""" Created on Fri May 10 16:23:30 2019 @author: Pedram Tavadze """ from .utilsprocar import UtilsProcar from .procarparser import ProcarParser from .procarselect import ProcarSelect import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull from scipy.spatial import Voronoi from skimage import measure from multiprocessing import Pool import scipy.interpolate as interpolate def get_wigner_seitz(recLat): kpoints = [] for i in range(-1,2): for j in range(-1,2): for k in range(-1,2): vec = i*recLat[0] + j*recLat[1] + k*recLat[2] kpoints.append(vec) brill = Voronoi(np.array(kpoints)) faces = [] for idict in brill.ridge_dict: if idict[0]== 13 or idict[1] == 13: faces.append(brill.ridge_dict[idict]) verts = brill.vertices poly = [] for ix in range(len(faces)): temp = [] for iy in range(len(faces[ix])): temp.append(verts[faces[ix][iy]]) poly.append(np.array(temp)) return np.array(poly) def mapping_func(kpoints,bands): kx = np.unique(kpoints[:,0]) ky = np.unique(kpoints[:,1]) kz = np.unique(kpoints[:,2]) mapped_func = np.zeros(shape=(len(kx),len(ky),len(kz))) kpoint_matrix = np.zeros(shape=(len(kx),len(ky),len(kz),3)) for ikx in range(len(kx)): cond1 = kpoints[:,0] == kx[ikx] for iky in range(len(ky)): cond2 = kpoints[:,1] == ky[iky] for ikz in range(len(kz)): cond3 = kpoints[:,2] == kz[ikz] tot_cond = np.all([cond1,cond2,cond3],axis=0) if len(bands[tot_cond]) != 0 : mapped_func[ikx,iky,ikz] = bands[tot_cond][0] kpoint_matrix[ikx,iky,ikz] = [kx[ikx],ky[iky],kz[ikz]] else : mapped_func[ikx,iky,ikz] = np.nan kpoint_matrix[ikx,iky,ikz] = [np.nan,np.nan,np.nan] return mapped_func,kpoint_matrix # if the grid is gamma centered the gird would be something like [-0.45,-0.35,...,0,...,0.5] # using FFT interpolate we will loose center. The fermi surface will not be symmetric with # respect to the center. To avoid this we will add the points from 0.5 to -0.5 so the mesh will be like # [-0.5,-0.45,..,0,...,0.45,0.5] def symmetrize(data): # kpoints with one 0.5 idx = (data.kpoints == 0.5).sum(axis=1) == 1 # idx = np.any(data.kpoints == 0.5,axis=1) kpoints_toAdd = data.kpoints[idx] + (data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5).astype(int)*-1 bands_toAdd = data.bands[idx] spd_toAdd = data.spd[idx] # kpoints with two 0.5 # -0.5,-0.5 idx = (data.kpoints == 0.5).sum(axis=1) == 2 kpoints_temp = data.kpoints[idx] + (data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5).astype(int)*-1 bands_temp = data.bands[idx] spd_temp = data.spd[idx] kpoints_toAdd = np.append(kpoints_toAdd,kpoints_temp,axis=0) bands_toAdd = np.append(bands_toAdd,bands_temp,axis=0) spd_toAdd = np.append(spd_toAdd,spd_temp,axis=0) # [0.5,:,:] kpoints_temp = data.kpoints[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,0])]-[1,0,0] bands_temp = data.bands[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,0])] spd_temp = data.spd[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,0])] kpoints_toAdd = np.append(kpoints_toAdd,kpoints_temp,axis=0) bands_toAdd = np.append(bands_toAdd,bands_temp,axis=0) spd_toAdd = np.append(spd_toAdd,spd_temp,axis=0) # [:,0.5,:] kpoints_temp = data.kpoints[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,1])]-[0,1,0] bands_temp = data.bands[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,1])] spd_temp = data.spd[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,1])] kpoints_toAdd = np.append(kpoints_toAdd,kpoints_temp,axis=0) bands_toAdd = np.append(bands_toAdd,bands_temp,axis=0) spd_toAdd = np.append(spd_toAdd,spd_temp,axis=0) # [:,:,0.5] kpoints_temp = data.kpoints[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,2])]-[0,0,1] bands_temp = data.bands[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,2])] spd_temp = data.spd[idx][((data.kpoints[idx] == 0.5 )[:,2])] kpoints_toAdd = np.append(kpoints_toAdd,kpoints_temp,axis=0) bands_toAdd = np.append(bands_toAdd,bands_temp,axis=0) spd_toAdd = np.append(spd_toAdd,spd_temp,axis=0) # kpoints with three 0.5 idx = (data.kpoints == 0.5).sum(axis=1) == 3 