# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license ######################### # limitation parameters # ######################### const MAX_TYPEUNION_COMPLEXITY = 3 const MAX_TYPEUNION_LENGTH = 3 const MAX_INLINE_CONST_SIZE = 256 ######################### # limitation heuristics # ######################### # limit the complexity of type `t` to be simpler than the comparison type `compare` # no new values may be introduced, so the parameter `source` encodes the set of all values already present # the outermost tuple type is permitted to have up to `allowed_tuplelen` parameters function limit_type_size(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(compare), @nospecialize(source), allowed_tupledepth::Int, allowed_tuplelen::Int) source = svec(unwrap_unionall(compare), unwrap_unionall(source)) source[1] === source[2] && (source = svec(source[1])) type_more_complex(t, compare, source, 1, allowed_tupledepth, allowed_tuplelen) || return t r = _limit_type_size(t, compare, source, 1, allowed_tuplelen) #@assert t <: r # this may fail if t contains a typevar in invariant and multiple times # in covariant position and r looses the occurrence in invariant position (see #36407) if !(t <: r) # ideally, this should never happen # widen to minimum complexity to obtain a valid result r = _limit_type_size(t, Any, source, 1, allowed_tuplelen) t <: r || (r = Any) # final escape hatch end #@assert r === _limit_type_size(r, t, source) # this monotonicity constraint is slightly stronger than actually required, # since we only actually need to demonstrate that repeated application would reaches a fixed point, #not that it is already at the fixed point return r end # try to find `type` somewhere in `comparison` type # at a minimum nesting depth of `mindepth` function is_derived_type(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), mindepth::Int) if t === c return mindepth <= 1 end isvarargtype(t) && (t = unwrapva(t)) isvarargtype(c) && (c = unwrapva(c)) if isa(c, Union) # see if it is one of the elements of the union return is_derived_type(t, c.a, mindepth) || is_derived_type(t, c.b, mindepth) elseif isa(c, UnionAll) # see if it is derived from the body # also handle the var here, since this construct bounds the mindepth to the smallest possible value return is_derived_type(t, c.var.ub, mindepth) || is_derived_type(t, c.body, mindepth) elseif isa(c, DataType) if mindepth > 0 mindepth -= 1 end if isa(t, DataType) # see if it is one of the supertypes of a parameter super = supertype(c) while super !== Any t === super && return true super = supertype(super) end end # see if it was extracted from a type parameter cP = c.parameters for p in cP is_derived_type(t, p, mindepth) && return true end end return false end function is_derived_type_from_any(@nospecialize(t), sources::SimpleVector, mindepth::Int) for s in sources is_derived_type(t, s, mindepth) && return true end return false end # The goal of this function is to return a type of greater "size" and less "complexity" than # both `t` or `c` over the lattice defined by `sources`, `depth`, and `allowed_tuplelen`. function _limit_type_size(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), sources::SimpleVector, depth::Int, allowed_tuplelen::Int) @assert isa(t, Type) && isa(c, Type) "unhandled TypeVar / Vararg" if t === c return t # quick egal test elseif t === Union{} return t # easy case elseif isa(t, DataType) && isempty(t.parameters) return t # fast path: unparameterized are always simple else ut = unwrap_unionall(t) if isa(ut, DataType) && isa(c, Type) && c !