Raw File
Tip revision: a47ed37e05cc2f848d43cb70a627db5c518ba0c0 authored by Jason Gross on 12 July 2022, 18:21:59 UTC
Remove path sensitivity in traceback output, test 12
Tip revision: a47ed37
from strip_comments import strip_comments
from custom_arguments import DEFAULT_LOG
from coq_version import get_coq_accepts_time
import subprocess
import re
import util
from util import PY3
if PY3: from util import raw_input

__all__ = ["split_coq_file_contents", "split_coq_file_contents_with_comments", "get_coq_statement_byte_ranges", "UnsupportedCoqVersionError", "postprocess_split_proof_term", "split_leading_comments_and_whitespace"]

def fill_kwargs(kwargs):
    ret = {
        'log'                   : DEFAULT_LOG,
        'coqc'                  : 'coqc',
        'coqc_args'             : tuple(),
    return ret

class UnsupportedCoqVersionError(Exception):

def merge_quotations(statements, sp=' '):
    """If there are an odd number of "s in a statement, assume that we
    broke the middle of a string.  We recombine that string."""

    cur = None
    for i in statements:
        if i.count('"') % 2 != 0:
            if cur is None:
                cur = i
                yield (cur + sp + i)
                cur = None
        elif cur is None:
            yield i
            cur += sp + i

BRACES = '{}-*+'

def split_leading_braces(statement):
    while statement.strip() and statement.strip()[0] in BRACES:
        idx = statement.index(statement.strip()[0]) + 1
        first, rest = statement[:idx], statement[idx:]
        #if 'not_reachable_iff' in statement or 'not_reachable_iff' in first:
        #    print((first, rest))
        yield first
        statement = rest
    if statement:
        yield statement

def split_leading_comments_and_whitespace(text):
    comment_level = 0
    in_str = False
    skip = False
    for i, (ch, next_ch) in enumerate(zip(text, text[1:] + '\0')):
        if skip:
            skip = False
        elif in_str:
            if ch in '"': in_str = False
        elif ch == '(' and next_ch == '*':
            comment_level += 1
            skip = True
        elif ch == '*' and next_ch == ')':
            comment_level -= 1
            skip = True
        elif comment_level > 0:
            if ch in '"': in_str = True
        elif ch.isspace():
            return text[:i], text[i:]
    return text, ''

def split_merge_comments(statements):
    """Find open and close comments."""

    def is_genuine_ending(cur):
        return ((cur.strip()[:2] == '(*' and cur.strip()[-2:] == '*)') # cur is just a comment
                or cur.strip()[-1:] in '.}'
                or cur.strip() in BRACES)

    cur = None
    comment_level = 0
    for stmt in statements:
        str_count = 0
        for i in re.split(r'(?<=\*\)) ', stmt.replace('*)', '*) ')):
            if str_count % 2 == 0:
                i2 = re.sub('"[^"]*"|"[^"]*$', '', i)
                i2 = re.sub('^[^"]*"|"[^"]*"', '', i)
            str_count += i.count('"')
            #print((repr(i), comment_level, repr(i2)))
            if '(*' not in i2 and '*)' not in i2:
                if comment_level < 0:
                    if cur is not None:
                        for ret in split_leading_braces(cur + i):
                            yield ret
                        cur = None
                        raw_input('UNEXPECTED COMMENT: %s' % i)
                        yield i
                    comment_level = 0
                elif comment_level == 0:
                    if cur is None:
                        for ret in split_leading_braces(i):
                            yield ret
                        cur += i
                elif cur is None:
                    cur = i
                    cur += i
                comment_level += i2.count('(*') - i2.count('*)')
                if cur is None:
                    cur = i
                    cur += i
            if cur is not None:
                curs = list(split_leading_braces(cur))
                while curs and curs[0].strip() in BRACES:
                    yield curs.pop(0)
                cur = ''.join(curs) if curs else None
            if cur is not None and is_genuine_ending(cur) and comment_level == 0: # clear out cur, if we're done with it
                yield cur
                cur = None
    if cur is not None:
        print('Unterminated comment')
        yield cur

def split_coq_file_contents(contents):
    """Splits the contents of a coq file into multiple statements.

    This is done by finding one or three periods followed by
    whitespace.  This is a dumb algorithm, but it seems to be (nearly)
    the one that ProofGeneral and CoqIDE use.

    We additionally merge lines inside of quotations."""
    return list(merge_quotations(re.split('(?<=[^\.]\.\.\.)\s|(?<=[^\.]\.)\s', strip_comments(contents))))

def split_coq_file_contents_with_comments(contents):
    statements = re.split(r'(?<=[^\.]\.\.\.) |(?<=[^\.]\.) ',
                          re.sub(r'((?<=[^\.]\.\.\.)\s|(?<=[^\.]\.)\s)', r' \1', contents))
    #if contents != ''.join(statements):
    #    print('Splitting failed (initial split)!')
    #qstatements = list(merge_quotations(statements, sp=''))
    #if contents != ''.join(qstatements):
    #    print('Splitting failed (quote merge)!')
    #cstatements = list(split_merge_comments(qstatements))
    #if contents != ''.join(cstatements):
    #    print('Splitting failed (comment merge)!')
    return list(split_merge_comments(merge_quotations(statements, sp='')))

PROOF_TERM_REG = re.compile(r'(\s*)Proof(\s+)(.*?)\.(\s*)', flags=re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
def postprocess_split_proof_term_iter(statements, on_first_example=None):
    """Returns an iterator for the statements passed which changes [Proof
    term.] into [Proof. exact (term). Qed.] unless "term" begins with
    "with" or "using"."""
    for statement_num, statement in enumerate(statements):
        match = PROOF_TERM_REG.match(statement)
        if match:
            indent, after_proof_space, proof_term, post_space = match.groups()
            if re.split(r'\s', proof_term)[0] not in ('using', 'with'): # Proof using ... and Proof with ... are special
                if on_first_example:
                    on_first_example(statement_num, statement, proof_term)
                    on_first_example = None
                yield indent + 'Proof.'
                yield after_proof_space + 'exact (' + proof_term + ').'
                yield ' Qed.' + post_space
                yield statement
            yield statement
def postprocess_split_proof_term(statements, do_warn=True, **kwargs):
    def do_warn_method(statement_num, statement, proof_term):
        kwargs['log']("""Warning: Your version of Coq suffers from bug #5349 (
and does not support [Proof (term).] with -time.  Falling back to
replacing [Proof (term).] with [Proof. exact (term). Qed.], which may fail.""")
    if do_warn and 'log' in kwargs.keys():
        do_warn = do_warn_method
        do_warn = None
    return list(postprocess_split_proof_term_iter(statements, do_warn))

RANGE_REG = re.compile(r'Chars ([0-9]+) - ([0-9]+) [^\s]+', flags=re.DOTALL)

def get_coq_statement_byte_ranges(file_name, coqc, **kwargs):
    kwargs = fill_kwargs(kwargs)
    if not get_coq_accepts_time(coqc, **kwargs):
        raise UnsupportedCoqVersionError

    p = subprocess.Popen([coqc, '-q', '-time'] + list(kwargs['coqc_args']) + [file_name], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE)
    (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()

    ranges = tuple((int(start), int(finish)) for start, finish in RANGE_REG.findall(util.s(stdout)))
    return ranges
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