kpoints_temp = np.array([(x,y,z) for x in [-0.5,0.5] for y in [-0.5,0.5] for z in [-0.5,0.5]])[:-1] bands_temp = np.repeat(data.bands[idx],7,axis=0) spd_temp = np.repeat(data.spd[idx],7,axis=0) kpoints_toAdd = np.append(kpoints_toAdd,kpoints_temp,axis=0) bands_toAdd = np.append(bands_toAdd,bands_temp,axis=0) spd_toAdd = np.append(spd_toAdd,spd_temp,axis=0) data.kpoints = np.append(data.kpoints,kpoints_toAdd,axis=0) data.bands = np.append(data.bands ,bands_toAdd,axis=0) data.spd = np.append(data.spd ,spd_toAdd,axis=0) return data def bring_pnts_to_BZ(recLat,kvector_cart,kvector_red,br_points): outsides = [] directions = [] # This section finds points that are outside of the 1st BZ and and creates those points in the 1st BZ movements = np.array([recLat[0],recLat[1],recLat[2],-1*recLat[0],-1*recLat[1],-1*recLat[2]]) for ik in range(len(kvector_cart)): ik_copy = kvector_cart[ik][:] idirection = 0 was_outside = False while is_outside([br_points,ik_copy]) and idirection<6: ik_copy = kvector_cart[ik] + movements[idirection] idirection += 1 was_outside = True if was_outside : outsides.append(kvector_red[ik]) directions.append(np.dot(movements[idirection-1],np.linalg.pinv(recLat)).round(2)) kvector_cart[ik] = ik_copy[:] kvector_red[ik] = np.dot(ik_copy,np.linalg.pinv(recLat)).round(2) if len(outsides): has_points_out = True else : has_points_out = False return kvector_cart,kvector_red,has_points_out def fft_interpolate(function,scale): eigen_fft = np.fft.fftn(function) shifted_fft = np.fft.fftshift(eigen_fft) nx,ny,nz = np.array(shifted_fft.shape) pad_x = nx*(scale-1)//2 pad_y = ny*(scale-1)//2 pad_z = nz*(scale-1)//2 new_matrix = np.pad(shifted_fft,((pad_x,pad_x),(pad_y,pad_y),(pad_z,pad_z)),'constant',constant_values=0) new_matrix = np.fft.ifftshift(new_matrix) interpolated = np.real(np.fft.ifftn(new_matrix))*(scale**3) return interpolated def is_outside(args): br_points = args[0] point = args[1] Hull1 = ConvexHull(br_points) added_points = np.append(br_points,[point],axis=0) Hull2 = ConvexHull(added_points) if len(Hull2.vertices) == len(Hull1.vertices): if sum(Hull2.vertices - Hull1.vertices) != 0: return True else : return True return False def to_remove(args): faces = args[0] vert = args[1] return np.any(faces == vert,axis=1) def fermi3D(procar,outcar,bands,scale=1,mode='plain',st=False,**kwargs): """ This function plots 3d fermi surface list of acceptable kwargs : plotting_package nprocess face_colors arrow_colors arrow_spin atom orbital spin """ # Initilizing the arguments : if 'plotting_package' in kwargs : plotting_package = kwargs['plotting_package'] else : plotting_package = 'mayavi' if 'nprocess' in kwargs : nprocess = kwargs['nprocess'] else : nprocess = 2 if 'face_colors' in kwargs : face_colors = kwargs['face_colors'] else : face_colors = None if 'cmap' in kwargs : cmap = kwargs['cmap'] else : cmap = 'jet' if 'atoms' in kwargs: atoms = kwargs['atoms'] else : atoms = [-1] # project all atoms if 'orbitals' in kwargs: orbitals = kwargs['orbitals'] else : orbitals = [-1] if 'spin' in kwargs: spin = kwargs['spin'] else : spin = [0] if "mask_points" in kwargs: mask_points = kwargs['mask_points'] else : mask_points = 1 if "energy" in kwargs: energy = kwargs['energy'] else : energy = 0 if "transparent" in kwargs: transparent = kwargs['transparent'] else : transparent = False if "arrow_projection" in kwargs: arrow_projection = kwargs['arrow_projection'] else : arrow_projection = 2 if plotting_package == 'mayavi': try : from mayavi import mlab from tvtk.api import tvtk except : print("You have selected mayavi as plottin package. please install mayavi or choose a different package") return elif plotting_package == 'plotly': try: import plotly.plotly as py import plotly.figure_factory as ff import plotly.graph_objs as go cmap = mpl.cm.get_cmap(cmap) figs = [] except : print("You have selected plotly as plottin package. please install plotly or choose a different package") return elif plotting_package == 'matplotlib': try: import matplotlib.pylab