% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/map_estimate.R \name{map_estimate} \alias{map_estimate} \alias{map_estimate.numeric} \alias{map_estimate.stanreg} \alias{map_estimate.brmsfit} \title{Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) Estimate} \usage{ map_estimate(x, ...) \method{map_estimate}{numeric}(x, precision = 2^10, density = FALSE, ...) \method{map_estimate}{stanreg}(x, precision = 2^10, effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"), parameters = NULL, density = FALSE, ...) \method{map_estimate}{brmsfit}(x, precision = 2^10, effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"), component = c("conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "all"), parameters = NULL, density = FALSE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Vector representing a posterior distribution. Can also be a \code{stanreg} or \code{brmsfit} model.} \item{...}{Currently not used.} \item{precision}{Number of points for density estimation. See the \code{n} parameter in \link[=density]{density}.} \item{density}{Turning this parameter} \item{effects}{Should results for fixed effects, random effects or both be returned? Only applies to mixed models. May be abbreviated.} \item{parameters}{Regular expression pattern that describes the parameters that should be returned. Meta-parameters (like \code{lp__} or \code{prior_}) are filtered by default, so only parameters that typically appear in the \code{summary()} are returned. Use \code{parameters} to select specific parameters for the output.} \item{component}{Should results for all parameters, parameters for the conditional model or the zero-inflated part of the model be returned? May be abbreviated. Only applies to \pkg{brms}-models.} } \value{ A numeric value if \code{posterior} is a vector and \code{density = FALSE}. If \code{density = TRUE}, or if \code{posterior} is a model-object, returns a data frame with following columns: \itemize{ \item \code{Parameter} The model parameter(s), if \code{x} is a model-object. If \code{x} is a vector, this column is missing. \item \code{MAP} The MAP estimate for the posterior or each model parameter. \item \code{MAP_density} } } \description{ Find the \strong{Highest Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)} estimate of a posterior, \emph{i.e.,} the most probable value. It corresponds to the "peak" (or the \emph{mode}) of the posterior distribution. This function returns a dataframe containing the MAP value. If the \code{density} is set to \code{TRUE}, it will include a second column containing the \emph{probability} (\emph{i.e.,} the value of the estimated density function) associated with the MAP (the value of the y axis of the density curve at the MAP). } \examples{ library(bayestestR) posterior <- rnorm(10000) map_estimate(posterior) map_estimate(posterior, density = TRUE) plot(density(posterior)) abline(v=map_estimate(posterior), col="red") # The x coordinate of MAP abline(h=map_estimate(posterior, density = TRUE)$MAP_density, col="blue") # The y coordinate of MAP \dontrun{ library(rstanarm) model <- rstanarm::stan_glm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars) map_estimate(model) library(brms) model <- brms::brm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars) map_estimate(model) } }