# -*- mode: python; coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2020 Radio Astronomy Software Group # Licensed under the 2-clause BSD License """Tests for Mir class. Performs a series of test for the Mir class, which inherits from UVData. Note that there is a separate test module for the MirParser class (mir_parser.py), which is what is used to read the raw binary data into something that the Mir class can manipulate into a UVData object. """ import os import pytest import numpy as np from ... import UVData from ...data import DATA_PATH from ...uvdata.mir import mir_parser @pytest.fixture def mir_data_object(): testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") mir_data = mir_parser.MirParser( testfile, load_vis=True, load_raw=True, load_auto=True, ) yield mir_data # cleanup del mir_data @pytest.fixture def uv_in_uvfits(tmp_path): uv_in = UVData() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") write_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, "outtest_mir.uvfits") # Currently only one source is supported. uv_in.read(testfile, pseudo_cont=True) uv_out = UVData() yield uv_in, uv_out, write_file # cleanup del uv_in, uv_out @pytest.fixture def uv_in_uvh5(tmp_path): uv_in = UVData() testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") write_file = os.path.join(tmp_path, "outtest_mir.uvh5") # Currently only one source is supported. uv_in.read(testfile) uv_out = UVData() yield uv_in, uv_out, write_file # cleanup del uv_in, uv_out @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored in this file are not ") @pytest.mark.parametrize("future_shapes", [True, False]) def test_read_mir_write_uvfits(uv_in_uvfits, future_shapes): """ Mir to uvfits loopback test. Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for object equality. """ mir_uv, uvfits_uv, testfile = uv_in_uvfits if future_shapes: mir_uv.use_future_array_shapes() mir_uv.write_uvfits(testfile, spoof_nonessential=True) uvfits_uv.read_uvfits(testfile) if future_shapes: uvfits_uv.use_future_array_shapes() # UVFITS doesn't allow for numbering of spectral windows like MIR does, so # we need an extra bit of handling here assert len(np.unique(mir_uv.spw_array)) == len(np.unique(uvfits_uv.spw_array)) spw_dict = {idx: jdx for idx, jdx in zip(uvfits_uv.spw_array, mir_uv.spw_array)} assert np.all( [ idx == spw_dict[jdx] for idx, jdx in zip(mir_uv.flex_spw_id_array, uvfits_uv.flex_spw_id_array,) ] ) # Now that we've checked, set this things as equivalent uvfits_uv.spw_array = mir_uv.spw_array uvfits_uv.flex_spw_id_array = mir_uv.flex_spw_id_array # Check the history first via find assert 0 == uvfits_uv.history.find( mir_uv.history + " Read/written with pyuvdata version:" ) mir_uv.history = uvfits_uv.history assert mir_uv == uvfits_uv @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:LST values stored ") def test_read_mir_write_uvh5(uv_in_uvh5): """ Mir to uvfits loopback test. Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for object equality. """ mir_uv, uvh5_uv, testfile = uv_in_uvh5 mir_uv.write_uvh5(testfile) uvh5_uv.read_uvh5(testfile) # Check the history first via find assert 0 == uvh5_uv.history.find( mir_uv.history + " Read/written with pyuvdata version:" ) # test fails because of updated history, so this is our workaround for now. mir_uv.history = uvh5_uv.history assert mir_uv == uvh5_uv def test_write_mir(uv_in_uvfits, err_type=NotImplementedError): """ Mir writer test Check and make sure that attempts to use the writer return a 'not implemented; error. """ mir_uv, uvfits_uv, testfile = uv_in_uvfits # Check and see if the correct error is raised with pytest.raises(err_type): mir_uv.write_mir("dummy.mir") def test_multi_nchan_spw_read(tmp_path): """ Mir to uvfits error test for spws of different sizes. Read in Mir files, write out as uvfits, read back in and check for object equality. """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") uv_in = UVData() uv_in.read_mir(testfile, corrchunk=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]) dummyfile = os.path.join(tmp_path, "dummy.mirtest.uvfits") with pytest.raises(IndexError): uv_in.write_uvfits(dummyfile, spoof_nonessential=True) def test_read_mir_no_records(): """ Mir no-records check Make sure that mir correctly handles the case where no matching records are found """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") uv_in = UVData() with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="No valid records matching those selections!"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, isource=-1) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="No valid sidebands selected!"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, isb=[]) with pytest.raises(IndexError, match="isb values contain invalid entries"): uv_in.read_mir(testfile, isb=[-156]) def test_mir_auto_read( err_type=IndexError, err_msg="Could not determine auto-correlation record size!" ): """ Mir read tester Make sure that Mir autocorrelations are read correctly """ testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, "sma_test.mir") mir_data = mir_parser.MirParser(testfile) with pytest.raises(err_type, match=err_msg): ac_data = mir_data.scan_auto_data(testfile, nchunks=999) ac_data = mir_data.scan_auto_data(testfile) assert np.all(ac_data["nchunks"] == 8) mir_data.load_data(load_vis=False, load_auto=True) # Select the relevant auto records, which should be for spwin 0-3 auto_data = mir_data.read_auto_data(testfile, ac_data)[:, 0:4, :, :] assert np.all( np.logical_or( auto_data == mir_data.auto_data, np.logical_and(np.isnan(auto_data), np.isnan(mir_data.auto_data)), ) ) mir_data.unload_data() # Below are a series of checks that are designed to check to make sure that the # MirParser class is able to produce consistent values from an engineering data # set (originally stored in /data/engineering/mir_data/200724_16:35:14), to make # sure that we haven't broken the ability of the reader to handle the data. Since # this file is the basis for the above checks, we've put this here rather than in # test_mir_parser.py def test_mir_remember_me_record_lengths(mir_data_object): """ Mir record length checker Make sure the test file containts the right number of records """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Check to make sure we've got the right number of records everywhere assert len(mir_data.ac_read) == 2 assert len(mir_data.bl_read) == 4 assert len(mir_data.codes_read) == 99 assert len(mir_data.eng_read) == 2 assert len(mir_data.in_read) == 1 assert len(mir_data.raw_data) == 20 assert len(mir_data.raw_scale_fac) == 20 assert len(mir_data.sp_read) == 20 assert len(mir_data.vis_data) == 20 assert len(mir_data.we_read) == 1 def test_mir_remember_me_codes_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir codes_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the codes_read file of the test data set match whatwe know to be 'true' at the time of observations. """ mir_data = mir_data_object assert mir_data.codes_read[0][0] == b"filever" assert mir_data.codes_read[0][2] == b"3" assert mir_data.codes_read[90][0] == b"ref_time" assert mir_data.codes_read[90][1] == 0 assert mir_data.codes_read[90][2] == b"Jul 24, 2020" assert mir_data.codes_read[90][3] == 0 assert mir_data.codes_read[91][0] == b"ut" assert mir_data.codes_read[91][1] == 1 assert mir_data.codes_read[91][2] == b"Jul 24 2020 4:34:39.00PM" assert mir_data.codes_read[91][3] == 0 assert mir_data.codes_read[93][0] == b"source" assert mir_data.codes_read[93][2] == b"3c84" assert