as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection except : print("You have selected matplotlib as plotting package. please install matplotlib or choose a different package") return elif plotting_package == 'ipyvolume': try : import ipyvolume.pylab as ipv except : print("You have selected ipyvolume as plotting package. please install ipyvolume or choose a different package") return permissive=False #get fermi from outcar outcarparser = UtilsProcar() e_fermi = outcarparser.FermiOutcar(outcar) print('Fermi=',e_fermi) e_fermi += energy #get reciprocal lattice from outcar recLat = outcarparser.RecLatOutcar(outcar) #parsing the Procar file procarFile = ProcarParser() procarFile.readFile(procar, permissive) poly = get_wigner_seitz(recLat) # plot brilliouin zone if plotting_package == 'mayavi' : brillouin_point = [] brillouin_faces = [] point_count = 0 for iface in poly : single_face = [] for ipoint in iface: single_face.append(point_count) brillouin_point.append(list(ipoint)) point_count += 1 brillouin_faces.append(single_face) polydata_br = tvtk.PolyData(points=brillouin_point,polys=brillouin_faces) mlab.pipeline.surface(polydata_br,representation='wireframe',color=(0,0,0),line_width=4,name="BRZ") elif plotting_package == 'plotly' : for iface in poly : iface = np.pad(iface,((0,1),(0,0)),'wrap') x,y,z = iface[:,0],iface[:,1],iface[:,2] plane = go.Scatter3d(x=x,y=y,z=z,mode='lines',line=dict(color='black',width=4)) figs.append(plane) elif plotting_package == 'matplotlib' : fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') brillouin_zone = Poly3DCollection(poly,facecolors=["None"]*len(poly),alpha=1,linewidth=4) brillouin_zone.set_edgecolor("k") ax.add_collection3d(brillouin_zone,zs=0,zdir='z') br_points = [] for iface in poly : for ipoint in iface: br_points.append(ipoint) br_points = np.unique(br_points,axis=0) print('Number of bands: %d'%procarFile.bandsCount) print('Number of koints %d'%procarFile.kpointsCount) print('Number of ions: %d' %procarFile.ionsCount) print('Number of orbitals: %d'%procarFile.orbitalCount) print('Number of spins: %d'%procarFile.ispin) #selecting the data data = ProcarSelect(procarFile, deepCopy=True) if bands == -1: bands = range(data.bands.shape[1]) kvector = data.kpoints kmax = np.max(kvector) kmin = np.min(kvector) if abs(kmax) != abs(kmin): print("The mesh provided is gamma center, symmetrizing data") print("For a better fermi surface, use a non-gamma centered k-mesh") data = symmetrize(data) kvector = data.kpoints kvector_red = data.kpoints.copy() kvector_cart = np.dot(kvector_red,recLat) # This section finds points that are outside of the 1st BZ and and creates those points in the 1st BZ kvector_cart,kvector_red,has_points_out = bring_pnts_to_BZ(recLat,kvector_cart,kvector_red,br_points) # has_points_out = False # getting the mesh grid in each dirrection kx_red = np.unique(kvector_red[:,0]) ky_red = np.unique(kvector_red[:,1]) kz_red = np.unique(kvector_red[:,2]) # getting the lengths between kpoints in each direction klength_x = np.abs(kx_red[-1] - kx_red[-2]) klength_y = np.abs(ky_red[-1] - ky_red[-2]) klength_z = np.abs(kz_red[-1] - kz_red[-2]) klengths = [klength_x,klength_y,klength_z] # getting number of kpoints in each direction with the addition of kpoints needed to sample the 1st BZ fully (in reduced) nkx_red = kx_red.shape[0] nky_red = ky_red.shape[0] nkz_red = kz_red.shape[0] # getting numner of kpoints in each direction provided by vasp nkx_orig = np.unique(kvector[:,0]).shape[0] nky_orig = np.unique(kvector[:,1]).shape[0] nkz_orig = np.unique(kvector[:,2]).shape[0] # Amount of kpoints needed to add on to fully sample 1st BZ padding_x = (nkx_red - nkx_orig)//2 padding_y = (nky_red - nky_orig)//2 padding_z = (nkz_red - nkz_orig)//2 if mode == 'parametric': data.selectIspin(spin) data.selectAtoms(atoms,fortran=False) data.selectOrbital(orbitals) elif mode == 'external' : if "color_file" in kwargs : rf = open(kwargs['color_file']) lines = rf.readlines() counter = 0 color_kvector = [] color_eigen = [] for iline in lines: if counter < 2: if 'band' in iline: counter += 1 continue temp = [float(x) for x in iline.split()] color_kvector.append([temp[0],temp[1],temp[2]]) counter = -1 for iline in lines : if 'band' in iline: counter += 1 iband = int(iline.split()[-1]) color_eigen.append([]) continue color_eigen[counter].append(float(iline.split()[-1])) rf.close() color_kvector = np.array(color_kvector) color_kvector_red = color_kvector.copy() color_kvector_cart = np.dot(color_kvector,recLat) if has_points_out : color_kvector_cart,color_kvector_red,temp = bring_pnts_to_BZ(recLat,color_kvector_cart,color_kvector_red,br_points) else : print("mode selected was external, but no color_file name was provided") return if st: dataX = ProcarSelect(procarFile,deepCopy=True) dataY = ProcarSelect(procarFile,deepCopy=True) dataZ = ProcarSelect(procarFile,deepCopy=True) dataX.kpoints = data.kpoints dataY.kpoints = data.kpoints dataZ.kpoints = data.kpoints dataX.spd = data.spd dataY.spd = data.spd dataZ.spd = data.spd dataX.bands = data.bands dataY.bands = data.bands dataZ.bands = data.bands dataX.selectIspin([1]) dataY.selectIspin([2]) dataZ.selectIspin([3]) dataX.selectAtoms(atoms,fortran=False) dataY.selectAtoms(atoms,fortran=False) dataZ.selectAtoms(atoms,fortran=False) dataX.selectOrbital(orbitals) dataY.selectOrbital(orbitals) dataZ.selectOrbital(orbitals) ic=0 for iband in bands : print("Plotting band %d" % iband) eigen = data.bands[:,iband] # mapping the eigen values on the mesh grid to a matrix mapped_func,kpoint_matrix = mapping_func(kvector,eigen) # adding the points from the 2nd BZ to 1st BZ to fully sample the BZ. Check np.pad("wrap") for more information mapped_func = np.pad(mapped_func,((padding_x,padding_x),(padding_y,padding_y),(padding_z,padding_z)),'wrap') # Fourier interpolate the mapped function E(x,y,z) surf_equation = fft_interpolate(mapped_func,scale) # after the FFT we loose the center of the BZ, using numpy roll we bring back the center of the BZ surf_equation = np.roll(surf_equation,(scale)//2,axis=[0,1,2]) try : # creating the isosurface if possible verts, faces ,normals,values = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(surf_equation, e_fermi) except : print("No isosurface for this band") continue # the vertices provided are scaled and shifted to start from zero # we center them to zero, and rescale them to fit the real BZ by multiplying by the klength in each direction for ix in range(3): verts[:,ix] -= verts[:,ix].min() verts[:,ix] -= (verts[:,ix].max()-verts[:,ix].min())/2 verts[:,ix] *= klengths[ix]/scale # the vertices need to be transformed to reciprocal spcae from recuded space, to find the points that are # in 2nd BZ, to be removed verts = np.dot(verts, recLat) # identifying the points in 2nd BZ and removing them if has_points_out : args = [] for ivert in range(len(verts)): args.append([br_points,verts[ivert]]) p = Pool(nprocess) results = np.array(p.map(is_outside,args)) p.close() out_verts = np.arange(0,len(results))[results] new_faces = [] # outs_bool_mat = np.zeros(shape=faces.shape,dtype=np.bool) for iface in faces: remove = False for ivert in iface : if ivert in out_verts: remove = True continue if not remove : new_faces.append(iface) faces = np.array(new_faces) print("done removing") # At this point we have the plain Fermi surface, we can color the surface depending on the projection # We create the center of faces by averaging coordinates of corners if mode == 'parametric': character = data.spd[:,iband] centers = np.zeros(shape=(len(faces),3)) for iface in range(len(faces)) : centers[iface,0:3] = np.average(verts[faces[iface]],axis=0) colors = interpolate.griddata(kvector_cart,character,centers,method="nearest") elif mode == 'external': character = np.array(color_eigen[ic]) ic += 1 centers = np.zeros(shape=(len(faces),3)) for iface in range(len(faces)) : centers[iface,0:3] = np.average(verts[faces[iface]],axis=0) colors = interpolate.griddata(color_kvector_cart,character,centers,method="nearest") if