<- function(x, y, yc, tau=0.5, weights=NULL, start, left=TRUE,maxit = 500){ x <- as.matrix(x) y <- as.vector(y) n <- nrow(x) p <- ncol(x) if(missing(yc)) { yc <- rep(0,n) if(!left) warning("default right (!?) censoring at zero") } yc <- as.vector(yc) if(length(weights)){ if (any(weights < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") contr <- attr(x, "contrasts") x <- x * weights y <- y * weights } if(left) { x <- -x y <- -y yc <- -yc tau <- 1-tau } # Starting value of beta if(missing(start)){ tol <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3) r <-,y,tau)$residuals h <- which(abs(r) < tol)[1:p] } else if(start[1] == "global"){ # Generate H matrix H <- combos(n,p) m <- ncol(H) # Starting value of beta U <- solve(x[H[,1],]) bh <- U %*% y[H[,1]] f <- .Fortran("brutpow", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(m), as.integer(H), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(yc), as.double(bh), as.double(tau), as.double(U), double(p), double(p), kminz = integer(1), nflag = as.integer(0), PACKAGE = "quantreg") if(f$nflag!=0) warning(switch(f$nflag, "Error in pivot: hout not in h", "Error in pivot: hin in h", "Error in pivot: hin out of bounds", "Error in findk: k not found" )) k <- f$kminz bh <- solve(x[H[,k],],y[H[,k]]) residuals <- as.matrix(y - pmin(yc, x %*% bh)) return(list(coefficients= bh,residuals = residuals)) } else if(is.numeric(start) && length(start) == p){ if(all(start %in% 1:n)) h <- start else h <- order(abs(y - x %*% start))[1:p] } else stop("Invalid starting value") xhinv <- try(solve(x[h,])) if(class(xhinv) == "try-error") stop("Singular basic solution generated by 'start'") f <- .Fortran("powell", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(2*p), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(yc), coef = double(p), as.double(tau), as.integer(h), double(n), as.double(xhinv), double(n), double(2*p), double(p), double(p), as.integer(maxit), nflag = as.integer(0), PACKAGE = "quantreg") if(f$nflag!=0) warning(switch(f$nflag, "Max iterations reached", "Solution may be nonunique", "Error in pivot: hout not in h", "Error in pivot: hin in h", "Error in pivot: hin out of bounds" )) coef <- f$coef residuals <- as.matrix(y - pmin(yc, x %*% coef)) return (list(coefficients= coef, residuals = residuals)) } Curv <- function (y, yc, ctype = c("left", "right")) { nn <- length(y) if(length(yc) != nn) stop("Event times and censoring times of different length") ctype <- match.arg(ctype) if(ctype == "right" && any(y > yc)) stop("Event times can not exceed ctimes for right censoring") if(ctype == "left" && any(y < yc)) stop("Event times can not be less than ctimes for left censoring") if(!(ctype == "left" || ctype == "right")) stop("Invalid ctype for method Powell") ss <- cbind(y, yc) dimnames(ss) <- list(NULL, c("time", "ctime")) attr(ss, "ctype") <- ctype attr(ss, "type") <- ctype class(ss) <- "Surv" ss } QTECox <- function(x, smooth = TRUE){ # compute quantile treatment effect for a Cox PengHuang fit g <- survfit(x) if(smooth) g <- supsmu(1-g$surv,g$time) taus <- (g$x[-1] + g$x[-length(g$x)])/2 Qhat <- (g$y[-1] + g$y[-length(g$y)])/2 dQ <- diff(Qhat)/diff(taus) taus <- taus[-1]; Qhat <- Qhat[-1] QTE <- outer(dQ * (1-taus) * log(1-taus) / Qhat, coef(x)) list(QTE = QTE , taus = taus) } boot.crq <- function(x, y, c, taus, method, ctype = "right", R=100, mboot, bmethod = "Bose", ...) { n <- length(y) p <- ncol(x) if(missing(mboot)) mboot <- n A <- array(0,dim=c(p,length(taus),R)) for (i in 1:R){ if(bmethod == "xy-pair"){ w <- table(sample(1:n,mboot,replace=TRUE)) s <- as.numeric(names(w)) w <- as.numeric(w) yb <- y[s] xb <- x[s,] cb <- c[s] } else if(bmethod == "Bose"){ w <- rexp(n) yb <- y xb <- x cb <- c } else stop("invalid bmethod for boot.crq") if(method == "Portnoy") a <-,yb,cb, weights = w, ctype = ctype, ... ) else if(method == "PengHuang") a <-,yb,cb, weights = w, ctype = ctype, ... ) else stop("Invalid method for boot.crq") if((i %% floor(R/10)) == 0 ) cat(paste("bootstrap roughly ",100*(i/R)," percent complete\n")) A[,,i] <- coef(a,taus) } list(A = A, n = length(y), mboot = mboot) } coef.crq <- function(object, taus = 1:4/5, ...) { # Extract coefficients from the crq solution array if(min(taus) < 0 || max(taus) > 1) stop("taus out of range [0,1]") if(length(object$tau) == 1){ coef <- object$coefficients return(coef) } taus <- sort(taus) S <- object$sol ctype <- object$ctype r <- S[1, ] r <- c(r[1],r) if(is.unsorted(r)) r <- r[-length(r)] #kludge until why this happens is found B <- S[-1,,drop = FALSE] B <- t(cbind(B,B[,ncol(B),drop = FALSE])) ts <- taus[taus > min(r) & taus < max(r)] bin <- findInterval(ts,r) wgt <- (ts - r[bin])/(r[bin + 1] - r[bin]) binlag <- bin - 1 binlag[binlag == 0] <- 1 coef <- t(wgt * B[bin, , drop = FALSE] + (1 - wgt) * B[binlag, , drop = FALSE]) nna <- length(taus) - length(ts) if(nna > 0) { if (ctype == "left") coef <- cbind(matrix(NA, nrow(coef), nna), coef) else coef <- cbind(coef, matrix(NA, nrow(coef), nna)) } taulabs <- paste("tau=", format(round(taus, 3))) dimnames(coef)[[2]] <- taulabs coef[-nrow(coef),] # Delete Qhat entries } crq <- function (formula, taus, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = c("Powell","Portnoy","PengHuang"), contrasts = NULL, ...) { require(survival) call <- mf <- = FALSE) m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "weights", "na.action"), names(mf), 0) mf <- mf[c(1, m)] mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE mf[[1]] <-"model.frame") mf <- eval.parent(mf) if (method == "model.frame") return(mf) mt <- attr(mf, "terms") X <- model.matrix(mt, mf, contrasts) weights <- as.vector(model.weights(mf)) Y <- model.extract(mf, "response") eps <- .Machine$double.eps^(2/3) if(!inherits(Y,"Surv")) stop("Response must be a survival object") method <- match.arg(method) if(method == "Powell") { ctype <- attr(Y, "ctype") if(!ctype %in% c("right","left")) stop("Only right or left censoring Surv objects are allowed") left <- (ctype == "left") if (any(taus < -eps) || any(taus > 1 + eps)) stop("invalid taus: taus should be >= 0 and <= 1") y <- Y[,1] cen <- Y[,2] if (length(taus) > 1) { coef <- matrix(0, ncol(X), length(taus)) fitted <- resid <- matrix(0, nrow(X), length(taus)) for (i in 1:length(taus)) { z <-, y, cen, tau = taus[i], weights, left = left, ...) coef[, i] <- z$coefficients resid[, i] <- z$residuals fitted[, i] <- y - z$residuals } taulabs <- paste("tau=", format(round(taus, 3))) dimnames(coef) <- list(dimnames(X)[[2]], taulabs) dimnames(resid) <- list(dimnames(X)[[1]], taulabs) fit <- list(coefficients = coef, residuals = resid, fitted.values = fitted) fit$tau <- taus class(fit) <- "crqs" } else { fit <-, y, cen, tau = taus, weights, left = left, ...) fit$tau <- taus class(fit) <- "crq" } } else if(method == "Portnoy"){ ctype <- "right" if(attr(Y,"type") != "right"){ if(attr(Y,"type") == "left") ctype <- "left" else stop("Only right censoring Surv objects are allowed for Portnoy method") } y <- Y[,1] cen <- Y[,2] fit <-, y, cen, weights, ctype = ctype, ...) class(fit) <- "crq" } else if(method == "PengHuang"){ ctype <- "right" if(attr(Y,"type") != "right"){ if(attr(Y,"type") == "left") ctype <- "left" else stop("Only right censoring Surv objects are allowed for Portnoy method") } y <- Y[,1] cen <- Y[,2] fit <-, y, cen, weights, ctype = ctype, ...) class(fit) <- "crq" } else stop("Method not defined for crq") fit$terms <- mt fit$call <- call fit$formula <- formula(mt) fit$method <- method fit$contrasts <- contrasts fit$ctype <- ctype attr(fit, "na.message") <- attr(m, "na.message") fit } predict.crqs <- function (object, newdata, type = NULL, ...) { pred <- predict.rqs(object, newdata, ...) } predict.crq <- function (object, newdata, ...) { method <- object$method if(method %in% c("Portnoy","PengHuang")){ #Kludge to make crq sol matrix look like rq sol matrix p2 <- nrow(object$sol) object$sol <- object$sol[c(1,p2,p2,2:(p2-1)),] } pred <- switch(method, "Powell" = predict.rq(object, newdata, ...), "Portnoy" = predict.rq.process(object, newdata, ...), "PengHuang" = predict.rq.process(object, newdata, ...) ) } <- function(x, y, cen, weights = NULL, grid, ctype = "right") { p <- ncol(x) n <- length(y) cen <- 1 - cen #NB: Fortran routine wants censoring indicator flipped (!!!) mp <- max(n + 5 + max(1, sum(cen)),n+p) eps <- 1e-04 kmax <- 10000 # perhaps this should be parameter in future if(length(weights)){ if (any(weights < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") contr <- attr(x, "contrasts") x <- weights * x y <- weights * y } if(ctype == "left") y <- -y if(missing(grid)) grid <- seq(1/n,1-1/n,by=1/(5 + 3 * n^.4)) if(is.numeric(grid)){ ginit <- min(grid) dgrid <- diff(grid) gstep <- median(dgrid) if(any(dgrid <0)) stop("grid is not monotonic") if(gstep < eps) stop("grid stepsize too small") nsol <- 3*n mw = -1 } else if(grid == "pivot"){ nsol <- 3*n ginit <- 1/(2*n) gstep <- 1/(2*n) mw <- 20 } else stop("Invalid grid") z <- .Fortran("crq", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(mp), as.integer(p+2), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.integer(cen), as.double(ginit), as.integer(mw), as.double(gstep), ift = integer(1), h = integer(p), xh = double(p*p), wa = double(mp*p), wb = double(mp), wc = double(mp*(p+2)), wd = double(mp), we = double(mp), wf = double(p), iflag = integer(mp), as.integer(nsol), sol = double(nsol*(p+2)), lsol = integer(1), icen = integer(n), tcen = double(n), lcen = integer(1), PACKAGE = "quantreg") nw <- z$h[1] flag <- z$ift msg <- switch(flag, paste("Error in input dimensions, n,p,mw "), paste("Error in input dimensions, n,p,mw "), paste("Error in input dimensions, n,p,mw "), paste("Less than p=",p,"observations above tau = 0 solution"), paste("Possible degeneracy