Raw File

Please see TROUBLESHOOTING below if you encounter errors

The code can be compiled and run on a Mac or Linux OS. If you are using a Windows OS, you will need a Unix-like environment to run the code, such as Cygwin: https://www.cygwin.com/


1) Go to http://www.hsl.rl.ac.uk/archive/hslarchive.html and download the MA27 library. 

2) Extract the MA27 folder and run


inside to make the library libma27.a

3) Extract OOQP tar file

4) Place libma27.a into top directory in OOQP folder. You can place it elsewhere, but will need to modify the Makefile inside OOQP

5) Run


Inside OOQP folder. This will require LAPACK and BLAS libraries, so you may need to install these if you don't have them. (See the INSTALL file inside the OOQP directory for more details)

6) Go back to top directory (StoichiometricBalance) and add proper library tags to the Makefile. If you don't know the proper library tags, look at GNUMakefile inside the OOQP directory and copy them from there. Copy into the FLIBSLIN tag.

7) Run


To compile stoich_balance.exe


1) Go to http://www.hsl.rl.ac.uk/archive/hslarchive.html and download the MA27 library. 

2) Extract the MA27 folder and run


inside to make the library libma27.a

3) Extract OOQP tar file

4) Place libma27.a into top directory in OOQP folder. You can place it elsewhere, but will need to modify the Makefile inside OOQP

5) Run


Inside the OOQP folder. Do not run "make" just yet.

6) Add -lstdc++ to FLIBS variable inside GNUMakefile 

7) Open src/Readers/hash.C and comment out "using namespace std". Then change all three instances of "cerr" to "std::cerr". If you don't do this, you may get an 'Ambiguous definition of "hash"' error. This is because C++ has its own defintion of the "hash" function.

8) Run


Inside OOQP folder. This will require LAPACK and BLAS libraries, so you may need to install these if you don't have them. (See the INSTALL file inside the OOQP directory for more details)

9) Go back to top directory (StoichiometricBalance). Edit this Makefile to update the FLIBSMAC. Copy in the FLIBS line from OOQPfolder/GNUMakefile. Then add the flags: -framework accelerate
to that line, to link in the blas and lapack. 

10) Run


To compile stoich_balance.exe


Make sure the prerequisite libraries (BLAS, LAPACK, and MA27 are available)

Error 1: "Fortran compiler cannot make executables"

Your gfortran compiler may be out of date. Upgrade it. You can find binaries here:


Error 2: "In file included from EXES/stoich_balance.cpp:69:
include/qp_solvers.h:6:10: fatal error: 'QpGenData.h' file not found
#include "QpGenData.h"  "

This means that it does not have the path to the OOQP directory specified.
Solution 1: Inside the Makefile on line 1, set "OOQP=path_to_OOQP" e.g. OOQP=./OOQP-0.99.26
Solution 2: Set an environment variable to define OOQP at the terminal prompt or in the .bashrc file: export OOQP="/Users/maggie/OOQP-0.99.26"

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