== Union{} && c <: t # TODO: need to check that the UnionAll bounds on t are limited enough too return t # t is already wider than the comparison in the type lattice elseif is_derived_type_from_any(ut, sources, depth) return t # t isn't something new end end # peel off (and ignore) wrappers - they contribute no useful information, so we don't need to consider their size # first attempt to turn `c` into a type that contributes meaningful information # by peeling off meaningless non-matching wrappers of comparison one at a time # then unwrap `t` # NOTE that `TypeVar` / `Vararg` are handled separately to catch the logic errors if isa(c, UnionAll) return __limit_type_size(t, c.body, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen)::Type end if isa(t, UnionAll) tbody = __limit_type_size(t.body, c, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen) tbody === t.body && return t return UnionAll(t.var, tbody)::Type elseif isa(t, Union) if isa(c, Union) a = __limit_type_size(t.a, c.a, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen) b = __limit_type_size(t.b, c.b, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen) return Union{a, b} end elseif isa(t, DataType) if isType(t) # see equivalent case in type_more_complex tt = unwrap_unionall(t.parameters[1]) if isa(tt, Union) || isa(tt, TypeVar) || isType(tt) is_derived_type_from_any(tt, sources, depth + 1) && return t else isType(c) && (c = unwrap_unionall(c.parameters[1])) type_more_complex(tt, c, sources, depth, 0, 0) || return t end return Type elseif isa(c, DataType) tP = t.parameters cP = c.parameters if t.name === c.name && !isempty(cP) if t.name === Tuple.name # for covariant datatypes (Tuple), # apply type-size limit element-wise ltP = length(tP) lcP = length(cP) np = min(ltP, max(lcP, allowed_tuplelen)) Q = Any[ tP[i] for i in 1:np ] if ltP > np # combine tp[np:end] into tP[np] using Vararg Q[np] = tuple_tail_elem(Bottom, Any[ tP[i] for i in np:ltP ]) end for i = 1:np # now apply limit element-wise to Q # padding out the comparison as needed to allowed_tuplelen elements if i <= lcP cPi = cP[i] elseif isvarargtype(cP[lcP]) cPi = cP[lcP] else cPi = Any end Q[i] = __limit_type_size(Q[i], cPi, sources, depth + 1, 0) end return Tuple{Q...} end end end if allowed_tuplelen < 1 && t.name === Tuple.name return Any end widert = t.name.wrapper if !(t <: widert) # This can happen when a typevar has bounds too wide for its context, e.g. # `Complex{T} where T` is not a subtype of `Complex`. In that case widen even # faster to something safe to ensure the result is a supertype of the input. return Any end return widert end return Any end # helper function of `_limit_type_size`, which has the right to take and return `TypeVar` / `Vararg` function __limit_type_size(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), sources::SimpleVector, depth::Int, allowed_tuplelen::Int) cN = 0 if isvarargtype(c) # Tuple{Vararg{T}} --> Tuple{T} is OK isdefined(c, :N) && (cN = c.N) c = unwrapva(c) end if isa(c, TypeVar) if isa(t, TypeVar) && t.ub === c.ub && (t.lb === Union{} || t.lb === c.lb) return t # it's ok to change the name, or widen `lb` to Union{}, so we can handle this immediately here end return __limit_type_size(t, c.ub, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen) elseif isa(t, TypeVar) # don't have a matching TypeVar in comparison, so we keep just the upper bound return __limit_type_size(t.ub, c, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen) elseif isvarargtype(t) # Tuple{Vararg{T,N}} --> Tuple{Vararg{S,M}} is OK # Tuple{T} --> Tuple{Vararg{T}} is OK # but S must be more limited than T, and must not introduce a new number for M VaT = __limit_type_size(unwrapva(t), c, sources, depth + 1, 0) if isdefined(t, :N) tN = t.N if isa(tN, TypeVar) || tN === cN return Vararg{VaT, tN} end end return Vararg{VaT} else return _limit_type_size(t, c, sources, depth, allowed_tuplelen) end end function type_more_complex(@nospecialize(t), @nospecialize(c), sources::SimpleVector, depth::Int, tupledepth::Int, allowed_tuplelen::Int) # detect cases where the comparison is trivial if t === c return false elseif t === Union{} return false # Bottom is as simple as they come elseif isa(t, DataType) && isempty(t.parameters) return false # fastpath: unparameterized types are always finite elseif tupledepth > 0 && isa(unwrap_unionall(t), DataType) && isa(c, Type) && c !