Tip revision: 791d01c4e7168788973afcf74a8e3eccd0627d3d authored by S M T Chua on 24 February 2022, 04:26:55 UTC
Merge pull request #378 from GeoscienceAustralia/develop
Merge pull request #378 from GeoscienceAustralia/develop
Tip revision: 791d01c
Docker can be used to run `PyRate` on Linux, Windows and MacOS systems.
.. note::
- Docker is the recommended method to use `PyRate` under Windows.
The only system pre-requisites for using docker are Git and Docker Desktop
(e.g. for Windows ).
The other system dependencies required by PyRate are installed in to the
docker container itself during the build operation.
Once Git and Docker Desktop are installed, and Docker Desktop is running,
execute the following at a command line prompt (e.g. PowerShell in Windows 10)::
git clone
cd PyRate
docker build -t pyrate-image .
docker run -it pyrate-image
.. note::
- The image name “pyrate-image” is not mandatory.
You are free to name the docker image whatever you choose.
The ``docker build`` command builds the docker container described in the
``Dockerfile`` in the `PyRate` repo. It first starts by setting up an Ubuntu linux
system image, and then installs the required system and python dependencies.
Once the docker container is running (you will see a different-looking command
prompt in the PowerShell), execute the following commands::
source /usr/local/bin/
workon pyrate
cd PyRate
python3 install
pyrate --help
pyrate workflow -f input_parameters.conf
The ``pyrate`` executable program is built as part of the ``docker build`` step.
If the ``pyrate`` executable is reported as "not found", re-run the compilation::
cd PyRate
python3 install