/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ #include #include #include "global_defs.h" #include "lith_age.h" #include "parsing.h" void parallel_process_termination(); void temperatures_conform_bcs(); #include "initial_temperature.h" void debug_tic(struct All_variables *); void restart_tic_from_file(struct All_variables *); void tic_input(struct All_variables *E) { int m = E->parallel.me; int noz = E->lmesh.noz; int n; input_int("tic_method", &(E->convection.tic_method), "0,0,2", m); /* When tic_method is 0 (default), the temperature is a linear profile + perturbation at some layers. When tic_method is 1, the temperature is isothermal (== bottom b.c.) + uniformly cold plate (thickness specified by 'half_space_age'). When tic_method is 2, (tic_method==1) + a hot blob. A user can specify the location and radius of the blob, and also the amplitude of temperature change in the blob relative to the ambient mantle temperautre (E->control.lith_age_mantle_temp). - blob_center: A comma-separated list of three float numbers. - blob_radius: A dmensionless length, typically a fraction of the Earth's radius. - blob_dT : Dimensionless temperature. When tic_method is 3, the temperature is a linear profile + perturbation for whole mantle. */ if (E->convection.tic_method == 0 || E->convection.tic_method == 3 ) { /* This part put a temperature anomaly at depth where the global node number is equal to load_depth. The horizontal pattern of the anomaly is given by spherical harmonic ll & mm. */ input_int("num_perturbations", &n, "0,0,PERTURB_MAX_LAYERS", m); if (n > 0) { E->convection.number_of_perturbations = n; if (! input_float_vector("perturbmag", n, E->convection.perturb_mag, m) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Missing input parameter: 'perturbmag'\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } if (! input_int_vector("perturbm", n, E->convection.perturb_mm, m) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Missing input parameter: 'perturbm'\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } if (! input_int_vector("perturbl", n, E->convection.perturb_ll, m) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Missing input parameter: 'perturbl'\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } if (! input_int_vector("perturblayer", n, E->convection.load_depth, m) ) { fprintf(stderr,"Missing input parameter: 'perturblayer'\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } } else { E->convection.number_of_perturbations = 1; E->convection.perturb_mag[0] = 1; E->convection.perturb_mm[0] = 2; E->convection.perturb_ll[0] = 2; E->convection.load_depth[0] = (noz+1)/2; } } else if (E->convection.tic_method == 1) { input_float("half_space_age", &(E->convection.half_space_age), "40.0,1e-3,nomax", m); } else if (E->convection.tic_method == 2) { input_float("half_space_age", &(E->convection.half_space_age), "40.0,1e-3,nomax", m); if( ! input_float_vector("blob_center", 3, E->convection.blob_center, m)) { assert( E->sphere.caps == 12 || E->sphere.caps == 1 ); if(E->sphere.caps == 12) { /* Full version: just quit here */ fprintf(stderr,"Missing input parameter: 'blob_center'.\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } else if(E->sphere.caps == 1) { /* Regional version: put the blob at the center */ fprintf(stderr,"Missing input parameter: 'blob_center'. The blob will be placed at the center of the domain.\n"); E->convection.blob_center[0] = 0.5*(E->control.theta_min+E->control.theta_max); E->convection.blob_center[1] = 0.5*(E->control.fi_min+E->control.fi_max); E->convection.blob_center[2] = 0.5*(E->sphere.ri+E->sphere.ro); } } input_float("blob_radius", &(E->convection.blob_radius), "0.063,0.0,1.0", m); input_float("blob_dT", &(E->convection.blob_dT), "0.18,nomin,nomax", m); } else { fprintf(stderr,"Invalid value of 'tic_method'\n"); parallel_process_termination(); } return; } void convection_initial_temperature(struct All_variables *E) { if (E->control.restart) restart_tic(E); else if (E->control.post_p) restart_tic(E); else construct_tic(E); /* Note: it is the callee's responsibility to conform tbc. */ /* like a call to temperatures_conform_bcs(E); */ if (E->control.verbose) debug_tic(E); return; } void restart_tic(struct All_variables *E) { /* if (E->control.lith_age) lith_age_restart_tic(E); else */ restart_tic_from_file(E); return; } void construct_tic(struct All_variables *E) { if (E->control.lith_age) lith_age_construct_tic(E); else (E->solver.construct_tic_from_input)(E); return; } void debug_tic(struct All_variables *E) { int m, j; fprintf(E->fp_out,"output_temperature\n"); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { fprintf(E->fp_out,"for cap %d\n",E->sphere.capid[m]); for (j=1;j<=E->lmesh.nno;j++) fprintf(E->fp_out,"X = %.6e Z = %.6e Y = %.6e T[%06d] = %.6e \n",E->sx[m][1][j],E->sx[m][2][j],E->sx[m][3][j],j,E->T[m][j]); } fflush(E->fp_out); return; } void restart_tic_from_file(struct All_variables *E) { int ii, ll, mm; float restart_elapsed_time; int i, m; char output_file[255], input_s[1000]; FILE *fp; float v1, v2, v3, g; ii = E->monitor.solution_cycles_init; sprintf(output_file,"%s.velo.%d.%d",E->control.old_P_file,E->parallel.me,ii); fp=fopen(output_file,"r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(E->fp,"(Initial_temperature.c #1) Cannot open %s\n",output_file); parallel_process_termination(); } if (E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(E->fp,"Reading %s for restarted temperature\n",output_file); fgets(input_s,1000,fp); sscanf(input_s,"%d %d %f",&ll,&mm,&restart_elapsed_time); for(m=1;m<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { fgets(input_s,1000,fp); sscanf(input_s,"%d %d",&ll,&mm); for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nno;i++) { fgets(input_s,1000,fp); sscanf(input_s,"%g %g %g %f",&(v1),&(v2),&(v3),&(g)); /* E->sphere.cap[m].V[1][i] = d; E->sphere.cap[m].V[1][i] = e; E->sphere.cap[m].V[1][i] = f; */ E->T[m][i] = max(0.0,min(g,1.0)); } } fclose (fp); temperatures_conform_bcs(E); return; }