\name{update_statnet} \alias{update_statnet} \title{Updates the Component Packages of statnet} \usage{ update_statnet(\dots) } \arguments{ \item{\dots}{ Arguments passed to \code{\link{update.packages}} } % \item{askAboutSuggests}{ % Logical: If TRUE, go through the list of packages on the % \code{Suggests} line of the \code{statnet/DESCRIPTION} and % ask whether to update each one. If FALSE, ignore the % \code{Suggests} line altogether. % } } \description{ Updates or, if necessary, installs the component packages of \pkg{statnet} that are on \code{CRAN}. This function is essentially an alias for \code{\link{update.packages}}, and any arguments passed to \code{update_statnet} (except \code{oldPkgs} and \code{ask}) are passed directly to \code{\link{update.packages}}. The function will automatically update those packages listed in the \code{Depends} and \code{Suggests} lines of the \code{statnet/DESCRIPTION} file. } \value{ \code{update_statnet} returns NULL invisibly. } \details{ The function tells which packages are being checked. In addition, \code{\link{update.packages}} provides very informative feedback whenever a package is out of date. } \seealso{ \code{\link{update.packages}}, \code{\link{install.packages}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ # Update from statnet.org update_statnet(repos="http://csde.washington.edu/statnet") } } \keyword{utilities}