Raw File
// Copyright(c)'2011 by The Givaro group
// This file is part of Givaro.
// written by BB
// Givaro is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law
// and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.
// see the COPYRIGHT file for more details.

#include <givaro/givinteger.h>
#include <cmath>

using namespace Givaro;

int testBasicConversion()
    int err = 0;
    /* test small neg int */
    const int qq = -1 ;
    const Integer q(qq);
    int q1  = (int) q;
    if (q1 != qq)
        return err = 1;

    int64_t q2 = (int64_t) q;
    if (q2 != qq)
        return err = 2;

    int64_t q3 = (int64_t) q;
    if (q3 != qq)
        return err = 3 ;

    /*  test unsigned versions */
    /*  cast towards unsigned consider only the absolute value */
    int64_t uqq = (int64_t) qq;
    int64_t q4  = (int64_t) (int) q;
    // 	std::cout << q4 << std::endl;
    // 	std::cout << uqq << std::endl;
    if (q4 != uqq)
        return err = 4;

    uint64_t lqq = (uint64_t) qq;
    //         std::cerr << "q  : " << q << std::endl;
    uint64_t q5 = (uint64_t) (int64_t) q;
    //         std::cerr << "lqq: " << lqq << std::endl;
    //         std::cerr << "q5 : " << q5 << std::endl;
    if (q5 != lqq)
        return err = 5;

    uint64_t luqq = (uint64_t) qq;
    uint64_t q6 = (uint64_t) (int64_t) q;
    if (q6 != luqq)
        return err = 6 ;

    /*  test unsigned versions */
    /*  cast towards unsigned consider only the absolute value */
    uint32_t vqq = (uint32_t) qq;
    uint32_t q7  = (uint32_t) q;
    // 	std::cout << q7 << std::endl;
    // 	std::cout << uqq << std::endl;
    if (q7 != -vqq)
        return err = 7;

    uint64_t q8 = (uint64_t) q;
    if (q8 != -vqq)
        return err = 8;

    return err ;


int main()
    int err = 0;
    err  = testBasicConversion();
    return err ;


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