Raw File
// $Id: t_fermion_loop_w.cc,v 1.3 2004-09-09 15:52:52 edwards Exp $
/*! \file
 *  \brief Main code for  generation of disconnected 
 *         loops
 *   This version is for Wilson fermions.
 *   This code should work for su3 or su4.
 *   I don't fully understand the conventions for kappa values
 *   and masses. I will figure this out when I compare against 
 *   the UKQCD code.

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>

#define MAIN

// Include everything...
#include "chroma.h"

using namespace QDP;

// copied from t_ritz.cc
enum GaugeStartType { HOT_START = 0, COLD_START = 1, FILE_START_NERSC = 2 };

void loops(const LatticeFermion &q_source,
           const LatticeFermion &psi,
           int length,
           XMLWriter& xml_gamma,
           const string& xml_tag) ;

void z2_src(LatticeFermion& a) ;

void z2_src(LatticeFermion& a, int slice, int mu) ;

 * Input 

// Parameters which must be determined from the XML input
// and written to the XML output
struct Param_t
  FermType     FermTypeP;
  Real         Mass;      // Staggered mass
  Real         u0;        // Tadpole Factor
  GaugeStartType  cfg_type;       // storage order for stored gauge configuration
  PropType prop_type;      // storage order for stored propagator

  InvertParam_t  invParam;

  Real GFAccu, OrPara;    // Gauge fixing tolerance and over-relaxation param
  int GFMax;              // Maximum gauge fixing iterations
  int number_sample ;    // number of z2_noise samples

  multi1d<int> nrow;
  multi1d<int> boundary;
  multi1d<int> t_srce; 

struct Prop_t
  string       source_file;
  string       prop_file;

struct Propagator_input_t
  IO_version_t     io_version;
  Param_t          param;
  Cfg_t            cfg;
  Prop_t           prop;

void read(XMLReader& xml, const string& path, Prop_t& input)
  XMLReader inputtop(xml, path);

//  read(inputtop, "source_file", input.source_file);
  read(inputtop, "prop_file", input.prop_file);

// Reader for input parameters
void read(XMLReader& xml, const string& path, Propagator_input_t& input)
  XMLReader inputtop(xml, path);

  // First, read the input parameter version.  Then, if this version
  // includes 'Nc' and 'Nd', verify they agree with values compiled
  // into QDP++

  // Read in the IO_version
    read(inputtop, "IO_version/version", input.io_version.version);
  catch (const string& e) 
    QDPIO::cerr << "Error reading data: " << e << endl;

  // Currently, in the supported IO versions, there is only a small difference
  // in the inputs. So, to make code simpler, extract the common bits 

  // Read the uncommon bits first
    XMLReader paramtop(inputtop, "param"); // push into 'param' group

    switch (input.io_version.version) 
    case 1 :

    default :

      QDPIO::cerr << "Input parameter version " << input.io_version.version << " unsupported." << endl;
  catch (const string& e) 
    QDPIO::cerr << "Error reading data: " << e << endl;

  // Read the common bits
    XMLReader paramtop(inputtop, "param"); // push into 'param' group

      string ferm_type_str;
      read(paramtop, "FermTypeP", ferm_type_str);
      if (ferm_type_str == "WILSON") {
	input.param.FermTypeP = FERM_TYPE_WILSON;

    // GTF NOTE: I'm going to switch on FermTypeP here because I want
    // to leave open the option of treating masses differently.
    switch (input.param.FermTypeP) {
    case FERM_TYPE_WILSON  :

      QDPIO::cout << "Compute fermion loops for Wilson fermions" << endl;

      read(paramtop, "Mass", input.param.Mass);
      read(paramtop, "u0" , input.param.u0);
      read(paramtop, "number_sample" , input.param.number_sample);

#if 0
      for (int i=0; i < input.param.numKappa; ++i) {
	if (toBool(input.param.Kappa[i] < 0.0)) {
	  QDPIO::cerr << "Unreasonable value for Kappa." << endl;
	  QDPIO::cerr << "  Kappa[" << i << "] = " << input.param.Kappa[i] << endl;
	} else {
	  QDPIO::cout << " Spectroscopy Kappa: " << input.param.Kappa[i] << endl;


    default :
      QDP_error_exit("Fermion type not supported\n.");

      string cfg_type_str;
      read(paramtop, "cfg_type", cfg_type_str);
      if (cfg_type_str == "NERSC") {
	input.param.cfg_type = FILE_START_NERSC  ;
      else if (cfg_type_str == "HOT") {
	input.param.cfg_type = HOT_START;
      }       else if (cfg_type_str == "COLD") {
	input.param.cfg_type = COLD_START;
      } else {
	QDP_error_exit("Only know NERSC/HOT/COLD files yet");


      string prop_type_str;
      read(paramtop, "prop_type", prop_type_str);
      if (prop_type_str == "SZIN") {
	input.param.prop_type = PROP_TYPE_SZIN;
      } else {
	QDP_error_exit("Dont know non SZIN files yet");

