Raw File
% This file is part of NS2DDV.                                                      %
%                                                                                   %
% Copyright(C) 2011-2018    C. Calgaro  (caterina.calgaro@math.univ-lille1.fr)      %
%                           E. Creusé   (emmanuel.creuse@math.univ-lille1.fr)       %
%                           T. Goudon   (thierry.goudon@inria.fr)                   %
%                           A. Mouton   (alexandre.mouton@math.univ-lille1.fr)      %
%                                                                                   %
% NS2DDV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms %
% of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,   %
% either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.           %
%                                                                                   %
% NS2DDV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY         %
% WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A   %
% PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.          %
%                                                                                   %
% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with      %
% NS2DDV. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                               %
function[usrbuf] = build_outputbuf(answers)

	usrbuf = {};
	l = 1;

	% Visualization parameters
	usrbuf{l} = '';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Visualization parameters';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Display 2D results in a Matlab graphical window :';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''SINGLE_FIGURE''    All graphical outputs in a unique figure';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''MULTIPLE_FIGURE''  One graphical output per figure, stable';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''NONE''             No graphical output';
	l = l+1;
	if ~strcmp(answers.CV_STUDY, 'NONE')
		l = l+1;
		l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Refreshing frequency for 2D graphical display (default = 1)';
	l = l+1;
	l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} = '% List of 2D results to be plotted :';
	l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''MESH''         The P1 mesh';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''SUBTRI_U''     The subtriangulation for velocity (either P2 or P1B)';
	l = l+1;

	if strcmp(answers.MODEL, {'NSDV'})
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''RHO''          The density isovalues';
		l = l+1;
		if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
			% It is possible to plot the exact solution
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''RHO_EX''       The exact density isovalues';
			l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''U_VECTOR''     The velocity vector field';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''U_VECTOR_EX''  The exact velocity vector field';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''UX''           The isovalues of the x-component of velocity';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_EX''        The isovalues of the x-component of exact velocity';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''UY''           The isovalues of the y-component of velocity';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_EX''        The isovalues of the y-component of exact velocity';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''UX_DX''        The isovalues of the x-derivative of the x-component of velocity';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_DX_EX''     The isovalues of the x-derivative of the x-component of exact velocity';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''UX_DY''        The isovalues of the y-derivative of the x-component of velocity';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_DY_EX''     The isovalues of the y-derivative of the x-component of exact velocity';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''UY_DX''        The isovalues of the x-derivative of the y-component of velocity';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_DX_EX''     The isovalues of the x-derivative of the y-component of exact velocity';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''UY_DY''        The isovalues of the y-derivative of the y-component of velocity';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_DY_EX''     The isovalues of the y-derivative of the y-component of exact velocity';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''SHEAR''        The isovalues of the shear rate';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''SHEAR_EX''     The isovalues of the exact shear rate';
		l = l+1;

	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''U_MODULE''     The velocity magnitude isovalues';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''U_MODULE_EX''  The exact velocity magnitude isovalues';
		l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''VORTIC''       The vorticity isovalues';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''VORTIC_EX''    The exact vorticity isovalues';
		l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''STREAM''       The velocity streamlines';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''STREAM_EX''    The exact velocity streamlines';
		l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''P''            The pressure isovalues';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_EX''         The exact pressure isovalues';
		l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''GRAD_P''       The pressure gradient';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''P_DX''         The isovalues of the x-derivative of pressure';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} =         '% ''P_DY''         The isovalues of the y-derivative of pressure';
	l = l+1;
	if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
		% It is possible to plot the exact solution
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''GRAD_P_EX''    The exact pressure gradient';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_DX''         The isovalues of the x-derivative of exact pressure';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_DY''         The isovalues of the y-derivative of exact pressure';
		l = l+1;

	if max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, {'NONA', 'POIS', 'GTPSI'}))
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''W_VECTOR''     The auxiliary Stokes velocity vector field (only for NATURAL boundary conditions)';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''WX''           The isovalues of the x-component of the auxiliary Stokes velocity (only for NATURAL boundary conditions)';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''WY''           The isovalues of the y-component of the auxiliary Stokes velocity (only for NATURAL boundary conditions)';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''R''            The auxiliary Stokes pressure isovalues (only for NATURAL boundary conditions)';
		l = l+1;