at",nw,"tau values.", "$tau.degen: first mp =", n + 5 + sum(cen)," such tau values"), paste("Number of pivots to be saved in sol > nsol.", "Redefine nsol: use nsol < n to save for tau = i/(nsol-1)"), paste("Error with partial return: possible degeneracies", "Max number of rq calls exceeded: dither x or increase mw"), paste("Premature stop: defective conditional distribution"), paste("Simplex iteration limit exceeded -- consider dithering y")) #if(flag > 0 && flag != 5 && flag < 10) if(flag %in% c(1:4,6,7)) ifelse(flag <= 3,stop(msg),warning(msg)) J <- z$lsol B <- matrix(z$sol, nrow=p+2, ncol=nsol, byrow=FALSE)[,1:J, drop = FALSE] ic <- z$icen sp <- (1:n)[ic == 1] tsp <- z$tcen[sp] t1 <- z$wd[1:nw] if(ctype == "left") { B[1,] <- 1 - B[1,] B[-1,] <- - B[-1,] B <- B[,ncol(B):1] } dimnames(B) <- list(c("tau",dimnames(x)[[2]],"Qbar"),NULL) a<-list(sol=B, Isplit=sp, tsp = tsp, status=ic, ctype = ctype) class(a) <- "crq" return(a) } <- function(x, y, cen, weights=NULL,grid, ctype = "right" ){ p <- ncol(x) n <- length(y) if(missing(grid)) grid <- seq(1/n,1-1/n,by=min(0.01,1/(2*length(y)^.7))) if(!is.numeric(grid)) stop("Invalid grid") if(any(grid < 0) || any(grid > 1)) stop("Invalid grid") m <- length(grid) xbar <- apply(x,2,mean) if(length(weights)){ if (any(weights < 0)) stop("negative weights not allowed") contr <- attr(x, "contrasts") x <- x * weights y <- y * weights } if(ctype == "left") y <- -y s <- rep(0,n) u <- rep(1,n) d <- rep(1,n) r <- rep(1,p) B <- matrix(0,p,m) cc <- as.logical(cen) y1 <- y[cc] n1 <- length(y1) x1 <- x[cc,] z <- .Fortran("crqfnb", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), a1 = as.double(t(as.matrix(x1))), c1 = as.double(-y1), n1=as.integer(n1), as.double(x), as.double(y),as.double(cen),B =as.double(B), g = as.double(grid),m = as.integer(m), as.double(r), as.double(s), as.double(d), as.double(u), wn = double(n1 * 9), wp = double((p + 3) * p), info = integer(1), PACKAGE = "quantreg") J <- z$m - 1 B <- matrix(-z$B, p, m) B <- B[,1:J,drop = FALSE] qhat <- t(xbar) %*% B B <- rbind(grid[1:J],B,qhat) dimnames(B) <- list(c("tau",dimnames(x)[[2]],"Qhat"),NULL) if(ctype == "left") { B[1,] <- 1 - B[1,] B[-1,] <- - B[-1,] B <- B[,ncol(B):1] } B <- list(sol=B, ctype = ctype) class(B) <- "crq" B } plot.summary.crqs <- function (x, nrow = 3, ncol = 3, CoxPHit = NULL, ...) { taus <- function(x) x$tau xx <- unlist(lapply(x, taus)) coef <- lapply(x, coefficients) p <- nrow(coef[[1]]) k <- ncol(coef[[1]]) if(k != 6) stop("summary.crqs object has wrong column dimension") m <- length(xx) blab <- dimnames(coef[[1]])[[1]] a <- array(unlist(coef), c(p, k, m)) if(length(CoxPHit)) CoxQTE <- QTECox(CoxPHit) oldpar <- par(no.readonly=TRUE) par(mfrow = c(nrow, ncol)) for (i in 2:p) { b <- a[i, 1, ] bl <- a[i, 2, ] bu <- a[i, 3, ] plot(rep(xx, 2), c(bl, bu), xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "n") title(paste(blab[i]), cex = 0.75) polygon(c(xx, rev(xx)), c(bl, rev(bu)), col = "LightSkyBlue") points(xx, b, cex = 0.5, pch = "o", col = "blue") lines(xx, b, col = "blue") abline(h = 0) if(length(CoxPHit)) { lines(CoxQTE$taus,CoxQTE$QTE[,i-1],col="red") } } par(oldpar) } summary.crq <- function (object, taus = 1:4/5, alpha = .05, se = "boot", covariance = TRUE, ...) { mt <- terms(object) m <- model.frame(object) x <- model.matrix(mt, m, contrasts = object$contrasts) Y <- model.response(m) method <- object$method ctype <- object$ctype y <- Y[,1] cen <- Y[,2] wt <- as.vector(model.weights(object$model)) if (!is.null(wt)) { resid <- resid * wt x <- x * wt y <- y * wt cen <- cen * wt } if(method == "Powell"){ coef <- coefficients(object) vnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]] resid <- object$residuals tau <- object$tau n <- length(resid) p <- length(coef) rdf <- n - p if (se == "boot") { if(attr(Y,"type") == "left") s <- cen < x %*% coef else s <- cen > x %*% coef B <- boot.rq(x[s, ], y[s], tau, ...) cov <- cov(B) serr <- sqrt(diag(cov)) } else stop("Only boot method is implemented for crq inference") coef <- array(coef, c(p, 4)) dimnames(coef) <- list(vnames, c("Value", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")) coef[, 2] <- serr coef[, 3] <- coef[, 1]/coef[, 2] coef[, 4] <- if(rdf > 0) 2 * (1 - pt(abs(coef[, 3]),rdf)) else NA object <- object[c("call", "terms")] if (covariance == TRUE) object$cov <- cov object$B <- B object$coefficients <- coef object$rdf <- rdf object$tau <- tau class(object) <- "summary.crq" return(object) } else if(method == "Portnoy" || method == "PengHuang") { coef <- as.matrix(coef(object,taus)) coef <- coef[,apply(coef,2,function(x) any(!,drop = FALSE] # Delete NA columns if any if(ctype == "right") taus <- taus[1:ncol(coef)] else taus <- taus[(1 + length(taus)-ncol(coef)):length(taus)] B <- boot.crq(x, y, cen, taus, method = method, ctype = ctype, ...) nas <- apply($A[1,,, drop = TRUE]),1,sum) sqmn <- sqrt(B$mboot/B$n) fact <- qnorm(1 - alpha/2)/qnorm(.75) B <- apply(B$A, 1:2, quantile, probs = 1:3/4, na.rm = TRUE) D <- .5 * fact *(B[3,,]-B[1,,]) * sqmn L <- coef - D U <- coef + D S <- (U - L)/(2 * qnorm(1 - alpha/2)) T <- coef/S P <- 2 * (1 - pnorm(abs(T))) G <- list() cnames <- c("Value","Lower Bd","Upper Bd","Std Error","T Value","Pr(>|t|)") for(i in 1:length(taus)){ tab <- cbind(coef[,i],L[,i],U[,i],S[,i],T[,i],P[,i]) dimnames(tab)[[2]] <- cnames G[[i]] <- list(tau = taus[i], coefficients = tab, NAs = nas[i]) } class(G) <- "summary.crqs" return(G) } else stop("Invalid method for summary.crq") } "summary.crqs" <- function (object, ...) { if(!object$method == "Powell") stop("Invalid method") taus <- object$tau xsum <- as.list(taus) for(i in 1:length(taus)){ xi <- object xi$coefficients <- xi$coefficients[,i] xi$residuals <- xi$residuals[,i] xi$tau <- xi$tau[i] class(xi) <- "crq" xsum[[i]] <- summary(xi, ...) } class(xsum) <- "summary.crqs" xsum } print.crq <- function(x, ...){ if(!is.null(cl <- x$call)) { cat("Call:\n") dput(cl) } coef <- coef(x) cat("\nCoefficients:\n") print.default(coef) invisible(x) } print.summary.crqs <- function(x, ...) lapply(x,print.summary.crq) print.summary.crq <- function (x, digits = max(5, .Options$digits - 2), ...) { coef <- x$coefficients tau <- x$tau if(length(x$NAs)) NAs <- x$NAs else NAs <- 0 cat("\ntau: ") print(format(round(tau, digits = digits)), quote = FALSE, ...) if(NAs > 0) { cat(" Number of NA Bootstrap Replications: ") print(format(NAs), quote = FALSE, ...) } cat("\nCoefficients:\n") print(format(round(coef, digits = digits)), quote = FALSE, ...) invisible(x) }