\name{odesolv} \alias{odesolv} \title{ Numerical Solution mth Order Differential Equation System } \description{ The system of differential equations is linear, with possibly time-varying coefficient functions. The numerical solution is computed with the Runge-Kutta method. } \usage{ odesolv(bwtlist, ystart=diag(rep(1,norder)), h0=width/100, hmin=width*1e-10, hmax=width*0.5, EPS=1e-4, MAXSTP=1000) } \arguments{ \item{bwtlist}{ a list whose members are functional parameter objects defining the weight functions for the linear differential equation. } \item{ystart}{ a vector of initial values for the equations. These are the values at time 0 of the solution and its first m - 1 derivatives. } \item{h0}{ a positive initial step size. } \item{hmin}{ the minimum allowable step size. } \item{hmax}{ the maximum allowable step size. } \item{EPS}{ a convergence criterion. } \item{MAXSTP}{ the maximum number of steps allowed. } } \value{ a named list of length 2 containing \item{tp}{ a vector of time values at which the system is evaluated } \item{yp}{ a matrix of variable values corresponding to \code{tp}. } } \details{ This function is required to compute a set of solutions of an estimated linear differential equation in order compute a fit to the data that solves the equation. Such a fit will be a linear combinations of m independent solutions. } \seealso{ \code{\link{pda.fd}}. For new applications, users are encouraged to consider \code{\link[deSolve]{deSolve}}. The \code{deSolve} package provides general solvers for ordinary and partial differential equations, as well as differential algebraic equations and delay differential equations. } \examples{ #See the analyses of the lip data. } % docclass is function \keyword{smooth}