import guestfs import re import sys from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod import networkx as nx import os from enum import IntEnum from StaticInfo import StaticInfo class VMIGraph: __metaclass__ = ABCMeta GNodeAttrName = "name" GNodeAttrVersion = "version" GNodeAttrArchitecture = "architecture" GNodeAttrEssential = "essential" GNodeAttrInstallSize = "size" GNodeAttrFilePath = "path" GEdgeAttrConstraint = "constraint" GEdgeAttrOperator = "operator" GEdgeAttrVersion = "version" @staticmethod def createGraph(guest, pkgManagement, verbose=False): if pkgManagement == "apt": return VMIGraph.createGraphAPT(guest, verbose=verbose) elif pkgManagement == "dnf": return VMIGraph.createGraphDNF(guest, verbose=verbose) else: sys.exit("ERROR in VMIGraph: trying to create Graph for VMI with unsupported package manager \"%s\"" % pkgManagement) @staticmethod def createGraphAPT(guest, verbose=False): # Enum more understandable list access class Q(IntEnum): Name = 0 Version = 1 Arch = 2 Essential = 3 InstallSize = 4 Depends = 5 PreDepends = 6 # Regular Expressions for pattern matching Package's info patternPkgName = r"([^(): ]*)" patternArch = r"(?:: *([^(): ]*))?" patternVersionConstraint = r"(?:\( *([^()]*) *\))?" depMatcher = re.compile(r"^ *" + patternPkgName + " *" + patternArch + " *" + patternVersionConstraint + " *$") # Init Graph graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() # Obtain Package Data from guest # install size is in kbytes pkgsInfoString = "dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package};${Version};${Architecture};${Essential};${Installed-Size};${Depends};${Pre-Depends}\\n'")[:-1] # returns lines of form "curl;1.1;amd64;no;dep1, dep2,...;dep3, dep4,..." # List of node names and attributes pkgsInfo = [] # in the form of [(pkg,{name:"pkg", version:"1.1", architecture:"amd64", essential:False, installsize:10})] pkgHelperDict = dict() for line in pkgsInfoString.split("\n"): lineData = line.split(";") essentialPkg = True if lineData[Q.Essential] == "yes" else False pkgsInfo.append((lineData[Q.Name], { StaticInfo.dictKeyName: lineData[Q.Name], StaticInfo.dictKeyVersion: lineData[Q.Version], StaticInfo.dictKeyArchitecture: lineData[Q.Arch], StaticInfo.dictKeyEssential: essentialPkg, StaticInfo.dictKeyInstallSize: int(lineData[Q.InstallSize])*1000, StaticInfo.dictKeyFilePath: None })) pkgHelperDict[lineData[Q.Name]] = {StaticInfo.dictKeyName: lineData[Q.Name], StaticInfo.dictKeyVersion: lineData[Q.Version], StaticInfo.dictKeyArchitecture: lineData[Q.Arch], StaticInfo.dictKeyEssential: essentialPkg, StaticInfo.dictKeyInstallSize: int(lineData[Q.InstallSize])*1000, StaticInfo.dictKeyFilePath: None} # List of edge data (fromNode, toNode and attributes) depList = [] # in the form of [(pkg,deppkg,{constraint:True, operator:">=", version:"1.6"})] for line in pkgsInfoString.split("\n"): lineData = line.split(";") deps = [dep for dep in (lineData[Q.Depends] + "," + lineData[Q.PreDepends]).split(",") if dep != ""] for dep in deps: #print lineData[Q.Name] + ": \"" + dep + "\"" for depPossibility in dep.split("|"): #print "\"" + depPossibility + "\"" matchResult = depMatcher.match(depPossibility) if not matchResult: sys.exit("ERROR: Could not match Dependency line: \"" + lineData[Q.Name] + "\" -> \"" + depPossibility + "\"") if matchResult: depPkgName = depPkgArch = depPkgVersConstraint = Zinstalled = depPkgName in pkgHelperDict #if Zinstalled: # ZarchSpecified = depPkgArch == None # ZarchAny = depPkgArch == "any" # ZArchAllAllowed= pkgHelperDict[depPkgName]["architecture"] == "all" if depPkgName in pkgHelperDict and (depPkgArch == None or depPkgArch == "any" or pkgHelperDict[depPkgName][StaticInfo.dictKeyArchitecture] == "all"): constraint = False operator = "" version = "" if depPkgVersConstraint != None: versConstraintTuple = depPkgVersConstraint.split(" ") if len(versConstraintTuple) != 2: sys.exit("Error could not read Version constraint tuple: \"" + str(versConstraintTuple) + "\"") constraint = True operator = versConstraintTuple[0] version = versConstraintTuple[1] depList.append((lineData[Q.Name],depPkgName, { StaticInfo.dictKeyConstraint:constraint, StaticInfo.dictKeyOperator:operator, StaticInfo.dictKeyVersion:version})) break # innermost for loop: possible packages that satisfy dependency, first is taken here # Fill Graph with nodes and edges graph.add_nodes_from(pkgsInfo) graph.add_edges_from(depList) return graph @staticmethod def createGraphDNF(guest, verbose=False): # Enum more understandable list access class Q(IntEnum): Name = 0 Version = 1 Arch = 2 InstallSize = 3 ignoreSet = {"filesystem"} ignoredPackages = set() # Regular Expressions for pattern matching Package's info patternLevel = r"\(level [0-9]*\)" patternPkgName = r"([^ ]*)" depMatcher = re.compile(r"^" + patternLevel + " " + patternPkgName + " -> " + patternPkgName + " *$") # Init Graph graph = nx.MultiDiGraph() # tag size specifies installsize in bytes # see # Obtain Package Data from guest pkgsInfoString = "rpm --query --all --queryformat " "'%{NAME};%{VERSION};%{ARCH};%{SIZE}\n'")[:-1] # returns lines of form "curl;1.1;amd64;10" # List of node names and attributes pkgsInfo = [] # in the form of [(pkg,{name:"pkg", version:"1.1", architecture:"amd64", essential:False, installsize:10})] # essential not present in dnf pkgHelperDict = dict() for line in pkgsInfoString.split("\n"): lineData = line.split(";") if lineData[Q.Name] in ignoreSet: ignoredPackages.add(lineData[Q.Name]) else: pkgsInfo.append((lineData[Q.Name], { StaticInfo.dictKeyName: lineData[Q.Name], StaticInfo.dictKeyVersion: lineData[Q.Version], StaticInfo.dictKeyArchitecture: lineData[Q.Arch], StaticInfo.dictKeyEssential: False, StaticInfo.dictKeyInstallSize: lineData[Q.InstallSize], StaticInfo.dictKeyFilePath: None })) pkgHelperDict[lineData[Q.Name]] = {StaticInfo.dictKeyName: lineData[Q.Name], StaticInfo.dictKeyVersion: lineData[Q.Version], StaticInfo.dictKeyArchitecture: lineData[Q.Arch], StaticInfo.dictKeyEssential: False, StaticInfo.dictKeyInstallSize: lineData[Q.InstallSize], StaticInfo.dictKeyFilePath: None} graph.add_nodes_from(pkgsInfo) # Obtain Package Dependencies from guest vmiPathDepInfo = "/var/tempDependencies.txt" try:"rpmdep -level --all > %s" % vmiPathDepInfo) except RuntimeError as e: if "WARNING (name2pac) can not find who provides " in e.message: pass else: sys.exit("ERROR while fetching dependency information from guest:\n" + e.message), StaticInfo.relPathLocalRepositoryTempDepInfo) guest.rm_rf(vmiPathDepInfo) pkgsDepString = open(StaticInfo.relPathLocalRepositoryTempDepInfo, "r").read() os.remove(StaticInfo.relPathLocalRepositoryTempDepInfo) # List of edge data (fromNode, toNode and attributes) depList = [] # in the form of [(pkg,deppkg,{constraint:True, operator:">=", version:"1.6"})] for line in pkgsDepString.split("\n"): matchResult = depMatcher.match(line) if not matchResult: #print "ERROR: Could not match Dependency line: \"%s\"" % line pass if matchResult: pkgName = depName = if ("rpmlib" in pkgName or "rpmlib" in depName or pkgName in ignoreSet or depName in ignoreSet): pass elif (pkgName in pkgHelperDict and depName in pkgHelperDict): depList.append((pkgName, depName)) depList.append((pkgName, depName, { StaticInfo.dictKeyConstraint: False, StaticInfo.dictKeyOperator: "", StaticInfo.dictKeyVersion: ""})) else: print "Not processed: %s -> %s" % (pkgName, depName) graph.add_edges_from(depList) if verbose==True and len(ignoredPackages) > 0: print "\tThe following packages were ignored while creating the VMI graph:" print "\t\t" + ",".join(ignoredPackages) return graph