagate_inbounds function Base.iterate(v::T, i::Int = v.dict.idxfloor) where T <: Union{KeySet{<:Any, <:Dict}, ValueIterator{<:Dict}} i == 0 && return nothing i = skip_deleted(v.dict, i) i == 0 && return nothing vals = T <: KeySet ? v.dict.keys : v.dict.vals (@inbounds vals[i], i == typemax(Int) ? 0 : i+1) end function filter!(pred, h::Dict{K,V}) where {K,V} h.count == 0 && return h @inbounds for i=1:length(h.slots) if h.slots[i] == 0x01 && !pred(Pair{K,V}(h.keys[i], h.vals[i])) _delete!(h, i) end end return h end function reduce(::typeof(merge), items::Vector{<:Dict}) K = mapreduce(keytype, promote_type, items) V = mapreduce(valtype, promote_type, items) return reduce(merge!, items; init=Dict{K,V}()) end function map!(f, iter::ValueIterator{<:Dict}) dict = iter.dict vals = dict.vals # @inbounds is here so the it gets propagated to isslotfiled @inbounds for i = dict.idxfloor:lastindex(vals) if isslotfilled(dict, i) vals[i] = f(vals[i]) end end return iter end struct ImmutableDict{K,V} <: AbstractDict{K,V} parent::ImmutableDict{K,V} key::K value::V ImmutableDict{K,V}() where {K,V} = new() # represents an empty dictionary ImmutableDict{K,V}(key, value) where {K,V} = (empty = new(); new(empty, key, value)) ImmutableDict{K,V}(parent::ImmutableDict, key, value) where {K,V} = new(parent, key, value) end """ ImmutableDict `ImmutableDict` is a dictionary implemented as an immutable linked list, which is optimal for small dictionaries that are constructed over many individual insertions. Note that it is not possible to remove a value, although it can be partially overridden and hidden by inserting a new value with the same key. ImmutableDict(KV::Pair) Create a new entry in the `ImmutableDict` for a `key => value` pair - use `(key => value) in dict` to see if this particular combination is in the properties set - use `get(dict, key, default)` to retrieve the most recent value for a particular key """ ImmutableDict ImmutableDict(KV::Pair{K,V}) where {K,V} = ImmutableDict{K,V}(KV[1], KV[2]) ImmutableDict(t::ImmutableDict{K,V}, KV::Pair) where {K,V} = ImmutableDict{K,V}(t, KV[1], KV[2]) ImmutableDict(KV::Pair, rest::Pair...) = ImmutableDict(ImmutableDict(rest...), KV) function in(key_value::Pair, dict::ImmutableDict, valcmp=(==)) key, value = key_value while isdefined(dict, :parent) if isequal(dict.key, key) valcmp(value, dict.value) && return true end dict = dict.parent end return false end function haskey(dict::ImmutableDict, key) while isdefined(dict, :parent) isequal(dict.key, key) && return true dict = dict.parent end return false end function getindex(dict::ImmutableDict, key) while isdefined(dict, :parent) isequal(dict.key, key) && return dict.value dict = dict.parent end throw(KeyError(key)) end function get(dict::ImmutableDict, key, default) while isdefined(dict, :parent) isequal(dict.key, key) && return dict.value dict = dict.parent end return default end # this actually defines reverse iteration (e.g. it should not be used for merge/copy/filter type operations) function iterate(d::ImmutableDict{K,V}, t=d) where {K, V} !isdefined(t, :parent) && return nothing (Pair{K,V}(t.key, t.value), t.parent) end length(t::ImmutableDict) = count(x->true, t) isempty(t::ImmutableDict) = !isdefined(t, :parent) empty(::ImmutableDict, ::Type{K}, ::Type{V}) where {K, V} = ImmutableDict{K,V}() _similar_for(c::Dict, ::Type{Pair{K,V}}, itr, isz) where {K, V} = empty(c, K, V) _similar_for(c::AbstractDict, ::Type{T}, itr, isz) where {T} = throw(ArgumentError("for AbstractDicts, similar requires an element type of Pair;\n if calling map, consider a comprehension instead"))