st : projection_x = dataX.spd[:,iband] projection_y = dataY.spd[:,iband] projection_z = dataZ.spd[:,iband] verts_spin, faces_spin ,normals,values = measure.marching_cubes_lewiner(mapped_func, e_fermi) for ix in range(3): verts_spin[:,ix] -= verts_spin[:,ix].min() verts_spin[:,ix] -= (verts_spin[:,ix].max()-verts_spin[:,ix].min())/2 verts_spin[:,ix] *= klengths[ix] verts_spin = np.dot(verts_spin, recLat) if has_points_out : args = [] for ivert in range(len(verts_spin)): args.append([br_points,verts_spin[ivert]]) p = Pool(nprocess) results = np.array(p.map(is_outside,args)) p.close() out_verts = np.arange(0,len(results))[results] new_faces = [] for iface in faces_spin: remove = False for ivert in iface : if ivert in out_verts: remove = True continue if not remove : new_faces.append(iface) faces_spin = np.array(new_faces) centers = np.zeros(shape=(len(faces_spin),3)) for iface in range(len(faces_spin)) : centers[iface,0:3] = np.average(verts_spin[faces_spin[iface]],axis=0) colors1 = interpolate.griddata(kvector_cart,projection_x,centers,method="linear") colors2 = interpolate.griddata(kvector_cart,projection_y,centers,method="linear") colors3 = interpolate.griddata(kvector_cart,projection_z,centers,method="linear") spin_arrows = np.vstack((colors1,colors2,colors3)).T if plotting_package == 'mayavi' : polydata = tvtk.PolyData(points=verts, polys=faces) if face_colors != None : mlab.pipeline.surface(polydata,representation='surface',color=face_colors[ic], opacity=1,name='band-'+str(iband)) ic+=1 else : if mode == 'plain': if not(transparent): s = mlab.pipeline.surface(polydata,representation='surface',color=(0,0.5,1), opacity=1,name='band-'+str(iband)) elif mode == 'parametric' or mode == 'external': polydata.cell_data.scalars = colors polydata.cell_data.scalars.name = 'celldata' mlab.pipeline.surface(polydata,vmin=0,vmax=colors.max(),colormap=cmap) cb = mlab.colorbar(orientation='vertical') if st : x,y,z = list(zip(*centers)) u,v,w = list(zip(*spin_arrows)) pnts = mlab.quiver3d(x,y,z,u,v,w,line_width=5,mode='arrow', resolution=25,reset_zoom=False, name='spin-'+str(iband),mask_points=mask_points,scalars=spin_arrows[:,arrow_projection], vmin=-1,vmax=1,colormap=cmap) pnts.glyph.color_mode = 'color_by_scalar' pnts.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.shaft_radius = 0.05 pnts.glyph.glyph_source.glyph_source.tip_radius = 0.1 elif plotting_package == 'plotly' : if mode == 'plain': if not(transparent): x,y,z = zip(*verts) fig = ff.create_trisurf(x=x, y=y, z=z, plot_edges=False, simplices=faces, title="band-%d" %ic) figs.append(fig['data'][0]) elif mode == 'parametric' or mode == 'external': face_colors = cmap(colors) colormap = ['rgb(%i,%i,%i)' % (x[0],x[1],x[2]) for x in (face_colors*255).round()] x,y,z = zip(*verts) fig = ff.create_trisurf(x=x, y=y, z=z, plot_edges=False, colormap=colormap, simplices=faces, show_colorbar=True, title="band-%d" %ic) figs.append(fig['data'][0]) elif plotting_package == 'matplotlib': if mode == 'plain' : x,y,z = zip(*verts) ax.plot_trisurf(x,y,faces, z,linewidth=0.2,antialiased=True) elif mode == 'parametric' or mode == 'external': print('coloring the faces is not implemented in matplot lib, please use another plotting package.we recomend mayavi.') elif plotting_package == 'ipyvolume': if mode == 'plain' : ipv.figure() ipv.plot_trisurf(verts[:,0],verts[:,1],verts[:,2], triangles=faces) elif mode == 'paramteric' or mode == 'external' : face_colors = cmap(colors) colormap = ['rgb(%i,%i,%i)' % (x[0],x[1],x[2]) for x in (face_colors*255).round()] ipv.figure() ipv.plot_trisurf(verts[:,0],verts[:,1],verts[:,2], triangles=faces,color=cmap) if plotting_package == 'mayavi': mlab.colorbar(orientation='vertical')#,label_fmt='%.1f') mlab.show() elif plotting_package == 'plotly' : layout = go.Layout(showlegend=False) fig = go.Figure(data=figs,layout=layout) py.iplot(fig) elif plotting_package == 'matplotlib': plt.show() elif plotting_package == 'ipyvolume' : ipv.show() return