Raw File
\title{Intersect Infinite Straight Lines with a Window}
  Take the intersection between a set of infinite straight lines
  and a window, yielding a set of line segments.
clip.infline(L, win)
    Object of class \code{"infline"} specifying a set of infinite
    straight lines in the plane.
    Window (object of class \code{"owin"}).
  This function computes the intersection between
  a set of infinite straight lines in the plane
  (stored in an object \code{L} of class \code{"infline"} created by the
  function \code{\link{infline}}) and a window \code{win}.
  The result is a pattern of line segments. 
  A line segment pattern (object of class \code{"psp"}).
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner

  To divide a window into pieces using infinite lines,
  use \code{\link{chop.tess}}.
  L <- infline(p=1:3, theta=pi/4)
  W <- square(4)
  clip.infline(L, W)
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