rootFn <- c('loadGEO', 'loadPreloaded', 'createES') complexArgumentLimitBytes <- 400 #' Reproduce session in R code #' #' @param sessionName String, OCPU session name #' @param leaf Boolean, is it leaf (default = F) #' @param step Integer, step of recursion (default = 0) #' @param savedEnv Environment, where to store complex arguments (default = new.env()) #' #' @return JSON with R code #' #' @examples #' \dontrun{ #' setwd(tempdir()) #' reproduceInR('x039f1672026678'); #' } reproduceInR <- function (sessionName, leaf = T, step = 0, savedEnv = new.env()) { ocpuRoot <- strsplit(getwd(), 'ocpu-temp')[[1]][1] sessionPath <- paste(ocpuRoot, 'ocpu-store', sessionName, sep=.Platform$file.sep) RDataPath <- paste(sessionPath, '.RData', sep=.Platform$file.sep) REvalPath <- paste(sessionPath, '.REval', sep=.Platform$file.sep) rds <- readRDS(REvalPath) env <- new.env() loadedVariables <- load(RDataPath, envir = env) parsed <- parse(text=rds[[1]]$src) fn <- parsed[[1]][[1]] complexArguments <- ""; for(i in 2:length(parsed[[1]])) { argumentName <- toString(parsed[[1]][[i]]) if (argumentName %in% loadedVariables) { argumentValue <- env[[argumentName]] if (object.size(argumentValue) > complexArgumentLimitBytes) { rawArgument <- paste(argumentName, '_', step, sep='') savedEnv[[rawArgument]] <- argumentValue } else { rawArgument <- paste(deparse(argumentValue), collapse = '\n') } complexArgument <- paste(argumentName, ' <- ', rawArgument) complexArguments <- paste(complexArguments, complexArgument, sep='\n') } } if ('es' %in% names(parsed[[1]])) { parsedFnCall <- parsed[[1]] parsedFnCall$es <- parsedFnCall$es[[3]] rawFnCall <- paste(deparse(parsedFnCall), collapse = '') myHistory <- paste(complexArguments, rawFnCall, sep="\n") } else { myHistory <- paste(complexArguments, rds[[1]]$src, sep='\n') } if (!is.element(toString(fn), rootFn)) { parent <- parsed[[1]]$es[[2]] parentVar <- parsed[[1]]$es[[3]] parentHistory <- reproduceInR(parent, leaf = F, step = step + 1, savedEnv = savedEnv) myHistory <- paste(parentHistory, myHistory, sep='\n') } if (leaf) { assign('env', savedEnv, envir = parent.frame()) myHistory <- paste('library(phantasus)', 'load(\'~/Downloads/env.rda\') # Please note', myHistory, sep = '\n') return(jsonlite::toJSON(myHistory)) } myHistory }