//    read(paramtop, "invType", input.param.invType);
    input.param.invParam.invType = CG_INVERTER;   //need to fix this
    read(paramtop, "RsdCG", input.param.invParam.RsdCG);
    read(paramtop, "MaxCG", input.param.invParam.MaxCG);
    //    read(paramtop, "GFAccu", input.param.GFAccu);
    //    read(paramtop, "OrPara", input.param.OrPara);
    //    read(paramtop, "GFMax", input.param.GFMax);

    read(paramtop, "nrow", input.param.nrow);
    read(paramtop, "boundary", input.param.boundary);
    read(paramtop, "t_srce", input.param.t_srce);
  catch (const string& e) 
    QDPIO::cerr << "Error reading data: " << e << endl;

  // Read in the gauge configuration file name
    read(inputtop, "Cfg", input.cfg);
    read(inputtop, "Prop", input.prop);
  catch (const string& e) 
    QDPIO::cerr << "Error reading data: " << e << endl;

//! Propagator generation
/*! \defgroup propagator Propagator generation
 *  \ingroup main
 * Main program for propagator generation. 

int main(int argc, char **argv)
  // Put the machine into a known state
  QDP_initialize(&argc, &argv);

  // Input parameter structure
  Propagator_input_t  input;

  // Instantiate xml reader for DATA
  XMLReader xml_in("INPUT_W.xml");

  // Read data
  read(xml_in, "/propagator", input);

  // Specify lattice size, shape, etc.

  // Read in the configuration along with relevant information.
  multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> u(Nd);
  XMLReader gauge_xml;

  QDPIO::cout << "Calculation for SU(" << Nc << ")" << endl;
  switch (input.param.cfg_type) 
    // su3 specific (at the moment)
    readArchiv(gauge_xml, u, input.cfg.cfg_file);
  case HOT_START :
    // create a hot configuration
    for(int dir = 0 ; dir < Nd ; ++dir)
	reunit(u[dir]) ; 
    QDPIO::cout << "Hot/Random configuration created" <<  endl;
  default :
    QDP_error_exit("Configuration type is unsupported.");

  // Check if the gauge field configuration is unitarized

  // Instantiate XML writer for XMLDAT
  XMLFileWriter xml_out("XMLDAT");
  push(xml_out, "z2_loops");

  // Write out the input
  write(xml_out, "Input", xml_in);

  // Write out the config header
  write(xml_out, "Config_info", gauge_xml);

  // Write out the source header
  //  write(xml_out, "Source_info", source_xml);

  push(xml_out, "Output_version");
  write(xml_out, "out_version", 1);


  // Calculate some gauge invariant observables just for info.
  Double w_plaq, s_plaq, t_plaq, link;
  MesPlq(u, w_plaq, s_plaq, t_plaq, link);

  push(xml_out, "Observables");
  write(xml_out, "w_plaq", w_plaq);
  write(xml_out, "s_plaq", s_plaq);
  write(xml_out, "t_plaq", t_plaq);
  write(xml_out, "link", link);

  //  gauge invariance test

  // this parameter will be read from the input file
  bool do_gauge_transform ;
  do_gauge_transform = false ;
  //  do_gauge_transform = true ;

  if( do_gauge_transform )
      // gauge transform the gauge fields
      multi1d<LatticeColorMatrix> u_trans(Nd);

      // create a random gauge transform
       LatticeColorMatrix v ;
       reunit(v) ; 

       for(int dir = 0 ; dir < Nd ; ++dir)
	   u_trans[dir] = v*u[dir]*adj(shift(v,FORWARD,dir)) ;
	   u[dir] = u_trans[dir] ;

       QDPIO::cout << "Random gauge transform done" << endl;

    } // end of gauge transform

  int j_decay = Nd-1;

  // set up the calculation of quark propagators 

  // Create a fermion BC. Note, the handle is on an ABSTRACT type.
  Handle< FermBC<LatticeFermion> >  fbc(new SimpleFermBC<LatticeFermion>(input.param.boundary));

  // Initialize fermion action
  UnprecWilsonFermAct S_f(fbc,input.param.Mass);

  // Set up a state for the current u,
  Handle<const ConnectState > state(S_f.createState(u));

  // Loop over the source color and spin , creating the source
  // and calling the relevant propagator routines. 
  LatticePropagator quark_propagator;
  XMLBufferWriter xml_buf;
  int ncg_had = 0;
  int n_count;

  multi2d<DComplex> loops(16, input.param.nrow[3]);

  LatticeFermion q_source, psi;

  for(int sample = 0 ; sample < input.param.number_sample ; ++sample)
      QDPIO::cout << "Inversion for sample =  " << sample << endl;
      q_source = zero ;
      //      gaussian(q_source);
      z2_src(q_source) ;
      //      z2_src(q_source,0,3) ;

      // DEBUG write out the source
      // write(xml_out, "q_source", q_source); 

      // initial guess is zero
      psi = zero;   // note this is ``zero'' and not 0

      // Compute the propagator for given source color/spin 
      // int n_count;
      S_f.qprop(psi, state, q_source, input.param.invParam, n_count);
      ncg_had += n_count;
      write(xml_out, "Mass" , input.param.Mass);
      write(xml_out, "RsdCG", input.param.invParam.RsdCG);
      write(xml_out, "Sample" , sample);
      write(xml_out, "n_count", n_count);

      string  xml_tag = "dis_loops" ;
      ::loops(q_source,psi,input.param.nrow[3],xml_out,xml_tag) ;
    }  // numnber of samples
  // write out the loops



  // Time to bolt

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