\name{strjust} \alias{strjust} \title{ Justify character vector } \description{ Justify the strings in a character vector. } \usage{ strjust(s, justify = c("left", "right", "center")) } \arguments{ \item{s}{Character vector.} \item{justify}{Whether to justify left, right, or centered.} } \details{ \code{strjust(s)} or \code{strjust(s, justify = ``right'')} returns a right-justified character vector. All strings have the same length, the length of the longest string in \code{s} --- but the strings in \code{s} have been trimmed before. \code{strjust(s, justify = ``left'')} does the same, with all strings left-justified. \code{strjust(s, justify = ``centered'')} returns all string in \code{s} centered. If an odd number of blanks has to be added, one blank more is added to the left than to the right. } \value{ A character vector of the same length. } \seealso{ \code{\link{strtrim}} } \examples{ S <- c("abc", "letters", "1", "2 2") strjust(S, "left") } \keyword{ string }