== Union{} && c <: t # TODO: need to check that the UnionAll bounds on t are limited enough too return false # t is already wider than the comparison in the type lattice elseif tupledepth > 0 && is_derived_type_from_any(unwrap_unionall(t), sources, depth) return false # t isn't something new end # peel off wrappers isvarargtype(t) && (t = unwrapva(t)) isvarargtype(c) && (c = unwrapva(c)) if isa(c, UnionAll) # allow wrapping type with fewer UnionAlls than comparison if in a covariant context if !isa(t, UnionAll) && tupledepth == 0 return true end t = unwrap_unionall(t) c = unwrap_unionall(c) end # rules for various comparison types if isa(c, TypeVar) tupledepth = 1 # allow replacing a TypeVar with a concrete value (since we know the UnionAll must be in covariant position) if isa(t, TypeVar) return !(t.lb === Union{} || t.lb === c.lb) || # simplify lb towards Union{} type_more_complex(t.ub, c.ub, sources, depth + 1, tupledepth, 0) end c.lb === Union{} || return true return type_more_complex(t, c.ub, sources, depth, tupledepth, 0) elseif isa(c, Union) if isa(t, Union) return type_more_complex(t.a, c.a, sources, depth, tupledepth, allowed_tuplelen) || type_more_complex(t.b, c.b, sources, depth, tupledepth, allowed_tuplelen) end return type_more_complex(t, c.a, sources, depth, tupledepth, allowed_tuplelen) && type_more_complex(t, c.b, sources, depth, tupledepth, allowed_tuplelen) elseif isa(t, Int) && isa(c, Int) return t !== 1 && !(0 <= t < c) # alternatively, could use !(abs(t) <= abs(c) || abs(t) < n) for some n end # base case for data types if isa(t, DataType) tP = t.parameters if isType(t) # Treat Type{T} and T as equivalent to allow taking typeof any # source type (DataType) anywhere as Type{...}, as long as it isn't # nesting as Type{Type{...}} tt = unwrap_unionall(t.parameters[1]) if isa(tt, Union) || isa(tt, TypeVar) || isType(tt) return !is_derived_type_from_any(tt, sources, depth + 1) else isType(c) && (c = unwrap_unionall(c.parameters[1])) return type_more_complex(tt, c, sources, depth, 0, 0) end elseif isa(c, DataType) && t.name === c.name cP = c.parameters length(cP) < length(tP) && return true length(cP) > length(tP) && !isvarargtype(tP[end]) && depth == 1 && return false ntail = length(cP) - length(tP) # assume parameters were dropped from the tuple head # allow creating variation within a nested tuple, but only so deep if t.name === Tuple.name && tupledepth > 0 tupledepth -= 1 else tupledepth = 0 end isgenerator = (t.name.name === :Generator && t.name.module === _topmod(t.name.module)) for i = 1:length(tP) tPi = tP[i] cPi = cP[i + ntail] if isgenerator let tPi = unwrap_unionall(tPi), cPi = unwrap_unionall(cPi) if isa(tPi, DataType) && isa(cPi, DataType) && !isabstracttype(tPi) && !isabstracttype(cPi) && sym_isless(cPi.name.name, tPi.name.name) # allow collect on (anonymous) Generators to nest, provided that their functions are appropriately ordered # TODO: is there a better way? continue end end end type_more_complex(tPi, cPi, sources, depth + 1, tupledepth, 0) && return true end return false end end return true end union_count_abstract(x::Union) = union_count_abstract(x.a) + union_count_abstract(x.b) union_count_abstract(@nospecialize(x)) = !isdispatchelem(x) function issimpleenoughtype(@nospecialize t) return unionlen(t) + union_count_abstract(t) <= MAX_TYPEUNION_LENGTH && unioncomplexity(t) <= MAX_TYPEUNION_COMPLEXITY end # A simplified type_more_complex query over the extended lattice # (assumes typeb ⊑ typea) function issimplertype(@nospecialize(typea), @nospecialize(typeb)) typea = ignorelimited(typea) typeb = ignorelimited(typeb) typea isa MaybeUndef && (typea = typea.typ) # n.b. does not appear in inference typeb isa MaybeUndef && (typeb = typeb.typ) # n.b. does