Raw File
#  residppm.R
# computes residuals for fitted point process model
# $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2008/07/25 19:37:05 $

residuals.ppm <- function(object, type="raw", ..., check=TRUE, drop=FALSE,
                 fittedvalues = fitted.ppm(object, check=check, drop=drop)) {
  verifyclass(object, "ppm")

  if(check && missing(fittedvalues) && damaged.ppm(object)) 
    stop("object format corrupted; try update(object, use.internal=TRUE)")

  typetable <- c("inverse", "raw", "pearson", "Pearson")
  typemap <-   c("inverse", "raw", "pearson", "pearson")
  if(is.na(m <- pmatch(type, typetable)))
    stop(paste("Unrecognised choice of",
               paste(sQuote("type"), ":", sep=""),
    type <- typemap[m]

  # Extract quadrature points and weights
  Q <- quad.ppm(object, drop=drop)
  U <- union.quad(Q) # quadrature points
  Z <- is.data(Q) # indicator data/dummy
  W <- w.quad(Q) # quadrature weights

  # Compute fitted conditional intensity at quadrature points
  lambda <- fittedvalues

  # indicator is 1 if lambda > 0
  # (adjusted for numerical behaviour of predict.glm)
  indicator <- (lambda > .Machine$double.eps)

  # Evaluate residual measure components
  discrete <- ifelse(Z,
                            raw     = 1,
                            inverse = 1/lambda,
                            pearson = 1/sqrt(lambda)
  continuous <- switch(type,
                       raw     = -lambda,
                       inverse = -indicator,
                       pearson = -indicator * sqrt(lambda))

  # Discretised residual measure (return value)
  res <- discrete + W * continuous

  # name the residuals
  attr(res, "type") <- type
  attr(res, "typename") <- paste(typetable[m], "residuals")

  # also give the components of the exact residual measure
  attr(res, "discrete") <- discrete
  attr(res, "continuous") <-  continuous
  attr(res, "atoms") <- as.logical(Z)

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