\name{structureSimObjectMethods} \alias{boxplot.structureSim} \alias{is.structureSim} \alias{plot.structureSim} \alias{print.structureSim} \alias{summary.structureSim} \title{ Utility Functions for nScree Class Objects} \description{ Utility functions for \code{structureSim} class objects. Note that with the \code{plot.structureSim} a dotted black vertical line shows the median number of factors retained by all the different indices. } \usage{ \method{boxplot}{structureSim} (x, nFactors=NULL, eigenSelect=NULL, vLine="green", xlab="Factors", ylab="Eigenvalues", main="Eigen Box Plot", ...) \method{is}{structureSim} (object) \method{plot}{structureSim} (x, nFactors=NULL, index=NULL, main="Index Acuracy Plot", ...) \method{print}{structureSim} (x, index=NULL, ...) \method{summary}{structureSim} (object, index=c(1:15), eigenSelect=NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{eigenSelect}{ numeric: vector of the index of the selected eigenvalues} \item{index}{ numeric: vector of the index of the selected indices} \item{main}{ character: main title} \item{nFactors}{ numeric: if known, number of factors} \item{object}{ structureSim: an object of the class \code{structureSim}} \item{vLine}{ character: color of the vertical indicator line of the initial number of factors in the eigen boxplot} \item{x}{ structureSim: an object of the class \code{structureSim}} \item{xlab}{ character: x axis label} \item{ylab}{ character: y axis label} \item{...}{ variable: additionnal parameters to give to the \code{boxplot}, \code{plot}, \code{print} and \code{summary functions.} } } \value{ Generic functions for the \code{structureSim} class: \item{boxplot.structureSim }{ graphic: plots an eigen boxplot } \item{is.structureSim}{ logical: is the object of the class \code{structureSim}? } \item{plot.structureSim }{ graphic: plots an index acuracy plot} \item{print.structureSim }{ numeric: data.frame of statistics about the number of components/factors to retain according to different indices following a \code{structureSim} simulation} \item{summary.structureSim }{ list: two data.frame, the first with the details of the simulated eigenvalues, the second with the details of the simulated indices} } \seealso{ \code{\link{nFactors-package}} } \references{ Raiche, G., Riopel, M. and Blais, J.-G. (2006). \emph{Non graphical solutions for the Cattell's scree test}. Paper presented at the International Annual meeting of the Psychometric Society, Montreal. [\url{http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r17165/RECHERCHE/COMMUNICATIONS/}] } \author{ Gilles Raiche \cr Centre sur les Applications des Modeles de Reponses aux Items (CAMRI) \cr Universite du Quebec a Montreal\cr \email{raiche.gilles@uqam.ca}, \url{http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/r17165/} } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## INITIALISATION library(xtable) library(nFactors) nFactors <- 3 unique <- 0.2 loadings <- 0.5 nsubjects <- 180 repsim <- 10 var <- 36 pmjc <- 12 reppar <- 10 zwick <- generateStructure(var=var, mjc=nFactors, pmjc=pmjc, loadings=loadings, unique=unique) ## SIMULATIONS mzwick <- structureSim(fload=as.matrix(zwick), reppar=reppar, repsim=repsim, details=TRUE, N=nsubjects, quantile=0.5) ## TEST OF structureSim METHODS is(mzwick) summary(mzwick, index=1:5, eigenSelect=1:10, digits=3) print(mzwick, index=1:10) plot(x=mzwick, index=c(1:10), cex.axis=0.7, col="red") boxplot(x=mzwick, nFactors=3, vLine="blue", col="red") } } \keyword{ multivariate }