Tip revision: 0dda7b254a36ceeb9f0757a42030af69eb5b8bfa authored by Stefan Roediger on 16 March 2021, 14:50:02 UTC
version 1.1
version 1.1
Tip revision: 0dda7b2
# March 2021
PCRedux has been developed publicly by a group of qPCR entusiasts since 2017.
But the foundations were created much earlier. These are the qpcR package [1],
the MBmca package [2] and the chipPCR package [3]. PCRedux has been available on
CRAN since 2017-11-2. However, it was archived on 2020-12-16 due to a dependency
on the chipPCR package. The chipPCR package was removed as the developer email
address no longer existed. The chipPCR package is now available on CRAN again.
Since 2017, the PCRedux package has been constantly evolving and few features
have been introduced in 2020. Since then the package has been considered stable.
This publication has been used to make corrections and to improve the technical
basis of the package.
[1] S. Rödiger, A. Böhm, I. Schimke, Surface Melting Curve Analysis with R, The
R Journal. 5 (2013) 37–53.
[2] S. Rödiger, M. Burdukiewicz, P. Schierack, chipPCR: an R package to
pre-process raw data of amplification curves, Bioinformatics. 31 (2015)
[3] S. Rödiger, M. Burdukiewicz, P. Schierack, chipPCR: an R package to
pre-process raw data of amplification curves, Bioinformatics. 31 (2015)
The 0.2.6 release adds more data sets and features