not appear in inference typea === typeb && return true if typea isa PartialStruct aty = widenconst(typea) for i = 1:length(typea.fields) ai = unwrapva(typea.fields[i]) bi = fieldtype(aty, i) is_lattice_equal(ai, bi) && continue tni = _typename(widenconst(ai)) if tni isa Const bi = (tni.val::Core.TypeName).wrapper is_lattice_equal(ai, bi) && continue end bi = getfield_tfunc(typeb, Const(i)) is_lattice_equal(ai, bi) && continue # It is not enough for ai to be simpler than bi: it must exactly equal # (for this, an invariant struct field, by contrast to # type_more_complex above which handles covariant tuples). return false end elseif typea isa Type return issimpleenoughtype(typea) # elseif typea isa Const # fall-through good elseif typea isa Conditional # follow issubconditional query typeb isa Const && return true typeb isa Conditional || return false is_same_conditionals(typea, typeb) || return false issimplertype(typea.vtype, typeb.vtype) || return false issimplertype(typea.elsetype, typeb.elsetype) || return false elseif typea isa InterConditional # ibid typeb isa Const && return true typeb isa InterConditional || return false is_same_conditionals(typea, typeb) || return false issimplertype(typea.vtype, typeb.vtype) || return false issimplertype(typea.elsetype, typeb.elsetype) || return false elseif typea isa PartialOpaque # TODO end return true end # pick a wider type that contains both typea and typeb, # with some limits on how "large" it can get, # but without losing too much precision in common cases # and also trying to be mostly associative and commutative function tmerge(@nospecialize(typea), @nospecialize(typeb)) typea === Union{} && return typeb typeb === Union{} && return typea typea === typeb && return typea suba = typea ⊑ typeb suba && issimplertype(typeb, typea) && return typeb subb = typeb ⊑ typea suba && subb && return typea subb && issimplertype(typea, typeb) && return typea # type-lattice for LimitedAccuracy wrapper # the merge create a slightly narrower type than needed, but we can't # represent the precise intersection of causes and don't attempt to # enumerate some of these cases where we could if isa(typea, LimitedAccuracy) && isa(typeb, LimitedAccuracy) if typea.causes ⊆ typeb.causes causes = typeb.causes elseif typeb.causes ⊆ typea.causes causes = typea.causes else causes = union!(copy(typea.causes), typeb.causes) end return LimitedAccuracy(tmerge(typea.typ, typeb.typ), causes) elseif isa(typea, LimitedAccuracy) return LimitedAccuracy(tmerge(typea.typ, typeb), typea.causes) elseif isa(typeb, LimitedAccuracy) return LimitedAccuracy(tmerge(typea, typeb.typ), typeb.causes) end # type-lattice for MaybeUndef wrapper if isa(typea, MaybeUndef) || isa(typeb, MaybeUndef) return MaybeUndef(tmerge( isa(typea, MaybeUndef) ? typea.typ : typea, isa(typeb, MaybeUndef) ? typeb.typ : typeb)) end # type-lattice for Conditional wrapper if isa(typea, Conditional) && isa(typeb, Const) if typeb.val === true typeb = Conditional(typea.var, Any, Union{}) elseif typeb.val === false typeb = Conditional(typea.var, Union{}, Any) end end if isa(typeb, Conditional) && isa(typea, Const) if typea.val === true typea = Conditional(typeb.var, Any, Union{}) elseif typea.val === false typea = Conditional(typeb.var, Union{}, Any) end end if isa(typea, Conditional) && isa(typeb, Conditional) if is_same_conditionals(typea, typeb) vtype = tmerge(typea.vtype, typeb.vtype) elsetype = tmerge(typea.elsetype, typeb.elsetype) if vtype !