	switch answers.MODEL
		case {'NSDV'}
			switch answers.TESTCASE
				case {'RTIN','DROP'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''RHO'', ''U_VECTOR''};';
					l = l+1;
				case {'CAEN'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''VORTIC'', ''STREAM'', ''U_MODULE''};';
					l = l+1;
				case {'EXAC'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''RHO'', ''U_VECTOR''};';
					l = l+1;
				case {'EXACNEU'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''RHO'', ''U_VECTOR''};';
					l = l+1;
					error(sprintf('Unknown test case\n'));
		case {'NS'}
			switch answers.TESTCASE
				case {'CAEN', 'NONA'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''VORTIC'', ''STREAM'', ''U_MODULE''};';
					l = l+1;
				case {'POIS'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''U_VECTOR'', ''P''};';
					l = l+1;
				case {'EXAC', 'EXACNEU'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''U_VECTOR''};';
					l = l+1;
				case {'GTPSI'}
					usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.XDISPLAY_LIST = {''MESH'', ''VORTIC'', ''STREAM'', ''UX'', ''UY''};';
					l = l+1;
					error(sprintf('Unknown test case\n'));
			error(sprintf('Unknown model\n'));

	% Output parameters
	usrbuf{l} = '';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Output parameters';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Directory for numerical results';
	l = l+1;
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Name of output file(s)';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.OUTPUT.FILE_NAME = ''diags'';';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Save method of these results :';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''LAST_FRAME''  The solution is only saved at final time';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''ANIMATION''   If time dynamics is considered, an animated result is saved';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% ''NONE''        Only the log file is saved';
	l = l+1;
	if ~strcmp(answers.CV_STUDY, 'NONE')
		l = l+1;
		l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Refreshing frequency for save 2D results (default = 1)';
	l = l+1;
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% List of optional diagnostics';
	l = l+1;
	if strcmp(answers.MODEL, {'NS'})
		if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''U_VECTOR_EX''          exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''P_EX''          exact pressure';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''VORTIC_EX''     exact vorticity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''STREAM_EX''     exact streamlines';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''U_MODULE_EX''   exact velocity magnitude';
			l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_DX''         x-derivative of x-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_DY''         y-derivative of x-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_DX''         x-derivative of y-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_DY''         y-derivative of y-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''SHEAR''         shear rate';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''GRAD_P''        Pressure gradient';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_DX''          x-derivative of the pressure';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_DY''          y-derivative of the pressure';
		l = l+1;
		if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UX_DX_EX''      x-derivative of x-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UX_DY_EX''      y-derivative of x-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UY_DX_EX''      x-derivative of y-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UY_DY_EX''      y-derivative of y-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''SHEAR_EX''      exact shear rate';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''GRAD_P_EX''     exact pressure gradient';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''P_DX_EX''       x-derivative of the exact pressure';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''P_DY_EX''       y-derivative of the exact pressure';
			l = l+1;
		if max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, {'NONA', 'POIS', 'GTPSI'}))
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''W_VECTOR''      Auxiliary Stokes velocity (only for NATURAL boundary conditions)';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''R''             Auxiliary Stokes pressure (only for NATURAL boundary conditions)';
			l = l+1;

	if strcmp(answers.MODEL, {'NSDV'})
		if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''U_VECTOR_EX''          exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''P_EX''          exact pressure';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''VORTIC_EX''     exact vorticity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''STREAM_EX''     exact streamlines';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''U_MODULE_EX''   exact velocity magnitude';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''RHO_EX''        exact density';
			l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_DX''         x-derivative of x-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UX_DY''         y-derivative of x-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_DX''         x-derivative of y-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''UY_DY''         y-derivative of y-component of velocity';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''SHEAR''         shear rate';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''GRAD_P''        Pressure gradient';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_DX''          x-derivative of the pressure';
		l = l+1;
		usrbuf{l} =     '% ''P_DY''          y-derivative of the pressure';
		l = l+1;
		if (max(strcmp(answers.TESTCASE, answers.ANALYTIC_TESTCASES)) == 1)
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UX_DX_EX''      x-derivative of x-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UX_DY_EX''      y-derivative of x-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UY_DX_EX''      x-derivative of y-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''UY_DY_EX''      y-derivative of y-component of exact velocity';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''SHEAR_EX''      exact shear rate';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''GRAD_P_EX''     exact pressure gradient';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''P_DX_EX''       x-derivative of the exact pressure';
			l = l+1;
			usrbuf{l} = '% ''P_DY_EX''       y-derivative of the exact pressure';
			l = l+1;
	l = l+1;

	% Backup parameters
	usrbuf{l} = '';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Backup parameters';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Number of backup files (default = 1)';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Each backup file contains the required data to restart the code after a critical crash';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = 'PARAMETERS.BACKUP.NB_FILES = 1;';
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Backup frequency (default = 10)';
	l = l+1;
	l = l+1;
	usrbuf{l} = '% Backup file location';
	l = l+1;
	l = l+1;

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