prepData_adjusted <- function (x, panel, md, features = NULL, cofactor = 5, panel_cols = list(channel = "fcs_colname",
antigen = "antigen", class = "marker_class"), md_cols = list(file = "file_name",
id = "sample_id", factors = c("condition", "patient_id", "age", "gender", "pmd_hours", "batch_id")))
if (!is(panel, "data.frame"))
panel <- data.frame(panel, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if (!is(md, "data.frame"))
md <- data.frame(md, check.names = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stopifnot(is.list(panel_cols), is.list(md_cols), c("channel",
"antigen") %in% names(panel_cols), c("file", "id", "factors") %in%
if (!is.null(cofactor))
stopifnot(is.numeric(cofactor), length(cofactor) ==
1, cofactor > 0)
if (is(x, "flowSet")) {
fs <- x
else if (is.character(x)) {
fcs <- list.files(x, ".fcs$", full.names = TRUE, = TRUE)
if (length(fcs) < 2)
stop("The specified directory contains", " none or only a single FCS file.")
stopifnot(all(vapply(fcs, isFCSfile, logical(1))))
fs <- read.flowSet(fcs, transformation = FALSE, truncate_max_range = FALSE)
else {
stop("Invalid argument 'x'; should be either a flowSet",
" or a character string specifying the path to",
" a directory containing a set of FCS files.")
stopifnot(panel[[panel_cols$channel]] %in% colnames(fs))
if (is.null(features)) {
features <- as.character(panel[[panel_cols$channel]])
else {
chs <- colnames(fs)
check1 <- is.logical(features) && length(features) ==
check2 <- is.integer(features) && all(features %in%
check3 <- all(features %in% chs)
if (!any(check1, check2, check3))
stop("Invalid argument 'features'. Should be either",
" a logial vector,\n a numeric vector of indices, or",
" a character vector of column names.")
ids <- c(keyword(fs, "FILENAME"))
if (is.null(unlist(ids)))
ids <- c(fsApply(fs, identifier))
stopifnot(all(ids %in% md[[md_cols$file]]))
# idx <- match(ids, md[[md_cols$file]])
# fs <- fs[idx]
if (!is.null(cofactor))
fs <- fsApply(fs, function(ff) {
exprs(ff) <- asinh(exprs(ff)/cofactor)
k <- c(md_cols$id, md_cols$factors)
md <- data.frame(md)[, k] %>% mutate_all(factor) %>% dplyr::rename(sample_id = md_cols$id)
o <- order(md[[md_cols$factors[1]]])
md$sample_id <- factor(md$sample_id, levels = md$sample_id[o])
antigens <- panel[[panel_cols$antigen]]
antigens <- gsub("-", "_", antigens)
antigens <- gsub(":", ".", antigens)
fs <- fs[, features]
chs0 <- colnames(fs)
m1 <- match(panel[[panel_cols$channel]], chs0, nomatch = 0)
m2 <- match(chs0, panel[[panel_cols$channel]], nomatch = 0)
flowCore::colnames(fs)[m1] <- antigens[m2]
chs <- colnames(fs)
es <- matrix(fsApply(fs, exprs), byrow = TRUE, nrow = length(chs),
dimnames = list(chs, NULL))
md$n_cells <- as.numeric(fsApply(fs, nrow))
valid_mcs <- c("type", "state", "none")
if (is.null(panel_cols$class)) {
mcs <- factor("none", levels = valid_mcs)
else {
mcs <- factor(panel[[panel_cols$class]], levels = valid_mcs)
mcs <- mcs[match(chs0, panel[[panel_cols$channel]])]
if (any(
stop("Invalid marker classes detected.", " Valid classes are 'type', 'state', and 'none'.")
rd <- DataFrame(row.names = chs, channel_name = chs0, marker_name = chs,
marker_class = mcs)
k <- setdiff(names(md), "n_cells")
cd <- DataFrame(lapply(md[k], function(u) {
v <- as.character(rep(u, md$n_cells))
factor(v, levels = levels(u))
}), row.names = NULL)
SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(exprs = es), rowData = rd,
colData = cd, metadata = list(experiment_info = md,
cofactor = cofactor))