import functools from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp from tensorflow.python.ops import array_ops from .config import default_float DType = Union[np.dtype, tf.DType] VariableData = Union[List, Tuple, np.ndarray, int, float] TensorLike = object # Union[tf.Tensor, tf.Variable, np.ndarray], but doesn't work with multipledispatch Transform = tfp.bijectors.Bijector Prior = tfp.distributions.Distribution positive = tfp.bijectors.Softplus triangular = tfp.bijectors.FillTriangular def _IS_PARAMETER(o): return isinstance(o, Parameter) def _IS_TRAINABLE_PARAMETER(o): return (_IS_PARAMETER(o) and o.trainable) class Module(tf.Module): @property def parameters(self): return tuple(self._flatten(predicate=_IS_PARAMETER)) @property def trainable_parameters(self): return tuple(self._flatten(predicate=_IS_TRAINABLE_PARAMETER)) class Parameter(tf.Module): def __init__(self, value, *, transform: Optional[Transform] = None, prior: Optional[Prior] = None, trainable: bool = True, dtype: Optional[DType] = None, name: Optional[str] = None): """ Unconstrained parameter representation. According to standard terminology `y` is always transformed representation or, in other words, it is constrained version of the parameter. Normally, it is hard to operate with unconstrained parameters. For e.g. `variance` cannot be negative, therefore we need positive constraint and it is natural to use constrained values. """ super().__init__() value = _verified_value(value, dtype) if isinstance(value, tf.Variable): self._unconstrained = value else: value = _to_unconstrained(value, transform) self._unconstrained = tf.Variable(value, dtype=dtype, name=name, trainable=trainable) self.prior = prior self._transform = transform def log_prior(self): x = self.read_value() y = self._unconstrained if self.prior is not None: out = tf.reduce_sum(self.prior.log_prob(x)) if self.transform is not None: log_det_jacobian = self.transform.forward_log_det_jacobian(y, y.shape.ndims) out += tf.reduce_sum(log_det_jacobian) return out else: return tf.convert_to_tensor(0., dtype=self.dtype) @property def handle(self): return self._unconstrained.handle def value(self): return _to_constrained(self._unconstrained.value(), self.transform) def read_value(self): return _to_constrained(self._unconstrained.read_value(), self.transform) @property def unconstrained_variable(self): return self._unconstrained @property def transform(self): return self._transform @property def trainable(self): return self._unconstrained.trainable @trainable.setter def trainable(self, flag: Union[bool, int]): self._unconstrained._trainable = bool(flag) @property def initial_value(self): return self._unconstrained.initial_value def assign(self, value, use_locking=False, name=None, read_value=True): # TODO(sergio.pasc): Find proper solution for casting / Discuss solution value = _verified_value(value, self.dtype) unconstrained_value = _to_unconstrained(value, self.transform) self._unconstrained.assign(unconstrained_value, read_value=read_value, use_locking=use_locking) @property def name(self): return @property def initializer(self): return self._unconstrained.initializer @property def device(self): return self._unconstrained.device @property def dtype(self): return self._unconstrained.dtype @property def op(self): return self._unconstrained.op @property def shape(self): if self.transform is not None: return self.transform.forward_event_shape(self._unconstrained.shape) return self._unconstrained.shape def numpy(self): return self.read_value().numpy() def get_shape(self): return self.shape def _should_act_as_resource_variable(self): pass def __repr__(self): return self.read_value().__repr__() def __ilshift__(self, value: VariableData) -> 'Parameter': self.assign(tf.cast(value, self.dtype)) return self # Below # TensorFlow copy-paste code to make variable-like object to work @classmethod def _OverloadAllOperators(cls): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Register overloads for all operators.""" for operator in tf.Tensor.OVERLOADABLE_OPERATORS: cls._OverloadOperator(operator) # For slicing, bind getitem differently than a tensor (use SliceHelperVar # instead) # pylint: disable=protected-access setattr(cls, "__getitem__", array_ops._SliceHelperVar) @classmethod def _OverloadOperator(cls, operator): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Defer an operator overload to `ops.Tensor`. We pull the operator out of ops.Tensor dynamically to avoid ordering issues. Args: operator: string. The operator name. """ tensor_oper = getattr(tf.Tensor, operator) def _run_op(a, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=protected-access return tensor_oper(a.read_value(), *args, **kwargs) functools.update_wrapper(_run_op, tensor_oper) setattr(cls, operator, _run_op) # NOTE(mrry): This enables the Variable's overloaded "right" binary # operators to run when the left operand is an ndarray, because it # accords the Variable class higher priority than an ndarray, or a # numpy matrix. # TODO(mrry): Convert this to using numpy's __numpy_ufunc__ # mechanism, which allows more control over how Variables interact # with ndarrays. __array_priority__ = 100 Parameter._OverloadAllOperators() tf.register_tensor_conversion_function(Parameter, lambda x, *args, **kwds: x.read_value()) def _verified_value(value: VariableData, dtype: Optional[DType] = None) -> np.ndarray: if isinstance(value, tf.Variable): return value if dtype is None: dtype = default_float() return tf.cast(value, dtype) def _to_constrained(value: VariableData, transform: Transform) -> tf.Tensor: if transform is not None: return transform.forward(value) return value def _to_unconstrained(value: VariableData, transform: Transform) -> tf.Tensor: if transform is not None: return transform.inverse(value) return value