== elsetype return Conditional(typea.var, vtype, elsetype) end end val = maybe_extract_const_bool(typea) if val isa Bool && val === maybe_extract_const_bool(typeb) return Const(val) end return Bool end # type-lattice for InterConditional wrapper, InterConditional will never be merged with Conditional if isa(typea, InterConditional) && isa(typeb, Const) if typeb.val === true typeb = InterConditional(typea.slot, Any, Union{}) elseif typeb.val === false typeb = InterConditional(typea.slot, Union{}, Any) end end if isa(typeb, InterConditional) && isa(typea, Const) if typea.val === true typea = InterConditional(typeb.slot, Any, Union{}) elseif typea.val === false typea = InterConditional(typeb.slot, Union{}, Any) end end if isa(typea, InterConditional) && isa(typeb, InterConditional) if is_same_conditionals(typea, typeb) vtype = tmerge(typea.vtype, typeb.vtype) elsetype = tmerge(typea.elsetype, typeb.elsetype) if vtype !== elsetype return InterConditional(typea.slot, vtype, elsetype) end end val = maybe_extract_const_bool(typea) if val isa Bool && val === maybe_extract_const_bool(typeb) return Const(val) end return Bool end # type-lattice for Const and PartialStruct wrappers if ((isa(typea, PartialStruct) || isa(typea, Const)) && (isa(typeb, PartialStruct) || isa(typeb, Const))) aty = widenconst(typea) bty = widenconst(typeb) if aty === bty # must have egal here, since we do not create PartialStruct for non-concrete types typea_nfields = nfields_tfunc(typea) typeb_nfields = nfields_tfunc(typeb) isa(typea_nfields, Const) || return aty isa(typeb_nfields, Const) || return aty type_nfields = typea_nfields.val::Int type_nfields === typeb_nfields.val::Int || return aty type_nfields == 0 && return aty fields = Vector{Any}(undef, type_nfields) anyrefine = false for i = 1:type_nfields ai = getfield_tfunc(typea, Const(i)) bi = getfield_tfunc(typeb, Const(i)) ft = fieldtype(aty, i) if is_lattice_equal(ai, bi) || is_lattice_equal(ai, ft) # Since ai===bi, the given type has no restrictions on complexity. # and can be used to refine ft tyi = ai elseif is_lattice_equal(bi, ft) tyi = bi else # Otherwise choose between using the fieldtype or some other simple merged type. # The wrapper type never has restrictions on complexity, # so try to use that to refine the estimated type too. tni = _typename(widenconst(ai)) if tni isa Const && tni === _typename(widenconst(bi)) # A tmeet call may cause tyi to become complex, but since the inputs were # strictly limited to being egal, this has no restrictions on complexity. # (Otherwise, we would need to use <: and take the narrower one without # intersection. See the similar comment in abstract_call_method.) tyi = typeintersect(ft, (tni.val::Core.TypeName).wrapper) else # Since aty===bty, the fieldtype has no restrictions on complexity. tyi = ft end end fields[i] = tyi if !anyrefine anyrefine = has_nontrivial_const_info(tyi) || # constant information tyi ⋤ ft # just a type-level information, but more precise than the declared type end end return anyrefine ? PartialStruct(aty, fields) : aty end end if isa(typea, PartialOpaque) && isa(typeb, PartialOpaque) && widenconst(typea) == widenconst(typeb) if !(typea.source === typeb.source && typea.parent === typeb.parent) return widenconst(typea) end return PartialOpaque(typea.typ, tmerge(typea.env, typeb.env), typea.parent, typea.source) end # no special type-inference lattice, join the types typea, typeb = widenconst(typea), widenconst(typeb) if !isa(typea, Type) || !isa(typeb, Type) # XXX: this should never happen return Any end typea == typeb && return typea # it's always ok to form a Union of two concrete types if (isconcretetype(typea) || isType(typea)) && (isconcretetype(typeb) || isType(typeb)) return Union{typea, typeb} end # collect the list of types from past tmerge calls returning Union # and then reduce over that list types = Any[] _uniontypes(typea, types) _uniontypes(typeb, types) typenames = Vector{Core.TypeName}(undef, length(types)) for i in 1:length(types) # check that we will be able to analyze (and simplify) everything # bail if everything isn't a well-formed DataType ti = types[i] uw = unwrap_unionall(ti) uw isa DataType || return Any ti <: uw.name.wrapper || return Any typenames[i] = uw.name end u = Union{types...