% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/plot_roc.R \name{plot_roc} \alias{plot_roc} \title{Plot ROC curve from a cutpointr object} \usage{ plot_roc(x, display_cutpoint = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A cutpointr object.} \item{display_cutpoint}{(logical) Whether or not to display the optimal cutpoint as a dot on the ROC curve.} \item{...}{Additional arguments (unused).} } \description{ Given a \code{cutpointr} object this function plots the ROC curve(s) per subgroup, if given. } \examples{ opt_cut <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide) plot_roc(opt_cut, display_cutpoint = FALSE) opt_cut_2groups <- cutpointr(suicide, dsi, suicide, gender) plot_roc(opt_cut_2groups, display_cutpoint = TRUE) } \seealso{ Other cutpointr plotting functions: \code{\link{plot.cutpointr}}, \code{\link{plot_cut_boot}}, \code{\link{plot_cutpointr}}, \code{\link{plot_metric_boot}}, \code{\link{plot_metric}}, \code{\link{plot_precision_recall}}, \code{\link{plot_sensitivity_specificity}}, \code{\link{plot_x}} } \concept{cutpointr plotting functions}