#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include #include "wx/wx.h" //#include "gterm.hpp" #include "LogoFrame.h" #include "wxGlobals.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "TextEditor.h" #include "wxTurtleGraphics.h" #include "wxTerminal.h" /* must come after wxTurtleGraphics.h */ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // TextEditor // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE (TextEditor, wxTextCtrl) EVT_CHAR(TextEditor::OnChar) EVT_TEXT(wxID_ANY, TextEditor::SetThisFont) EVT_FIND(wxID_ANY, TextEditor::OnFindDialog) EVT_CLOSE(TextEditor::OnCloseEvent) END_EVENT_TABLE() // globals for signalling to logo int editor_active = 0; /* The constructor */ TextEditor::TextEditor(wxWindow* const f, int a, wxString s, const wxPoint& p , const wxSize& sz, int b, wxFont font ) : wxTextCtrl(f, a, s, p, sz, b) { findDlg=0; findData=0; prevFind=0; this->font = font; SetFont(font); } void TextEditor::SetFont(wxFont font){ this->font = font; SetForegroundColour(TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curFG]); SetDefaultStyle(wxTextAttr(TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curFG], TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG], font)); if(this->IsShown()){ SetStyle(0,GetLastPosition(), wxTextAttr(TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curFG], TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG],font)); SetBackgroundColour( TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG]); Refresh(); Update(); } } void TextEditor::SetThisFont(wxCommandEvent& event) { SetDefaultStyle(wxTextAttr(TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curFG], TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG], this->font)); if(this->IsShown()){ wxTextPos lastPosition = GetLastPosition(); SetStyle(lastPosition > 0 ? lastPosition - 1 : 0, lastPosition, wxTextAttr(TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curFG], TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG],this->font)); SetBackgroundColour( TurtleCanvas::colors[wxTerminal::terminal->m_curBG]); Refresh(); Update(); Refresh(); Update(); } } /* Loads the given filename into the text editor*/ bool TextEditor::Load(const wxString& filename){ file = filename; LoadFile(file); SetFont(font); return true; } void TextEditor::OnFindNext(){ wxFindDialogEvent event; event.SetFindString(*prevFind); OnFindDialog(event); } void TextEditor::OnFind(){ if(findDlg) return; findData = new wxFindReplaceData(); findDlg = new wxFindReplaceDialog(this, findData, wxString("Find...", wxConvUTF8), wxFR_NOWHOLEWORD | wxFR_NOMATCHCASE | wxFR_NOUPDOWN ); findDlg->Show(TRUE); } /* This is called when someone pressed the Find button inside the finder dialog */ void TextEditor::OnFindDialog(wxFindDialogEvent& event) { long int start, end, dummy, loc; end = GetLastPosition(); wxString textstring(GetRange(0, GetLastPosition())); GetSelection(&dummy,&start); wxString findString(event.GetFindString()); if(prevFind){ delete prevFind; } prevFind = new wxString(findString); loc = Find(findString, start); // if we didn't find anything, try again from the beginning if (loc == -1 && start != 0){ start = 0; loc = Find(findString, start); } if (loc == -1){ wxMessageDialog dlg(this, wxString("Not Found", wxConvUTF8), wxString("Find String Not Found", wxConvUTF8), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); dlg.ShowModal(); dlg.Destroy(); if (findDlg){ if (loc == -1) findDlg->SetFocus(); return; } } else{ if(findDlg){ delete findDlg->GetData(); findDlg->Destroy(); findDlg=0; } ShowPosition(loc); } } /* This finds the next instance of a search string ESEARCH within the entire text of the editor starting from START */ int TextEditor::Find (const wxString & sSearch, int start){ wxString allText = GetValue(); wxString sText = allText.Mid(start); // the replace is for windows compatibility #ifdef __WXMSW__ sText.Replace(wxT( "\n" ), wxT( " \n" ) ) ; #endif int iStart =sText.Find (sSearch); if(iStart == -1) return -1; if(iStart==0){ if(sText.Mid(0,sSearch.length()) != sSearch) return -1; } int iEnd = iStart + sSearch.Length(); SetSelection (iStart+start, iEnd+start); return iStart+start ; } void TextEditor::DoCut(){ this->Cut(); } void TextEditor::DoCopy(){ this->Copy(); } void TextEditor::DoPaste(){ this->Paste(); } void TextEditor::OnCloseEvent(wxCloseEvent& event){ OnCloseReject(); } extern "C" int getTermInfo(int); extern "C" void setTermInfo(int,int); /* Closes the text editor and saves changes */ void TextEditor::OnCloseAccept(){ doSave=1; if(getTermInfo(EDIT_STATE) == NO_INFO){ wxMessageDialog dialog( NULL, _T("Load changes into Logo?"), _T("Load Changes"), wxNO_DEFAULT|wxYES_NO|wxCANCEL|wxICON_INFORMATION); switch ( dialog.ShowModal() ) { case wxID_YES: setTermInfo(EDIT_STATE,DO_LOAD); break; case wxID_NO: setTermInfo(EDIT_STATE,NO_LOAD); break; case wxID_CANCEL: return; default: wxLogError(wxT("Unexpected wxMessageDialog return code!")); } } OnSave(); Close(); } /* Closes the text editor but does not save changes */ void TextEditor::OnCloseReject(){ doSave=0; Close(); } /* Does the actual closing of the editor by hiding it and bringing back the terminal */ void TextEditor::Close(){ if(findDlg){ delete findDlg->GetData(); findDlg->Destroy(); findDlg = 0; } topsizer->Show(wxTerminal::terminal, 1); topsizer->Show((wxWindow *)turtleGraphics, turtleGraphics->getInfo(IN_GRAPHICS_MODE)); topsizer->Show(editWindow, 0); topsizer->Layout(); wxTerminal::terminal->SetFocus(); logoFrame->SetUpMenu(); editor_active = 0; } void TextEditor::OnSave(){ SaveFile(file); } /* Prints out the text in this editor */ void TextEditor::DoPrint(){ if(!wxTerminal::terminal->htmlPrinter) wxTerminal::terminal->htmlPrinter = new wxHtmlEasyPrinting(); int fontsizes[] = { 6, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24 }; wxTerminal::terminal->htmlPrinter->SetFonts(_T("Courier"),_T("Courier"), fontsizes); wxString textString; textString.Clear(); long i; for(i=0;i")); } wxTerminal::terminal->htmlPrinter->PrintText(textString); }