mir_data.codes_read[97][0] == b"ra" assert mir_data.codes_read[97][2] == b"03:19:48.15" assert mir_data.codes_read[98][0] == b"dec" assert mir_data.codes_read[98][2] == b"+41:30:42.1" def test_mir_remember_me_in_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir in_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the in_read file of the test data set match what we know to be 'true' at the time of observations, including that spare values are stored as zero. """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Check to make sure that things seem right in in_read assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["traid"] == 484) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["proid"] == 484) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["inhid"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["ints"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["souid"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["isource"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["ivrad"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["ira"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["idec"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["epoch"] == 2000.0) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["tile"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["obsflag"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["obsmode"] == 0) assert np.all(np.round(mir_data.in_read["mjd"]) == 59055) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["spareshort"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.in_read["spareint6"] == 0) def test_mir_remember_me_bl_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir bl_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the bl_read file of the test data set match what we know to be 'true' at the time of observations, including that spare values are stored as zero. """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Now check bl_read assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["blhid"] == np.arange(1, 5)) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["isb"] == [0, 0, 1, 1]) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["ipol"] == [0, 0, 0, 0]) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["ant1rx"] == [0, 1, 0, 1]) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["ant2rx"] == [0, 1, 0, 1]) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["pointing"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["irec"] == [0, 3, 0, 3]) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["iant1"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["iant2"] == 4) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["iblcd"] == 2) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["spareint1"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["spareint2"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["spareint3"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["spareint4"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["spareint5"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["spareint6"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["sparedbl3"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["sparedbl4"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["sparedbl5"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.bl_read["sparedbl6"] == 0.0) def test_mir_remember_me_eng_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir bl_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the eng_read file of the test data set match what we know to be 'true' at the time of observations. """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Now check eng_read assert np.all(mir_data.eng_read["antennaNumber"] == [1, 4]) assert np.all(mir_data.eng_read["padNumber"] == [5, 8]) assert np.all(mir_data.eng_read["trackStatus"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.eng_read["commStatus"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.eng_read["inhid"] == 1) def test_mir_remember_me_ac_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir bl_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the autoCorrelations file of the test data set match what we know to be 'true' at the time of observations. """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Now check ac_read assert np.all(mir_data.ac_read["inhid"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.ac_read["achid"] == np.arange(1, 3)) assert np.all(mir_data.ac_read["antenna"] == [1, 4]) assert np.all(mir_data.ac_read["nchunks"] == 8) assert np.all(mir_data.ac_read["datasize"] == 1048596) assert np.all(mir_data.we_read["scanNumber"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.we_read["flags"] == 0) def test_mir_remember_me_sp_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir sp_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the sp_read file of the test data set match what we know to be 'true' at the time of observations, including that spare values are stored as zero. """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Now check sp_read assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sphid"] == np.arange(1, 21)) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sphid"] == np.arange(1, 21)) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["igq"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["ipq"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["igq"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["iband"] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 4) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["ipstate"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["tau0"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["cabinLO"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["corrLO1"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["vradcat"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["nch"] == [4, 16384, 16384, 16384, 16384] * 4) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["corrblock"] == [0, 1, 1, 1, 1] * 4) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["corrchunk"] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] * 4) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["correlator"] == 1) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["spareint2"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["spareint3"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["spareint4"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["spareint5"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["spareint6"] == 0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sparedbl1"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sparedbl2"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sparedbl3"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sparedbl4"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sparedbl5"] == 0.0) assert np.all(mir_data.sp_read["sparedbl6"] == 0.0) def test_mir_remember_me_sch_read(mir_data_object): """ Mir sch_read checker. Make sure that certain values in the sch_read file of the test data set match what we know to be 'true' at the time of observations. """ mir_data = mir_data_object # Now check sch_read related values. Thanks to a glitch in the data recorder, # all of the pseudo-cont values are the same assert np.all(mir_data.raw_scale_fac[0::5] == [-26] * 4) assert ( np.array(mir_data.raw_data[0::5]).flatten().tolist() == [-4302, -20291, -5261, -21128, -4192, -19634, -4999, -16346] * 4 )