} if issimpleenoughtype(u) return u end # see if any of the union elements have the same TypeName # in which case, simplify this tmerge by replacing it with # the widest possible version of itself (the wrapper) for i in 1:length(types) ti = types[i] for j in (i + 1):length(types) if typenames[i] === typenames[j] tj = types[j] if ti <: tj types[i] = Union{} typenames[i] = Any.name break elseif tj <: ti types[j] = Union{} typenames[j] = Any.name else if typenames[i] === Tuple.name # try to widen Tuple slower: make a single non-concrete Tuple containing both # converge the Tuple element-wise if they are the same length # see 4ee2b41552a6bc95465c12ca66146d69b354317b, be59686f7613a2ccfd63491c7b354d0b16a95c05, widen = tuplemerge(unwrap_unionall(ti)::DataType, unwrap_unionall(tj)::DataType) widen = rewrap_unionall(rewrap_unionall(widen, ti), tj) else wr = typenames[i].wrapper uw = unwrap_unionall(wr)::DataType ui = unwrap_unionall(ti)::DataType uj = unwrap_unionall(tj)::DataType merged = wr for k = 1:length(uw.parameters) ui_k = ui.parameters[k] if ui_k === uj.parameters[k] && !has_free_typevars(ui_k) merged = merged{ui_k} else merged = merged{uw.parameters[k]} end end widen = rewrap_unionall(merged, wr) end types[i] = Union{} typenames[i] = Any.name types[j] = widen break end end end end u = Union{types...} # don't let type unions get too big, if the above didn't reduce it enough if issimpleenoughtype(u) return u end # don't let the slow widening of Tuple cause the whole type to grow too fast for i in 1:length(types) if typenames[i] === Tuple.name widen = unwrap_unionall(types[i]) if isa(widen, DataType) && !isvatuple(widen) widen = NTuple{length(widen.parameters), Any} else widen = Tuple end types[i] = widen u = Union{types...} if issimpleenoughtype(u) return u end break end end # finally, just return the widest possible type return Any end # the inverse of switchtupleunion, with limits on max element union size function tuplemerge(a::DataType, b::DataType) @assert a.name === b.name === Tuple.name "assertion failure" ap, bp = a.parameters, b.parameters lar = length(ap)::Int lbr = length(bp)::Int va = lar > 0 && isvarargtype(ap[lar]) vb = lbr > 0 && isvarargtype(bp[lbr]) if lar == lbr && !va && !vb lt = lar vt = false else lt = 0 # or min(lar - va, lbr - vb) vt = true end # combine the common elements p = Vector{Any}(undef, lt + vt) for i = 1:lt ui = Union{ap[i], bp[i]} p[i] = issimpleenoughtype(ui) ? ui : Any end # merge the remaining tail into a single, simple Tuple{Vararg{T}} (#22120) if vt tail = Union{} for loop_b = (false, true) for i = (lt + 1):(loop_b ? lbr : lar) ti = unwrapva(loop_b ? bp[i] : ap[i]) while ti isa TypeVar ti = ti.ub end # compare (ti <-> tail), (wrapper ti <-> tail), (ti <-> wrapper tail), then (wrapper ti <-> wrapper tail) # until we find the first element that contains the other in the pair # TODO: this result would be more stable (and more associative and more commutative) # if we either joined all of the element wrappers first into a wide-tail, then picked between that or an exact tail, # or (equivalently?) iteratively took super-types until reaching a common wrapper # e.g. consider the results of `tuplemerge(Tuple{Complex}, Tuple{Number, Int})` and of # `tuplemerge(Tuple{Int}, Tuple{String}, Tuple{Int, String})` if !(ti <: tail) if tail <: ti tail = ti # widen to ti else uw = unwrap_unionall(tail) if uw isa DataType && tail <: uw.name.wrapper # widen tail to wrapper(tail) tail = uw.name.wrapper if !(ti <: tail) #assert !(tail <: ti) uw = unwrap_unionall(ti) if uw isa DataType && ti <: uw.name.wrapper # widen ti to wrapper(ti) ti = uw.name.wrapper #assert !(ti <: tail) if tail <: ti tail = ti else tail = Any # couldn't find common super-type end else tail = Any # couldn't analyze type end end else tail = Any # couldn't analyze type end end end tail === Any && return Tuple # short-circuit loop end end @assert !(tail === Union{}) p[lt + 1] = Vararg{tail} end return Tuple{p...} end